Red Devil Wrestler

By Mark Wild

Published on Oct 12, 2007


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between adolescent boys and is for adult eyes only. The acts are consensual and are a result of their love or lust for one another. This story is completely fiction, and all names and descriptions (except for the occasional place-name) are also made up. Any similarities are purely coincidental.

I would love to hear from you, so negative as well as positive feedback is always welcome. Please write:

For J.D. Salinger, my favorite writer, although I doubt he'd like it!

Red Devil Wrestler, pt. 6

"Hey Lips, come here an' lick my balls." It was ten o'clock that summer night. One of Craig's socks dangled out of my mouth, and his skin shone gold in the flickering lamp-light. He had come back from his swim with a big cocky smile all plastered across his face, slapped me a couple times "just for the practice," and started in showin' his bitch her new place. He'd put on those old cutoff sweatpants he wore, and tied 'em real loose so the string hung in front, and made me do pushups and squats till I panted and called me his fag and his new little cunt. It was like Craig had been waitin' for years just to hear me admit I was queer for his cock, and I had confirmed his inchoate suspicions that he was made PERfect for breakin' jocks.

Boy, was he ever. He'd slipped on some briefs and lay sprawled in the tent on his sleeping bag, watchin' me chew on his dirty old sock and then swallowin', watchin' me blush and gag. He stretched and scratched his awesome bulge while he leafed through an issue of Sports Illustrated, glancing up every so often to wink while I knelt by his side and masturbated. "Don't you fuckin' cum though, bitch." I moaned: I'd been on hard an hour. It was embarrassing, just how quickly Craig had got me in his power. "Whaddya think?" He saw I was lookin'. He flexed his arm. "You like that, cunt?" He bent his head to lick his bicep, laughing when that made me grunt. Sweat poured down my beaded forehead, spit was leakin' down my chin. "Yeah, I got some righteous muscles, huh?" "Nnnxx..." "Come again?"

He rolled his eyes and grabbed what sock he hadn't stuffed between my teeth, jerkin' hard so I lost my balance and crumbled down next to his bulging briefs. "Didn't your momma ever tell ya not to talk with your big mouth full?" I blinked and tried to sniff those 2(x)isted briefs that strained around his tool. We'd just been swimming; I knew he was clean, but still, Craig's scent was dizzying, and I was fuckin' mesmerized, like kids in front of shiny things. "Leave my shorts on, though, okay? Just lick 'em nice right through the pouch." I moaned: I wanted meat and not more cotton in my mouth. Craig could read my mind by now; he grinned and squeezed his bulge real slow. "...Maybe Lips can chew 'em off, huh?... just like she did my SPEEDos!..."

"I tolh ya. Thakx waz uh axxidenx." I'd never seen his skin so tanned. "Yeah, you queers get real excited, doncha, next to a REAL man... LOOK at me, bro! I get hard for PUSSY. I get hard from fuckin' TITS." He looked at me sadly and shook his head. "Not like you, ya little bitch." "I likx titx..." "Ha! Sure ya do. I'd'a even believed ya, a WEEK ago... But whadda they call a dude that swallows jizz. Uh, maybe a homo?" I sniffed some more. Yeah, I was queer. Craig's big fat cock had broke me in. I couldn't imagine me ever arrangin' a beaver hunt again. Not with a stud like Craig around, not if he'd flex his heavy legs, not if he'd let his cock bone up and throb the more he heard me beg. He'd already blown a few loads down my throat, and like a good bitch I had gobbled it up. "Betcha can't hardly WAIT ta get real sweet on my fuckin' jock and cup!..." I blinked again. Aww fuck... Craig's jock... I moaned and started salivatin'. "Daamn! That made

ya leak aGAIN!" It had. ..."So why ya fuckin' keepin' me waitin'?"

"Duuhx!..." I said. "Hey!! Don't get smart!" Craig grinned. "Don't MAKE me lay ya out! ...Guess they oughta be clean by now, though, huh? I mean, with YOUR mouth?" Craig had a real sick sense of humor, so of course he laughed again. "Spit it out." I did, and wiped my hand across my scratchy chin. He looked at that soggy chewed-out sock and nodded. "Ha! You did a good job, bro! Who woulda fuckin' thought that you'd be such a little homo..." I had to look over his bulge past his abs up his chest till I got to his handsome face. "But hell... I know you'll work with me on that, huh? Learn yer fuckin' PLACE?... Lick on my big hairy balls if I tell ya to, huh?... or kiss on my stinkin' FEET?... Girl, you are gonna be jumpin' through HOOPS for a taste of THIS thick fuckin' jockmeat..."

"Nnnnhh..." I would. I'd let Slate watch. I'd make him so jealous he blew me off... Fuuuck, I zoned so quick on that juicy thought I barely heard Craig cough. "Coop." ..."Uh huh?" "I said, 'my balls'... Jeez, are you friggin' deaf or somethin'?" Fuck, I was down on his briefs so fast you'd'a thought I was eatin' apple dumplin's. Big ol' fuckin' Granny Smiths, dudes, steamin' in all o' that sugar-milk. already knowin' that when I got to 'em his balls would feel like crinkled silk: Spit-slicked and hairy all under my tongue, with a smell that would have this faggot quiverin'; Craig growled softly down deep in his throat and couldn't keep his abs from shiverin'. That's what I wanted. I wanted to be the Bitch that blew Craig over the top. I wanted him to want my mouth so bad he'd never make me stop. Yeah... as soon as it hit his crotch it was like my wet tongue had a mind of its own, lickin' the damp heavy sag of his pouch while my nose rubbed and nuzzled

against his bone. Craig went back to his magazine, snortin' at something the article said, takin' occasional breaks just to roll it up loose an' then swat at the top of my head.

Now Craig could read, but not so fast, so it took him awhile before he got finished. That, and the fuckin' time-outs he was takin', pretendin' to check out the ads and the pix. His briefs were fuckin' soaked by then, my tongue had never felt so tired. I was already half-enslaved to these strange new cravings I'd acquired. I could see the fat blue vein that pulsed beneath the sodden pouch, thrilling 'cause I knew he'd make me beg to tease it with my mouth. I could hear a couple owls hootin' in the trees outside; Craig reached down and squeezed himself. "Hope Lips is ready to go for a ride!" Then he relaxed with his arms up and open, his fingers entwined at the back of his head, all smug and hot like a big cocky jock full-aware that he's keepin' his bitch well-fed.

"Whaddya think?" he said. "Tell me. ---You think that the Cards'll let Warner go?" I must'a looked like I was lost in the Matrix or somethin'. "Uh. I don't know..." "You don't know." Craig rolled his hips. I watched. "The Cards. The football team?" I was so hot for his cock that I totally lost it. "I KNOW who ya friggin' mean!..." ---Craig jumped so quickly I just barely tracked him, and slapped me so hard that my teeth fuckin' chattered. Uh oh, I braced myself; here it comes now, bucko. Here's where you end up all beat up and battered. "Thought that I told ya to watch yer damn mouth." And he grabbed at my ear-lobe and yanked on it hard. "Oww!" I yelled, and he slapped me again. "Don't fuckin' act like a retard." I watched his face start steamin' up. "For the last fuckin' time, bro, DON'T make me mad. I thought that I told ya I don't like a bitch who talks back." I flushed, because he had.

He'd made it quite clear for me, after his swim, what he thought about fags and of bitches in general. Chicks sported tits and those tight little slits but were stupid, and faggots were animals. "Really, Coop." He'd made me kneel. "My lab don't even lick like that." My tongue was crawling up his leg, his cock was hard as a baseball bat. He'd told me he wanted some more fuckin' head and he wanted to hear me ask nice for his meat. "Please Craig? Aww fuck, let me suck your big cock..." But I had to work up from his stinkin' feet. "Yah bitch, LICK those fuckin' dawgs! Yah, use your tongue. YAAH ---that's what I want..." I was on fire from bein' degraded. "LICK, you little fuckin' cunt!"

I kissed along his instep, past his ankle, licked his hairy calf. My dick was nearly bustin' out my boardies. That made Craigger laugh. "You like lickin' sweat off a REAL man, bitch?" "Un-hnn." "Damn straight. Yer learnin' good, girl." Clear drops of precum leaked out of his cockhead and made all my senses begin to whirl. "You do what I say and I feed you the tool. Feed you good, girl. Real simple. ---You processin' that?" I tried to reach up and grab hold of his big kielbasa. "Aw Craig man, it's so fuckin' faat..." "Yah it's fat." He slapped me away. "The biggest one on the wrestlin' team. ---Bigger than Slater's, huh? now that you got to compare 'em..." Then his voice turned mean. "All o' this time you been playin' it cool, and probably suckin' his cock for years... It should'a been THIS fuckin' rock you were breakin' a sweat on, football playin' QUEER..."

I tried to respond but my treacherous hands had gripped Craig's massive thighs again. Jesus, what if Jake could see me. Jesus, what if fuckin' Bren? "All o' them times when you should'a been lickin' MY ass, you fag ---and the BLOWjobs I missed? Look at me, Coop." I did, and he spat in my face. Fag licked it off her lips. Craig narrowed his eyes. "I can't believe you had me fooled so fuckin' long. Holdin' out on your second-best buddy... Girl, that was sooo fuckin' wrong..." "I only been blowin' him like a month," I mumbled. "Yeah, Coop. Tell me another. CASey even thought you had tendencies, bro." (Uh, Casey was his brother.) "Huh?" "He did. He'd always tell me, 'Keep your eyes on Cooper, bro. He might play football and shit but I betcha yer friend's a secret homo...' " "He did NOT!" I licked Craig's thigh. "Did too." I tasted more hot sweat. "And Coop! I even deFENDed you, dude! 'Fuck no, bro, Coop is totally het!' " He laughed. "Guess I

should send 'im an email, huh? and tell him I was wrong. Let him know how you get real HOT goin' down on his brother's stinkin' dong..."

I gulped. I couldn't help it. Casey Mott was such a fuckin' stud. I could remember when HE played football, swearin' and sweatin' and spattered with mud. He was like three school-years older than Craig, and I fought it, but Casey was kind of my hero. On a scale of one to ten, though, I fell somewhere close to zero. Not just me, but all Craig's friends. He'd barely give us the time of day. I asked him once if our defense rocked or WHAT? He shrugged and walked away. And dudes, it was even worse than THAT. Casey Mott was the QUARterback. HE was the King of the Red Devils then, and even Coach Brown could lick his sac. He was like walkin' Highschool Hot, made ALL the friggin' jailbait drool. Dudes, against him crack-ass teams looked like they played for Catholic schools! Yah dudes, there weren't many touchdowns for Jesus when Casey the Mott-man was callin' the passes. They could show up with like holy CROSSes, he'd still wipe the field with their sorry

asses. Sometimes when we would be hangin' at Craig's he'd be out on the patio, bangin' the weights. Sometimes his buddies would stop by the house and talk shit before leavin' on double dates. Craig would pass on stories all about the chicks his brother boned. I wondered if his cock was big as Craig's and couldn't help but groan.

"...Probably better to wait for awhile, though. Wait'll I got you comPLETEly trained... Snap my fingers and let him watch you work my cock till it's PROPerly drained!..." I mewed like a kitten. "You like that thought, girl? Suckin' my dick while Casey watches?" Fuuuck... "We'd have you crawlin' around like a dog, bitch, sniffin' BOTH our crotches!... Yah, that makes you horny, don't it? Bein' a bitch for me and my bro?" HORNY? Dudes! If I wasn't a queer already, that would've turned me homo. "Yeah you bitch. You're almost there." Craig's big left nut slid over my eyebrow. "Girl's gonna get her s'more devilled jockmeat! Ha! If Slate could see you NOW... Yah bro, I guess I just stold all his thunder! I fuckin' moved IN on his little bitch!" Some of his ball-sweat dripped into my eye and it stung, and I felt my butthole twitch. My tongue snaked out and grazed the curly hairs that covered Craigger's nuts. "Yeah, girl, give that little bitch a REAson

to hate my fuckin' guts..." Craig grinned lewdly. "All those times he criticized the way I wrestled? Gonna be SWEET, bro, rammin' yer ass while ol' Slater is out jerkin' off in some cornfield!"

Craig spread his legs and said, "Look up." He towered above me like some colossus. He squeezed his cock and precum trickled down his shaft like warm molasses. I could hardly breathe, my eyes were red and I was hypnotized. My little greedy fingers crawled along the back of Craigger's thighs. He bucked his hips and let his balls slap wet against my puffy face. "Please Craig? Let me lick 'em bro?" "Yah? Faggot wan' a little taste?" "WOOF!" I lost my self-respect. I grunted like a pig in shit. "I told ya, girl. You don't get dick until you clean my smelly armpits!" ---"JEEzus, Craaaig!" He boxed my ears. They whooshed like waves inside of seashells. "Who the damn fuck is in CHARGE around here, huh, BITCH?" He kneed me. "Fuckin' HELL!..." I fell on my back in the dirt and Craig jumped me, slammin' his weight on my sweaty chest. I could smell his heavy scent and felt his glutes against my pecs. "I do not LIKE it when bitches talk back! And I SURE as

fuck don't like a mouthy queer! We're buds, yeah, but don't think I wouldn't cold-COCK ya." No fuckin' shit! ---"You hear?"

"Yes Craig." He spat. "Say it louder." "Yes SIR!" ---"And don't you forget it, you little shit. Jesus, bitch, half the fags in this COUNTY would crawl over GRAvel to get at these pits! ---An' PAY me, too! Ain't that fucked up? An' here I am, lettin' you at 'em for free!... Of course... if you don't really WANT my big cock..." I crumbled. "Nooo! I'm sorrry!... Please Craig. It's just that I want it so bad..." "Well then bitch better JUMP ---to whatEVer I say! Girl, I fuckin' OWN yer ass ---you hear? I order, you obey." "Comprendo." ---"There ya go aGAIN!" He grabbed his big wanger and slapped at my face. His precum moistened my open lips, and my tongue was already hooked bad on its taste.

Craig scooted down till he sat on my stomach, and grabbed me real firm by the nape of my neck, usin' his muscles to pull me up hard so my nose was all smashed up against his pecs. "Nnnnh!!" I hollered. "Yo! ---Shut the fuck up! I've had e-fucking-NOUGH, you whore! You got about like two AND a half seconds ta show me what that mouth is for..." He lifted his arm and pivoted, pulled me up into his hairy dark brown pit. His pole burned hard against my abs. "Now get with the fuckin' PROgram, FLIT!..." Fuuuck, the smell was overwhelming: one thing Craig could do was sweat! My horny tongue lost all its pride and I licked till that armpit was soakin' wet. He moaned. "Aw yeah. That's friggin' AWEsome! Girl, you got a DIIIRTY tongue!..." I whimpered, yeah, and kept on pullin' Craigger's stink into my lungs. NOT that I had much fuckin' choice: he'd clamped his arm around my head. The swamp of his pit had me higher than whippets. Dudes, I was fuckin'

toasted... My neck was sore too, not the fuck that it mattered: I'd waited all highschool to service this stud. Sometimes ya gotta take one for the team, ya know? Sometimes a truck's gotta drive through mud.

"That's right. Fuck yeah. USE that tongue, bitch! Get every DROP of my stinkin' sweat!" I paused for a second to swallow some pit hairs. "HEY! What the fuck? You ain't done yet!" I coughed, 'cause they stuck in my windpipe and tickled. Craig loosened his hold some and yanked at my ear. "You still got another whole PIT ta clean up." "Oww!" "Let's fuckin' snap TO it, queer!" I moaned, I slurped, I chewed the muscled hollow of that hairy pit till my strength gave out and I slumped before him. My mouth was raw and had run out of spit. I panted and tried to struggle up. Craig nudged me. "You havin' a heart attack?" I lifted my face not an inch from his dick. "...See whatcha get when ya don't talk back?" "Yeah," I whispered, almost trance-like. I was a pussied-out bitch for his cock. "I'll never talk back again, I promise." "See that you DON'T, Mr Football Jock..."

...And now here I was, just a few hours later, forgettin' that promise and pissin' Craig off. He leered at me coldly like he was Rasputin and I was an unworthy Romanov. He clambered adroitly on top of me, had me laid out on my back in like six seconds flat. The weight of his body sent shockwaves all through me. No chick ever made me thrill like that. "I oughta punch your fuckin' lights out. Lucky for YOU I want some head. Yeah, ---shove my cock all the way down your throat, and watch my bitch turn blue and red. And then," he said, "I'm gonna fuck ya. Give my bitch what she REALLY wants..." I moaned. "Gonna take my fat nine-incher and drill your ass like I'm drillin' CUNT!" "Nnh nnh..." "Shut up. I ain't done talkin'. You ever been fucked in the ass before?" I shook my head. "Well hallelujah! This is your lucky DAY then, whore!" What could I say? I could hardly breathe. The weight of Craig's body pressed hard on my chest. "Whatever you want,

Craig. Pleeease let me suck ya..." He grinned like the devil and flexed his pecs. "You hungry for my cock again? You cravin' another thick load of my spunk?" "Aw yeah...," I whispered. "What?" "I WANT YOUR COCK!!" "Then fuckin' get ON it, punk!"

And then, well, somethin' crazy happened. So crazy you'll roll your eyes, Shuur, when I tell you. I lifted my face to Craig's briefs and my neck kind of cracked, and my brain kind of split in two. Part of me lay on my back underneath him, part of me seemed to lift up off the ground, and pass through the flap of the tent like a loosened spirit, awakened and looking around. There was like suddenly Coop One and Two, One faggin' out while old Two watched and waited, very shamanistic, dudes, like I was friggin' bilocated. Fuck... it was like I was starrin' in porn, and holdin' the camera while I performed. Fuck, it was like I stood outside a window and heard myself beg for his cock like a 'mo. I watched me raise my shaky hands and stroke the front of Craigger's briefs, like I was hooked on cock and only cock could offer me relief. I heard myself say all the words I'd never dared to say before. I stammered how I wanted Craig to use me like his little whore. I

pulled those obscenely tight white briefs down over the length of his pulsing rod like a true believer, parting a veil to see the lusty face of god.

I kissed it halfway down the shaft and found that swollen pale-blue vein and licked along it three good inches, losin' control like a brakeless train. The sweet strong smell of Craigger's sweat had me so damn high I was almost tweakin', and looking down I could see how badly both our teenaged cocks were leakin'. Then I stroked it, letting both my hands work up along the shaft and pulled it slowly toward my open lips and moaned and Craigger laughed. "You queers! I love it! watchin' how my stinkin' jockmeat fucks ya up! BIIG fuckin' bone, huh, Coop." "Aww yeah..." "That's right. How bad you want it, slut?" I opened wide, "Please, sir," and let my mouth sink halfway down his pole, and he grabbed my head and started slowly fuckin' his bitch's horny mouth-hole. Six fat inches, then I gagged. My mouth was stuffed with long hard cock. I watched the highschool wrestler dominate the highschool football jock.

I stood inside that tent and watched that cock stretch both of Cooper's lips and Craig grin big like he'd just won large and was cashin' in his poker chips. "Mmf mmpf," Coop said, and Craig agreed, and fed his bitch some more fat prick, and the fag turned blue and pounded Craigger's legs like he feared his throat would split. So Craig let up and pulled out slow and watched his buddy gasp for air. He squeezed some dick-drool off his rod and wiped it in his buddy's hair. And then he stood and kicked his shorts off, naked in front of the bitch he'd broken. "Bet chu want some more, huh, faggot." Truer words were never spoken. "Ask real sweet." Coop got on his knees. His cock hung stiff between his legs. All those words he'd learned in English, just so Craig could hear him beg... He tried to speak but his throat clamped up, and he had to swallow to make it relax. Then the words came spurtin' out like water when a levee cracks.

"Aw please. Aw fuck. You broke me, man. Slate started it, yeah, but you turned me queer. I'd let the whole damn team watch me blow ya. ---That what chu fuckin' wanna hear?" ..."Not bad," Craig said. "AND follow my orders." "...Let you write 'Craig's Little Bitch' on my chest..." "Ha!" Craig said. "Yo! ---Talk is cheap, bro. How's about a little test?" I gulped. "Get down on all fours like a dog! I wanna see Lips crawl real nice for my cock..." He backed away to the edge of the tent. "...I'm WAITing, Mr Football Jock..." Coop sniffled, but it didn't help. His pole was still as hard as steel. Oh yeah he'd crawl. He'd sniff, he'd lick, he'd beg, he'd suck, he'd heel. I almost grabbed my phantom boner watching Craigger's stony face. My senses disengaged and drifted toward him. Coop had learned his place.

And now Craig stood like an old Greek statue, just as well-chiseled, and waay better hung. Any faggot worth his salt would thank the Lord he had a tongue. A hundred eighty pounds of muscle packed his solid wrestler's frame, and made his faggot tremble, like an arsonist in front of flame. He licked his full and sneering lips, he let his cock bob up and down. The lamp-light made it glisten where he'd leaked along the swollen crown. His jaw was strong and scruffy, Coop could see the hair between his pecs. So what he got a C in math: Craig Mott was fuckin' built for SEX. His corded shoulders rippled every time he flexed his muscled arms, thick guns I'd seen in action doin' some poor dude outrageous harm. His chest was broad and solid, hard as asphalt, bathed in streams of sweat. They trickled down his abs until his hairy trail was dark and wet. His nipples jutted proudly from the centers of their aureoles, two russet circles smouldering like copper over glowing

coals. He tensed his muscled stomach; smoky shadows pooled along the hollows. Coop was so turned on he barely felt the need to breathe or swallow. Everything in life had dwindled down to Craigger's swollen meat. Coop was whipped, defeated, bested, broken, busted, beat.

He crawled. It was only a couple of feet, but to Coop he was like on a holy mission. "Fuck yeah, bitch." Craig stroked his meat stick. "This sure as HELL beats the fuck outa fishin'!" Inch by inch Craig's cock grew closer. Coop zeroed in on that massive tool. He could almost smell the sweetly leaking scent of Craigger's dick-drool. Yeah, he licked his chapped red lips, he let his faggy nostrils flare. "Please..." he begged. "You want it?" "Please..." "Lick all around my dick-hair." Lips leaned forward, pressing half her face against Craig's sweaty pubes. Craig reached down and squeezed her nipples. "Damn! I wish you had some boobs! Ain't NOthin' like havin' a bitch on her knees and you squeezin' her titties while she eats yer junk! Remember those days, girl? Back when you said you were straight?" He laughed. "You fuckin' punk..." Girl couldn't answer. Her mouth was so full of thick hair it was like she was chewin' on seaweed. "Yeah, stud, MUNCH

that fuckin' jock-bush! Show yer boss-boy what chu NEED..."

Half of Craigger's steamin' rod was pressed against Coop's puffy cheek. The smell was overwhelming, made him grunt like cunt and made him weak. He didn't care; he'd prostitute himself to get at Craigger's pole ---send out invitations so the gang could watch him sniff Craig's butthole. Crawlin' around in his football gear while they stood there and watched him and stroked their boners, laughin' and steppin' right up to the plate for the faggot, agreein' to be sperm-donors. Fuck, and every time Craig barked they'd whoop when his bitch did whatever he said. The gang would shit, and hoot and spit and swat at his ass till his cheeks turned red. That made him harder, thinkin' about how his big dirty secret would be uncovered, helpless to keep his stiff cock from deflatin' no matter how many crude insults he suffered... Part of his tongue wandered out of his mouth and began to taste Craig's salty meat. A wet strand of precum oozed out of his hard-on and dribbled on

one of his master's feet. Craig must've felt it. "Jesus CHRIST, bitch! Ain't you got no self-conTROL?" He kneed his faggot hard in the stomach. "Clean it UP, you asshole..."

Coop started sobbin' in abject frustration, lickin' his juice from the wrestler's big foot. He lapped it up onto his tongue like a bitch who was finally embracing her inner slut. "That's right, 'ho. Now eat that shit." Coop stuck his long tongue out so Craigger could see. Craig hit it square with a big gob of wet spit. "Fuck yah. ---Now swallow it, MARY..." Coop blushed and did it. His stomach was churnin', but this time he hardly even coughed. He reached down between his own legs but Craig warned him. "Don't even THINK about jerkin' off!" Then he squatted in front of the broken jock he'd used to call his friend. Anyone, not just a bodiless spirit, could tell that a slumbering beast had awakened. He grabbed his bitch by the scruff of her neck, and he stuffed half her mouth with the length of his rod. "Stop yer fuckin' gaggin', whore! I'm ready to blow my fuckin' wad." He started to pump in deep real slowly, Coop felt his throat muscles stretch like a

snake's. Nothin' was gonna stop Craig Mott from cummin'; he knew it: not fire, not earthquakes.

Six fuckin' inches, then seven, then eight. "Aw look at you girl! Takin' cock like a champ! Jesus I wish I'd'a known you were queer last summer: I would'a skipped wrestlin' camp!" He laughed. "Yeah, Slate would'a been real surprised, huh? comin' home horned and expectin' some head ---ha! Wait'll he gets his queer ass back from friggin' Missouri! He's gonna turn THREE shades of red!" "Gg-ggmph," Coop answered. "That's what I'm SAYin'! ---Boy, he is gonna be SOME kinda pissed!... Oh well," Craig shoved some more sausage-like cock in. "He can complain to my fuckin' FISTS... Now SUCK, you cunt! I wanna see you make my jockmeat disappear! Show me Mr FOOTball Jock is just another... stinkin'... QUEER!"

Coop started suckin' like Lindsay Dee Lohan, just out o' rehab and starvin' for dick. His hands scuttled over Craig's hard-muscled abs like two scorpions twitching on heated bricks. He felt the last of Craigger's meat-tube penetrate his damaged throat. Craig almost brayed like an eeehawin' donkey; Coop munched his pubes like a lecherous goat. Then Craig pulled Coop off his cock, exhaled and slammed it in again. Coop's battered throat clenched one last time, and then went limp and gave up fightin'. Craig held him still with his powerful hands and drilled his fag's mouth with his powerful dick. "FUCK yeah, girl! Most bitches can't TAKE my whole nine inches o' swollen prick! Aww yeaaah!" He speared Coop's open throat; Coop gripped his hard thighs so he wouldn't pass out. "An' I bet you thought that the tastiest thing you'd be eatin' this weekend was big fat trout!"

Coop was a slack and drooling hole by then; he had no resistence left. He was as fucked as a friggin' speed-freak whorin' himself for coke or meth. Yeah, he was learnin' real quick that the world wasn't gonna be like what he ever expected: One of those jocks who'd had every advantage, hittin' on cock like a crack-pipe, addicted. "Aw yeah! Suck it, SUCK it, SUCK IT!! Make my fuckin' sperm-tanks BLOW! Gimme a reason to give ya my friggin' dick again, ya dirty homo!..." Coop was insane; I could see it. I tasted as strongly as he did the flesh of Craig's cock, feelin' that cunt-wrecker rapin' his throat, turned to puss for the hard-muscled wrestlin' jock. "You LIKIN' this, bitch?" Coop was way past responding. He gripped Craigger's thighs like he'd just caught a pass. No one or nothin' could pry his hands loose now. "I asked you a QUEStion, jackass!" Craig boxed his head again. "Ngg-gggh," Coop sputtered. "That's better! ---Goddamn girl, yer mouth feels

like cunt!" He reached down and felt his rod lodged in Coop's gullet. "You ready for more o' my creamy SPUNK?"---

---Craig's knees gave way. He grabbed Coop's shoulders and barely managed to hold himself up. The bitch was makin' him lose control! Coop gagged on his bone like a starvin' pup. "Aww FUCK!" Craig felt the pressure building deep inside his swollen nuts. "AWW yeah! ---fuckin' here it CUUUMMMS!... You whore! You fuckin' goddamn SLUT!!..." He shot. Thick gobs of steamin' jizz exploded out of Craigger's meat. His bitch couldn't swallow it fast enough, and lost her load on Craigger's feet. Coop's whole body shook from the force of his climax, red devils torpedoed along his veins; Craig bellowed "Fuuck!!" like a mastiff and started to bang his own chest with his fists as he came. Coop's mouth filled with cum as his own cock exploded; he shot like a paint-gun all over Craig's shins. Sperm puddles leaked out between his sweet jock-lips and dribbled down slowly along his chin. "Aw FUUCK!!" Craig yelled. "Gg-gggh!" "Aw holy SHIT!!" His cock kept shootin' cum.

Coop's own heavy load trickled onto Craig's instep. "EAT that nut, you fuckin' scum! Keep suckin'!" Craigger's prong was smeared with streaks of spit and sticky jock-juice. Coop bobbled down on it just like a toy figurine in the back of a car with its screw loose.

Fuuck, and Craig kept shootin' too. "Aw yeah girl, fuckin' EAT THAT SHIT! Aw fuck... aw fuck... Now lick your lips, bitch!... SHOW me how ya like it..." So much jizz, on his chin, down his throat: Coop's mouth might as well'a been hard-rode muff. He gurgled and let all that pearl jam drool out till his pretty pink lips were all white with the stuff. And still Craig's cock was hard as steel; it glowed ruddy gold in the light from the lamp. "GodDAMN..." He was pantin' but caught his breath. "That was WAY the fuck better than wrestlin' camp!..." Coop settled back down on his haunches, gasping and coughing, winded and panting, too. "Look what the fuck you just did to my feet!" Craigger flexed 'em. "Ya got 'em all covered with goo!" Coop blushed. "CLEAN 'EM UP!" He jumped. He looked at the powerful vein throbbing blue in Craig's neck. "That's gross..." he mumbled. Yeah, but the devils inside him knew all his resistence was wrecked.... Craig waited.

Soon enough he saw his bitch crawl back and lick his feet. "Yah girl. Clean up yer own fuckin' dick-drip... Teach ya to fuckin' control yer meat..."

It was as if I were floating weightless, zombie-like inside a dream, watchin' my broken alter-ego bend and lick those big feet clean. Coop's docile tongue lapped around in his cum. "Aw yah, girl... Fuckin' eat that stuff!" He gagged and swallowed. "Nasty, huh? Ya shouldn't'a fuckin' shot so much!" Craig laughed and his turgid rod slowly deflated. He knew he had Coop in the palm of his hands. It'd taken some years but they had it all settled now. Craig was the new friggin' bossman. "Now get cher ass up here and kiss on my prick." He watched while his bitch struggled onto her knees. A last drop of jism leaked out of Craig's piss-slit. Coop didn't hesitate. "Please?..." "HELL yeah. That's why yer HERE, girl, ain't it?" Coop murmured "Yes sir" and lapped it all up. Craig scratched her head a bit. He had owned dogs all his life: He knew all about trainin' a pup. He lifted his dick up and let his new bitch use her tongue to clean all of the sweat from

his balls. He suddenly thought about college, and all of the fun he could set himself up for this fall...

A few minutes later he said, "Hold up," and pushed Coop away from his drooping meat. The former smooth sweet-talkin' football jock knelt wet as a cumrag at Craigger's feet. "You stink," Craig said. Coop shook himself slowly. He was still tryin' to catch his breath. The tarp underneath him was totally spattered and slippery from all of their sperm and sweat. Murmurs from the woods began to filter back into the tent. They both might've been in the prime of their youth, but they both were as equally whipped and spent. Craig absently scratched at his abs and then stretched. "Come on. Let's get cher ass into the lake. I know that yer probably hot for more dick, but a dude's gotta take a friggin' break!" He laughed and narrowed his smouldering eyes. The fag couldn't take her eyes off of his meat! "You listenin', girl?" Coop nodded he was, and started to drag himself onto his feet.

"Nuh uh. Not so fast, Miss Bitch! You stay on the ground like a good little pup. You don't want me steppin' on TWIGS or somethin', do ya, Mr Fuck-up?" "No sir..." "That's right. I don't either. Now crawl over here like my dick's hard again..." His joints were all sore but the jock lumbered forward. Craig saw he'd need LOTS of hard trainin'. When Coop shuffled up along side of him Craig said, "Now stay," and then eased himself onto Coop's back. As strong as he was he could barely support Craig's weight, and he felt like his spine would crack. Craig reached out behind him and swatted Coop's ass. Coop yelped. Craig slapped him again and laughed. "Giddy-up now, bitch!" and he lifted his heels and jammed them hard into the athlete's calves. "Owww!" Coop yelled. "That fuckin' hurt!" Craig slapped at his head. "So what the fuck what? I'll ride ya around like a bitch if I wanna! ---Whatever I want ---remember, slut?"

Coop groaned. He crawled two steps and faltered. Craig lost his balance and almost fell. His ass slid around on the jock's muscled back and the lamp swayed. "What the ---fuckin' HELL!" He quickly dismounted and pivoted forward and squatted in front of the broken jock. "You tryin' to fuck with me, asshole?" "You're heavy!" "This is like, breakin' news? No SHIT, Sherlock! You think I'm like one'a them skinny-ass cheerleaders? 'Oooh Ashton! Oooh Ashton lift me up, you're so strong!' LOOK at me. Too bad they can't see ya now, huh? On yer queer knees where ya friggin' beLONG! Now when I wanna ride on your back, bitch, you let me. Don't gimme this crap about how much I weigh." He twisted his faggot's left ear for some quick punctuation. "You hear what I'm sayin'?" "Okaay!!"

Coop looked at his buddy with watery eyes. He smelled him. He quivered from Craigger's brute strength. He wanted to reach out and fondle Craig's cock again, wanted to feel up its girth and fat length. "Now let's try it again. An' I'm warnin' you, bro: If you fuck up again you'll be feelin' my fists. Lips fuckin' might need reminded o' who gets HURT when Craig gets fuckin' pissed..." He grabbed at the shock of wet hair on Coop's forehead. "Now bark for me." Coop could've died but yelled "Woof!!" Craig shook his head in disgust but was secretly crowin'. He OWNED that ass. "Goddamned poof..."

He settled again on his bitch's broad back. Coop's muscled thighs bulged to support Craigger's weight. "Now let's fuckin' try it again, Mr Cocksucker. Maybe THIS time you can get it straight!" Coop half-stumbled forward like poor Rocinante, gruntin' and wheezin' and humid with sweat. His lips tasted salty, his knees ached, his gut hurt, his armpits were slippery and silicone wet. He pushed himself through the loose flap of the tent; the cool woodland air hit him square in the face. The night was suffused with a luminous grandeur: a bright shaft of moonlight streamed over the lake. Craig swore as his head hit the frame of the tent. "Jesus Christ," he bitched loudly, and swatted Coop's ass. It stung like a hornet but still his dick stiffened. His palms slid around in the dew-covered grass.

"Now let's GO, ya damn faggot. Time's fuckin' a'wastin'. We're just gettin' STARTED, ya scum-suckin' bitch! All that damn head's got me wantin' to fuck somethin' BAD..." "Nnn..." "That makin' yer BUTThole twitch? You gonna give up some damn puss for me, jock-boy?" Coop moaned 'cause his cock was already enlarged. You couldn't deny it. In less than ten minutes their teenaged libidos had fully recharged. Coop crawled past their campfire remnants, he felt the faint warmth from the embers half-buried in ash. Another owl hooted, an acorn or pinecone fell into the lake. They could hear it splash. He felt Craig's solid weight press heavy and swore when a pebble cut into his knee. Above him his hard-muscled friend started pounding his chest, celebrating his sweet-smelling victory.

to be continued....

Next: Chapter 7

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