
By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Jul 27, 2021




You've gotten this far so you know the drill. This is a work of gay fiction, the sole property of the author. If you loke the stories on this site please donate to keep it going. Comments welcomed; jaskejr@hotmail

It had been a terrible summer. My lover of19 years had died after a long illness. Here I was a 50 year old gay man alone in a gay scene inhabited by twenty and thirty year olds, all fit and attractive. I'd tried going out but felt out of place. Even in those places frequented by older men. Many had told me that I really looked ten years younger. I realized that bars were not my thing. I was too depressed to let go of the past and too afraid of the future. Luckily, I still had my teaching job and had started going to the YMCA. At first I went to swim, something that I was not good at. One of the young lifeguards suggested that I might join the Saturday senior swim sessions. I could meet others and improve my skills in the water.

Saturday senior swim started at 10AM and lasted for an hour. At first I was shy. But soon the men were very encouraging. My skills and comfort did increase. The change was even notices by the teachers I worked with. The school's young swim team coach invited me to join the team at the local pool for the training sessions. I was hesitant but he told me that being around younger men would change my life and help me to move on. In a way that we never expected. The first day's practice went well. Some of the boys were surprised to see me. But soon I was practicing with them and we were all regular guys despite our age differences.

At the end of the session the coach suggested that we hold back from showering to get the boys on their way. I remained dressed as the team showered and changed. They were not ashamed of their nudity and soon the coach had them on their way. That left just the two of us in the locker room. We gathered up wet towels and swim suits to ne laundered later at the school. Finally, Jeff, the young coach suggested that we shower to get some of the chemicals from the pool off. He stood in front of me pulling down his blue speedos. Out flopped an uncut, dark monster cock. I just sat on the bench staring. I guess my mouth was hanging open. He laughed and said "You look surprised. You're gay so I expect that you've seen many cocks right? " I blushed and finally said "OK, you'd think that, But I was loyal to my lover and never cheated on him. So no I haven't seen that many and certainly none like that one." He stood naked in front of me and laughed. As he laughed his cock grew thicker and longer until 12 hard inches were a mere 6 inches from my face. Suddenly the room was silent. He then whispered " I know that you've been suffering a lot and I really don't want to do anything that might make that worse. But you need to come out of your shell. Your life is not over no matter what you think. You are a very handsome man. Many men will want you. Perhaps I may not be your type. But as you can see you still excite me."

I sat speechless for a minute then spoke "That's not it. Over the years sex was not an important part of my life. Relationships mature into something deeper. I can't deny that I find you attractive. If you look at my speedo you can tell how much. But I don't want one night stands.'" He moved closer and pulled me to my feet saying "I understand all of that. But right now I think we both need to put the past aside. I don't even know if we have a chance. But I'm willing to try. That is if you let me ? " He kissed my cheek and then softly kissed my lips. I felt his hands pull the speedo off and our two hard cocks smashed together. I felt a wetness that I knew was not from the pool. He led me to the showers. We washed each other in silence. Afterwards we dried each other off touching carefully.

Outside the pool he asked if we might grab a bite. Suddenly, I was hungry and agreed. We drove separately. I followed him to a gay part of town and a familiar diner. Over burgers we talked about our lives and being gay in this city. I felt comfortable for the first time in a very long time, As we stood outside he held my hand and asked "Would you consider spending the night together just talking and maybe cuddling a little?" I shyly agreed. He followed me home. We were soon naked having thrown our cloths in the washer. I opened a bottle of wine and we settled on the sofa. He pulled me close wrapping his arms around me as we talked. Deep inside I knew that I'd turned a corner. I didn't know the future but right now felt good.

We sat sometimes talking about work, other times in silence. The buzzer sounded to let me know that the cloths were dry. We'd thrown in all of our own cloths along with the swim suits from the team. As we folded cloths he asked if he might stay the night. I told him that I had two conditions. He looked at me with a questioning expression. I laughed saying "First, we have to remain naked because I sleep naked. Second, he must promise to cuddle me all night," He leaned over to kiss me whispering "I agree on the first one. But I can't promise that my body will be satisfied with just a cuddle." He slapped my ass and laughed.

We finished the wine and showered again. This time the shower was more intimate caressing and touching. By the time the shower ended we were both hard, ready to enjoy sleeping naked. In the bedroom he pulled the covers back, laid out a towel and asked if I wanted him to give me a massage. I readily agreed and pulled out a jar of massage oil. It was a sensuous massage starting with my feet. He worked his way up my body to my shoulders. He deliberately bypassed my ass. He leaned in and whispered "How's that feel?" Sleepily I responded, `I think you missed a spot." He kissed my neck asking "Are you sure? You know that once we start, I might not be able to control myself?" I leaned up and said "I'll take my chances." He kissed my shoulders as his hands reached under to rub my nipples. I moaned at the tenderness. He leaned back pushing my legs wide apart. He massaged my ass pulling my cheeks apart to reveal my pink hole. His oiled fingers moved over my opening as my moans increased to begging. He flipped me over on my back revealing my stiff cock and said "I see someone is glad to see me." I looked into his brown eyes seeing both hope and lust. He smiled saying "I want this to last but right now I'm so turned on. We may have to go a few rounds to make you really know how I feel."

I wrapped my legs around his hips to hold him tight in place. He leaned over holding my hands above my head whispering "I want to make you feel so good that you shot that load hands free." I moaned my acceptance. We began a two hour love making, only stopping to recover our strength once. I stayed hard coming close but never reaching orgasm. He kept his promise. Being younger he was capable of quick recovery many times. Finally, he yelled "I love you and want to fill you with my seed." He fell forward kissing my neck. I held him tight to my body as I felt his cock pulse delivering his seed deep. When we both regained breath he pulled away to see my cum gluing our chests together. I grabbed the towel to clean us both. He spooned my back making sure that his semi-hard cock was nestled in my ass crack. That is how we slept. We did wake occasionally as his recovered cock slipped into my well lubed ass, its new home.

Next: Chapter 2

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