Recording Studio

By moc.oohay@ttohsit

Published on Aug 25, 2007


The following story involves two celebrity men have sex together. I do not know either of the two stars, Zac Efron and Justin Timblerake, nor do I possess any knowledge inregards to their sexuality. The following stories is completely fictional and comes from pure imagination. To my knowledge, this never happened, and will probably never happen.

With that being said, only proceed if you are of legal age to read graphic material, containing sexual acts, and your state laws allow it. If you can not separate fact from fiction, I encourage you to leave this page because it is all fiction.

I hope you enjoy the first, of what will be, many more stories to come.

//// Recording Studio -- Chapter One

Zac Efron's career had taken off over the past couple of years. He had been in Summerland, a short lived Summer TV series, and then on the record breaking Disney's High School Musical. This past summer he was one of the young stars that graced the re-make of Hairspray on the big screen. The whole summer, though, was leading up to the big premiere of High School Musical 2, which broke every record known to basic cable t.v. Now, all that was left is working on his music career.

He wasn't sure if he really wanted to at first, but after actually being able to sing for the second High School Musical, he was starting to get a change of mind. He loved the song `Bet On it' that he was able to sing, and especially loved the new sound produced from it. He wasn't sure if he wanted to do a full record yet, but he was sure into the idea of looking into one.

With thousands of offers for new roles coming in, and three of them he really wanted to do, it would have to be done this summer if he ever wanted to try it out. He hadn't planned on doing anything with the past year being filled with press tours and filming movies that required months of practice first, but this was something he would be willingly to give off his free time for.

His agents were hard at work trying to find him someone interested enough to work with him, and many where due to the fact that he was so popular with everyone, but when they told them of his conditions many backed out. They all wanted him to record a whole album, promote it, and then go on tour and that was something he couldn't do right now. He just wanted to test the waters of it all and make sure he had someone who would work with him.

Finally, after a couple weeks filled with doing nothing except try to escape the paparazzi, his agent called with the news of Justin Timberlake's new label being interested. Zac was ecstatic about it, knowing that anything Justin had put out in the past year and instantly gone to number one.

Happier than he had been in weeks, he left his house the following day for the recording studio that Justin had told him to meet him at. Justin usually didn't meet with his clients to work with him, but this was something that he thought would be more high-profiled. More importantly, he didn't want any leaks about Zac wanting to record. If they were going to do this, they were going to do it right and make sure it was a surprise.

Justin was already in the studio, listening to his own songs when Zac arrived. Off the album, Zac loved Lovestoned (I think she knows). He loved the beat, the lyrics, and the way it could be easily danced to when him and Vanessa went out to the clubs. When Zac walked in unnoticed due to the loud music Justin was blasting, it was obvious to him that Justin was having a good time dancing to his own song, Lovestoned ( I think she knows).

Justin really got into the moves, going crazy, feeling the beat that he had made for the song.

"She looks like a model, except she's got a little more ass."

Zac was shocked as Justin went as far as groping his own ass as he sang with the music. He wasn't that shocked, he had to admit, most of Justin's songs were about sex and knew the moves were very sexual. He could only imagine what most of his fans would do if Zac did those, probably go even crazier and scream even louder.

Justin had now moved on to humping the air, followed up by grabbing his own crotch. Zac could only stare at him, memorized at how his body easily flowed with the music. He knew it wasn't right for him to be staring, an especially at a guy doing something like Justin was doing, but Justin had this quality about him that made you stare at him when he was doing it. He was incredibly sexy, Zac thought. His persona really helped you stare at him and never stop.

He finally shook himself out of it, and managed to say something to make Justin aware of his presence.

"Hey man, I'm here." He said, stretching out his hand so Justin could shake it.

Justin took the hand and shook it, "Hey, I'm really excited about the chance to work with you, man."

Zac was excited to hear someone like Justin to say this, "Wow, thanks, that means a lot to me."

Chuckling, Justin responded, "No problem, I'm happy to get new voices out there that I can think can be a big success."

"Well, I'm excited to see if this can work. I don't know how much time I'll have this year for a record with a bunch of offers I want to look into, and then High School Musical 3, too.. So we'll see how it goes."

"Hey, it sounds good to me, man. I'm sure you will love it"

The two small talked for the next couple of minutes, talking about Justin's success, both their acting careers, until Justin started showing Zac how all of the controls worked on making new beats. He even had one made for Zac already, and played it for him.

"Wow, that is so sweet, dude. I love it." Zac said, already thinking about how much of a success it would be if they could create a good lyrical songs to go with it.

"I'm glad to hear it. I have the song written for you, already. Go on and head into the studio and start to play around with it."

Zac already knew what to do in the studio, have done so for both Hairspray and both High School Musicals, so he went in there, put the headphones on, and read over the lyrics. He loved them after the first read, and just kept falling more in love each time he read through them trying to figure out how he would sing them. Justin starting to play the beat, and Zac sang them out, trying to make them sound as best as he could.

"Wow, man, that was excellent for the first time. This is gonna be a mega-hit for you."

Zac could only beam and sing it again, and again, until they both felt it was perfect.

He came out of the booth and they listened to it together. It wasn't as sexual as Justin's, but it would never be played on Disney Channel, put it that way.

The two danced to it, listening. There was a moment when Justin got up behind Zac and danced behind him, moving his hips as Zac did, their bodies touching. Zac thought it was weird, and almost jumped as Justin did it, not expecting him to do so, but he couldn't stop. Justin's aroma was enchanting and Zac couldn't stop moving his body with Justin's to the beat. He knew it was wrong-even weird-but he couldn't move his body away. Maybe, he thought, this was just Justin's way of making sure the beat was able to be danced to..

He thought this was proven correct as the song stopped and Justin moved away from him.

"This is will be a definite hit, man. Did you like doing this?"

"Yeah, I totally loved it, man. I loved to come back tomorrow if you're up to it."

"Oh, I so am. We will be a dream team in the Music Industry, trust me."

The two said their good-byes and agreed to meet the next day. Zac was even more excited to see what would happen. Justin was even more excited than Zac was, knowing he could push and mold Zac into exactly what he wanted.

//// I hope you enjoyed part one. I know there is nothing really sexual about it, but it is about lying the stones to get to that. Most of my stories jump right into the sex, but this time, writing this story, it didn't work out that way. I have the next chapter already written, and although it gets a but more steamy, there is no sex planned for the first two chatpers. I hope to take you on a ride that involves a believable plot and satisfies you, the reader. Any comments or concerns, or anything of the kind, can be e-mailed to Please, do not send any requests of pictures or anything like that. I am only interested in hearing your feedback. Thank You.

Next: Chapter 2

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