Red Devil Wrestler

By Mark Wild

Published on Jul 19, 2006


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between adolescent boys and is for adult eyes only. The acts are consensual and are a result of their love or lust for one another. This story is completely fiction, and all names and descriptions (except for the occasional place-name) are also made up. Any similarities are purely coincidental.

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For J.D. Salinger, my favorite writer, although I doubt he'd like it!

Red Devil Wrestler, pt. 2

Whoa!! You're thinkin', What the FUCK??? I must be goofin', right? A tough jock like me, dudes, suckin' a DICK? without even puttin' up a FIGHT? ...Yeah, okay, I know it looks bad maybe, me there with Slate, gettin' down on my knees, so I guess what I should say dudes is... ummm... well jeez... when YOU grow up see if things don't get crazy.... Dudes! Like I said, I'm a tough football jock, and I pull in the pussy like trophies ---so I don't want NObody thinkin' that me ---or Slater too, is queer, dudes. I mean, if we were queer we wouldn't be surfin' for pussy porn, right? or jackin' to lezzie stuff that Slater can always find on the web? Hell no! ---us QUEERS would be cruisin' the lockers and ---gettin' all hot for Craig! And since that isn't HAPpening, bros, we just ain't queer, like I said. It's just that... I watched Slater pull down his zipper and weird shit went off in my head.

Slater grins and says I get this look on my face like I'm in shock. "Like all of a sudden you got a new toy, huh, Mr Football Jock." I remember the sun streaming in at the window and dust moving slow through the air, and felt the floor hard and rough under my knees as I moved on my knees towards his chair. Dudes, I swear, it was like in a movie, when everything slows real down, the way I slid awkwardly out of my seat, and the tingly zipper sound. Slater was smiling, leaning back, kind of puzzlingly, like he knew something I didn't and didn't... feel the need to brief me... He winked and let his hand fall down and scratch his crotch again, and I swear I smelled the first faint whiff that reminded me of gym. Part of me knew to just let it ride, 'cause the smell was sooo familiar ---it smelled like sweat and the gym like I said, but mostly it smelled like Slater.

Now dudes, like Slater says, sometimes we have to be adults. And part of being a jock is gettin' used to the way guys smell! It's not like it's suspicious or queer dudes, but when you sweat you stink. And it don't take too very much time with your buddies to know they don't smell like the pink! Chicks are like soft and flowery smells, or Allure and Temptation at night; guys are like oil and cars and old mitts and torn shirts after a fight. And what jock hasn't "accidentally" let one rip when Coach was talking after practice, and made his teammates flap their jerseys like they was fightin' off anthrax! I mean if your socks weren't really rank they wouldn't sting when you flicked 'em, and the secret homos wouldn't be hanging around for the chance to sniff 'em! 'Cause face it dudes, when you're in the lockers, it's all about guys and goofin' ---it's not a jock's fault if the smell and the hijinks turn one or two guys into poofs, man.

Slater of course says "Gimme a break. I got it waay worse than you, dude. Sometimes you're matched up against some jock who's hairy AND sweaty, too!" This was not an appealing thought, and I looked at Slater and said so. He just laughed. "Yeah, right. I bet. I bet you'd love it, homo." That is when I'd say "Eat my dick," or "Bro, go fuck yourself," ---but he really wasn't tellin' me nothin' I hadn't seen for myself. Craigger wrestled too, like I said, so at meets I hung close to the team with Jake, and we would always laugh when they fucked up and got some dude's nuts in their face! And sometimes, dudes, that mat would be WET when they usually won their match, and we'd slap their backs and the sweat would fly off and ---not even CLOSE to snatch! Their singlets would be so wet sometimes you could see the straps of their jocks, and you could kind of tell why the chicks had all, uh... nicknamed Craigger "The Rock!"

'Cause let me tell ya, dudes, Craig Mott was really hung impressive, which is like aNOTHER thing most jocks would never mention. But get real dudes, at the end of the game or the match it's about the lockers, when the uni's come off and y'all strut around like bad-ass mothafuckas! And curious jocks like us are ALways jostling to measure up: it'd take a thief to hide shit, bro, when you're shooting the shit in the buff! NOT that I'd ever seen Craig hard ---jeezus, you think I'm a perv? But word gets around, dude, and chicks find out and... man, it can get on your nerves. All these chicks, dudes, hanging around and giggling after a meet. "Fuck me, Craigger!" "Feel my breasts, Craig!" "Let me kiss your feet!" Ha!! As if. But you get the idea: Craigger was in demand! In fact if it wasn't for Slater and me, he'd have been THE MAN. And anyway when we'd sleep over and he'd hang in his briefs all night? of COURSE you'd wonder what he was packin' that stretched those briefs so tight.

But right then dudes I wasn't really thinking of Craigger much. I was watching Slate open his pants up. I could smell his crotch. I flashed on how he'd probably soaped that baby up this morning, and how it'd bobbed up and down in the shower and ---dudes... it was makin' me horny. I mean me and Slate were like brothers, bros, and we'd jerked off together for years. It's just that we didn't jack each OTHER, dudes ---I told ya, we just weren't queer. We'd talk about chicks and sports and tits and naturally bone up bad, and sometimes even get online and set up that webcam he had. He'd found this site where horny chicks and dudes logged on to show off, and if we'd find some freaky chick we'd turn on the cam and stroke off! MOST of the chicks preferred me of course, but some liked Slater better. Hey, some girls like running backs. Hey, some girls like wrestlers. "Ash," he'd grin, "they love the BONE," and he'd squeeze his junk through his sweats, and sometimes talk really dirty to 'em until the puss got wet.

And now again I was gettin' ready to see that bone close up ---fuck dudes, I'd just had LUNCH and I was actin' like a starvin' pup! I saw his rod gettin' real real hard through the cotton of his briefs, and felt kind of dirty... and that made my dick bone up beyond belief. Slate took his other hand and cupped it firm on the back of my neck, and held me there while he played with his nipples and ran his hand over his chest. "Come on buddy," he smiled and said, "I'm fuckin' horny, Ash." "Yeah bro, I can see that, dude. Too bad I ain't like that." He bucked his hips a little and his crotch bobbed close to my mouth ---like an inch. "But buddies help buddies, right?" "Yeah," I whispered. He pushed his bulge up to my lips.

I moaned and breathed the cotton smell and Slater underneath; he moved my head around till my nose was inside the flap of his briefs. I didn't even try to stop him, which might sound a little strange: but well ---to be honest, dudes, this was something I'd thought about for days. Even kissing up May last night and playing with her nipples? I kept seeing Slater there out by the lake, and seein' his muscles ripple. Plus, remember how I said we were pretty evenly matched? Which it true and all, but well, um, dick-wise, he had me beat half an inch. Now LISTEN, dudes, it wasn't like I was jealous of Slater's cock ---I mean it's a fact I got MORE than enough to hit my girlfriend's spot! But like I said, after all these years, we knew each other top to bottom. This is just one more thing about Slate I thought you should know about him.

He held my head while my nose rooted 'round inside his tight white briefs, breathing in the smell of his flesh, his shaft, his hair, the heat. He moaned and pushed against me harder, and told me to open my mouth; I blushed and held his thighs and kind of... started licking his pouch. "Aw yeah. Damn, buddy. That feels great. You like it down there, dontcha?" I did... but I couldn't let him off like that. "I still prefer your sister." He laughed and lifted his muscled arm and showed me his hairy pit, the lats flaring up around the hollow, the dark hairs swirling in it. And dudes I've seen a lot of armpits, helping guys on with their pads, but TRUST me ---none of them ever'd affected me like Slater's had. My eyes went weird and my tongue kind of hesitated against his pouch: I imagined Slate kicking back sweaty and hard and making me clean it out.

He took his fingers and wiped them slowly deep in that furry pit, held them wet in front of my nose and said, "You want a hit?" Dudes. I did, dudes ---isn't that crazy? I lifted my nose from his pouch, gripped his thighs and let my buddy push them into my mouth. I looked up at him and sucked and tasted salt and sweat and skin; Slater smiled, I opened my mouth and let him push them in. He lifted his foot and rubbed it slowly up and down my crotch, and I tell ya dudes I was so hair-trigger that almost set me off! Then he pulled his fingers out and ran his hand through his hair. "Come on, buddy. Let's let Corey junior out for air."

A shiver crept teasingly up my spine, and in spite of myself I moaned. Slater took my hand off his thigh and placed it square on his bone. That's when my hand took over and when I guess my brain shut down. "That's right, buddy. Feel that baby... I knew you'd come around..." I had. If you had told me a month ago I'd be down on my knees like this? you'd'a been on the fuckin' receiving end of Ashton Cooper's fist! Now here I was on my knees with my hand massaging my best friend's dick! ---something that even a month ago would have made me puke and get sick. Now dudes the smell and the heat of his bone was... makin' me wet my lips, and my fingers wormed under the waist of his briefs and... worked them down over his hips. Dudes, my cock was throbbin' harder, every inch or two... and I moaned like a cheerleader whore slut bitch when I finally saw his pubes. All that curly coal black hair, dudes, framing his awesome cock? was really doin' a number on Ashton Cooper, Football Jock...

A month ago ---this was after the party but before we knew Slate had the crabs--- he was spending the night one weekend when we were at my dad's. They got divorced three years ago and dad's had a couple of girlfriends, and now that I'm older he usually leaves me alone when I'm there on weekends. He's cool if the guys come over to chill and watch TV and hang, and doesn't check up on us every fuckin' fifteen minutes like mom. Anyway this particular night we'd rented some DVDs, and were watching The Lord of the Rings, XXX, and Terminator 3. Vin was slippin' his shirt off and gettin' ready to bone this bitch, when I looked at Slater and he was scratchin' himself. ---"You got an itch?" I was just jokin' and shit, but dudes, I've known Corey Slater too long. I grabbed the remote, hit pause, and asked if anything was wrong. He gave me this look that said, Whadda ya mean, Coop, huh? Stop bein' so queer. But then a minute later he mumbled, "I think somethin's wrong... down there..."

"Whoa. No shit?" I was real supportive. "What the fuck's wrong with your dick?" "NOthin's wrong with my dick, ya prick!" "Then what? You got a worm?" I dodged a corn chip. "I don't know what. My skin's all inflamed and it burns." "Whoa," I said again. "No shit? Is that why you've been scratching?" (We found out later the crabs had laid eggs in his groin and they were hatching.) "Yeah, for like a day now, Ash." "Well... maybe yer jerkin' too much..." "Ash, I need a favor, bro. I need you to help me out." "Well I ain't gonna scratch it FOR ya, bro, if THAT'S what you're talkin' about!" He looked at me funny. "That's cool, bro. Fine," like he was real offended. "Who fuckin' gave up pussy for you so you could learn to drive standard?" That kind of hit me where it hurt, 'cause I knew that I owed him for that. "I didn't say I wouldn't help," I hemmed. " I just said I wouldn't scratch it!" Slater gave me this funny look. "Nobody's askin' you to." "Well then what?" "Uh..." "Come ON, Slater. Whaddya need me to do?"

I thought he was gonna say something smart, but then he kind of winced, and exasperatedly loosened his belt and shoved his hand in his pants. I hate to say it dudes, 'cause I was trying to act concerned, but I couldn't help like giggling a little, watching Slater squirm. Man, he looked like he was sorry he'd even asked for help. "...I was hopin' that you could maybe... uh, check it out yourself?" "Check it OUT? Yeah, right," I said, more amused than pissed. Slater rolled his eyes. "I MEAN... you could maybe see something I missed." ...Well, okay, that made some sense, but I didn't want to say so, 'cause trust me dudes, he'd bring it up the next time he called me a homo. "Plus I promise I won't call you queer," he said, as if to forestall me. But I wasn't such a pushover, dudes. "Well uh..." "Please, Coop?" "Well... MAYbe..."

Slater grinned like a pig in shit, oinkin' and kickin' up mud. "Thanks, man. You're the coolest, Coop. I don't deserve you, bud." "Tell me something I don't know, huh? So... how we doin' this, dude?" "Well..." He stood and slipped off his pants and walked to my desk in just his boxers, which was no big deal since I'd seen him like that like a zillion times in the lockers. He switched on the lamp then kind of stood there, looking a little embarrassed, which struck me as kind of funny as shit: like I'd never seen him bare-assed! I couldn't resist:

I laughed and said, "Woohoo!! Don't YOU look hot!" which, okay, was kind of rude, but, hey, I was callin' the shots! And here's another thing about Slate that's actually very cool as shit: unlike SOME dudes, when HE fucks up, he's got the balls to admit it.

"Just don't get excited, okay?" I couldn't stop grinning. "I promise!" 'Cause both of us knew this was all on him, and he had to grin and bare it! He rolled his eyes, pulled off his shorts and then stood there like totally naked ---an' man... I don't know what it was but I started to feel real warm, man. It was like for once I had a reason to check out his pubes, and that was like... uh, I don't know... "Yo Coop. You with me, dude?" I jumped. He laughed. "You gonna help me out from over there?" And HE was the one who was fuckin' buck-naked! "Oh my god! You're scared!" "I am NOT." "You're actin' like it." "I ain't even, neither." And to prove it I walked right over; "Come on, bitch. Let's check out cher beaver!" Ha! He didn't like that too much, but I didn't even care: thinkin' a tough fuckin' jock like ME ---scared'a some pubic hair!

I mean, Fuck that! And Slate said, "Fine!" and leaned against the desk, and you would never believe in a million YEARS what happened next. Dudes! Have I mentioned before that I'm a fuckin' horny jock? I mean, sometimes the WIND'll blow and that'll bone me up! I guess that's why I was already half on hard when I sat in the chair. I laughed, but it came out nervous. "What?" "I'm sure glad dad's not here!" He laughed himself. "Man, you can say that!" And we looked at each other and giggled. "Alright, dude, turn more toward the light. Let's get this over with, stud!" Slate turned and shifted his weight on his legs, and that made his dick bob around some, and that made me laugh, 'cause just then it was kind of... shrunk up and not lookin' too awesome!

Despite the light I had to scoot forward a bit on the chair to get closer, and since like a jerk I forgot to hold my breath I was gettin' a noseful! "Jesus, dude, when was the last time you showered?" "This mornin', like usual." I rolled my eyes and shook my head. That was JUST like Slater. "Aw, c'mon dude, gimme a break. You've smelled way worse after practice." "I thought that's how you liked me, bro!" I sparred. "Yeah right, you jackass." I brought my fingers up and touched his pubes and Slater flinched. "If you bone up I'll kill you, bro." "Jesus, bitch bitch bitch!" "Ha! I'll show you bitch," I said, and tugged at a tuft of his hair, which was totally umpremeditated, so it wasn't like it was queer. Still, he jerked, bros, not from like pain, but more from like surprise. I looked up quickly and saw my moist reflection in his eyes.

I looked back down and stared straight into Slater's hairy bush, and fucked up again and got another whiff but... didn't bitch. Instead I leaned intently in and parted his pubes with my fingers, little by little... exposing the skin... uh, checking for pimples or blisters. And trust me dudes, I was doin' my best to avoid even TOUCHing his dick, but given the situation, dudes, there was really no way around it. "Slater." "Yeah, Coop?" Our voices were low. "You, uh... got these like little pink patches." I pressed one with my fingertip. "That hurt?" "No, bud, just itches." I said "...OK" and kept on checking how much down there was inflamed, and I think we both relaxed a little. It really WAS no big thing!

It's like my dad says, I guess: Nothing's as bad as you think it'll be, once you do it. But the crazy thing is? though my BRAIN was relaxin'? uh, guys, uh... my dick surely wasn't. Man I was boned so bad it hurt since I hadn't jacked off all day yet, and I was in-between chicks at the time ---goin' on like a week! Shit!! It's funny: now that I wasn't so scared, his pubes felt humid and silky, and I hardly even realized that the smell wasn't startin' to kill me. They felt real soft, though, as I massaged his skin and they ran through my fingers, feeling my buddy's thick patch of black pubes and... I guess I uh, kinda lost it... I had this sudden image of Slate all sweaty in a jock and cup, all stripped down in the lockers and drippin' ---yeah, dudes, I was boned UP... The more I massaged the more I felt his dick underneath me growin', and I felt his knees like kind of get weak. "Aw fuck... aww Coop, that's... awesome..."

And then it was like, fuck! ---all of a sudden, he was totally boned in my hand. I mean boned HARD, dudes, slidin' between my fingers and over my palm. I heard him moan and thought, Oh my god dude, you're holding another dude's dick! My cock was so hard in my shorts from the feeling I thought that the cotton would rip. I couldn't stop myself, I swallowed and leaned in to sniff his bush. My cock was leaking. So was Slater's. Both of our faces were flushed. I felt his cock against my cheek, I breathed in deep and moaned; my fingers wrapped themselves like little slaves around his bone. I jerked it slow and watched a drop of precum ooze from the tip. I smeared it off with my finger and worked it down and over his dick. "Coop," he whispered, "what're ya DOin', man? Ya gotta STOP, bro...." I didn't. I reached up and cupped his nuts ---just like a friggin' homo! I dared to look up and drops of sweat were beading on Slater's forehead; I felt his pulse in his throbbing cock, his chest and his cheeks flushed red. I jacked on his beautiful dick 'till his knees almost buckled; he moaned and I laughed: We'd both of us always know that Slate let another dude jack him off!

"Ash," he was moanin', "aww buddy... don't ---nnhhhhh..." and more dick-drool oozed out of his piss slit. I jacked his cock slowly ---aw dudes, up and down ---till my fingers were covered with it. Some sweat that had pooled in his navel trembled, glistened and overflowed, and watchin' it made me sooo damned hot, bros, I thought I was gonna explode! I watched as it leaked down the length of his trail till his hairy black pubes absorbed it. I STOPPED myself, man, but ---FUCK I had this crazy urge to taste it! I moved so far forward I lost my seating and slid down off of the chair, and ended up down on my fuckin' KNEES, dudes, jerkin' him off like a whore. His knuckles were white and his forearms bulged and his abs were tensed up bad... thinkin' that I would be scared of a dick ---HA!! I fuckin' tugged on his 'nads!

Man, those fuckers were heavy, too, all sweaty and ripe in my hand ---big fuckin' jock nuts ---FUCK! no wonder my buddy had so many fans! But just then, dudes, it wasn't no chick who was doin' a number on 'im. Ha! Hell no, it was Ash ol' buddy who was workin' that baby THIS time. Man I had him so turned on he was practic'ly fuckin' my fist! NObody, dudes ---not Jake, not Craig ---would EVER fuckin' believe this! The wildest rush I think was from knowin' we both were so totally straight. ---And the next thing I knew that fat jockdick of Slater's was shootin' all over my face! BIG fuckin' ropes, dudes, moanin' and "Aww FUUCCK!" ---fuckin' shootin' out! ---jizzed my hair, my cheek, my neck ---fuck! almost jizzed my mouth!! My hand was drenched, too, and now I was holding his nuts for like support. "Jesus Christ," he finally whispered; I, uh, couldn't talk. I mean the way his juice was drippin' if I opened my mouth, uh ---uh oh! ---and no fuckin CHANCE, dudes, of that ever happ'nin' , that was WAAAY too homo...

"Oh my god, you jacked me off!" "I did fucking NOT! I was just examinin' it! Not MY fault you shot!"

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, to like get rid of the danger! quick-grabbed my tshirt and cleaned myself up and then threw it in the hamper. Slate, of course, had his boxers back on, and mine had never been off. "Oh my god, dude, I can't believe you let me jerk you off!" "Oh my god, Coop, who was down there moanin' like a bitch?" "Do Beth Ann a favor, huh, dude? Fuckin' trim yer bush?..." Then I admit there was kind of a second when we forgot to laugh. "Thanks for, uh, helping me out, though, bud. I just wasn't, like... expecting that..." "YOU?" I huffed. "You owe me, man!" I growled and grabbed my crotch. "Holy shit, Coop, not THAT monster! Fuck! You'd tear me UP!" And somethin' in the tone of his voice made us both go into hysterics. "Tomorrow, man, we'll get up early and haul your ass out to the clinic."

So we popped some popcorn, finished the movie, and things went back to normal. We talked the same trash to the babes on TV so it musta been somethin' hormonal. I mean, jocks know about hormones, bros! ---Fuckin' PUMP! Get PSYCHED!! Sometimes ya jump on a couch on TV, sometimes ya pick a fight. Always jockin', though, ain't we, bros? Always talkin' the nut. Fuck if we had all the puss in the WORLD it wouldn't be enough. Dad came home a little bit later and made us go to bed. "You gonna shower now or later?" "Later, bro. I'm dead." When I got out he was already crashed in his sleeping bag down on the floor. His shirt was off, his hair was messed up. "Kick me if I snore." "I ain't even gonna hear ya, Slate. I'll be dead to the world in two minutes." He got up on his elbows and grinned. "So you already took care of business?" "Whaddya mean?" "You know what I mean." I knew what he meant. "Yeah, so?" He grinned again but didn't say nothin', I mean, except "Goodnight, bro...."

A weekend later it happened again, and then once after a party. The third time Slater was drunker than me and really laid it on me. I mean, I think I've mentioned before that Slate was always horny? ... I took his load like a fuckin' bitch at four o'clock in the morning...

The fact that nobody had a CLUE was also weird as fuck; Craig would be drumming and I would be thinking, Dude, I've sucked a COCK. Now I leaned forward and took a deep breath and my own pits were wet from excitement: even to say I was fuckin' BONED would've smacked of understatement. Right then dudes there was nothin' I wanted so bad as Slater's dick, wanted to feel it wet in my hands, wanted to fuckin' TASTE it. It was like in my bedroom that evening we'd opened Pandora's box, and every secret wicked thought I'd ever had got out.

I mean when I was nine I peed myself and then got hard; and spied on my cousin jerkin' once when we were there for Christmas. And once I barged in his office and caught Coach Dunne in just his jockstrap, and I couldn't stop from looking at his sweaty muscled ass. Weird shit, dudes, wack stuff I hadn't thought about in years: "Careful, bro!" when we snagged that six-pack, "three beers makes ya queer!" Or how jealous I was, when I finally got pubes, that they weren't real thick like Slate's. "It's okay, bro," he'd laugh and console me. "Some dudes develop late." Well I did, develop I mean: at sixteen I got big fast. Instead of being fourth or fifth I was number one in gym class. Slater was starting to beef up as well, just not as much as me, and after every time we worked out we measured each other religiously.

I ended up actually being bigger, but not for a couple of years, and being smaller I was the one who, naturally, got called queer. 'Course once I finally came into my own and started reelin' the puss in? even those OLD upper-classmen jocks knew the Red Devils had a new champion. And I ain't braggin', but I can smile and make a NUN get wet, bro. "So fucking relax, Coop," Slater would say. "We all know you're totally hetero." Then he'd clap my back and we'd go to Haagen-Dasz or something, and see who could flirt with the counter girls most and get some extra toppings. I would always get M & M's or nuts, and Slate got fruit. WHICH I always reminded him of. "Don't even go there, Coop." I think in a way that was why I always suggested us guys double-date, so they could like see me in action and see for themselves I was totally straight. Then when Craig squeezed the bulge in his briefs and asked, "Hey, Coop, want some action?" I could come back with, "Sorry, bro. You know I'm a total snatch man."

Slater would always take my side, too. "Yeah, bro, Ash is an animal. You shoulda heard the bitch moanin' an' shit." "Yup. Bitch had her a mouthful..." That was when Slate and I always lost it, like two of the Three fuckin' Stooges. "Believe it, Craigger. I smelled it myself! He had that pussy oozin'!" "Well then, Coop," Craig drawled, "I oughta thank ya for warmin' her up. Just don't get too close or nothin' when I'm drillin' her fuckin' muff." "Ewwww," Slate said, "that's fuckin' gross, Craig." Craigger laughed. "Yeah, right. Admit it, bro. I bet you think of my dick yerSELF at night!" Slater'd say, "WHAT?" and jump Craig's bones and they'd start to wrestle around, till mom would come to the door and start bangin' and make 'em settle down. Anyway that was just Craig and Corey, but more about them two later. ...So yeah, Craig had a big dick too, but ---the one I wanted was Slater's.

It was so fuckin' wicked, pulling his briefs down like that, exposing his bone, watchin' that baby flop out and expand ---an' not even hiding my moans. I leaned in and licked, dudes, all up the shaft, and under the head to the tip, holding Slate's cock so the flow of his precum would drool out all over my lips. I started jerkin' him too, real slow, and sank my nose into his bush; dudes it was fuckin' incredible, dudes... and sooo fuckin' different from puss... It smelled like sports and socks and lockers and towels that needed washed; I had this vision of Slater panting and pulling his singlet off. Fuck! he was makin' me crawl over towards him, an' makin' me lick his pouch! Fuck!! he was laughin' and pushin' his hairy BALLS into my mouth! I shivered and pushed those thoughts away and licked his shaft again. "Come on, buddy, open up now." Then he pushed it in.

Dudes, I got like seven inches, Slate a little more. And it was always that last half inch that turned me into a whore. He started out holding my shoulder, then moved to my neck as I swallowed his prick. "Yeah Coop... FUCK! you're almost there, bro... EAT my fuckin' dick..."

I opened wider and let my buddy turn my mouth to puss, finally reaching the base of his cock and mashing my nose in his bush. I gagged and tried to back off a little, and give my lungs some air, but Slater wasn't havin' that. "Fuckin' little queer..." He grabbed my head and thrust again and filled my throat with dick, and fuck... it was actually turnin' me ON instead'a makin' me sick. Plus the more I gagged the more it made him swear and moan, calling me bitch and askin' me how I loved his fuckin' bone? I didn't care, I was too busy sniffin' his bush and deep-throating his cock, just like the bitch he was startin' to call me, and not some tough-ass jock...

Dudes, but you think the weirdest thoughts, when you got your mouth full of dick like I did. Like, this was Slater, this was my buddy, this time we weren't kids. We weren't eleven and giggling and poking each time one of us threw a boner; this time we weren't comparing notes like "Fuck, Slate, was SHE sure a moaner!" No dudes, it was ME this time who was down on his knees eatin' dick, a tough muscled hot-shot football jock ---goin' nuts on his buddy's prick! Jackin' and slurpin' it, makin' it throb and his dick-juice leak out ---like I said; knowin', ya know, how a buddy would like it, and nursing real wet on the head. Yeah, dudes, getting that spongy dickhead all spitty and wet with my lips, chewin' a little just under the crown, workin' my tongue in his piss-slit. Lettin' my hand crawl up over his abs and squeeze on his pecs like a homo! ---"Fuck Coop... FUCK Coop! Aw fuck aww fuck ---Coop I'm... gonnnna bloowwwww!!!"

His legs tensed up, my lips had gone numb, and he pushed his cock deep in my mouth. And that was like ---fuck! all the warning I got before his dick shot off! His cum gushed wildly into my mouth, I tasted bleach and almonds, and I fuckin' swallowed like no tomorrow: I couldn't get ENOUGH, man! The same fuckin' back who recovered that fumble and ran sixty yards for the touchdown? was fuckin' gulpin' my buddy's jizz like I was a total cockhound! And every time I fuckin' swallowed, his fat cock shot out more, till it oozed out my mouth, down my chin, and a couple drops spattered on the floor. And I felt that warm goopy mess in my mouth, all on my tongue like syrup, so much cum I knew I'd taste it later when I burped... I stayed on my knees, too, and kept his sweet prick in my mouth like a good little homo. Slater was happy. He stretched and sniffed his pits and then grinned, "Uh oh!" Dudes, I won't lie, dudes, my eyes lit up and I moaned around his dick. "MAN you got me sweatin', bro! You are soooo gonna love this!"

He pulled his dick from my mouth with a pop and pushed himself back in the chair. He lifted his arms and grinned and flexed and showed me his thatches of pit hair. His dick was detumescing and pulling back over his balls like a snake; I remembered it glistening with sunscreen and sweat when he tanned out all nude at the lake... "Ash! I can't go back to school like this, bro, smellin' of sex!" "No man..." "Think you could do me a favor and lick up some'a this sweat?" ...Well a dude's gotta do what a dude's gotta do, dudes, and Slater'd just asked for a favor. And fuck, it wasn't like eatin' a pit out was any more worse than a beaver. I leaned a bit forward and lifted his dick up and licked all around on his nuts, then when they were clean enough I started working up. I licked his abs and Slater shivered; the sweat in his navel leaked. The little bit I couldn't lick up I smeared all over my cheeks.

Then I moved up to the muscled mound of his chest and nursed each nipple. Dudes! You couldn't'a pulled me off if ya had a fuckin' pit-bull! And the whole fuckin' time I was lovin' those babies my hands were grabbing his pecs, and my eyes were tracing the line of the vein in his arm as he tensed his biceps. I moaned and chewed and he lifted his left arm and showed me his hairy pit. I felt my cock lurch hard in my pants and almost fuckin' lost it. He put his hand on the back of my head and said, "It's all for you, bro." And hearin' that... I forgot I was scared that I was turnin' homo. I mean, ya know... in a way I'd been checking out Slater's pits for years. It wasn't like NOW they were all of a sudden gonna make me queer! I sniffed and moved up, and nuzzled and licked all over his sweaty patch, and so the fuck what if I kinda liked it more than eatin' snatch? So the fuck what if Craigger caught me, eatin' Slater's pits, who the fuck CARED if he saw me lettin'm slap my face with his dick?

I couldn't help it, bros, I couldn't hold out any longer. The closer I got to his sweaty pits the more his scent got stronger. It was the secret smell of guys and jocks and dirty gear, and the nearer I got to those wet black hairs the more my tongue went queer. I lapped up his lats like a champion fullback, and buried my tongue in his pit, like it was really pussy, ya know? and I was massagin' the clit. But this wasn't cunt, dudes, this was all male and smelled like sports and testosterone, like slammin' another jock hard on the field and seein' him spit and groan. Or watching while Slater took control and forced a dude down to the mat, biceps bulgin', both legs strainin', sweat pouring down his lats. Fuck! and his tight red singlet so wet, dudes, clingin' like skin to his torso... no WONDER it got me hot sometimes, and the cheerleaders even more so.

I licked and chewed and mashed my face into his smelly pit, like it was some new drug I was tryin'... and thinkin' I really liked it. My face was wet with his streaks of sweat and his arm clamped down on my head, makin' me feel like a bitch with her pussy lips swollen from gettin' fed. He dragged my face across his chest and into his other hollow. "That's right. Lick it ALL up, pit-breath! Let me see you swallow!" Fuck! and the strong sharp tone in his voice was... making my cunt-basher leak... like I wasn't no tough jock no more, but ten again, and weak...

Finally, though, he pulled me off him. "Damn, Coop, hate to be cruel, but we better get our asses in gear or we'll be late for school." He lifted his finger up to his mouth and winked, which made me proud as hell... just another secret, now, we were keepin' to ourselves... "You know what I'll do? I'll call the 'rents and tell 'em I'm hangin' with you after school. Your mom's goin' out with Jack, right? We could hang, bro, could be cooool..." And then Slate looked at my crotch and said. "And I'll watch you take care of junior!" ---"Traffic was fierce, bro!" he said to Craig later, "or we'd'a been here sooner..." He passed him his bag and stretched. Craig went, "No problem. Jesus, Coop, you stink!" "I do NOT," I said, but went and splashed myself down at the sink.

Slater kept his word, too, later. We wrestled and I, uh, lost. He made me kneel on the floor and talked real dirty and made me jerk off. Later we drove around awhile and got a little stoned, picked up Bren and stopped by Jake's house, but he wasn't home. We'd just finished a couple pizzas when mom pulled up and walked in. "Hey mom." "Hey guys. Don't you have school tomorrow?" "Aww mom... Goodnight, Slate. 'Night, Bren." Later I checked my emails and got this stupid one from May, all about lezbo movie stars and their husbands who were secretly gay. Yeah, May had some awesome breasts, but I was losin' interest. I figured she had like another two weeks before I said good riddance. Plus I was gonna be workin' and campin' with Slater and all kinds of shit. Who fuckin' needed her pouting if I even LOOKED at another chick? Yeah, dudes, free as a bird for the summer, and then off to State in the autumn. The only thing chicks were gettin' from ME was a friggin' broken heart, man.

I crawled into bed like totally whipped. Not fuckin' bad for a Wednesday! Got some supplies for the weekend, blew Slater, and managed to even smell Craig... ---Whoaaaa!! I opened my eyes in bed. Where the fuck did THAT come from? Craigger drunk and sweaty and hangin' in briefs behind his drums... He'd grabbed my neck when we'd left the restroom, after he got his weed. "Why you hang with that loser so much, huh?" "What the fuck you mean?" His arm was so snug around my neck I could pick up the smell of his skin. Slater was walkin' ahead of us some and not really payin' attention. "Nothin', bro." He scratched his crotch, though. "You know me and Slate's tight. Just... if you ever get hungry, bro..." I rolled my blue eyes. "Right..." He grinned and clawed my abs real quick, which surprised me and made me jump. "Oh yeah," he grinned, "that's right, I forgot. You're totally into cunt!" Slate heard THAT, though, and turned around quick. "What you lookin' at, bitch?" "Two fuckin' weenies, apparently," Slate said. But Craig's voice had made my dick twitch...

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom, pissed and then looked in the mirror. You could not see ANYTHING in my face that made me look queer. Satisfied, I flexed my guns again. Yeah, I was hot. That thing with Craig, I brushed it off. It was just prob'ly the pot...

to be continued...

Next: Chapter 3

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