Red Devil Wrestler

By Mark Wild

Published on Jun 23, 2006


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between adolescent boys and is for adult eyes only. The acts are consensual and are a result of their love or lust for one another. This story is completely fiction, and all names and descriptions (except for the occasional place-name) are also made up. Any similarities are purely coincidental.

I would love to hear from you, so negative as well as positive feedback is always welcome. Please write:

For J.D. Salinger, my favorite writer, although I doubt he'd like it!

Red Devil Wrestler, pt. 1

My mouth was full of toothpaste when I heard the car horn honk. My stomach tingled slightly and I heard my mom yell "Assshton! Come on---get a move on now! You're late and Slater's here!" I spit the toothpaste out into the sink and yelled, "I'm coming!" looked into the mirror and winked, "Hehe, you handsome fuck!" I messed my hair so it looked just right and checked out my awesome torso, winked at myself again and grabbed my shirt and pulled it on. I loosened my belt and tucked it in and my dick was twitchin' already! I swear I had to adjust it just to get myself zipped up! I mean, it's not like I'm shy or shit, but we were meeting our girls, and it wouldn't be right to advertise TOO much when they're around!

Man, my arms were lookin' good too, and already getting tanned. All that time by Slater's pool was really payin' off! I'll tell ya, between playin' football in season and workin' out with Slate? I'll tell ya dudes, it wouldn't be fair for me to steady-date! I mean, 'cause when I said "our girls" I didn't mean anyone steady. More like the girl of the month, haha, and the goddamn year was too short! The car honked again, and my mom yelled too. "I'm coming!" I yelled down the stairs. So like I said, I tucked myself in and grabbed my keys and wallet. I ran downstairs and out the door and almost into my mom.

She was already outside watering plants and said, "You have your keys?" "YES," I said. "Okay. You're on your own for dinner, remember. I'm going to the movies with Jack and probably won't be home till nine." "I'll eat the leftovers out of the fridge and drink up all your vodka." "Don't even try it, Ashton Cooper. Now kiss me and don't skip school." "Love you, mom," I said, and kissed her cheek and Slater honked. "Dude? Will you stop with your mom like that? People are gonna talk!" Mom aimed the hose at Slater's windshield and he had to duck inside. "Yeehaw!" he yelled out the window, though. "You're a heartbreaker, Mrs C! Homo come ON---we're gonna be late and we still gotta pick up Craigger!"

I rolled my eyes and got in the car and Slater began backing up. "Be careful!" mom yelled. "We will!" "See you later!" He was already flicking the wipers. "Dude!" he said, "I am so fuckin' horny!" "Dude! You're an animal, bro!" We grinned at each other and Slater yeehawed again, turned and then spat out the window. "Ash... I was watchin' some porno online, an' maaan..." he shook his head. I pulled my sunglasses out of my pack like the cool jock dude I was. "That fucker's gonna fall off ya, bro! You're abusin' it too much!" "Yeah I am, huh?" Slate agreed. "Damn right, ya little flit!" And he laughed and gave me that mischievous grin I get when I'm talkin' shit.

Slater and I were like total best buddies, like since we were seven or eight. We used to live right down the street from each other, until we were almost sixteen, then his dad got a big promotion and they moved like a mile away. He's some hot-shot lawyer for a big tobacco company here, and gets paid to lie about how you won't die if you smoke cigarettes and shit. We live in Lexington, South Carolina, so I guess we're just good old boys, and we even wrote a rap song once about some of the shit we've done! It didn't win the talent prize but that's cause the judges were stupid. The chicks like it though when we do it at parties: it always gets us laid!

A day or two after we'd moved in---now remember we were like seven---he found me way in the back of our yard, digging by the bushes. "My name's Slate," he said. "My name's Ash." "What you diggin' for?" "Quarters." "I found two dollars last week in a mailbox." "I got a coin collection." "You got a bike?" he said. "We could go ridin'," and he showed me all the best hills. Now of course we're all grown up and going to State in the fall. I'm gonna be a rich CEO and take over my daddy's business. Slate was gonna be a gynecologist but now he's not so sure. "Dude!" I keep telling him, "it's not all like Babewatch. There's fat pussy, Slater... and SORES!" "Eat my fat wanger!" he always screams, and covers up his ears. So now he's leaning towards physical therapy, specializing in girls.

"Ash, no really, this chick, bro----tiiiiittss!!", and we almost swiped a car, 'cause he was feeling those boobs in the air instead of driving, and swerved. "Dude, you are one sick fuck," I said. He agreed and grabbed the wheel. Then he tapped on the side of my head. "That's why we're best buddies, bro! Just wait'll we fuckin' get to STATE!! I am ready to TEAR IT UP!!" and he flashed me that strong white grin of his that always shuts me up. We'd already put in our applications to room together and stuff, and just had to coast through the last weeks of school and work out and party and fuck! Then we were gonna go work for my dad, doing grunt work down at his warehouse. "Ash, we are gonna be so fuckin' buff, bro, those frats'll be BEGGIN' to pledge us!"

"Of course they will, bro. I mean, look at us, huh? We're fuckin' grade-A prime!" Slate grinned back and then grabbed at his dick and said, "I am so HORNY" again, and the way he was wearing his khakis I could see he was half boned up. This was no big fuckin' deal, ya know? cause we were best buds, like I said, and we were both so oversexed we were always throwing wood! Plus, of course, we double-dated, and with all that time in the lockers? we knew all about each other's dicks like we knew each other's shoe size! It was always funny though, hanging around, watching the chicks check him out. He'd flash me that grin and stroll over to flirt and say, "Don't wait up for me, sport!" This was always funny as shit, like I was doing without! We'd hook up later and study and rate 'em on who had the best tits and mouth.

The thing is I'm really not bragging either, 'cause physically we were the tops. Two healthy boys who love sports and guitars and hot girls and old cars and, oh---sports! Some of the neighbors shake their heads, but you know how old people are. I mean, I KNOW it sucks to get old---but that's why ya gotta fuck NOW! Slate and I were doing our best, and the chicks kept putting out, so we just kept hoping we'd make it to State before the supply here ran out! The cool thing was that, talking physically now, we weren't at all alike: I was your typical blue-eyed blond and Slate was the darker type. So for all you horny chicks out there, here's a brief description. Feel free to drop me a line (with a pic!) if you need more information! :-))

I'll start with myself, 'cause actually I'm a little bit better-looking! I got this close-cropped straw-blond hair and eyes like pools of water! I wear it short 'cause it's easier when you're in and out of your helmet, and doesn't look fucked up when you've worn your baseball cap all day. It kinda sticks up in a cowlick in front, which drives me crazy, though. Slater says that's because I'm always sucking too much dick, and it gets mashed up in the other dude's pubes, but he's always talkin' that shit. He's just jealous 'cause blonds have more fun, and get way better head! 'cause I'm blond all over, my pits and trail and bush and both my legs! I'm pretty smooth on my chest so far, just some stray hairs around my nipples, but that's kind of cool because, being smooth... you can better see my muscles! And Slate wasn't joking: we were buffed up already, from all the sports we played. I played football and Slater wrestled, and baseball and lifting weights.

So here's the deal, I stood six one and weighed 185. On the field I was the back they depended on for the drives. I got some impressive yearbook stats, and our school finally got with the program, so now you can check out the team online---just google Red Devil Football! MAYBE by the time you read this they'll have the cheerleaders up. They dress up all in red and white, like little angels---NOT!! All the sports teams share the same name, even girls' basketball, so I'm a crazy football jock, and Slater's a Red Devil wrestler. He like I said has way black hair, and really smoky eyes, and he's so fuckin' solid you sometimes forget that I got him two inches in height. He stands five eleven and won the division finals last year in his class, and if you could see him stalking the mat you'd know what I'm talking about! He sweats more than ME and that singlet of his can only, well, stretch so FAR. I'd hate to be the dude that had to go up against HIM, for sure!

I mean, WE wrestled all the time, and tossed the ball around weekends, but that was two buddies fuckin' around, and not like competition. In fact, Coach Brown used to say we were like two halves of the perfect jock, but Slate thought Brown was a secret flit who got off on sniffing socks. "Real funky wet ones, Ash," he'd say and wiggle his stinking feet, and I had to agree that only a perv would get off on shit like that! Still, I'd seen Brown's wife a few times, and she was pretty fat. Maybe the socks weren't as bad as the smell of her menopausal snatch! I mentioned that to Slater once, but he was unimpressed. "Dude, he's a perv, bro. Bigger than you. You got any porn I ain't seen yet?" I thought about that as I sat in the car watching Slater squeeze his dick. Of COURSE I'm a perv, I thought---big fuckin' deal! and I wasn't afraid to admit it. Still, like I see it God wouldn'a made poon if he didn't want a dude to hit it!

I was about to mention that fact, AGAIN, when Slate turned a corner sharp, and honked and Craigger strolled out of his house and over the lawn to the car. "Jesus, dudes, about fuckin' time. I was thinkin' I'd have to bike it." "Sorry, bro. The homo here was kissing up his momma." "Jesus, Ash, that's fucked up, bro," Craig offered, getting in. "I know she's a total milf and all, but fuck bro, she's your KIN!" "Really, bro," Slater looked in the rear-view. "She was outside watering plants. You could even see her bra a bit where her blouse had gotten wet!" "JEEZ you guys, will ya STOP it? Damn!" Craig laughed. "Relax, ya muck. It's not YOUR fault that your mom's a babe---- Slow down! ---You assholes SUUUUUCKKKKK!!!!" He pulled his head back into the car and we sped away from the intersection. He turned around and gave 'em the finger in case they hadn't heard him!

Slater was laughing and stepped on the gas and I turned the music up, and just like THE MAN we tooled off to school and just didn't give a fuck!! Craigger pulled out a joint from his pack and we all of us did three hits. "Besides, bro, who got drunk last month and was hittin' on Slater's sis?" Slater looked over and narrowed his eyes: "And wanted to fuck her tits." Actually, that made me blush a bit and my underwear feel, uh, constricted? Okay, so maybe that wasn't so cool, but she WAS a foxy chick. And anyway after two years at that girls' school you knew she was missin' the dick! "I'm sorry, bro," I looked contrite. "But she wanted it, bro---real bad. In FACT she said this beauty was even bigger than your dad's!" Slate and Craigger groaned and Slater slapped my head again, and that's how we shot the shit till we got to the parking lot and pulled in.

Man, it was early May and some jet trails cut across the sky, and the sky itself was so blue that NObody wanted to be inside. The sun was warm and a breeze was blowing in from somewhere sweet, and you could smell the magnolias from the house across the street. Man, it was GREAT to be alive, even in SPITE of school, and having a buddy like Slater to share it with was verrrry cool. Me and Craig and Jake and Bren were also total buds, but Slater and I were the tightest, ya know? We had this crazy bond. Craig wrestles too, on the squad with Slate, and Bren---he's a gymnast---and buff?... we always kid 'im that he should call Playgirl to help the young ladies get off! I tell ya, dudes, I bet those chicks got wet when WE drove by! Slater parked and stretched and swore and fiddled with his fly. Craigger handed us sticks of gum to cover up the pot, and turned to the school and grabbed his crotch when the ten-minute bell went off.

"Thanks bro," Craigger said while Slater checked and locked the car. "I'm gonna bolt. I gotta find Jimmy. I still owe that loser ten dollars." "Later bro. If you see Ken Watson tell that fucker he sucks." "Will do. Catch you at lunchtime maybe?..." "Can't. Us two got plans." "What kinda plans?" Slater lowered his voice. "Supplies..." Craigger grinned. "Good deal. Well, don't forget who loves ya bro!" "Catch ya later, queer!" Craig's left wrist went suddenly limp. "They don't know what they're missin'!" "Stop it, bro. You're getting the homo here all bonered up!" "Eat me, Slate," I tossed right back. "Eat yerself, ya fuck!" Craigger rolled his eyes and took off, leaving us alone. "Admit it, bro. You know you got the secret hots for my bone."

So I guess you can see how tight we were, goin' back and forth like that. I didn't even answer him, just laughed and hitched up my pack. Slate grinned back and stretched his muscled chest and enjoyed the breeze. "Don't you worry though, Ash old buddy. Your secret's safe with me!" I was about to shoot off something smart when his arm went around my neck. "The least I can do for you keepin' quiet when I had the crabs last month..." I suddenly grinned, thinking back to last month and how I laughed while Slater itched: "Oh my god, bro, what if I picked up somethin' weird from the bitch?" As luck would have it this happened the week after both of us turned eighteen, and we drove to the public clinic that weekend and made him go in and get screened. "JUST tell 'em you was drunk-dickin' some skank," I encouraged him in the car. "It's probably just Ebola virus or somethin'." "Hardy har har." It was funny as shit, too, when he came out with that little bag in his hand. "What chu got, bro?" "Crab-killer, bro." We laughed. "Uh... this won't get around?" "Buddy!" I acted shocked as shit. "You know me better than that." And I didn't tell no one---but I did make him buy me a steak when we went to Outback!

"Jesus, dude. That was some fuckin' birthday party we had." We laughed. "I make an ass of myself with your sister and you end up catching the crabs!" "Jesus, bro! Wudja keep it down? ---Fuck man, we deserved it, Ash! I just need to start keeping my eye on ya when you go out and get smashed!" "Dude." I looked reformed. "Remember. When we get to State we're settlin' down." "That's right. And studyin' every weekend when there's no pussy around." I'm not quite sure who lost it first, but in no time we both went off. He was hanging and banging my chest with his fist and ---"Shit! There's Julie Roth!" We both of us settled down real quick, 'cause she was the babe of babes, and very intellectual, too, besides havin' perfect tits. She of course was going North to college in the fall, and we ambled by and nodded hello like the supercool jocks we were. She smiled back and flipped her hair and that made my fishin' pole twitch. And when we could finally breathe again Slate said, "I'd be HER bitch!"

"Jesus, Slate. She'd tie you up, dude, and smother your face with her twat!" Slater grinned and said, "FUCK yeah!! That would be verrrrry hot." "She'd turn you into her boy-toy, bro!" "Ash! Wouldn't that be SWEET?" We shook our heads. "And make you wear her panties till you leak!"

Damn! That last part just slipped out, before I knew what I said. Slater looked askance and straightened up and shook his head. "Don't know as I'd wanna go THAT far, bro. I think I'd stop with just sniffin' 'em. You can do the weird modeling shit after the chicks get done with 'em." He'd leaned in closer and lowered his voice so no one else could hear. "Like I said, bro, you're secret's safe with me, ya little queer." I knew I shoulda shot something back, like "Queer on this, ya muck!" but something in the tone of his voice just made me keep my mouth shut. Fortunately just then we heard a girl's voice calling "Ashton!" and the jocks looked up as we ambled over to May and April Simpson. "How's my girl?" I kissed May's forehead and looked her over twice. "God, it's such a beautiful DAY!" she said. "Mmmm you smell nice..." She laughed and pushed against my chest, showing off for her sis, then lifted her arms and fixed her hair and said, "It's Aramis."

Slater was looking politely bored, but maybe that was the pot. April was trying to make conversation, and even though she's a fox, she and Slater had already done it, I think last spring or summer: "Twice as cute as her sister, bro, and trust me, twice as dumber." April said something about Brad Pitt and that Angelina Jolie, who you gotta admit is hot as hell---hehe, she could adopt ME! Anyway Slater was totally bored, and probably very jealous, standing there watching his best fuckin' buddy getting my chick's attention! There's nothing like being a football star for pulling in the snatch---beSIDES that Weapon of Mass Destruction I got goin' on in my pants!

Anyway just then he saw Carrie Lancer, his girl, coming out of the school. He said, "Excuse," and walked on over and kissed her lips real cool. Then he stood while May said something sweet about my hair, and listened while Carrie leaned up and whispered something in his ear. He listened then nodded, she smiled and hugged him all around the neck, kissed him again and turned around and went back up the steps. Man, I know Slate's body language, and his was like ---The FUCK? We looked at each other as he walked back over and April asked, "What's up?" "Aww," Slate said, with his hands in his pockets, "she's feelin', uh, woozy down there... She wants to go pass by the nurse and get a fresh tam... pon, and maybe lay down..." "Awww, poor Carrie," they both of them said and I said, "That bites it, Slate." Slater shrugged back and looked into the sky, like This is some kind of JOKE?

He kicked at his backpack and clenched his fists and April said, "Awww Slate. It's not her fault, that's just the way it is with girls some days." "It's part of our plumbing," May laughed and I asked, "Can we change the subject, please?" Slater rubbed his hair with his hand and May whispered, "Mine's next week..." Slater was looking good though, standing there, even if he was pissed. You couldn't miss the muscles in his arms and in his chest. His legs looked fuckin' solid too, even through his Dockers ---but you need to see him at a meet to appreciate THOSE motherfuckers! Fuck, when you see him crouched down and circling out there on the mats? it's like sometimes you wonder how far his singlet will stretch till it snaps! In fact, his legs are the ONLY thing I'll give him better than me ---I mean I got tree-trunk football legs, but his make mine look skinny!

Other than that, though, like I said, we were pretty evenly matched ---just that couple inches' difference in our height and crotch. So standing there it was hard not to grin pretty big and feel real cool, chick on your arm and knowing you're one of the hottest jocks in school!

"Ladies! Listen up! You got Red Devils in the house!"

"MC Slate!"

"And Coop Dogg!"

"Two o' those bad boys your momma's all warned you about!"

"MC Slate right here!"

"---More beer!!"

"And Coop the ladies' friend! ya hear?"

"Thinkin' like Lincoln!"

"And stirrin' SHIT like Teddy Roosevelt!"

Of course that sounds better when we have our mics and are doing our Beastie Boys moves as well ---I JUST threw it in here so you could see we really WERE hot as hell! Anyway then the damn bell goes off and May takes my hand off her ass. "Is Ashton Cooper going to be a gentleman and walk his girlfriend to class?"

"Oh. Uh, yeah," I said, and flashed a "sorry" look at Slater. "See you in homeroom, bro," he said. "Gotcha. Later, 'gator." "Come on, April," Slater said, "let's get your butt inside." She laughed. "It looks okay today, Slate?" He grinned. "Your ass looks fine." We ambled off in different directions and I got May off to her class. "I'll talk to you later and call you tonight," I said. "Ashton? What about lunch?" "I told ya, May, got plans with Slater." She flicked her hair. "You two." I lowered my voice. "We're trying to find some weed. I told you, boo." She fingered my chest. "I know. It's just know... last night was so nice..." "If we get lucky we'll get together at lunch tomorrow, I promise." She pouted a little... but smiled sweet when I carefully smoothed her blouse!

So I headed back to class and thought what a bitch it was for Slate. I mean I know how it is for a dude when he's horned and has to wait. He'd probably be grouchy as shit and unresponsive and kicking chairs. I mean it sucks to have to admit it, but sometimes life ain't fair! So I figured I'd just play it down, ya know? like May didn't mean too much. I'd be one of those magnaminous jocks who wasn't always gloating and stuff. In fact ---well, you know how it is when a dude starts feelin' pretty full of himself: he pumps himself up and starts thinkin' he could'a won the game all by himself! And shit, me and Slate were mean mother-fucks, too! ---just modern suburban ones. Dudes! We were down with our homies and bitches. Dudes, we'd seen a gun. So I was gonna be totally cool and just talk cars and sports, and then Slate wouldn't be depressed and shit. Jesus, was I a dork.

I mean I got to class and there was Slate hangin' tight with Bren. Which was cool and all but he fuckin' acted like he didn't even see me come in! So I fuckin' said, "Yo guys," and Slate said, "Great, the homo's here." "Eat my dick, bro. Hey Bren." "Hey bro. When did you turn queer?" Slater laughed and slapped Bren's back and continued on with his story, about some chick he supposedly met online named Lynne and her sister Laurie. The bell went off and the substitute teacher we had started taking roll, and from Ashton Cooper to Corey Slater there was NObody half as cool. I sat at my desk with my legs stretched out and fucked with Hal's chair in front of me, and when he turned 'round and said, "Knock it off, will ya?" I flipped him the bird ---accidentally! Principal Stoneder (whose name we loved for obvious reasons, haha) came on the com with the morning announcements, and all o' the blah blah blah...

My mind started wandering, actually, so I wasn't much paying attention. With two weeks of school left I didn't much care about half the things he mentioned. I looked out the window and saw some kids running late across the lawn, and when I looked at Slater he was doodling something, and yawned. I don't know, I watched him scribble and the muscles move in his arm, and his mouth hung open a little and I started feeling warm. It was like the neck of my tshirt was cutting my air all off and shit, and my belt was too tight and my briefs were all twisted wrong around my dick. I tried to scrooch around in my seat and get myself more comfortable. Just two fuckin' weeks, I thought, two more weeks and then I'm done with highschool. I thought about how Coach Brown had told us that things would be different at State: we wouldn't be top dog hotdogs no more, so we'd better wise up and behave. Slater had laughed and said, "Yeah, right" like the cock-sure jock he was, and Brown shook his head and said Slate was a wise-ass, but that's just how Slate was.

So I got through civics and pre-calc okay and was tooling through the morning, and actually almost got through third period before I was feelin' horny. At least I had a break from Slater, 'cause he didn't have that class, and after him calling me queer all morning I knew he'd just smirk and laugh. We hooked up in the hallway though, with Craig and shot some shit, and when he left he passed me a note. It said, "You hungry yet?" I watched his cocky ass move off and thought, You're full of crap, but then he turned and did that dirty move that makes me laugh. He and Craigger walked away and I looked at their muscled backs, and that made me kind of flex myself ---FUCK I loved bein' a jock!

Of COURSE once Slate reminded me my stomach started growling. All I'd had for breakfast was some juice and half a Pop-Tart. I mean I usually skip meals just fine, especially in season for training, but now it was like since he brought it up, I felt like I was starving! Fortunately I remembered I had an Almond Joy in my pack, and that was okay for the sugar rush but I was like havin' a Shack Attack! Dudes! It's like when your clock goes off and they're playing a lame-ass song, you know like Kansas or Jewel or someone, or something by Elton John. And hard as you try you can't get that damn song out of your head all day: so soon as Slater brought up lunch I was ITCHIN' to get away.

I even started wondering maybe if Craig would tag along, 'cause he and Slate were pretty tight buds, too, plus he was wicked strong. Craig was five pounds lighter than Slate, but maybe even solider, and you just knew if they hadn't been buds they'd be ferocious rivals. They'd even had a couple knockdown dragouts through the years, over who wrestled better, or who was stronger, or who called WHO a queer? Yeah, dudes, crazy shit like that, but that's just how jocks ARE, right? Just 'cause a dude is your total best bud doesn't mean that you sometimes don't fight.

So there I was in biology class, hungry, and thirsty, too!, watchin' the little hand sit on the twelve and the big hand creep down on the two. The bell went off and I hadn't learned one single thing about mitosis. Nothing sunk in, it was like my brain was impermeable to osmosis! Yeah, so bite me, I got a way with words. Like Slater says, "---Yo! Talk to Coop, dudes! He knows ALL the diff'rent words for dykes and lezbos!" And more than once I had to read their papers and correct 'em and shit. In FACT Slater says that's what tipped him off that I was a secret flit!

So I found May quick and kissed her cheek and whispered she made me horny. I told her I'd prob'ly be thinkin' of her when, uh, I woke up in the morning! She told me she was gonna go see Harry Potter that night with April, and I groaned inside 'cause that meant tomorrow morning I'd get an earful. Then I went to piss real quick and found Slater near his locker. "Hey Heckle." "Hey Jeckle." Both of us grinned. DAMN we were cool motherfuckers! "What's on the menu, bro?" Slater grinned back. "How's my big weenie sound, Asher?" "Hey dude, get real, I am hungry as fuck. I need something like waaaay more substantial."

Slater faked left quick and caught me offguard with a slap to my cheek from the right. "See bro, that pussy's all makin' you soft, man!" I recovered ---and said he was right! We laughed and high-fived 'cause we knew it meant nothing, that Slate was just keepin' in practice. I grabbed my own crotch at him, though, and shot back, "If you're hungry though, bro, you can eat this!" Back and forth and out to the car and pulling out of the lot. A couple quick stop signs and then one left turn, and that's when the volume went UP. "What about Ralley's, bro?" "Slate! Come on. You know Ralley's makes me shit." "Oh. Oh yeah. I forgot. Sorry, bro." And he wrinkled his nose up a bit.

So we pulled into the Snack Shack and honked the horn and walked up to the counter. They had this dude who was a homo who worked there and he came over to help us. Slater scratched his stomach and stretched and ordered two Burger Supremos. And Slater you know calls everyone queer, but this dude was really a homo. His eyes went funny like he couldn't stop lookin' and starin' at Slater's muscles, and I swore he blushed when Slate leaned over and told him to hold the mustard! He gave me this shit-eating grin when the queer turned away for our cokes and our fries, and puckered up his lips a bit and winked and rolled his eyes. The funny thing was that the dude looked just like a normal dude, ya know? You'd never like think he'd be one of those dudes who would be into dicks like a homo. "You never can tell, bro," Slater would say, when he was being thoughtful. "This nurse in Penthouse Letters, bro, says there's all kinds of dudes in the closet." "Well, I don't know about ME, bro, but you got that dude bustin' down his closet DOOR!" And we laughed when Slater showed him his ass when he picked up his comb off the floor!

So we tooled down Pullman and Slater passed me his phone and made me dial. He made me pass him an onion ring, too. "It's Slater. SLATER, Kyle." He rolled his eyes like jeez he's fucked up. "We're right around the corner.... Yeah, bro, cool but we're just on our lunch break. This time is business not social." Kyle lived behind a hardware store on Sumter Parkway; we pulled in back and he waved from his window and opened his door and said, "Hey." "Let me go in myself, okay?" I said that was cool with me. I got in my wallet and handed him forty. "Watch for the shake and the seeds." "Gotcha, bro." Slater hopped on out and I sat there standin' lookout. You never knew when the undercover dudes were gonna move in and jump out. Slater had taken the keys, too ---FUCK!! I'd NEVER get away! They'd gun me down and spit on my corpse and tell lots of lies to May! My mom would cry then go to Aruba and my dad would shake his head. He'd blame himself 'cause his son had gone bad: "The drugs must've fucked up his head!"...

"JESUS, dude!" I jumped. "You got salt all on my seat, ya muck!" Slater hopped in and looked at my face. "You with me buddy, or what?" I goofed a little. "I was daydreamin', bro." "Thinkin' about my dick?" ---"JEEzus dude!..." "Alright, alright! Don't be pitchin' a fit." He adjusted his nuts and then dug in his pockets and pulled out three bags of real weed. "You and me, bro, and one for Craigger ---he gets the one with the seeds!" I opened one up and gave it a sniff and said, "Mmmm... nice and sticky..." and that made Slater slap on the dashboard: "Just like a bitch lickin' dicky!" I groaned and said, " 'Cause her pussy-lips swell when she smells that sweet cannabis..." "And her titties get bigger and... uh, umm, DAMN!" and he dropped the line and lost it. He gave me this face like "sorry, bro" and reached for a leftover fry, and the craziest shiver went through me weird when his finger brushed my thigh.

I looked at the clock on the dashboard and he saw me do it and grinned real wide. "We still got forty minutes, bro. ...Wanna go for a ride?" I nodded ...sure and Slater said, "There's papers in my pack," and I turned around in my seat and started digging through his shit in back. I found some E-Z Widers and a mag and started rolling, and five minutes later we pulled in back of this abandoned building. It used to belong to a furniture store that my dad's bigger chain bought out, and we had spent two months of weekends cleaning that baby out. Of course we still accidentally had a key we had made for the lock, and it was our secret place we'd go to hang out and drink beer and smoke pot. We'd even stashed a couple chairs and a mattress and a table --the place was almost liveable haha, except that it didn't have cable.

Slate stopped the car. "You got the key?" I nodded and then got out. I could feel him close behind me while I got the door unlocked. The place smelled damp and we went upstairs to our room and cracked a window. Slater sat down and pulled off his shirt. "Aww yeah. Dessert time, homo!" I knew he was totally fuckin' with me, 'cause we still hadn't lit up the joint, but he stretched out his legs and flexed his arms and... yeah, I was gettin' his point. There in that quiet room he was like transformed into an object: not quite Slate, just a hot muscled jock who needed his muscles worshipped.

My mouth went dry when he leaned over to me and lit the joint with his lighter: it made his forearm muscles ripple and the breath in my chest get tighter. He watched me inhale and laughed when my face turned all red and I started to cough. He ran his big hand all up over his chest and kicked his sneakers off. He waited till I settled down and handed the joint back to him, then coughed himself. "Goddamn that's harsh..." "Yeah, bro, Mexican..."

A couple hits later we both were buzzed and my mind drifted off again. I thought how those muscled legs looked when Slater was walkin' around the gym. He saw me lookin' and let his hand fall slowly down over his crotch, narrowed his eyes like he knew how it was... and taking it up a notch. "You done talkin' shit, Ash?" I nodded yeah. "Then come here, bro. It's time for dessert." And I watched him pull his zipper down and that made my own cock jerk. Through the window I heard the sound of car horns down the block, got on my knees, and for the very fourth time, prepared to suck Slater's cock....

to be continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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