Reconnecting with Marc

By james peters

Published on Sep 3, 2005



The usual disclaimers apply. If you are much younger than 18....etc

This is a true story that happened less than a year ago. It happened to Kevin.

Kevin was 17 when he unexpectedly encountered Marc...a 15 year old, muscular 'man' who was the eye candy of every female (and male) in his school. Towering over even the senior students that were two years his senior, Marc knew he was the object of many a gaze. It was difficult to tell from observation if he was gay or hetero. He spent his time with all groups, displaying great comfortableness wth all genders and all age groups. He was and is, still highly esteemed by all members of his school staff...a natural leader one might say, or one who others would look to for leadership. After all, he had an IQ that was above most peoples', so they say.

Kevin (and that's me) on the other hand, is one of those kids who no one looks at. At 5 ft.6in in height, with no muscular development to talk about, non-sporting, not a complete book-worm, not an academic by any standard...just an ordinary kid.

That is why it came as a complete surprise that Marc would initiate a warm and comforting contact with Kevin. Kevin never even considered himself in the same league despite being two years Marc's senior at the time. Marc was over 6 foot...probably about 6 foot 2 inches and as handsome as they come. Kevin was at his computer when Marc made contact, sending him an internal email. Kevin looked around, and there he was...the school stud, just looking at him. It was the content of that message that blew Kevin away. "Do you want to spend a couple of hours together? pick the day and time!"

"Are you talking to me?' enquired Kevin. "None other..little brother" came the reply. What did he mean by 'little brother?' Kevin mused. "Is he having a shot at my height or lack of it? How dare this 10th. grader talk to a senior in this manner!!. Admitttedly, as our school does not have that large a student population, I guess there is a degree of friendliness between students.

"Well...I am free this afternoon" said Kevin. "What do you intend?"

"Well.....we might go for a drive somewhere...I've just got my wheels...unless you mind sitting in the passenger seat and have a 10th. grader drive you."

"No...I don't mind" replied Kevin. "Good...see you in the car park" replied Marc as he gathered up his gear and logged off.

Kevin was somewhat suspicious, wondering why the school stud would want to even associate with him. Prank, he thought...but he went to the car park after school, to see what might develop.

And there he was, sitting in his new car...waiting. Kevin got in and the trip began. Kevin noticed how slowly Marc drove, like he was not keen to arrive at whatever the destination was. Eventually, Kevin was be dropped off home.

A wonderful relationship developed that meant a great deal to Kevin. To be selected by the stud of the school, lifted his status in his own eyes, as well as in the eyes of his peers. It was nearing summer, and as the car trips home increased, Marc's attire began to expose his manliness in the form of chest hairs, bushy armpit hair, and of course, the stubble on his chin if he decided not to shave that morning. Kevin, on the other hand was still a few years away from shaving, and chest hairs would probably not be a reality for him, even in future years.

Like every teenage situation, conversations tend to drift to sex and related matters. These conversations were never initiated by Kevin. Marc had this knack of leading conversations to the point where a sexual question would be asked...questions such as: "how much has yours grown in recent years?" "Huh!..." replied Kevin. "You know..your BIG one ! big does it get?" That was the fateful day, as Kevin had nothing much to boast about with his 4 and a half incher. Being a late bloomer, nature had been slow in taking its course...and Kevin knew it. Kevin also knew that this man of a boy, would have had some meat down there...and he just couldn't believe that this conversation was being had.

"You have a small one, don't you?' asked Marc. "Guess so," replied Kevin, looking at his friend's crotch. "Mine is huge...too huge for a guy who is only 15...not that I am complaining though."

"And just how big is that?" enquired Kevin...rather sheepishly.

"I'll tell you if you tell me yours" teased Marc.

"Well, seeing you started this conversation, you should tell me first" countered Kevin.

"That's fair"...and with that Marc revealed his 8.8 incher. While Kevin was transfixed, Marc's hand reached for Kevin's equivalent...and the comparisons were made.

That was the beginning of a relationship that lasted just over a year...a relationship that ended as abruptly as it began...with an email that announced that further contact would cease.

Since then, Kevin goes to his email daily with anticipation...hoping for a reconnection....

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