
By John Black

Published on Oct 8, 2014



Chapter 1

Terrified, confused, closeted, or curious, "straight" men are certain that gay men are out there trying to seduce them on a daily basis. Of course, that's nonsense. Real straight men are comfortable in themselves and their sexual identity, and aren't bothered by attention from gay men. They find it flattering.

But, there are lots of men who aren't comfortable in their own sexual skin, who are fearful that a gay man will seduce them, and will bring them "to the dark side." Nonsense! What they are really afraid of is that someone will find out their secret desires to be with a man instead of or in addition to a woman. Specifically, we will recruit them to our debauched lifestyle. More nonsense! Anyone with a shred of intelligence would know that more straight men have a debauched lifestyle than gay men do. We can be just as boring as they are in bed.

I learned in my mid-teens that I was a "facilitator" to those men who secretly wanted to be with another man. My purpose was to give them a taste, not to flip them to my side of the ledger. It was up to them to decide if they wanted to stray on a permanent basis.

I've always been tall for my age, finally topping out at 6'5". In middle school, a good gust of wind would tip me over. Painfully thin would have been a compliment. But by high school, I'd filled out a lot and had become quite an athlete, starring on our varsity basketball team as the center. Admittedly, I wasn't that good, but I was good enough to be on the first string. If I were up against a taller center, I'd usually get handed my head. Yeah, I wasn't very good. Consequently, the chances of getting a basketball scholarship for college were pretty dim. Oh, I got some interest from a couple of junior colleges to try out, but I knew my failings and there was no point in deluding myself. So, now I get involved in pick-up games, but that's about it.

In my freshman year at college, we formed a basketball team in my dorm to play against other dorms, fraternities, and a couple of intermural squads. We were good, but not that good. We won most of our games, but not the ones that counted. Still, we enjoyed ourselves. I especially enjoyed the showers afterwards. There was a lot of delicious man flesh to be ogled, some of it extraordinary.

One of my dorm-mates was on the basketball team with me. He was on my floor, but I didn't know him very well. However, he had a really nice body, a superb ass, and what looked like a big package. I had no idea which side of the sexual fence he played on, but I wanted to find out. His amazing ass tantalized me every time I glanced at it, making my dick start to tent my shorts.

He always went back to the dorm to shower, rather than get in the gang showers at the physical education building. I didn't know if he was shy or just didn't want anyone making lewd suggestions about his ass or his probable big dick. Deciding that I needed to know the truth of the situation, I made it a point to head back to the dorm with him after he'd escaped the first time.

I walked into the small shower room on our floor and spied him. We were alone. I hung up my towel and joined him, standing directly across from him and only four feet away. He heard my shower turn on and quickly rinsed soap out of his eyes and looked over at me. His gaze went to my face, but quickly glanced down and lingered on my fat, lengthening dick. I checked out his dick too. Yeah, just as I'd suspected: a BIG one!

My dick started to lengthen and rise. Before I embarrassed myself, I turned around, presenting my ass, instead. He did the same. "I hope you don't mind me saying so, but you have a really big dick," I finally said over my shoulder. He looked back over his shoulder and nodded. He also checked out my naked ass. I did the same. He had a beautiful ass. I wanted to eat it and fuck it so bad! "I'll bet the woman love that big thing," I added.

"Not so much," he sighed, and turned slightly as he said it. His dick had gotten bigger.

"Really? Why's that?" I asked innocently. "I know it gets a lot bigger, but don't they like the really big ones?"

"Not this big," he said and turned a little more toward me. His dick had to be close to 10" long now and was gently throbbing to his heartbeat, and it was no longer resting against his ball sack. The head was really big and the shaft had a pronounced vein along the top. "They say it hurts them when I want to push all the way in."

"So you just push in part of it?" I pressed, turning also, clearly showing that my dick was hard and sticking straight out. I'm about 9" long, which is more a function of my height than anything. For a white boy, that's a big dick, I guess.

"Most of them won't even let me do that, because they're afraid I'll try to get it all in. And they're probably right. It feels so good to be deep," he sighed again. By now, his dick was totally hard and sticking out from his body as straight as mine, but very black, instead of white like mine.

"How about getting a blowjob then?" I continued. "Surely, they'd wanna play with it and help you out."

"A few have, but most won't, even if I'm eating their pussy. They love that action, but don't give me return action," he frowned. "I guess I'm just stuck with partial sex, if I can get it. Having a big dick doesn't translate to the hot fuck that you see in the porno movies."

"So, you've never shot a load with a woman, then?" I continued to press.

"Oh, I've pumped out several big loads, but always into a condom and always a hand job. Not very satisfying, even though I got my nutt."

"That's a damn dirty shame," I commiserated. "That's just not right. A big monster like you got should be the belle of the ball!"

"Yeah, well, life's not always fair."

I paused a moment and checked him out again. He was repeatedly looking at my hard dick. "Uh, you ever had a man get down with you?"

"No! That'd be wrong!" he insisted.

"Why? Don't you wanna feel how good it is to bust a nutt when you go all the way in or get a knob job that your cream disappears down your partner's throat?"

"Of course, but not with a guy!"

"Guy's do it better. They know what feels good on their dick because they have a dick. Don't knock it unless you've tried it."

He paused and looked over at me and again checked out my hard dick. "Have you tried it?"

"A few times," I admitted. "I couldn't believe how good it was. But, I'm not trying to talk you into man to man sex. I just wanted you to know what you're missing. And checking out that monster dick of yours, I'm guessing it's been a while since you busted a nutt."

He grinned sheepishly and nodded. "Yeah, far too long."

"Let's go back to my room and take care of our mutual problem together. My roommate is in a night class for the next couple of hours, so we won't get interrupted. I would have suggested that we beat off a load in here, but the chances of getting caught are too great," I suggested. "You're hard dick sure is interested," I pointed out.

He hesitated a moment. He glanced at my hard dick again. I stroked it a few times. He stroked his too, moaning softly when his fist closed loosely over the big head with his eyes closed. "Man, you really need this," I coaxed. His eyes opened and he looked at my dick again.

"You can't tell a soul that I jerked off with you," he warned.

"Who would I tell? Besides, I have a reputation to uphold as much as you do," I pointed out. "Even in these accepting times, this isn't something that you broadcast to the world or any of the guys in the dorm," I added. "Let's towel off quickly and get this going." I turned off my shower and walked toward him to get my towel. "You coming?"

He shut down his shower and grabbed his towel, quickly drying off. His round, hard ass made my dick jerk and leak out some precum. He wrapped the towel around his waist and pushed his dick up so it wouldn't make a big tent. The big head and part of the thick shaft showed above the towel. He pushed it to the side and refastened his towel.

I licked my lips and headed out to my room. He followed quickly. Unlocking my door, I motioned him inside. He checked the hallway to make sure we weren't observed and then scooted inside.

"Lay down on the bed with your back against the wall," I directed. "Both of us can't fit on the single bed laying the other way."

He pulled his towel away and complied with my idea. I had to check out his dick again. DAMN! HUGE! I removed my towel and sat down next to him, leaving about a foot of empty space between us. I wanted to be closer, but I was afraid that would freak him out. I grabbed my dick and slowly stroked it. He copied my action. Within seconds, precum drooled from my dick. I checked on his big dick again. He was holding it at the base, showing me how long and thick it is.

"That thing's a beauty," I whispered. "And with those big nuts, I'll bet you shoot a lot of cream."

He nodded slightly. "Certainly more than nearly all the porn stars I've seen," he revealed.

"When I nutt, I almost always hit the headboard and my face," I smiled.

He quickly glanced over at me and then down at my hard dick again. "So do I," he agreed.

"I'll bet you've tasted your nutt just because of how hard you spray your load, too," I ventured. He looked at me with a shocked expression. "It was all so innocent. The first time it happened, I was doing my silent scream thing, so my parents wouldn't know what I was doing," I laughed. "But, a couple of really big shots of sperm went right in my mouth. I tried to spit it out, but there was no place to do it. By then, I could taste it and found that it wasn't nasty like I thought it would be. So now, I kinda enjoy it." He looked askance again. "That happened to you, too?" I pressed.

He looked at my dick and then back up at my face again. I was smiling. Finally, he smiled too. "Yeah, it happened almost the same way. I didn't do the silent scream thing with my mouth open, but so much nutt hit me in the mouth that I couldn't avoid tasting it. It wasn't bad at all, kinda salty and sweet at the same time."

"Exactly!" I beamed. Stroking my dick faster, I collected several drops of my precum and licked it off my fingers. He watched me do it with rapt attention. "Precum is even better than cum," I smiled.

He nodded again and licked precum from his fingers as well. "I think I leak more than you do," he said. "That's another reason that women don't like to suck my dick. All that precum makes them think that I'm nutting in their mouth."

"Did you try to explain to them that precum is clear and nutt is really creamy?"

"Yeah, but they didn't want to hear it. Anything that came outta my dick was nasty to them."

"Geez! No wonder you haven't been able to nutt to completion with women. That's just wrong!" I commiserated. "You really do have a wonderful dick. Can I touch it?" I asking, reaching for his thick, long phallus. "It always feels better when someone else feels you up." By then, my hand almost reached the thick shaft. He pulled his hand away and let his big dick fall into my hand.

"Just don't stroke me," he cautioned, "or I'll nutt way too fast."

"And that's a bad thing?" I laughed. "Remember, the point of this is to get off and feel good." I slowly stroked his monster dick, allowing his precum to coat my fingers. I licked them off and moaned with pleasure. I moved closer to him and licked off my hand as I slowly jacked him. The next move was calculated, but I wasn't sure if I would succeed. I allowed my tongue to swipe over the head of his leaking dick and moaned again with renewed pleasure. He didn't object. My lips closed over the tip of his dickhead and sucked lightly, using my tongue to lap up the clear fluid.

He put one hand on my shoulder and the other on the back of my head. "I'm gonna nutt if you keep doing that," he warned. I didn't pull away, nor did he push me away. I felt his big headed dick swell between my lips. I went down farther on the thick head, closing my lips below the flange. His dick swelled menacingly with his next heartbeat. He groaned out something that could have been a warning, but I didn't care. I wanted to drink his creamy load. His hand on my shoulder tried to push me away, but the hand on my head pushed me farther down on his bloated dick. "FUCK!" he roared. I felt and tasted a weak dribble of cum splash into my mouth. But, that initial jerk was followed by rapid, full-volume eruptions of creamy nutt delivered in staccato rhythm. I swallowed and swallowed again. His climax overwhelmed him as his dick spasmed and filled my mouth again. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" he repeated as his hips thrust his dick deeper into my sucking mouth.

I held on to his fat dick with one hand and his heavy balls with the other. I could feel the jets of sperm race down the long shaft and into my mouth again and again. Of course, I wondered what it would feel like to have his monster dick in my ass, breeding me deeply with a load as huge as this one. My dick jerked and leaked more precum.

When his climax spasms ceased, I pulled off his dick slowly. "Damn, Man! That was one huge, delicious load. And I could barely get my hand around your horse dick as you shot into my mouth." I kept one hand on his thick dick and lightly stroked it. Some hardness had left it after he climaxed, but not very much.

He grinned down at me. "Just the usual load," he said. "And that's the best blowjob I've ever had. I've never gotten anyone to take me when I was nutting. You're very good at this."

I sat up and leaned back against the wall next to him. I started to slowly jack my hard dick. He watched me with great interest. His courage rose slowly and then finally asked if he could touch my dick like I had touched his. My dick was leaking precum like it always does, but not nearly as much as he did. He leaned over and asked, "What can I do to help out?" His face was only a couple of inches from my dick. My lightly stroking hand on his dick had revived him.

"Fuck me," I smiled. "I wanna feel that big dick deep in my ass and another huge load for my ass to drink."

"You're kidding!"


"Won't that hurt your ass? I mean, I've got a really big dick and your ass can't stretch that much. Can it?" he wondered.

"It has before with one nearly as big as yours," I admitted. "However, it will take some lube and patience to accomplish what I need you to do."

"Are you sure?"

"Yep. But, I need to sit on it to ease it into me. That way I can control how fast and deep you enter me. You do have a really monstrous dick!" I grinned. "Let me get the lube and see if we can't get that big dick up my ass so I can nutt. Hopefully, you'll nutt again."

"You gotta be tighter than pussy, so I know I'll nutt again," he said. "Are you sure you can take me?"

"We'll find out," I smiled at him as I snagged the pump bottle of lube. This was not going to be easy. I'd had a few big dicks in my ass, but none of them were as thick or as long as his. I applied lube to my asshole and shoved a couple of greased fingers inside. My prostate enjoyed the stimulation as my leaking dick demonstrated. With another two pumps of lube, I stroked his thick horse dick. It wasn't necessary. His heavy flow of precum had his massive dick well slicked up. The lube and precum mixed well. I hovered above his hips and aimed his thick phallus at my hole and squatted. His fat dickhead pressed urgently against my back door. I relaxed as best I could and swallowed his mighty manhood, but only the spongy head. The thick shaft would take more time and relaxation.

He held his dick upright to make sure that it entered me as straight as possible. He sighed with profound pleasure when his dickhead entered me. I know he wanted to thrust hard into me, but his previous experience with women had taught him not to lunge into a tight hole. My ass stung for a moment and then relaxed more. Additional inches of his lubed shaft disappeared up my gaping hole. Finally, my ass felt his tight pubic hair graze my hole. I had all of him inside! Opening my eyes, I looked down at him. The blissful smile told me quickly how much he was enjoying my deep, hungry ass.

I was very pleased with myself. That was one enormous dick I had deep in my ass. And the way it was throbbing inside me, I knew he was close again. My hard dick flopped heavily on his abs as I bounced slowly up and down on his baby maker. Precum leaked from my bouncing dick, slinging its sweet essence all over him. His hands were on my hips guiding me to go faster and fuck myself on more thick inches of his pulsing shaft.

He stroked my leaking dick, but I brushed his hand away. "If you beat my dick, I'll nutt too soon," I warned him. "Just getting fucked by your horse dick has me right on the edge."

"Your ass is sucking my dick! Stop or I'll shoot!" he insisted. I giggled at his trite expression, but I wanted a big load in my ass now. So, I continued to suck his pistoning dick with my ass muscles. He grabbed my ass with both hands and slammed me down on his crotch while he thrust up hard into me. I wiggled my ass and tried to suck warm cream from his pumping dick. His climax overwhelmed him and he thrust savagely up my hole again and again.

I felt my dick jerk when he pushed me down hard again. My climax was overtaking me, too. Cum sprayed from my fat dick, hitting the desk over his head, his face, and finally his chest. I hadn't even touched my dick. Just the action of his big dick pounding my ass had caused me to nutt. His warm baby gravy was continuing to jet into me, even after my climax had started to wane.

His dick had finally stopped jerking deep in my ass. If the number of dick spasms was any indication, I was well filled with his nutt. And so soon after he'd filled my mouth with his sweet cream! His hard dick thrusts slowed slightly, but he was enraptured with his first real climax deep inside a hungry hole. The smile on his face and his continued fucking spoke volumes. I kept rocking on his mighty phallus, reveling in his thickness and length. I'd never felt this full of manhood before. At this point, I didn't care if it was his thick, long dick or his copious load that was giving me that feeling. I only knew that I was enjoying the hell out of it.

My fingers scooped up some of my load from his face and licked it off. His eyes opened and he smiled when he saw what I'd done. I scooped up more from his face, but he grabbed my hand and moved it toward his mouth instead of mine. "I've never tasted another man's cum before," he said. After he licked my fingers clean, he added, "And it tastes as good as mine, just a little different." I gave him a quizzical look. "A little sweeter and a little saltier," he revealed.

I smiled again and fed him more of my nutt, scooping from the desk and his chest and abs. He enjoyed ever drop. I leaned over and kissed him, sharing the taste of my baby gravy. He didn't even think twice about kissing a man. It seemed natural to him now. And I enjoyed the taste of my load, too.

A few minutes later, his fat dick slithered out of my ass. I clamped my hole shut quickly. I didn't want to lose any of his wonderful baby-making juices. Turning around, I licked his thick shaft and gobbled the head into my mouth. I could taste ass, but the strongest flavor was cum. It was as good as the first time. He thought it was kinda nasty and odd that I'd suck on something that had just been up my ass. I told him that I thought it was tasty. "Whatever," he allowed. "And your ass is leaking some of my juice," he pronounced. He hesitated a moment and then his tongue lashed out and licked off a few dribbles of his load that had escaped my ass and was slowly dripping down my swinging nut sack. At some future point, I hoped he would eat my ass out and suck out the nutt, but that would be too much to ask of him so soon into his discovery of his gay self.

"I'm sticky and your babies want out," I finally said. "Let's hit the shower again." I aborted his babies in the commode next to the shower room and joined him in the room. No one else was there. He turned and greeted me, his dick showing a remarkable length despite being flaccid. "You have a beautiful dick," I sighed, walking over to him. I kissed him again and turned on a shower next to him. When I turned back, his dick was already half hard and rising.

I smiled and moved in front of him and kissed him again. Then, I turned around and bent over. I reached behind me and grabbed his hardening dick. In a couple of strokes, he was rock hard again. "I think you like my ass," I purred and impaled nearly half of his dick up my ass. With all the nutt still inside me, I was well lubed. Stroking my own dick, I began getting hard again as more of his thick inches slipped deeper inside me.

Suddenly, the outside door to the bathroom creaked open. "Shit!" he squeaked and pulled quickly out of my ass. We turned toward the shower heads and tried to hide our stiff dicks. Soaping up in a hurry, we rinsed and carefully watched a fellow dorm-mate begin his shower. When his back was turned to us, we immediately switched off our showers and raced into the drying area where he couldn't see us. Ty's dick was still stiff. I grabbed it and tried to shove it up my ass again, but he pushed me away.

"Not here!" he warned. "How about back in your room, again?"

"My roommate will be back at any moment. He could catch us," I countered. Both of us were unhappy with that possibility. "I have an idea," I smiled. "How about we hit one of the bathroom stalls and get it on there?"

"Won't we get caught there, Tom?"

"Not if we're quiet about it," I suggested.

"I really want to fuck you again. My nuts are hurting already," he whined. "I promise to be quiet when I nutt in your ass." I grinned at his eagerness. "Come on! Let's do this!" he begged. He pulled me into the stall farthest from the door and turned me toward the wall. I straddled the commode and bent my knees because I'm much taller than he is. He didn't need any directions. His fat dick found my wet hole immediately and he pressed into me. I groaned softly as he entered me, loving the feeling of his monster dick and huge dickhead rubbing against my prostate. My dick slapped wetly against my abs each time his hard post hit my joy button.

Ty started out slowly, avoiding slapping my ass with his abs each time he thrust deeply into me. I needed his dick badly. So soon after he'd filled me in my room, I still wanted more. I'd never had a dick this big before and I wanted several rides on it before I let him go. He needed more training, including sucking dick and getting fucked. His black ass made me hard every time I looked at it. I wanted to stuff my tongue and long dick deeply inside him. I wanted to be his first.

My ass muscles tortured him, sucking tightly on his pistoning dick. He closed his eyes and smiled with rapturous pleasure. Suddenly, he grimaced and buried his face in my back, trying to keep from screaming out his climax. I grabbed his ass and held him tightly against my hungry hole. His massive dick jerked inside me as waves of sperm jetted up my love tunnel. I wish I could nutt that often and that much. Even as his climax ebbed a minute or so later, he continued to fuck me. I didn't tell him to stop. I loved his monster deeply pushed up my butt.

Eventually, he slipped out of my ass. I turned around and sat on the commode. His babies wanted OUT! With his sperm-slimed dick in my face, I had no option but to suck it. He grimaced at the sensation of my tongue and lips on his sensitive dickhead, but he didn't pull away. "Turn around," I ordered when I'd finished cleaning off his dick. He looked down at me quizzically. "I wanna taste that beautiful ass of yours while I beat off," I whispered. He smiled, turned around, and bent over. This man was going to be a delight to train.

I ate his ass out like a starving man. Slowly stroking my dick, I tried to make this last. But, I wasn't going to win that battle. His ass was too sweet, too deep, and too delicious. Before I could stop myself, I was squirting out another load. I wish my dick had been deep in his ass instead of getting stroked by my hand and dumping my load between his feet instead of between his black melon buns. I knew his ass would taste even better with a load of my sperm in it.

We ate dinner at the common cafeteria for the dorms. He made me promise that we'd fuck again tomorrow, meaning he'd fuck me as often as I was willing and able to take him. I suggested another meeting at the same time as we'd fucked today. "And I promise to show you some additional fun things to do that you'll love," I smiled as we headed back to our dorm rooms.

He liked that idea, but did ask if that meant that I was going to fuck him. I smiled broadly and said, "Only if you think you can handle me. I don't you to think that you are forced to do something you don't want to do just to get into my ass again. You already know how much I love that horse dick of yours deep in my butt. And don't jack off tonight or tomorrow before you see me, again. I want all that sweet cream delivered deep in my ass. The full load! Maybe I'll suck you off later," I teased.

"Man, you so got my number," Ty beamed. "I wanna take you right here in the dark, in the bushes and pump another load up your hungry pussy. You're the best fuck I've ever had and I thought I was never going to get a good piece of ass that let me go all the way in a hungry hole. Women just don't know how to work my dick and make me nutt. Besides, they can't suck dick worth shit. You're the best!"

"You'll find out, Ty, that men are a lot better at sex than women are. Just sayin'," I reminded him. "Men know what feels good to another man. That's why you're lovin' this so much."

"I can go all the way in, I don't have to pull out, and I especially don't have to worry about making babies."

"I'm gonna tell you right now that if you get with another man and he wants to fuck your ass, he's gotta wear a condom," I warned him. "But, if we get to that point where you want me to fuck you, you don't have to worry about me. I'm negative, and I knew you'd be negative because you haven't really had REAL sex until you hooked up with me."

"Well, the way you were eating out my ass in the bathroom, I know it will feel good," Ty sighed. "Besides, I know you won't hurt me."

"You're right there," I agreed. "But, it might sting a little the first time. After you get used to me, you're gonna love it as much as I love getting fucked by you."

"How long will it sting?" he asked.

"Every man is different. Each first time is different. For me, I was over it in less than a minute. The guy totally worked my ass and nutted really good inside me. I couldn't believe how much I loved getting it as much as giving it. You have a really hot ass, so I know I won't be riding you very long the first time anyway. I'll nutt far too soon. But, there are always follow-up fucks that'll take more time."

"Am I still gonna want to fuck you after you fuck me?"

"There is no other way that I'd want it. You may find that after you get fucked that it really isn't your thing and you just wanna fuck and breed other men. That's cool. Not everyone is as versatile as I am. But, it is twice the sex when you flip for someone."

He smiled at that possibility and we went to our respective dorm rooms.

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Next: Chapter 2

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