Rebecca's Arrival

By moc.loa@2BhturtdloG

Published on Jun 29, 2002



This story is a fictional work that contains a slightly graphic sexual encounter between two consenting females. If this sort of thing, doesn't float your boat...paddle on. If you enjoy my story and would like to send me at Thanks!

Rebecca's Arrival

I find myself waiting, patiently at the Newark International Airport. The entire ride up from where I live in Delaware, I kept having a million and one thoughts flooding into my head. What if she doesn't think I'm cute?? What if she doesn't like me? What if we don't get along, like we do on the computer or the phone??

I keep thinking about all the wonderful conversations we've had together over the computer, or some of our lengthy funny ones we've shared on the phone. I am hoping that we get along well together.I wish that you could have stayed longer, but I know that your job wouldn't allow for it.

I get to the airport a half hour early, just like I wanted to. I wanted to watch as her plane touched down on the runway. I was curious if I would recognize her as she departed the plane. I'm sitting for what it seems like a n eternity, getting up frequently to check the board to see if the plane is gonna come in on time. I go back to my chair to find a little,old, wrinkly Mexican woman with a shawl pulled tight around her has taken it. I sit in the next row over, and all of a sudden I got a scary premonition.

What if she decided she couldn't bring herself to get on the plane? What if she changed her mind at the last moment? What if she thought the whole thing was a joke? I pushed the paranoia out of my mind, when I heard the woman at the counter announce over the intercom that the plane would be coming down in a few minutes. I get up quickly, and I go towards the glass windows. I lean against the metal frame of the windows, as I see your plane coming into sight. I think to myself, `The woman I care for is on that plane. Don't act like a total clutz when you see her.'

I go and lean up against a column, trying to look all smooth, and cool. I watch as tons of people exit the plane, and go looking for their friends, and loved ones. I look left and right, for you, but to no avail yet. I watch as this tall, Mexican man gets off the plane, and heads for his abuelita. He reaches down and gives her a mighty hug, as she wipes tears from her eyes.

I still don't see you anywhere, and I thought for a second, that maybe you didn't come. Then, I see you, striding past the counter and you're looking around for me. I can feel my heart racing, because I think you're more beautiful in person then in the pics you had sent me. All of a sudden you turn, and you look right at me, almost through me. I feel like i'm a target for a heat seeking missle, because you're coming right at me, but I'm not scared. I notice that you're really sexy looking in those black pants you decided to wear. The white shirt highlights your face and hair. I notieced that I was looking into your lovely green eyes, as you walked towards me. I try not to appear that i'm staring, so I look away for a moment.

You stop 20 feet short of me, and look at me questioningly. I stroll towards you shyly at first and timidly ask,"Rebecca?" "Belinda??" "Yep, it's me," I say and smile at you. I walk over and I automatically give you a big hug, wrapping my arms tightly around you. You hug me back, just as tight. I look down into your brilliant, green eyes, feeling electricity run between us, so I nervously ask you,"Would you like me to help you with your carry-on bag?" "Yes, please," you murmur low to me," It's beginning to feel heavy." I reach for your bag, and my hand brushes against yours and I feel a jolt shooting from your body to mine.

I realize that I'm holding my breath, and I let it out slowly, I take the bag from you and put it on my shoulder. I casually offer you my arm, and you wrap yours with mine. I'm feeling really elated having everyone see you on my arm. I nod at the Mexican man and his grandmother, as he gawks at me and you walking togeher like that. His grandmother just looks at us and smiles sweetly.

We start making our way throughout the airport, to the baggage claim. We're talking about stuff, and I'm making little jokes to amuse you. I can't help it, but I'm still feeling like a nervous dork. I see that you're taking in everything I say, while you bite on your lower lip. I keep shooting glances over at you, and I find that you're looking at me too. I tell you that I have to use the bathroom, and you tell me so do you.

We both enter the bathroom, and we go into separate stalls. I grab the handicapped stall, because it's more open. I get done first, and I notice I'm extremely wet as I'm wiping myself. I exit the stall, and wash and dry my hands, as you're exiting the stall. You look at me, and I feel my heart beating fast again. I noticed that you're looking at me intently with those intense green eyes. I watch as you lick your luscious lips slowly, and I say out loud," Oh god."

I couldn't take it anymore, and before I knew what I was doing I pulled you to me. "I very much so want to kiss you right now, Rebecca," I whisper to you. "What are you waiting for?" you say to me. I pull you back into the handicapped stall with me, hanging your bag on the hook, and I lock the door behind me. I put my hands on your waist and gently kiss your full lips, then I pull back to see if you minded. Your eyes was showing that you desired another kiss. I kiss you once again more passionately, teasing your lips with the tip of my tongue. I sucked gently on your bottom lip, and I kissed your sweet mouth, and I parted your mouth with the tip of my tongue. I felt you suck on the tip of my tongue gently.

Our desires are becoming more apparent for each other, as we forget where we are at. I look you deep in your eyes and I moan,"I want you, Rebecca." You lean forward and moan,"I want you to taste me, Belinda. I want you to make love to me." We start kissing more fervently, as I'm running my hands downs your sides. I use the tip of my tongue to tease your earlobe, and you moan lightly. I trail my mouth down into I get to the hollow of your neck, breathing in your scent, it's heady scent is intoxicating me. I notice that your breathing is quickening and I ask you if you're ok. You tell me,"I'm just very turned on right now. This is all so different for me."

I'm nuzzling your neck, and I playfully bite your neck, and you lean your head back against the wall. I brush your breasts with my hands, and I lightly tease your nipples through your shirt with my thumbs. I feel as a ripple flows throughtout your body. I smile at this. I feel as they harden at my touch, and I caress your breasts, squeezing them lightly with my hands. I slide my hands up under your shirt slowly, and you don't stop me.

I pull your shirt up, along with your bra, and I admire your breasts. I duck down my head and I trail my tongue down from your collarbone to in between your breasts. I'm teasing your left nipple with my thumb, as I put my mouth on your right nipple. I suck greedily upon it, and I hear you moan,"That feels so good." I then move my mouth towards your left nipple, and I circle it with my tongue, before pulling it into my mouth. I'm sucking voraciously upon your nipples, as you're holding my head.

I want to taste you so badly, and I slowly begin to unbutton your pants. I kneel down as I'm pulling down your pants inch by inch. I look up to see if you want me to stop, but you're biting your bottom lip, yearning to see what I'll do next. I pull your pants down all the way to your ankles, and I playfully bite you on your thigh. I rise up and I can smell how wet you are, and to shock you, I lick your pussy through your panties. I then reach up and kiss you deeply on the mouth, while I slip my hands into your panties. I start rubbing your clit teasingly, while I continue kissing you. I groan into your ear with desire, as I feel how wet you are.

"I need to taste you, Rebecca," I moan into your mouth as I kiss you again. "Oh god, Belinda." I trail my tongue down your body, planting kisses all over. I suck your belly button lightly, as I continue creeping lower. I slowly begin to pull your panties down to join your pants around your ankles. I take in the image of you standing naked before me.

I drop to my knees and I place my tongue upon your clit teasing it with the tip of my tongue. I get you to lean back against the wall of the stall, as I begin to run my tongue all along the length of your pussy. I look up at you, but you have your eyes shut. I decide to surprise you, when I shove my tongue deep inside of your wet pussy. You gasp in amazement, and you open your eyes. You see me looking up at you, while I'm fucking your pussy with my tongue.

You grab my head holding me tight to your throbbing wet pussy. I'm exploring every last bit of you with my tongue. I suck hungrily upon your already swollen clit. I hear your breathing getting faster and faster. I know you're about to cum soon, so I keep sucking on your clit. I put my hands on your thighs to help steady you, as I watch your face and see your body trembling. I see that your body is arched, and you have your eyes closed once again. You pull my hair a little bit as you cry out,"Oh my God, I'm coming. I'm coming!" I still have your clit in my mouth as I feel you cum, I taste how sweet and salty your cum tastes by running my tongue completely along your pussy.

I get up off of my knees , pulling you close to me, as I kiss you passionately on the lips. I help you pull your pants and underwear up, as I leave you to wait outside to go and get wiped up. I grab your carry-on bag as I exit the stall to wait for you. I find when you come out of the stall that you look ravishing. You look beautiful with that radiant glow to you. "I'm sorry," you tell me. "What for hon?" I ask. "I'm sorry that we didn't have more time to get you satisfied, as well." " That's ok hon, I don't think I could manage the long drive back if we had, I'd be exhausted. We still have plenty of time together." I slip the bag onto my shoulder, and slip my other arm around your waist, as we walk out of the restroom, heading towards the parking lot.

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