
By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Jul 28, 2021


Recovery 2


Since you've gotten this far you know the drill. This is a work of gay fiction, the sole property of the author. If you like the stories on this site please donate to keep it going. Comments- jaskejr@hotmail. Com. Now sit back, unzip, and enjoy.

Morning came too early and we both needed to get to work. I asked if wearing the same cloths might bring unwanted comments. Jeff told me that he kept an extra shirt in his locker and no one noticed the jogging pants, Over coffee he asked if I'd enjoyed working out with the team? I told him it was fun. He suggested that he might ask if I could help out the department as an assistant. There was some extra money in the budget for one assistant to handle paperwork that the coaches hated. He asked if we might carpool in the future, That is if I wanted to. It was assumed that we'd keep seeing each other.

At school, I was distracted by thoughts of the events of the night t before. At the end of the second period I got a note in a sealed envelope. It was from Jeff. He told me that he's bring lunch to my room and he had news for me. I feared it was bad news at least. At the lunch hour I waited in my room correcting the morning assignments. Jeff rushed in carrying a tray with both our lunches. He closed the door and pulled the shade down before grabbing me in a tight embrace. He said that he's talked to the members of the athletic department and to the assistant principal about my helping with the department's paperwork. The other coaches backed the idea relieving them of the burden and the AP thought it was a good idea to help relieve them of a task they hated. In addition, it would give me an extra free period at the end of the day in case one of the teams had to travel for a game or meet. She also winked and thanked him for helping me return to normal. Jeff suspected that she knew he was gay and wanted to do anything to keep me onboard the staff.

We ate lunch and talked of my new duties and the small stipend that went with it. Finally, Jeff asked if we might carpool to work most days. I looked at him strangely and asked if that meant we would be seeing more of each other. He smirked " Probably, until you get tired of having me around." I laughed saying "If last night was any indication I doubted that would happen," I thought to myself of the times during the night when I woke to feeling him slowly make love to my body and the tender kisses on my shoulders as he did that.

After school I went down to meet the other members of his department. All of them thanked me for taking a burden from them so they could devote more time to the student teams. We went over the new duties and the schedule of upcoming events. I'd have to man the refreshment stand at home games and schedule volunteer medical personnel who needed to be there to assist in case needed. I'd also arrange for transportation for away events. I was given a set of sweat cloths , speedos, and shirts with the team logos. At the end I was left alone with Jeff in the department's office. Everyone else had rushed off. He walked up behind me and pulled me tight against his body. He was going commando and I could feel his hardness pressed against my rear. He moaned saying " welcome, maybe I should give you a proper welcome dinner at my place? But you might want to bring a change of cloths for work tomorrow?" He softly kissed my neck and I melted into his arms.

I rushed home to gather cloths for work the next day and he drove me to his apartment. Once inside he wasted no time undressing me. Standing there in the living room naked and hard, we both were breathless. He moved me backward to lay on the sofa. He lay on top of me ravishing me with kisses as he worked his way his way down my body. He kissed the tip of my swollen cock and then pushed my legs up to expose my hole. He whispered, "Now for what I've been thinking about all day." He leaned in and began lapping at my exposed hole. I lay there moaning at the sensations that over took my body. I begged him for more. He raised up saying "Tell me what you need baby, tell me so that I can please you." I screamed out "Please, Please make me feel good again! Fill me with all 12 inches of your sweetness." He raised my legs to his shoulders asking "What will make you feel good baby? Oh, what do you want me to do?" I screamed out "Please fuck me with that great cock? Make me feel you fill me with your seed." He spit on my hole rubbing it around with the big tip of that brown weapon that I'd come to love inside me. I begged for it, I felt the tip press against my tight ass muscles before forcing its way in slowly. The fullness that I felt made me yell out as tears ran down my face. He leaned in to kiss the tears away saying "Baby, baby I'd do anything to please you. To fill you with my love, my seed. My cock belongs to you, only you." For the next hour he kept me on edge. Finally, he gasped asking "Will you be mine? Will I be there inside you?" I yelled out "Yes! Yes!" I felt his cock jerk inside me knowing that he was filling a long empty void in my life, I welcomed him with renewed joy. My own cock let go of a huge load just as he pumped his own inside me,

We ate a simple pasta meal smiling at each other like teens. We remained naked all night. There was no need to dress knowing that at any moment we'd again be locked together. Before bed we showered and again he filled me with his seed. Again, he brought me to a mind blowing orgasm. During the night I felt him slowly pumping into me as he slept.

Morning was a hurried affair. He drove us to work promising to again bring lunch to me along with some needed paperwork. At the end of the day the AP stopped by my room. She was a kind, older woman. She sat in a desk across from me and waited for me to speak. Finally, she asked "Are you ok?" I know that I blushed at the unsaid question. I could only nod in the affirmative. She stood saying "Good, welcome back from hell. We didn't want to lose you." She left without saying another word. I sat there wondering if the stars had all aligned or maybe had some help?

Jeff bounced into the room a little later asking if I was ready to leave for the weekend? I gathered my things and we left. On the drive he told me that he wanted to do something special this weekend. But he'd need to stop at his place to change. It was a hurried stop as he grabbed a bag of cloths. We went to my place where he helped me pack an overnight bag, He did not tell me where we were headed.

We drove out of the city towards the mountains. Finally, I broke down and asked him what he had planned? He grabbed my hand and said "I thought that we might celebrate by spending the weekend at a gay mountain resort."

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