
By Cristina

Published on May 5, 2001


See Chapter 1 for usual disclaimer

Author's Notes: Wow don't have any boring crap to put here so...on with the story.

Chapter 4

I turned to Dominique unsure of what to do. Seeing no help in that direction I turned and left.

At home

A cute looking couple sat in a secluded spot near the back of a nearby restraunt. The taller blonde male reached across the candlelit table to grasp the others hand. Electricity tensed through the air between them.

"Daniel, I'm glad we decided to try an actual relationship."

"Me too. It's a little different from my usual approach, but I think I can get used to it."

"I'd hope so."

"You know I really want you to know that I've never felt like this before...I think I'm falling in love with you."

I heard the door open after me and footsteps following in my direction. I turned and followed them back up to the owner.


"I'm sorry."

"You should be."

"I'm really sorry?"

"Thanks I'm so glad I can count on you to get me out of a situation like that next time."

"Look. I don't know exactly what you wanted me to do."

"How about something besides standing there. You know it really ticks me off that out of all the times I came through for you you couldn't help me once. Just once."

"I'm sorry."

"You know I really think maybe I need to just turn around and go."

"If that's what you want to do."

That had to be the deciding point when I finally realized that maybe I would be better off with her. With that thought I turned around and let go of not only the best friend I've ever had but also the only person I can honestly say I ever thought I was truly in love with. Before I could share my thoughts and leave for good my pager had to make its presence known. I glanced at my pager to find David's number. Surprised I left to find the nearest payphone. Three rings and David was on the other end.

"What's your deal?"

"I just called to see how things went."

"Badly...and no I don't care to discuss it. I think I just need to go out and get drunk for the first time in my life and I'll be fine."

"Wow that bad."

"Do you have to ask? If you do I'll tell you later, but I think I need to go and do some thinking right now."

"Okay bye."


I went home to "do some thinking", which consisted going out, staring at the walls, and contemplating the meaning of life. (Not really. It was all good up until the meaning of life crap. It just sounded good at the time.) Meanwhile (after the walls stopped staring back) my pager is once again making it's presence known.


"Hey chic. Wuz up?"

"Not much. Everything's pretty much down right now."

"Anything I can do to help?"

"Yeah get your sexy ass over here and hold me."

"Where has your sorry ass been and where is it now?"

"Oh shit. I didn't tell you babe?"


"Dominique's mom is dying in the hospital here in Houston."

"Closer to home, but I wish it wasn't like that. I was about to say something about that horrid, unspeakable name you just mentioned. But, just for that I'll let it slide this time."

"Yeah. I think I finally realized I'd be better off without her."

"Really. Tell me, dear heart, when you came to this wonderful epiphany."

"About 30 minutes ago. We kinda had this falling out because she couldn't defend me in front of her stupid bitch of a mother. I mean... she's on her death bed, yet she still finds it necessary to harrass me."

"I'm sorry babe. You want me to come over and chill for a while? In case you feel like not thinking."


"Give me the address and I'll be over there in 30 minutes."

30 minutes later

True to her word, Athena showed up half an hour later, looking somewhere between stunning and gorgeous. I took a step back in awe to behold the tight, slightly built muscular form, golden skin that showed in the places her tank top failed to cover, and semi-shoulder-length-dirty-blonde-strands flowing down in an attempt to hide her hazel-brown bedroom eyes, that presently stood before me. The cutoff denim shorts weren't helping either.

"See something you like or just browsing?"

"Definitely see something I like." Just as I was beggining to recover, she took the opportunity to take my hand and lead me to the couch. Sitting in the far right corner, with her fractions of an inch away from me, was not far from my mind as she began to speak to me.

"So, how are you now?" She continued as she began stroking my hair.

"I'd have to say, I'd be lying if I said I was having the worst day of my life." Staring off-centered into her soulful gaze, I felt her gentle grip on my wrists pulling me forward and guiding me towards her luscious cherry lips. So soft and gently her lips brushed mine. I pulled back, somewhat surprised. I thought, "What am I doing? Athena's been like a sister to me forever. Do I really want to risk losing that? Has she always been this beautiful with me to hung up on Dominique to notice?" A dejected look crossed her face as I brushed her hair away from those beautiful brown eyes. She quickly grabbed my hand away as her tear-filled eyes tore through me.

"Don't you love me?"

"Athena, I've always loved you, I just don't know how I love you or what I feel right now, but I do know that I don't want to be wrong in whatever it is and lose your friendship. Give me some time. You know me better than to think that I would rush into something like this and especially with someone I care about as much as you."

"Did you ever know that the every time you called to talk to me about Dominique I would cry myself to sleep at night, because all I ever wanted was to be the one you called to talk about."

"Athena. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was scared. I mean... what would I do if you didn't feel the same way?"

"I still had a right to know."

"I'm sorry, but at least I'm telling you now. I love you. If you can't love me back, can I at least hold you?"

"Only if you let me hold you first." Laughing in response, I took hold of her wrists and pulled her gently on top of me. She felt so soft just lying there on top of me. For the first time in a long while I felt content.

Next: Chapter 5

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