
By Writer Boy

Published on Mar 8, 2003


Obligatory warnings and disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal where you are or at your age, or you don't want to read about male/male relationships, go away. You shouldn't be here.

  2. I don't know any of the celebrities in this story, and this story in no way is meant to imply anything about their sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I enjoy constructive criticism, praise, and rational discussion. I do not enjoy flames, and will not tolerate them.

That said, we now continue.

"Chris, there's a call for you," Kelly said from the sidewalk, startling me as I drifted across the pool on a float.

Joey's pool gave new meaning to the word massive. I wasn't sure how big it was, but it was practically a pond, sprawling out behind his house. He told me that after the next tour he was going to have it drained so that they could expand it some more. I was somewhere near the middle of it on a float, sunglasses on, wearing a pair of trunks. Nearby, Justin was also floating, paddling his float toward me anytime we got more than a few feet from each other as if he didn't want to let me out of his sight. He wasn't being clingy or anything. He'd just been close by, touching me in quick little ways, all day, since we'd gotten up this morning. He'd held my hand while we'd eaten breakfast, and we'd played around a lot in the water, splashing each other and doing races, before settling onto the floats.

"Who is it?" I asked, wondering who knew I was here. If it was on Kelly's phone, rather than my cell, it would also have to be someone who knew Joey's number.

"Just come get the phone," Kelly said, smiling, as she set the cordless down on the table. "I have to finish lunch before Bree gets up from her nap."

Joey had to meet with some producers today, to talk about an upcoming television project or something he was looking into, which left Justin and I to our own devices around the house. Kelly was watching Bree, but the two of them had been out at the pool with us for a while, Brianna looking cute as a button in her little water wings, before Kelly took her in for her nap. I hadn't really been paying much attention to the two of them, anyway, because the sight of Justin in his trunks kept distracting me. Every time I turned around I'd see a flash of wet shoulder, or water droplets trickling down his chest, or something else that would keep me from getting out of the water for a few more minutes. I'd been half hard all day, just watching him, and he knew it, too. A couple times when he'd swum by he'd given my crotch a little squeeze and chuckled, or he'd swum up behind me and I'd felt how excited he was as he hugged me from behind.

"You're so damn sexy," he'd whisper, his voice low and husky, as he held me from behind, his hands on my chest or my abs, holding me to him. Then he'd dunk me, displaying all the romantic finesse of a frat boy.

I heard him now, behind me somewhere, sliding off of his float and into the water. Before I could wonder what he was doing he came up underneath my float, flipping it and dumping me into the pool as I screamed in outrage and Kelly burst out laughing. I saw him, briefly, under the water, all smiles as he kicked away from me, and when I surfaced he was laughing, floating in place a few feet away.

"You brat," I began, pushing my wet bangs out of my eyes.

"I was just trying to help you off the float," he said innocently, grinning, his hair slicked down. He practically sparkled. "Better go get the phone."

"And you better dive down there and get my sunglasses," I said, swimming away from him. After the hell day we'd had yesterday it was nice just to have a quiet day to be with Justin, and the Florida sunshine was a welcome change from Boston. I was feeling pretty content as I pulled myself out of the pool, ignoring the whistle behind me as I shook my hair and pushed it back. Maybe Justin didn't have to worry about such things with his almost buzz cut, but those of us with actual hair on our heads did. I picked up the phone, watching Justin disappear beneath the water. "Hello?"

"Is this the bitch who's fuckin' my man?" a sharply accented female screamed in my ear. I almost dropped the phone. "Answer me, skank! Don't make me cut you the fuck up!"

Justin surfaced with my sunglasses in hand, holding them above his head like a trophy as I stared at him in shock. He caught my expression and started to swim toward me.

"Excuse me?" I asked, completely baffled. This girl sounded hardcore. "Who is this?"

"I asked you a question, bitch!" she screeched. "You fuckin' my man?"

Justin pulled himself up out of the pool and stared at me, curious, his head cocked to the side in that way he had. I was staring at him, unsure of how to respond to the phone call, when I heard the patio door open behind me.

"I asked you a question," someone said from behind me, and I turned to see Britney Spears walking out of the house, grinning widely and holding a cell phone to her ear. This was the hardcore gangster bitch I was afraid of?

"Britney!" Justin squealed, running toward her. She held up her hands, hanging up the phone as she stepped back.

"You're wet!" she screeched, giggling. "Don't touch me!"

"I thought you liked it wet," Justin said, making a pouty face.

"You'll never know," she said, giggling. She turned to me, smiling widely, as Justin took my hand. "So, you're the boyfriend. I'm Britney Spears, the girlfriend."

"Hi," I said uncertainly, glancing at Justin.

We hadn't talked about Britney at all since the second day I hung out with him, and all he'd said then was that they were good friends and that the relationship between them, much discussed in media circles, was more or less a big sham. Beyond that, though, we'd never mentioned her again. I didn't know whose team she was on, what she was doing here, or how, exactly, she and I were supposed to relate to each other.

"Brit, this is Chris Vanderhall," Justin said, grinning as I shook Britney's hand. She looked exactly like she did in pictures or on television, which could be both a good and a bad thing. She was pretty, and she was glamorous, but she wore just a little too much makeup for my taste. Then again, what the hell did I know? Millions of boys, and probably even some girls, would kill to be where I was. "He's, um, he makes me really happy."

"I see that," she said, giggling. "You're glowin' like a pregnant chick."

Kelly called out from the open kitchen door.

"You're letting the air conditioning out!" she said, and I almost called her a mom before realizing that it was true. "Brit, you staying for lunch? Joey said he'd be back."

"If y'all don't mind," Britney answered, closing the door. She took my free hand and led me over to one of the chairs. Justin and I sat, and she sat across from us, primly holding her knees together and folding her hands on top of them. "So, Chris, tell me all about yourself."

"Wait, what are you doing here?" Justin asked. "I thought you were doing tour stuff."

"We're between legs, baby," she said, shaking her head at him. "I told you that like five times. I needed to fly down to see my Jive people today, though, and then I'm back to LA tomorrow. I didn't want to swing through, though, without seeing my baby's baby."

OK, what the hell? I was trying not to be possessive of Justin, and to just take things as they came. He told me that he missed being best friends with his only serious boyfriend ever, and I hadn't said a word. He'd left me sitting in a strange living room for over an hour while he did stuff with his friends, and I didn't say anything. Now, though, his sex symbol girlfriend, the self proclaimed "slave for you", was hanging all over him and calling him baby, and I didn't know what to think, especially when she reached out and put her hand on his knee, caressing it. He'd told me he was gay, but had he told her? That knee was mine, damn it. I wasn't answering any of her questions until she answered some of mine.

"You know that you two aren't really dating, right?" I demanded bluntly, staring at her. "He's gay. Really gay."

As soon as I said it, I felt like an idiot. The two of them stared at me for a second, mouths hanging open in surprise, and then burst out laughing, rocking back and forth on their seats.

"You two aren't really dating!" Britney squealed in a fake, dopey sounding kind of voice. She followed it with more laughter.

"He's really really gay!" Justin squeaked, rubbing at his eyes. "I love it!"

I wasn't staying for this. I stood, meaning to go back into the house to somehow salvage some of my dignity (no, I had no idea how), and Justin grabbed my arm.

"Oh, babe, come on," he said, tugging at me. Britney was still snickering behind her hand, but she was trying to stop, and Justin was looking up at me seriously, swallowing his giggles. "Don't be like that. It was just."

"Funny as shit!" Britney squealed, giggling again. I gritted my teeth, biting back the urge to ask her just how funny shit was. Maybe it was a Southern thing. I let Justin pull me back down onto the chair and kiss the side of my neck.

"Is my baby jealous?" he asked, kissing his way up toward my ear.

"No," I answered. That was a lie. "Yes. I dunno."

"I think it's cute!" Britney said, making one of her faces. I'd noticed that she only seemed to have about three expressions, and just rotated them. That "Crossroads" movie was really going to suck.

"And I think it's sexy," Justin said.

"Not in front of the children," I said, putting a hand on his shoulder and nodding my head toward Britney. Justin sighed, but leaned back, taking my hand again. "But seriously, what is it with you two?"

"I told you," Justin began. "She's my best friend."

"And he's my baby," Britney answered. "He'll always be my sweetie, even if, you know, he rides the bologna pony."

I couldn't help but laugh. Kelly opened the door and leaned out.

"Lunch is almost ready if you guys want to clean up a little," she said.

The sun had mostly dried us, but we smelled like chlorine, and I wanted to go shower off and at least put a shirt on before we ate anything. Britney went inside to help Kelly get the food, and Kelly kind of left her with it and went to go wake up Brianna. Justin followed me to the bathroom like an eager puppy, his hands all over my chest and my ass as he whispered in my ear that really, the two of us should save water and hop in the shower together. I let him pull my trunks off, almost tripping me as we staggered into the bathroom giggling, kicking designer flip flops off as we went, and I twisted on the water as he tossed his own trunks aside.

"You're so fucking hot," Justin growled, pinning me against the back wall of the shower.

The water splashed down on us, coursing over us as Justin cranked the how water dial and filled the shower with steam. His skin, tan, tattooed, slid over mine, and I thought again about how smooth he was. His hard cock was poking me in the abs, jabbing at me the same way his tongue was jabbing into my mouth, and I sighed against him, wondering where this had come from. He'd been all over me all day, but not like this. He wanted me, not Britney, me, and I wondered if the thought of jealousy was a turn on for him. The minute I'd turned bitchy he'd been ready to roll, and we'd never make it to lunch at this rate, especially not with the way he was attacking my neck. That was probably a jealousy thing, too, like he had to make sure everyone knew I was his. I grabbed his head and pushed it away, bringing his mouth back up to mine so he wouldn't take it as rejection, but honestly I had enough marks there already.

"Chris," Justin whimpered, driving his hips against me. I looked down to see his cock rubbing against mine, sliding along my stomach, the head all red and hard and slick under the water.

"Justin, we have to go down for lunch," I said, chewing on his bottom lip. He liked that, and I knew he did.

His hands were still all over me, clutching at my shoulders, squeezing my ass, pulling at my arms or head or hair. I was hard, too, but I could wait, even though I wasn't sure how I could even think that with Justin naked and pressed against me right here, but his friends were at the table, in the kitchen, waking their kids and getting lunch ready and waiting for us, and I didn't want to walk down there after some crushingly obvious interval, all glowing yet shower wrinkled with a new set of bites laid on top of all the old ones. At the same time, though, I didn't really want to leave my boyfriend like this, needy and unsatisfied. I grabbed his shaft, wrapping my fingers around it, feeling how thick and hard he was as he throbbed under my fingers, and began to jerk him off, ducking my head down to chew on his neck for a change.

Justin yelped above me, his face tightening, his voice tightening too, and he pulled at my shoulders as he jerked against me. I whispered dirty things into his ear as I did it, telling him how hot and hard he was, and what I'd like to do to him later. I told him things about his body, and how much it turned me on, and about his cock, and how badly I wanted it. I told him he was beautiful, and hot, and sexy, and when I leaned in, squeezing him hard and telling him he was mine as I bit and sucked at his earlobe, he yelped and tightened and came, hard, all over my stomach. Justin's orgasm rocked through him, rolling over him like an earthquake, causing him to gasp as his muscles tightened and his abs contracted and his knees buckled, and when it was over I held him as he tried to catch his breath against me, his bright blue eyes closed.

I nudged him aside a little, leaving his head on my shoulder, so that I could rinse off, and by the time I was done he had recovered himself and started kissing my neck again, softly. He reached for my cock, but froze when I took his wrist and pulled his hand away. He was holding my face with his other hand, and he turned it toward him. I looked up into his eyes and saw that he was confused, and also looked a little scared, as if he thought he'd done something wrong.

"We don't have time," I said lightly, leaning forward to kiss him.

"Yeah we do," Justin said, dropping to his knees before I could stop him. Honestly, I didn't really want to stop him all that much, but I was giving it a good faith effort.

All my thoughts of making lunch on time, or close to it, quickly disappeared and Justin's lips slid down my shaft. He swallowed the head and kept going, drawing me into him, sucking hard. I leaned back against the wall, thankful for the support, and Justin held me up by the hips, too, keeping his hands there as he bobbed up and down on me. I was ok with drawing things out, usually, but this was all about getting done in a hurry, and I was already so close that I knew Justin wouldn't be down there long. Speeding me along was apparently his thought, too. While he was sucking me, humming and swallowing and washing his tongue over me, one of his hands crept around to my ass, and my eyes popped open as I felt Justin's index finger pop inside me. At the same time I felt my body tensing up, and then he pressed hard on my prostate as I gasped and almost collapsed above him. My knees were shaking, I couldn't breathe, and I felt myself shooting down his throat like I'd never cum before.

Justin caught me as my knees buckled, and he held me up as I opened my eyes and smiled at him. He held my face in his hands and all I wanted to do was kiss him, so I did. The inside of his mouth was hot and wet and a little salty, and he pressed my body against his as he tilted my head back and slowly fucked my mouth with his tongue. I felt his cock, half hard, twitch, and knew that we really didn't have time for this. We'd both finished up, and we still needed to make it to lunch, so I reached behind him and turned the water off. He pulled off of my mouth and smiled at me, tiny droplets coursing down his face from his hair, beading on his forehead and dripping off of his nose and onto me.

"So much for saving water," he said, grinning. I kissed his chin.

"Let's go get dressed, kid," I smiled back, pulling the curtain open.

I didn't think we'd really taken that much longer than we should have, but we were still greeted with whistles and catcalls when we came trudging slowly toward the table, holding hands. It didn't help that we were blushing, a red flush the crept all the way down my neck, and when I looked over I saw that Justin's shoulders, shining under his sleeveless top, were reddening as well. Bri was already strapped into her high chair, and Britney just snickered as we tried to slink in unnoticed. Joey, who had come back for lunch as promised, was having none of that, though.

"That was like the longest shower ever!" he practically yelled. Maybe it just sounded loud because we were both so guilty. "We're gonna have to tour again just to pay my damn water bill after that one. What were you guys doing in that bathroom?"

"Like you just have no idea," Kelly said, rolling her eyes as she pushed the salad bowl toward me. Britney was snickering.

"Yeah, Joey," I said, lifting my chin toward him as Justin just continued to blush and look down. "Why don't you tell us where babies come from?"

"They don't come from whatever you two were doing," he answered, laughing.

"You're right," Justin said, looking up finally. He winked at Britney. "They don't come from washing."

"Washing?" Joey squealed, his shoulders shaking with laughter. "I'd say the only thing that got washed in there was."

"Enough!" Kelly said sharply, and we all snickered as she nodded her head toward Bri. "Little pitchers, big ears, and all that."

"Sorry," I said, not wanting to be accused of stunting Bri's development or something.

"Sorry," Justin added, still blushing.

"Yeah, sorry," Joey said finally.

"No you're not," Britney said, giggling, and we all cracked up.

It was nice being there like that, sitting around a table with a group of friends laughing, and I knew that Justin appreciated it, too. For me, it was kind of what I needed. I hadn't realized how much I would miss the kids, and the bookstore, and everything else until I'd left. I'd only been gone for a day, but it was the first time I hadn't been there in years. Right now I could close my eyes and tell you exactly who would be working, where in the store they'd be, and what customers would be there. I could tell you what they'd be ordering, how long they'd stay, and what they might be interested in buying. I could tell you what else was going on in the store, in front of the store, and on the whole block. I missed my safety net, my friends and my house and everything else, and it was really nice to be here and be so easily accepted into theirs. It was obvious that they all knew each other, and that they liked each other, no matter what Justin had said about Joey. I felt privileged to be included in this, to see this part of them that I was sure a lot of people never did.

After lunch Joey invited Justin and I to shoot some hoops on the little court out back, but Justin passed, wanting to talk to Britney and catch up again before she had to go. She could only stay for another hour or so, anyway, and I didn't want to cut in on their time, so I took Joey up on his offer. It was obvious after only a few minutes that he was much more skilled than I was, but Joey was kind, and went easy on me. Justin and Britney cheered from the sidelines, clapping wildly each time I scored a basket, as if they both knew I was hopelessly outclassed, and I was glad for the save when Kelly came out with a pitcher of iced tea and a bunch of glasses. It was all a little too happy family, somehow, and I asked Kelly about it as Joey chugged a tall glass of tea. He might be better, but I'd still given him a hell of a workout.

Take that, pop star.

"Are you always home like this?" I asked. Kelly laughed as Justin blotted at my head with a towel.

"God, no," she answered, grinning. "I've been working at home a lot since Bri was born. I just want her to be a little older before I go back full time. If I do need to go in for something, a meeting or something like that, Joey's mom usually comes over to watch her, or I just drop her by their house."

"Cool," I said, shrugging.

We all looked up as the doorbell rang. I still hadn't gotten over the fact that Joey didn't even have a butler, although there was a bodyguard on duty in the foyer. Everyone kind of ignored him, which struck me as odd, but I just followed what they did in this regard. Still, he didn't answer the door for them, and we all looked at each other.

"I'll get it," Brit said, standing. "I have to get going, anyway. Chris, it was nice meeting you after all the phone calls."

"You, too," I said, standing. I held out my hand, but she gave me a quick hug, instead. Over her shoulder I mouthed "Phone calls?" to Justin, and he just grinned.

"I always call Brit," Justin said, winking at me as she let go. He took her shoulder. "Come on, I'll walk you out."

"Bye Joey, Kell, Bri," Britney said, blowing Bri a kiss. Kelly and Joey waved, telling her to take care, as the two of them walked into the house.

"Kelly said Brit got you good on the phone," Joey said, laughing.

"I helped," Kelly added, scooping up Bri, who was chattering about the pool. "Let's go get your water wings, ok?"

"Yeah," I said quietly, watching the door to the house. What did the two of them talk about on these phone calls? And when had Justin managed to squeeze in so many phone calls to others without me noticing?

"Hey, Chris," Joey said, watching me. "They're best friends. There's nothing for you to worry about there."

"Sorry," I said, blushing a little. "I'm being stupid."

"I don't think so," Joey said. "I mean, the two of them act like they're dating, all the time. That's why it's so convincing. But really, it's like Justin said. They're just best friends. Half the time Britney says that he's her best girlfriend."

"And she's ok with that?" I asked. "I mean, it's not like she can date anyone else, at least not publicly, if everyone thinks she's dating Justin. It must be really hard for her."

"They're both ok with it," Joey said, shrugging. "She does it for him, and really it helps both of them, careerwise. Brit doesn't date much, either, because she's so focused on her career, and honestly, she'd do anything for Justin. He'd do anything for her, too, and this way it keeps people from, you know, speculating too much about JC and Justin spending so much time together."

"I wouldn't say it keeps them rumor free," I disagreed, thinking about some of the things I'd read on the internet. Joey smiled.

"I know what you're thinking of, but this helps," he said, laughing. We both looked up as we heard a door slam inside the house, and then a woman started yelling.

"What the hell?" I asked, as we both stood.

"You open this door and talk to me, Justin!" the woman yelled, and I took off into the house, Joey on my heels.

Charging down the hallway, calling Justin's name, I jerked to a stop outside our room. The door was closed, and Britney was standing in the hallway, helplessly wringing her hands, as a short woman with curly blond hair hammered on the bedroom door with her closed fist.

"Justin?" I called.

"Brit?" Joey asked.

"You!" the woman yelled, turning to glare at me. "You're the one fucking with my baby!"

This must be Justin's mom. She stalked toward me, her heels clacking on the floor, and fury was stamped all over her face. Her eyes flashed as she advanced on me, and Britney shrank back against the wall. I could hear nothing from inside our room, but assumed that Justin had fled to escape her.

"Who do you think you are?" she yelled at me. "What have you been telling him? You don't know who you're fucking with! I don't want you anywhere near my baby, do you hear me? Do you?"

My jaw worked soundlessly, completely unprepared for this, and Britney put a tentative hand on the woman's shoulder.

"Lynn," she began meekly, and Lynn turned to glare at her.

"Kell, take Bri out to the pool, please," Joey yelled, turning. The bodyguard filled the hallway, and Joey gave him a little headshake. "It's ok, Craig. Mrs. Harless is just upset, that's all."

"Get off me!" Lynn hissed, pulling away from Britney. She turned back to me. "I mean it. You leave Justin alone and go back to Boston. You don't touch him, you don't talk to him, you don't come anywhere near him! We've worked too hard for some nobody to just come in and take advantage of him like this! You leave my baby alone, you stupid fucking queer! You leave him alone."

"Stop it," Justin said sharply, opening the door. His face was red, and he was obviously upset, but he pushed past his mother and took my arm, pulling me against him. "You don't know what the fuck you're talking about, and you don't ever, ever talk to Chris that way. Ever! Do you hear me?"

"Baby, I just want what's best for you," Lynn said soothingly, suddenly all sunshine and smiles, but Justin was having none of it.

"I mean it!" he said sharply, biting the words off, his jaw snapping. Lynn shrank back. I guess she was expecting more of the tearful pleading that I'd heard during their phonecalls. "Apologize to Chris, and to Joey, and to Britney, right now, or I'm going to have Craig walk you out."

She glared at him, getting ready to start in on some sort of tirade, and he cut her off.

"Now!" Justin said. I was standing against him, and he wasn't trembling, or shaking, or anything else. He was rigid, and his fingers were laced through mine so tightly it was almost painful.

"It's not necessary," I said finally. There was no point to it. She wouldn't mean it, and she'd just hold it against me later. He turned to look at me, and I shook my head. "It's not, Justin."

"Fine," he said, kissing my forehead as he pulled me closer to him. His heart was pounding through his t-shirt. "Brit, you're gonna be late."

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" she asked, swallowing, her big eyes darting around everywhere, framed by the thick makeup. "I can reschedule it."

"No, we'll be fine," he said, patting her shoulder. He kissed her forehead, too, and guided her gently down the hallway, still holding my hand. "I'll call you later, Pinky."

"OK, baby," she said, throwing a glance back toward Justin's enraged mother. The woman was definitely at a simmering boil. Justin kissed me again, a quick peck on the lips, and then turned to Joey.

"Can you take Chris to the kitchen or the pool or something, please?" he asked. "I need to talk to my mom for a while."

"Yeah, no problem," Joey said, putting a hand on my shoulder. I leaned in close to Justin.

"Are you sure?" I whispered. He stroked the side of my face for a second, a slow, soft caress, as he let go of my hand.

"Yeah, I just need to talk to her," he whispered. He kissed me again, one of his firm, purposeful kisses, as if no one else was watching. His mouth pressed against mine, and I could feel his teeth against mine as his tongue darted inside. He held my face tightly, looking a little sad, and then let go. "I love you."

"I'll be right here," I answered, following Joey down the hall.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 28

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