
By Dak Iverson

Published on Jan 19, 2008



Introduction: There was a time in my life in which I had been completely bored with my life and then came a time when I had not been the same person. I was a completely different person and somehow, I liked it. The bell rang for second period and I sprung up from the aching sprains from my stretches. Fuck P.E. Why in the world should any Junior have them. I mean shit, I'm not even obese and quite frankly, I'm healthy. I eat only twice a day. Therefore, anything eaten after six is a sin to me. I have a boyfriend and how we met was kind of predictable, I mean, lame. I met him on my space and after 3 days of getting to know each other, we started to see each other. What's the difference between just knowing a person and seeing them? Well there are three things to me, in which I have to overcome before actually dating them. First of all, its there personality, second is there patience, and third is the most important, its whether I can stand to see there face without looking anywhere else. In other words, beautification. (If there is such a word). We've been dating for about three months now and he really makes everything funny and he brings out the best in me. He can take my bad temper and replace it with a laugh or just something to make me smile. Thats what I love about aquarius', they cool me down. They also supply the earth Virgo which is me, with tremendous amounts of attention and pleases them. I love it when he takes me shopping. Enough about him and I, this story isn't even about us. Its about her. The fire Leo sign which changed my life.

Nombre Un:

"Is this your first time?" I asked with a smile. "No" she answered sternly. I can't help but notice the same expression in her face which looked mysterious in a wierd way. I was teaching her how to serve the tennis ball and she barely gave the time of day for me to help her. Her name was Charlotte. The angel of beauty as the greek gods called it. But it was true she was beautiful. She was a light skinned brunette with hair reaching a little past her shoulders and the sassy cut of bangs just beneath her eye brows. She wasn't tall and she wasn't short either. I think she looked about 5'1" or 5'2". "Don't hammer the ball, just stroke it. Let the ball do the work, not you." " Okay, I got it." She tried again and this time it went in the base line. "Good job, for your first try" Coach Watson snuck up behind us with a pat. "Thanks to her, I guess." She said with no emotion. I smiled and handed Coach the tennis balls. "Oh my gosh! I'm late...! Coach, I gotta go sorry.." Before she could reply, I ran to get my things and left to meet Antoine. He was waiting for me by the bleachers as he said he would and carried my bags to the car. " Sorry babe, Coach made me teach the JV." " Yeah, well we can't catch the 6:30 showing because of traffic." "ugghh, okay" "So what now?" "Well, I'm kinda tired babe." "Lets drive to our place then." This place was a secret place in which only me and him knows. The sun over the horizon was gleaming bright orange and purple rays through the sky and I can't help but to stick my face out the window. The air smelt of fresh cut grass and lily flowers. I felt so good like this it made me feel carefree as if I'm in my own world, my own space, my own bubble. And as I was in my own bubble, I can't help but imagine the glint of green hazelnut eyes staring deeply which stained into mine. "Babe, we're here" Antoine put the music down low and touched my shoulders. "You look tired" "Duh, what else would I feel like energetic?" I said sarcastically but with a funny smirk. He kissed me on the cheek and well you know we ended up kissing and kissing and kissing somemore and yeah. When I got home I did my usual 50 something crunches and practiced my french. "Au revoir" "Comment t'appelles' ou?" "Monteur." I like this word Monteur it just sounds so french. I scrolled down the pages to see what it meant and it meant "liar". I sat back on my bed and watched the little scarlett ridges on the ceiling. I imagined that I was an ant walking in unknown path through these ridges and somehow had to journey my way home. I fell asleep right then.

Nombre Deux:

Oh shit I woke up late. Its 7:00 in the morning and I hate rushing. I mean I have to take shower, eat, brush my teeth, pick out my outfit (including shoes) dry my hair, straighten my hair, add on makeup and wait for my lovely Antoine park downstairs. I heard his honk and ran downstairs. "Babe make the light please" He zoomed past the other cars and past the yellow traffic light. Yes. We made it! He parked his car in the students parking lot and we walked hand in hand in Glaysmont High. The second tardy bell rang as I made it in the classroom. Several students were looking my way and were laughing because Mr. Tee made a funny remark about late students. "I didn't catch that" I said "When students come in after the tardy bell, they have to polish my new leather shoes." "Oh well, sad for the person who comes AFTER the tardy bell" I pronounced. I walked to my desk smiling because I always get my way in things. I looked around me and there she was right in front of me sitting at a formal posture and never slumping like the rest of us, Charlotte. " I guess you made it to Vars" She turned back with her mysterious green eyes just staring at me and even without words, I can tell that she meant to say "And your point is...?" I just pretended that I never said anything at all. For some reason, I can't help to make conversations with this new girl from Florida because in some cases not to be mean, I'm really honest and straight forward with what I say and my actions. So I did the inevitable. "Your a bitch, you know that?" She never turned back right away but in a few seconds, she turned back and smiled. Not an evil smile as I thought she was going to pursue but a friendly smile with her gorgeous rows of white teeth showing."Thanks" she replied. "Usually when people say that to you, you get angry." "Well, to me, I like to be real and I am quite a bitch at times, and you can say that I admire your truthfulness." I was shocked and amazed at how she responded. She really isn't a bitch to me after all.

Nombre Trois:

"Lets go somewhere after school" Charlotte said. "I can't..I have to meet with Antoine, my boyfriend." "I'm not asking you sweetheart, I'm telling you." In my mind I was like whoa. Shes bitchy and shes possessive. Wow I'm starting to like this chick. "Where are you taking me, Missy?" "Don't worry" "Should I worry? Are you taking me to a dark alley so you can kill me?" I said in amusement. "Ha, if I were paid to then yeah," I laughed at her remark. A slow vibration came to the back of my pants and It was Antoine. "Um, babe i'm with my friend Charlotte right now, I'll call you when I get home okay?" "Yeah well I start work at 5 so just call me when you can." "Kay, Love you" "Love you, too." "Boyfriend?" "Yeah." "You love em'?" "Of course I do, hah." "Do you have a boyfriend?" "Me? no. I don't go for guys."she said "What do you mean? you don't go for high school guys?" I wanted to know. "No. I used to have a girlfriend." "Oh, you mean your boyfriend cheated on you with your friend whos a girl?" "OMG. No, Leila. I like girls. I'm attracted to the same sex. I do not fancy men. GET IT?" I paused for a moment. She's a lesbian? What? Why? How can this beautiful girl like other girls I mean how is that possible? "Okay are you wierded out?" "No, I'm just in shock..." "So how does it feel like, being a you know...what you are?" "Ha. I knew you were going to ask me that. Well, its quite simple really...I mean its like straight people like straight people but opposite." "Did you have a girlfriend then?" Charlotte parked the car and turned off the engine. "We're here". As I looked out the window, I was speechless. Everything looked crystal clear and so unfamiliar that I could get lost and not find my way home. Which is not ordinary because I pretty much know my way around this small darn island. The sand was soft with its white particles sparkling everywhere through the ocean floor. It was as if I was in one those crystal balls walking through a paradise land and then I was in my own zone again. My own bubble. "You like it?" "It's so..." I struggled to find the words. "I can't explain it..." "It's completely breathless." "Okay, not what I was expecting for you to say but okay." "It's like you want to catch your breath, but you can't...Its like this is where you have your own inner peace...your own know?" She gave me that mysterious smile again and for some reason it drove me crazy. Like I wanted more. "Yeah, I guess you can say that Leila." As we talked more and more about ourselves, I felt as if I knew her from a different time. I mean we were so alike and so opposite in some ways that It made me think that we were going to end up meeting eachother. I see her around hallways in school and pass by her sometimes when passing through school periods. But never in my mind would I thought that we would end up being here. Talking, socializing about anything even things that stray entirely off the topic. "So you never answered my question, Charlotte." "What?" "What happened to your girlfriend?" "If I tell you, then I'd have to kill you" "Haha. C'mon just tell me..." "I don't really like talking about my past so lets just forget it" "Pleaaaassee?" I ran my fingers through my light brown hair and bent down to look like I'm crying. "Ughh. Okay crybaby if you have to know" "It started in the 7th grade. She was my best friend Anna. I really wasn't into the whole love thing but you know, everything was kinda plotted out like in a puzzle piece. At that age I didn't really know if I was straight, gay or just confused. Many guys liked me back then and I had the choice to get any guy that I wanted. But she drove me crazy. She was like lemonade on a hot day which I need to cool me off. Kinda like a drug you know? Like you're addicted to it and everytime you wanted to stop even for a day, it kills you not physically but mentally. We seen each other everyday and always doing girl stuff like slumber parties, hair and so forth. But there was this night when she slept over, she snuck out of her house crying to me because her Dad was drunk and kept beating her Mom. I haven't seen her so afraid and so sad until this night. She slept in the same bed with me and for some reason we couldn't keep our eyes off of each other. I touched her face and kissed her forehead and one thing led to another and she bent over and we kissed. It was amazing. I mean this was my first kiss and I felt as if I was flying and my stomach was floating away with streams of butterflies. I never wanted this love to stop and I just couldn't help myself just touching her, skin and everywhere in her body. You can't imagine how I felt. I felt like all the bad things that ever happened to me dissolved and every part of my body was immune to anything. She ran her fingers to my stomach and kissed it. We made love that night. The next day was like a bad dream. Anna wasn't by my side. And as I ran to her house, knocking as hard as I could, a man in a black suit appeared and handed me a letter. It was from Anna. It said that she moved to Europe with her Aunt and can't be living with her mother and father because the police arrested her father and her mother just left. It didn't say where in Europe but for years I've been trying to save up money to find her but even if I get there, how am I supposed to..." She was in tears and I was in tears also. " don't have to" I said "I was so mad and confused and betrayed at the same time that I almost killed myself...I was on the ledge of my backyard staring down at the river downstream and I wanted to do it but the thought of her coming back to me again made me realize to not give up hope and someday I'd forget about it...So Leila, if you had to know, this is why I don't like talking about my past." I couldn't say anything. To top it off I was trembling. Her story touched me in ways I could not describe. "Thanks Charlotte, I...I'm sorry..." We hugged and she drove me home.

Nombre Quatre:

Spring break started and I can't wait for Charlotte to pick me up. Today we're going to the mall and so I had to lie to Antoine because I didn't want him to think that I'd rather go with her than him. But it's kinda like a girl thing: shopping. Guys don't really fit in to that category. I told Antoine that I had to stay home and do chores. "Okay babe, well just call me when your done." I hung up and ran outside to jump in Charlottes red jeep. "You ready?" "Yep" I smiled. I have never felt like this before. It's like I'm so comfortable just being here. With her. It's been 2 weeks now ever since that day about her story and It can't seem to leave my mind. Every night I have dreams about me and Charlotte just doing things. "You know that light blue top really brings out the color of your eyes" "Wow you noticed" I said. "I notice everything about you" I blushed and took a look at her outfit. She wore a red vintage shirt that was showing the bottom part of her belly and a skirt that matched the black in her shoes. "You really have a hot body, i'm like so jealous" "Your not bad also, staying in shape I see." " You know you can be a model for a 16 year old Leila?" "Excuse-moi?! should look at yourself Charlotte! You can probably sell dozens of womens accessories and clothing to rich snobs whos always fond of there money" She just stared at me. "I meant that as a compliment." "I know, its just how you said it that made me think that you were flirting with me." I looked around then looked back at her. "What if I am?" She just kept quiet. When we finally got to the mall, she was looking for a place to park and I couldn't help my self It was like this urge that if I didn't do it, I would always wonder what if. So I did the unquestionable. My fingers were like feathers that had a mind of its own and slowly crept on her hand. Charlotte looked at me with her mysterious green eyes again and said, "Ahem. Your hand." "Oh, sorry." I took it off and felt so embarrassed that I had to turn away. As Charlotte parked she took hold of my chin and slowly breathed upon it. It felt so ticklish that I was nearly shivering. "Shhh." She said. She was so good at this. She had a way of knowing what I wanted exactly how I wanted it. I ran my fingers through her thighs. "I wanted bad...I craved you Charlotte." She stopped breathing through my neck and kissed my lips. I ran my fingers through her soft auburn hair and I didn't want it to stop. She kissed so passionatley and mindblowing that i could hardly keep still. "Don't move, gorgeous, I know it's your first time." This time I was in control. I wanted to show her what a beast I can be in bed. I moved forward and kissed her. My toungue massaging hers and kissed different parts of her neck. I then slowly moved down to kiss her chest and unraveled the most soft touching breasts my hands could touch. I kissed everywhere on the different parts of her abs and arms and finally made my way to her black panty. She looked so hot outside of her clothes that I couldn't help but kiss her thighs and the side of her vagina. I kissed her vagina as it dripped wet and it looked so pink and ready to eat with it shaven and I ate her. She moans a great moan and I had butterflies in my stomach every time her cute voice moaned. I was like an animal that was waiting to eat its prey and in this she was my prey. As soon as she came I kissed her somemore and I loved touching her soft skin and I was not in my state of mind.

Nombre Cinq: TO BE CONT.

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