Recreation Centre

By Axel Martein

Published on Jan 29, 2011



Recreation Centre 1 By Axel Martein

Breep! Breep! My alarm clock abruptly went off, pulling me out of the dream world and back to reality. Pulling my hand from under the sheets, I brought it in to my body, running up my smooth, bare chest before slapping the snooze on the alarm clock. Glancing over, it read 10:03. It was Friday and university classes were out for the week, allowing me, a newly turned 20 year old student the chance to catch up on some deserved sleep. Half heartedly, I pulled myself up into sitting postion. The cold air washed over my naked chest. Feeling my bladder full, I got up and walked out the door towards the washroom. Me and two friends decided we had enough of campus and dorms, and were fortunate enough to find this nice two room apartment four and a half blocks from campus. It was just far enough to remove us from unwanted aspects of campus life, but close enough to walk to class and enjoy events if we were so inclined. Three of us, all guys, shared it, with me occupying one room, Devin the other and Tyler sleeping on the semi pullout coach we had furnishing our small "living room".

"I see your up, in more than one way." smirked Tyler, who was lazing on the coach, as I began trudging through the living room toward the toilet. Devon was out at a party, and I had expected Tyler to had gone with him. Neither of them came home until at least noon after a party. Looking down, I realised what he had meant. I had been sleeping nude and neglected to but pants on, and as I walked, my hard, stiff cock led the way.

"I thought you would be out with Devon at the party. What happend?" I inquired, trying to shift the attention away from my cock, that mirculously was even getting harder than it already was.

"Nah, the party was a dud. We got kicked out of the room, so Devin went off to spend the night with Christine, and just came back." he replied, though I could still feeling him staring at my cock. I turned and quickly went to the bathroom and released the built up urine in my bladder. That did enough to get my hyper-active cock soft again.

"I think I'm going to go to the local recreation centre for a couple hours to swim, workout and maybe use the sauna." I informed Tyler, still sprawled over his coach. "I think it would be refreshing, after a week of no structure and partying." I again said as I walked through the door frame into my bedroom. I began to dress and get ready to go. Outside my room. I could hear Tyler stirring and rustling around. As I walked out, Tyler was all dressed, with a workout bag, and putting on his shoes.

"I guess I could use that too." he said smiling. I quickly put on my jacket and shoes and we were soon out on the street walking toward the local rec centre. Being Friday, everyone was at work in their offices, leaving the streets desserted.

"Pretty quiet this time of day." noted Tyler. I nodded my head in agreement. Looking around, Tyler quietly said "After almost three years of knowing you, that was the first time I've seen your cock."

This grabbed my attention. After pondering for a second, I realised I never really went naked around him or went swimming or working out with him before. In fact, I had never seen his cock before either. I awkwardly laughed, before in a hushed tone saying "Yeah, there is a first time for everything. I still haven't seen yours."

"I guess you haven't. But I had no idea you were uncircumcised. In high school, everyone guy in my classes were cut, including me." This I found suprising, as where I came from, no one was cut. Our conversation was closed before I replied as we turned the corner and were now in the rec centre. We entered the locker room, stored our things then went out to the gym area. I spotted Tyler as he bench pressed, and then we switched. After that we moved on to a couple of the various running machines. Finally, we stopped at 11:38 and went back into the locker room. There, I quickly stripped naked, grabbed my swimsuit but without putting it on, and entered the showering area. I hung my swimsuit on a hook then went under a showerhead to rinse off. The water flowed over my light brown and neatly trimmed hair, darkening it to a black. The water was cold, and flowed all over my slim but muscular soccer body, removing the sweat and cooling me down. Soon Tyler had entered and was also naked. His back was towards me, but it was the first time I had really seen his body. He was also a soccer player and runner, and it showed. I had never thought of him sexually, but now I could feel the blood rushing to my cock.

Tyler had light brown hair, a medium length, and nice blue eyes. His skin was fair, with an evident farmer's tan showing. As he turned around I could see his developed leg muscles and abs. As he walked toward the shower opposite of me, I eyed his cock swinging gently back and forth. It was soft, but fairly plump and decently long. He was circumcised like he said, and his head looked red, but a little slimmer than the rest of his shaft. Overall, it was a beautiful cock. I pulled my eyes away from his cock and turned to hide my growing hard on. Not wanting to be suspicious, I tried to start a conversation.

"So, do you have a girlfriend?" I inquired, not really knowing much about Tyler's love life despite knowing him for three years. I was pretty open and told him a year back that I was mainly attracted to guys.

"No, thats not really my thing. I guess I'm more like you, if you get my just." he said, smiling.

"So, your gay like me?" I asked, just to confirm. I began to turn a little, opening up my chest a bit and giving him some view of my ball sac.

"Yeah, I guess I would be called gay, but I haven't done a lot, with either a guy, or a girl."

"Well there is always a time to start!" I said, turning fully so that my erection was pointed straight at him. My seven inch tool was smooth and slightly darker than the rest of my skin tone. My bush was neatly trimmed and held back, leaving all of my shaft exposed. And my foreskin, when soft covers my whole head, was tugged back from my erection's girth, leaving about the top third of my head exposed. Looking into Tyler's eyes, I could see he was in a trance. And judging by his own growing semi, he was enjoying it.

"Want to play?" I asked, before walking across the shower room to him. I reached my hand down and started rubbing up and down his shaft using the stream of water from the shower as lube. I leaned in and took his lips with mine. Tyler was tense at first, before relaxing and kissing back. He opened his mouth up, and explored his tongue with mine. Breaking the kiss, I brought my tongue across to his cheak, before pulling it down his neck and chest to his nipple, leaving a silvery trail of saliva. I placed my entire mouth over his nipple, first flicking it with my tongue, before rubbing my tongue in circles around it.

"Uhhm thats amazing Ben, but someone is coming." I stopped and pulled my body back from Tyler's. Listening closely, I could hear the slap of someone's feet on the wet tile as they approached from the pool. The person entered the shower room. It was a teenager, with long and wet brown hair, smooth body, with a build that you could see his muscles begin to enlargen. He was about 5'5" and had a pale skin tone and wore beachy swimming trunks that extended just past his knee in short style.

He looked at us, and his face sported an expression of shock. Here were two naked young men standing less than a foot apart sporting large erections, and he had just walked in on them. Why did I have to forget that the middle schools here gave every other Friday off?

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