Realm of Darkness

By James Heuvelen

Published on Nov 8, 2024


Realm of Darkness Part II: Chapter 2 Invoking Apophis

Disclaimer for Realm of Darkness, Series 2: This story is purely fictional and involves ritualized adult/adult sexual and some adult/teen encounters. . If you are under eighteen years of age or if you find the Satanic themes and practices of this story disturbing, please leave now.

Author's note: My last installment of Realm of Darkness was posted during the first months of Covid hysteria and under the Gmail address: This second series comes from The author welcomes helpful feedback and suggestions.

  • From James Heuvelen

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Realm of Darkness. Series II Part 2.

Justin smiled. "Satan has held Apophis back for eons. There is one exception, though. In a small isolated village in North Africa, Apophis has been used for millennia. I'll explain that later, Seth.

"I surmise that the Dark One has now singled out one gay subgroup to worship and to serve Him through Apophis--- those are or were sexually attracted to snake imagery. I once thought that own my attraction was just me, but it's widespread. Apophis is returning to lure them into the Realm.. Satan desires this cadre to become his willing slaves and servants."

Seth listened intently. "That's so provocative, Justin, and I'm curious about that dawned on you.."

Seth clearly showed his interest. He found the snake imagery new and evocative, and added, "Snake. ... To tell you the truth, Justin, the image of a snake has always aroused me, maybe because of my obsessions with the penis Even when I was still in single digits, the image of a boa swallowing its prey always gave me an erection. "

Justin smiled. "Right, Seth. In some ways, a boa engulfing its pray evokes the wild thought of a cock entering a constricting man tunnel. I remember getting turned on by it too. I thought of my own cock devoured in a powerful way, then feeding the monster with my delirious release. I can't count the times that jerked off thinking about it. Those orgasms were deliriously wicked in my first years of sexual exploration. In a way, they set me on a path toward the embrace of pure evil. Imprinted me, so to say."

"Justin, it's uncanny that when we were both in single digits we shared that same flashpoint of arousal," Seth responded. "My own erotic obsession with snakes became more dormant as Satan later become my focus. My satanic journey has been so wild that I'd forgotten about serpents---that is, until now. It would be incredible if our earlier innocent youthful attraction could expand with ritual."

"You're not the only one fascinated with snakes, Seth. Have you ever seen underground porn where a a boa slithers into a gay sex act and enters into a symbiotic level of arousal with them? That kind of porn is definitely illegal—but intensely hot. Still,, I've managed to procure porn scenes that we can watch together sometime. Four with stunning thirty-somethings and five with smooth, truly kinky twelve-year-olds."

Seth had always found boys to be irresistible. When he had seduced willing teens to give their souls to Satan, he always experienced a dark reward of intense pleasure, akin to what he felt when he jerked to serpent thoughts as a youth. Converting them had been high points in his Satanic journey. Right now, Seth simply imagined spoiling underage porn actors within the rites of Apophis. And if none of Justin's porn was overly satanic, Seth had no doubt that the Dark Lord's covert presence inspired it--- as a disarming prelude to more twisted ceremonies involving Apophis.

Justin interrupted Seth's train of thought," Humans are genetically predisposed to fear snakes—for good reason--survival. But if that fear transmogrifies into an erotic allure, it arouses passion at its deepest level. It's true for me, for others and even for you, Seth."

Justin paused, "But with the emergence of Apophis, that nebulous attraction is focused; it's connected to a specific demon. That makes it all the more sinister and powerful.

"I have tried to analyze it, Seth. Here's what I've discovered. As a voyeur of aroused men and an aroused snake, even thinking about it, something counterintuitive and deviant emerges. It alters fear into acceptance and revulsion into attraction. Our deep-seated, primordial fear of meandering reptiles turns into titillating allure. It's an amazing flip-flop that could only happen within existing Satanic practices. Building on the foundation, so to say."

Seth's brow furrowed. "That makes total sense. Still, I'm curious about how invoking Apophis actually works. Sacrifice snakes, maybe? Cavort with them? Eat them? I'm not being judgmental, just curious."

"Questions are expected, Seth. But don't get ahead of yourself Your arrival here was at precisely the right moment. The moment of further revelation is close. I've already brought two beautiful teens to the demon---a good start! Their experiences were wild but only superficialI am prepared to share Apophis with you on a much deeper level. Besides me, you will be the first adult to venture into his depths."

"I would invoke right now with you, Justin!" Seth interjected.

"I know, but, to be honest, you need background, Seth. You're impatient, and that's normal. The fullest appropriation of Apophis will take patient preparation. If we rush into it, we'll miss the deepest level of what the demon can do. So, let me start with some explanation.

"Apophis is a demonic power in ancient Egyptian myth, and is depicted depicted as a long, winding snake in hieroglyphics The demon dwelt in the underworld and was a potent adversary to the sun god Re.

"Ancient devotees of Apophis initially just worshiped the sand boa whom they named Apophis. In time they discovered something remarkable---a deadly mushroom called Amanita Phalloides. It's found North Africa, Europe and Asia. Human ingestion of Amanita P. is universally and quickly fatal. But it is not fatal to certain snakes, especially the sand boa of Egypt.

"Here is what the ancients discovered: When the powdered mushroom was fed to males of the Egyptian sand boa, the snake descended into a frenzy of arousal. The deadly compounds in the also stimulated the production of copious semen. I guess that a unique gene in the boa's DNA neutralized the deadly chemicals and transformed them. So, sand boas were kept, fed amanita and milked for this semen.

They ingested it at carefully controlled moments in their man-man, man-boy rituals. It was so remarkably potent that villagers guarded it with an insane savagery, and took an oath of total silence. Anyone breaking the vow would be fed deadly Amanita as punishment. The death-writhing of the traitors actually aroused observers into a wild, sadistic euphoria that added the energy of sacrifice to their couplings."

"Every detail, Justin, is so wild that I feel partially possessed even without calling on Apophis into my being," Seth admitted, his heart racing and breath shallow.

Justin went on. "The men and boys in this village ingested this semen as part of their homoerotic rituals. Once ingested, the semen produced intense arousal and incredible hallucinations of every snake imaginable. Practitioners became one with Apophis and one with each other. On certain prescribed nights, all males left the women behind, retreated to a wilderness lair, and engaged in wicked orgies. Basically, that describes Apophis cult in Egypt."

"Trust me, Seth, while we move into the details. I first need to introduce you to the chamber that Satan asked me to build as the first Apophis cultic space in the West."

Next: Chapter 18: Realm of Darkness II 3

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