Red and Nick

By Blackscar

Published on Aug 27, 2020


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Red and Nick- Part 1

`Well Axel, I think I have covered all my news, I will have to be getting on, remember stay safe, Thank you and your colleagues for your service, you are doing your country proud. Finally I repeat, if you ever find yourself in England, remember you would be most welcome to pop in, it would be great to meet you'. Best Regards Nick.

I quickly re-read my letter and happy my spelling, which is notoriously bad was all okay, I folded it into three and put it in an envelope, reaching for my Pen again I addressed it to `GySgt Axel Holloran' Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan.

So me, well, I am Nick, Nick Vickers, I am now forty six; wow, that's frightening, I had started writing to US Marines, when I was around sixteen and at Secondary School. Then, I was living at home, with Mum and Dad, now I have my own rather nice bungalow, with an indoor swimming pool, close to RAF Lakenheath, life has been kind to me, especially financially. Happily married to the girl of my late teenage years `Red'; you can guess why, no kids, I think that was a blessing and yes she knows about my unnatural desires.

I had better explain, I am English, brought up in Suffolk not far from RAF Lakenheath, the big American Airforce base, I now live about a mile from my childhood home. I wrote my first letter as the World prepared for Operation Desert Storm; following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in late 1990. Looking back I suppose it was a uniform thing; at sixteen, I wasn't sure if I was gay or straight and all those horny, fit, uniformed Americans moving about the area; before shipping out to Saudi Arabia, didn't make it any easier to decide; it took me many years to accept I was in fact Bi. But at sixteen, I remember fantasising about the US Marines in their `tight' uniforms, a real gay fantasy, to a young lad unsure of his sexuality. So, there you have it; why an English kid started writing to American Troops.

Now you are probably wondering why I still write, well, sure Desert Storm has long since finished but US troops have never left the Middle East region and it seemed one conflict followed another leading up to 9/11 and the subsequent `War against Terrorism' in Afghanistan, which seems destined to never end. I suppose, I feel it is me doing my bit showing them they are not forgotten and are supported, oh and those Uniforms; maybe I will get some nice photos back. I don't know how many guys I have written too over the years, but it must be hundreds and you know what I have never met one of them, little did I know as I posted off my letters that was about to change.

Axel Holloran and I had been writing for several years now, since he was a Private in fact, he had done well and was now a Gunnery Sergeant. I had found out that he had been given one of my introduction letters by his Lieutenant; I sent many of those asking that they be handed to soldiers who didn't have anyone to correspond with. Axel, as it turned out had received one of those letters, he had no folks or family, his parents had both been killed in a car crash, when he was eleven leaving him alone.

Alex and I had hit it off straight away and he sent a number of photos of himself in his combats, he was twenty six now, single, six foot two inches, muscled, his blond hair, crew cut, high and tight, he had amazing light green eyes, each iris contained within a noticeable black circle, they made him look stunning. His last letter had contained a picture of him in his dress blues, I showed it to Red and she agreed he was a real dish.

`He is going to make some lady very happy one day and not only with his looks, judging by that bulge in his trousers. I wouldn't say no myself', she had cooed.

She had noticed it too.

Alas although he had moved about a fair bit during his service, he had never come to England, a couple of times he told me to wave at the high flying planes; as he might be on one, currently he was back in Afghanistan and had been there for nearly nine months without a break.

A few weeks had passed since I had posted my letter and we were in the middle of a mini heatwave for a change, Red and I were in the covered area by the pool, I had thrown open the floor to ceiling glass doors on to the garden and we were both enjoying a tall Gin and tonic, the buzzing of the bees and the birdsongs only occasionally interrupted by a plane taking off or landing at Lakenheath.

Red, is a petite 5'4 with an amazing figure, 120lbs, she had tied her long red hair up in a knot on top of her head, she looked amazing for forty six, the only difference I could see between when we first met and now was she shaved her pussy. The other thing I had learnt was she couldn't really hold her drink as we say, there was a very fine line between giggly and sociable and past out unconscious.

`Time for some sun' she said blowing me a kiss.

I watched her head out into the garden, her small yellow string bikini top struggling to hold her amble chest, while the rear piece of her bikini barely covered her bum cheeks; mostly in gathered between them, the front triangle showed the faint line of her pussy lips as it struggled to keep her decent. I watched her stretch out on one of the loungers, she momentarily sat up and released her bikini top; shooking it off her shoulders, she lay back, exposed to the sun, at peace with the world. I could feel my cock twitch in my tighty whites', to me Red was still as beautiful as the first day I had set eyes on her, back in secondary school.

My mind drifted off, I was thinking how lucky I was, nice house, stunning wife, even when Red had found out I was Bi, she had found it fascinating, getting me to talk dirty about the guys I would like to sleep with, despite these fantasies, I had remained faithful, we had regular sex, although, at only 5'8 with a slight belly on me and only a five inch uncut cock, I often wondered if she would want more. I dreamed of watching her take a nice cock.

My daydream was shattered by the deafening scream of four huge turbofan jet engines; we occasionally had loud planes but nothing like this, I rushed out into the garden, as Red leapt up, her tits bouncing fighting gravity as we were cast into shadow as a huge grey painted Super Galaxy carrying US Airforce markings thundered over us, one of the engines trailing a huge blow torch like flame, its massive undercarriage already lowered, screeching as it fought the airflow, the enormous wheels slowly turning. We could both feel the terrific heat from the engine fire the air was thick with the smell of jet fuel, we both stared stunned at the plane, as it jilted about above us.

`It's going to crash' Red screamed, her words lost in the deafening roar.

The plane was soon gone from our view; leaving just the acrid smell of burning and settling smoke, we both looked at each other shocked, I suppose we were waiting for a large explosion, thankfully we didn't hear one, just the faint sound of sirens, coming from the direction of Lakenheath.

`I think they must have gotten down safely'

I stained to listen, nothing but the faint sirens, I turned to Red

`I think I need another drink, I'll get you one too'

She nodded as I went back into the house to the small bar by the pool lounge. I poured two large, very large Gin and tonics, I joined Red in the garden, both quietly thinking about what we had witnessed. We sat quietly for a few hours; enjoying each other just being there, the sun was still out and it was still nice and warm, when I had an idea.

`Shall I do a Barbeque tonight? It would save you cooking darling' I reached over and squeezed Red's arm.

`Would you darling, that plane earlier gave me quite a turn'

`Not a problem, you chill here, I will go and get things ready'

I went back into the house and popped on a t shirt and some shorts, then into the kitchen. Popping out to the patio, only stopping to get Red another large Gin, I lit the Barbeque and headed back into the kitchen, to get the meat and a few salad leaves. As I washed the lettuce I saw a cab pull up and a huge guy in army fatigues got out, closely followed by the cab driver, they appeared to be having a heated exchange, the guy in fatigues was pointing at our house, while the cabbie held on to his arm, my curiosity got the better of me, I left the kitchen and went out the front door, it was then that the guy in fatigues turned round, it was Axel.

`Nick, it's me Axel, can you help me out this guy thinks I am trying not to pay, I just don't have any English money, can you help me out?

Now I had never heard Axel speak and he had never mentioned he had a deep southern drawl accent; fuck he sounded like Lucas Black that American actor, I felt my pulse quicken as he spoke, it was an accent that turned my knees to jelly.

`Wow, Axel, of course, hang on while I get my wallet'

I ran back into the house and grabbed my wallet, by the look of it the little Asian cab driver obviously didn't think I was coming back, he was still holding onto Axel, who looked like a mountain beside him.

`You can let him go, here is the fare, keep the change'

I said thrusting a ten pound note into the cabbies hand.

Axel thrust out his hand

`Well I am here, not supposed to be, but I am, I thought we were going to be dropping into your garden, plane had an engine fire, bloody miracle we landed safely'

He smiled broadly.

`Bloody hell, we saw that, we were in the garden, I imagine you could do with a drink, come in, come in'

Gripping his arm I led him into the house. I stood in the kitchen grinning at him.

`I don't believe it, I don't fucking believe it, it is really you, how long can you stay?'

`Well the plane needs a new engine so will be here for at least a week'

`You're staying with us'

Axel went to speak

`No I won't hear of you staying anywhere else'

Well that's mighty kind of you Nick, are you sure your wife won't mind, she's Red' if I remember correctly?

`You do, come on you must meet her'

We headed out into the garden, I had completely forgotten Red was topless, she so often was, I hadn't even given it a thought.

`Darling, with have a guest'

Red sensing I was terribly excited about something leapt up, up tits bouncing again as she did.

`Oh excuse me Ma'am' Axel looked away

Red grabbed her breasts to cover them up, her small hands really only covering her large nipples and red areoles.

`Excuse me, let me get decent'

Axel was a blushing, I began laughing at him

`You will have to get used to that if you're staying for a week, especially if the weather stays nice, Red always has her tits out'

Axel, half smiled, Red soon joined us again, her bikini top back on; not that it left much to the imagination, Oh have I mentioned I loved showing Red off to other guys too, that always got me chubbing up, I turned to Axel he smiled and nodded as I led him off on a tour of the house.

`You have a beautiful wife Neil and a lovely home'

`Well thank you and you Sir are welcome to stay as long as you want, this can be your room while you're here, the ensuite is through there, why don't you get changed into something more comfortable and then join us in the garden, we are going to be have a barbeque, I hope that's okay?'

`That'll do just fine, I think I will have a quick shower and then I will be right out'

I went back out to see Red,

`I hope you don't mind, I invited him to stay for the week, he is just having a shower, then getting comfortable'

`Which room did you put him in?

`The green one'

`Oh no, I haven't put towels in the ensuite, let me dash and put them on his bed while he showers'

Red rushed off, always the considerate one. Red had grabbed some white towels and a matching dressing gown from the airing cupboard and hurried into the green room, just as Axel was coming out looking for the towels, she had stopped dead as he came out her eyes scanning his built naked muscled body, she squeaked as she saw his cock, it was huge to her eyes; but then she had only seen mine with which to make a comparison. Axels thick cut cock hung seven inches down over, two huge balls, this time it was him who used his hands to cover himself

`Ohh sorry ma'am'

He blundered as he turned and ran back into the ensuite, Red recovered herself,

`I will leave the towels on the bed'

`Err thank you ma'am'

`Just call me Red'

She called out as she left, she was quiet flushed when she came back to the garden.

`Are you okay?

I was a bit worried, Red didn't really do alcohol, after a few she would pass out; oh she became very compliant, but she would remember nothing. So far today she had already had two large Gins, she could maybe cope with one more then it would be night night time. I could sense she was a bit excited and wanted to tell me something.

`What is it?

I whispered, she blushed,

`I just caught him coming out of the shower,...his cock is huge'

Her voice tailed off as Axel's body filled the door way, he was in flip flops; his feet where huge, he was wearing a pair of US Marine shorts and a Marine wife beater vest, he looked amazing, his broad chest a slab of muscle, his nipples obvious through the thin vest material. His arms and legs were coated in thick blond hairs, he scratched his stomach, pushing up his vest, revealing a thick light brown treasure trail and an inny belly button; I licked my lips, his shorts came to his mid-thigh, a bit baggy and shapeless apart from the thick tube which pushed out the loose material at the front; Red hadn't been kidding.

`I hope I haven't kept you waiting?

`No not at all, I was just going to put the meat on, drinks everyone?'

Axel fancied a beer, Red and I opted for another gin, I mouthed to her, take it slowly', she dismissed me muttering back I am fine' we settled down to eat, I caught Axel's eyes looking her over a few times, he muttered sorry, blushing when I caught him, I just smiled and mouthed `don't be'. With the meal over and another drink in our hands, I was just telling Red that Axel had been on the plane we saw on fire, I could tell from her glazed eyes, she wasn't really listening to me, then she slumped forward, her hand knocking over her drink, the liquid sped across the table and poured into Axels lap, he leapt up, but the front of his shorts had been soaked, I looked as the material became practically translucent, the veins on his thick shaft and the ridge on his big cut cockhead now obvious through the material as it stuck to him.

`Is she okay'

He said dabbing himself with a tea towel, I had to explain Reds little problem

`So she is totally out of it?

I nodded

`At least I don't have to struggle to get her to the bedroom myself today, can you give me a hand'

He looked a bit flustered as, I pulled Red up off the chair

`Here let me'

He scooped Red up, one arm under her legs the other behind her back

`Lead the way'

He followed me through to our bedroom

`Here just lay her on the bed, she will be fine, I popped into our ensuite, when I came out Red was on her back on the bed, Axel standing looking down at her practically naked body, his cock obviously swollen in his shorts; even bigger than before. He jumped as I went back into the room. I couldn't help myself, I stared at the bulge in his shorts

`Oh sorry, you have a very beautiful wife and it's been so long since I saw a woman nearly nakid'

My mind went into overdrive, I wonder what he would have done if I hadn't been there, he left the room. I moved over and looked down at Red, laying there in just her yellow string bikini, I leaned forward and eased one of the triangles of material to the side of one of her nipples so it sat exposed, then with a quick glance at the door, I eased the equally small triangle of yellow material covering her pussy so that one edge slipped just between he pussy lips, revealing her shaved fanny. I made my way out of the room and back to the pool.

Axel was seated in the warm evening air drinking his beer

`Err sorry about that, I should mind my manners'

I laughed it off

`Axel fancy a swim?

`Would be lovely but I don't have any trunks'

`Well nothing better than skinny dipping, I said as I slipped off my t shirt and dropped my shorts and white briefs, I dived in'

I looked back he was watching me

`Can you bring my drink with you, the pool has stools, you don't have to swim, it's just cooler'

He slowly stood up and came over to the pool, his eyes fixed on mine, he knelt down and handed me my drink, my eyes dropped to the leg of his shorts, his thick long cock was poking its head out, I was mesmerised by it, as I stared it jumped and grew an inch, Axel stood up and pulled off his vest, then his eyes fixed on me again, he slid down his shorts slowly revealing his neat treasure trail and then his bushy blond pubes, then the thick base of his cock, he stopped, I nodded, he pushed them down revealing an inch at a time of his thick meat, finally the head sprung free and it bobbed and swayed in the night air, he sat down on the edge of the pool, inches from me, his cock slowly swelling till it was sticking straight out, I couldn't take my eyes off it, he knew the lust in my eyes

`Can I?

I gasped, he nodded, I stepped forward, my own cock rock hard beneath the water, I gripped his thick shaft, it was warm to the touch, he moaned as I slowly stretched his skin downwards towards his huge balls, I leant forward, my tongue licking across his exposed taught cock head. He moaned as I licked his bellend

`Yeah suck it, work it'

I didn't need any more encouragement, I sucked and wanked his thick eight inch cock, his hands went to the top of my head and pushed me down on his shaft

`I am sorry Nick, but I am gonna blow'

His cum started to spurt into my mouth, loads of it, I hungrily swallowed it down, it tasted of man, beautiful.

`Sorry about that, I don't usually cum that quick, but it's been a while'

I smiled up to him and stroked my hands up his hairy thighs

`Axel don't worry, better you cum quick with me than Red'

`Woah, Red?

`If you want too? No pressure of course, have another drink and see how you feel.'

He nodded and stood up went over to the bar and brought over two beers, he slid into the water next to me and propped his bum on one of the underwater stools.

`I didn't know you were Bi Nick?

`Well I suppose its not the sort of thing I write first in a letter',

We spent the next hour giggling and laughing in the pool, I glanced at my watch.

`I'll get us a couple of more beers, would you like to check on Red for me?

He looked at me again

`If you're sure, she won't mind?

`Nope she was just telling me how hunky she thought you were'

He nodded, mumbled cool and hauled himself out of the pool, he picked up a beach towel and quickly dried himself and then wrapped it round his waist. I watch him head into the house, I would wait a few minutes before checking all was good.

I could feel my heart racing as I got up and crept along to our open bedroom door, I could hear moaning and slurping noises as I got to the door, I peeked round the door, Axel was on his knees his huge balls swinging between his legs as he wanked his hard cock with his right hand, his face, it was buried in Red's cunt.

So guys want to read more? Email me and I will continue the story if enough of you are enjoying it.

Other stories by this writer:

NightCam Fun' Exploring my brother' Joshs Adventures series' An Army life for me' Grandmas Bedroom' Dominic Online' Vampyre' Operation Pied Piper' Scream if you want to go faster' The Extraordinary Christmas Party'

Next: Chapter 2

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