Red Briefs

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Dec 2, 2020



Red briefs


If you've gotten this far you know the drill so unzip and enjoy. If you enjoy the stories on this site consider a contribution. Comments- jaskejr@hotmail,com

I first saw him as I was taking the dog, out for the after dinner walk. Actually the dog sensed his approach before I did. I turned to look in that direction. The rather tall, sandy haired boy, young man actually, was walking with a young lady I assumed was his girl friend. He stopped to pet my ever eager dog. He exchanged casual greetings with me before his friend pulled him away to the match at the nearby sports field. For a second he looked up at me with a look that said he was trapped with her and left. As he walked away I noticed his tight red bikini briefs under his thin nylon shorts. I thought to myself "nice buns boy!". I gave him no further thought and continued my walk with the dog.

Getting home, I gave the dog his treat and went to prepare a simple dinner. Later that night it was warm so I decided to go around the corner to the local café. I got a cold beer and settled at an outside table. The sun had not yet set and it promised to be a nice night.

As I sat there two cousins, Pierre and Anton, whom I knew from the village came onto the patio with that same cute, young man trailing after them. He sat so that he faced me while the other two faced him. Conversation among them went on for a few minutes. Pierre stood and motioned the other stranger to follow him. He walked to my table saying, "Tomas I'd like to introduce Simon. He speaks English. He has an interest in your writing." I stood and we shook hands. I motioned for them to sit but Pierre excused himself to return to his cousin. We sat for a few awkward minutes before I finally said "You're a writer?"

He gave me a bright smile and shook his head, "No, not really but I'd like to be someday. You have a really friendly dog."

"Yes," I replied," He loves attention. You seemed to have lost the young lady from earlier."

He looked down for a minute before speaking, "She's not my girl friend but she wants to be. She's a little too aggressive for me."

I nodded my head in an understanding manner, That happens a lot with handsome young men like you." I suggested. He blushed.

I noticed Pierre and Anton quietly leave, smiling back at me. Simon was still looking into his beer glass. "I hope you're not stranded. Did you drive?" I asked. Looking up at me with a strange stare, he said "No, she drove and left in a huff. I'll get a ride home with Anton later. I don't understand some of these girls. They throw themselves at a guy and if they don't get an immediate reaction, they just walk away to the next guy." I laughed quietly, " Yes, in my many years I've noticed that often." He leaned forward almost in a whisper saying, "I'm glad she left. I felt controlled and smothered."

I changed the conversation back to writing asking him what he would write about. I've learned to get another person comfortable by switching to talk about their interests. His mood lightened as he proceeded to talk about local history and the things he imagined had happened here. Of course this gave me an opening. I asked about some of the local castles and towns. He was off, telling me a great deal about the local lore.

As the conversation died down I asked if he had seen the fortress in the center of the local city at night. He hadn't but had thought of it in the past. Finishing my beer, I suggested that we might want to take a drive over and I'd show him some of interesting places in the city. He finished his beer, grabbed his fanny pack and was ready to go. I checked on the dog on the way to my car. He was in for the night.

On the twenty minute drive into the city we talked of various things. At a stop light in the city, he turned and asked me, "Are you gay too?" The shock of his directness took me by surprise but I just said "Yes". He reached over and put his hand on my knee. It was now time for me to ask some questions. First, how old are you? Second, are you sure that you're really gay? Third, why me?

He said nothing for a while until I parked in the central underground garage. As we walked across the plaza he started. " I'm twenty one just like Pierre and Anton. Yes, I'm sure but have only had a few fumbling experiences with guys my age and found them to be unfulfilling. Most guys just wanted to get off and leave. Why you? I don't really know the answer to that one. You seem to be a caring person I could talk to."

We slipped into silence as we walked around the old town area. Then I began to describe some of the historic buildings we passed. At last we arrive at one of the remaining gates from the original town walls. There were a number of cafes scattered around the square in front of the gate. I suggested that we sit and have a drink, admiring the sight in front of us. I moved us to a cafe that I knew was gay owned and had a gay clientele. I steered him to a table near the door. The bartender came out and greeted me. He knew me from many times I'd been there. I introduced Simon to him and he took our orders.

As we drank and talked I asked him about his family. He suddenly grabbed his pack and pulled out his phone. Obviously, he was calling his folks, switching back into French. I understood him as he explained that he was out with a friend from another village and might not get back that night. I smiled smugly to myself. He was assuming we'd spend the night together. He finished his call and turned back to me, saying "I forgot to let them know where I was going. They worry too much. Now they'll assume that I'm with that girl." I laughed not wanting to let him know that I'd understood the phone call.

Out bartender brought us a second round and winked at me. " Tomas, I see you have found a nice young friend. That's good, you've been alone for too long." After dropping that bomb he turned and left us. I knew that I was blushing. Simon looked at me laughing and said. "So you've been alone for a while?" I'd not talked about myself as I got to know Simon. Suddenly, I needed to explain a lot about myself. I explained that I'd moved to France after the death of my lover of ten years. I'd settled in my village to let my heart heal. Simon had an intense look on his face before speaking, "How long ago was that?" For the first time I looked into his bright blue eyes and saw a caring person. I just started "He died six years ago. I traveled around before finding my village four years ago and hiding there. My writing has been a type of therapy for me." He nodded indicating that he understood.

We both sat in silence for a long while. Simon placed his hand on mine. I didn't look up. Finally he spoke, " I think that Pierre and Anton knew you needed to meet me. Could I read some of your writing tonight?" I was shocked at that idea. I had never intended to share some of that with anyone. Simon saw my expression and hurriedly continued. "I want to get to know you, to understand your pain and perhaps help you to get over it." There was a single tear falling down his cheek. "You might be up all night reading that." I suggested. He brushed away the tear, saying "That's Ok with me if it means I can get to know the real you."

I'd never contemplated meeting another man after my ten year relationship ended. I'd avoided letting anyone into my life. Now sitting in front of me was someone who wanted to get to know me. I whispered "Ok, but I can't promise you much." He smiled saying just being with you is enough." We finished our drinks and went back to the car for the drive home in silence.

Once we arrived, I let the dog out and opened a bottle of wine. We moved to my study and I turned on the computer, pulling up my story file. I nodded for him to take a seat at the desk. I pulled up a stool and directed him to begin reading the first story to pop up.

I sat next to him as he read the story. He soon began rubbing his crotch. There was a distinct bulge. He leaned into me saying " It's hot!" This story was about a group of soldiers at the nearby nudist beach. He reached over to my leg and began rubbing my thigh. I moaned at his touch. It had been too long. He looked at my eyes smiling sweetly. I knew that it might be too late to go back. We moved together into a soft kiss. He pulled away and said " I think you are a great, romantic writer. Perhaps you might want to write about us,?"

In no time we were naked and in my bed. He moved down my body to nibble on my nipple. His hands were all over my body. I was hard as a rock. I felt his stiffness rub against my hip. I pulled him tight. He moaned and continued to kiss me. He moved to sit back and stare at my nudity. He whispered "I really like your sexy body." He leaned over to kiss the tip of my cock. I stroked his hair as he sucked me to the base. I wanted to taste him. We moved around until we were in a perfect 69. Our moans grew louder as we began to suck harder.

Our actions quickly moved to a more intense action. Simon raised my legs and began licking my taint. I screamed "More! Please more!" He raised up to put the tip of the hard cock at my entrance. He smiled as he gently pushed into my body. He moaned saying "I love your body!" I wrapped my legs around his waist to hold him in place. We commenced the dance of lust. Both of us climaxed at the same time yelling each other's names.

The night was filled with our lust for each other. We finally slept holding on to each other.

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