Real World

By Ty Koh

Published on Jul 15, 2003


Hi, it's me again. I am 22, 5ft11, 155 lbs, Chinese guy. Here are some more encounters that I had in another city. All names have been changed to protect their identities.

So school was back in session. I cut my hair and went from funky to preppy. I got my grades from the University of Washington. I did very poorly on my Calculus III but I was relief to find out from my professor that I didn't have to retake it again. I ended up sharing an apartment with a girl who came out to me later that she is a lesbian. I told her about my sexuality and also told her that I was still in the closet.

Although I didn't have to retake Calculus III again, I was pretty much overloaded with all the courses for my program. So I spent most of the time studying and working out at the gym. Plus, I didn't want to bring anybody back to the apartment.

Clayton Stamp So one night after working my ass off on a paper, I decided to go online to see if there was anything interesting. I started talking to this guy who lived in the downtown area. He described himself as 32, 6ft2, 180 lbs, in shape, work out 4x per week. I thought that he was too big for me but then I figured that I should not be so picky since I only wanted to get off anyway. So I sent him my picture and he was definitely interested for he invited me to go over to his place right away.

I got to his place at around midnight. He opened the door and I thought that he was not really my type but definitely doable. I didn't want waste anytime and so I reached my hand over and started rubbing on his crotch.

"My bed room is over there," he pointed out to another room.

We walked to his room and I noticed that he had a hat with my school's logo on it. I figured that he could be an alumnus but then I didn't bother to ask.

We took our clothes off and got onto the bed. He licked my ear and jerked on my dick at the same time, which drove me crazy. Clayton's dick was roughly about the same size as mine (6.5 inches) but his was thicker. I stroked his dick for a while and rubbed my thumb on his already-oozing dickhead. We then did some 69 and his dick was definitely a mouthful. While I was sucking on his dick, I took a peek at his ass crack and found it to be extremely hairy.

"Sit on my chest, I want you to fuck my face with your cock," he whispered.

I followed his instructions; sat on his chest, put my hands against the wall and started fucking his face. He kept his mouth wide open so that I could move my dick in and out of his mouth easily. I fucked his face for a while and then I sat on his hairy chest and jerked on my dick rapidly. The whole time he kept swirling his tongue around my dick head.

"If you keep doing that, I am going to shoot in your mouth," I said to him.

He didn't answer but open his mouth wider. I took that as a yes and so I shot my three-day load down his throat. He didn't miss a drop and even sucked harder on my cock to the last drop. I turned to glance at his dick and he'd shot a decent load all over his hairy stomach.

I put my clothes back on and thanked him. There was an uncomfortable silence between us and so I just said,

"Oh, I have an early class tomorrow, e-mail me sometimes, OK?" I said as I flashed my teeth at him.

He nodded and I left feeling slightly empty, emotionally and physically.

Sammi Gallagher "I know that you are in a closet but have you ever thought about having a boyfriend?" asked my roommate.

"No, not really. I just don't think that it would work, really. But I have thought about it at times and I wouldn't mind hanging out with someone that I am close with. Why did you ask that?" I inquired.

"Well, remember Kevin, my friend who was here a few weeks ago? He is gay and he told me that he thinks you are pretty cute. He is looking for a boyfriend but I wasn't sure if you are?" she giggled.

I tried to picture Kevin but nothing came into my head so I figured that he must be pretty insignificant and probably just so-so looking.

"I just think that you need a boyfriend, or perhaps a buddy whom you could hang out with, you know? I also know that looking for Mr. Right is not easy. What I did in the past before I met my current girlfriend was that I would give everybody before I met a 7 on the scale of 10 and I would just plus or minus points from that 7. At the end of the day, if she scores less than 4, I would just tell myself to forget about it, you know what I am talking about?" continued Sammi.

"Aha, so tell me more about your friend?" I asked.

"He is 36, but he doesn't look his age at all! He is a construction worker, he has a nice body and a lot of people claimed that he has a big dick, and I mean 9 inches long!" screamed Sammi

I did a mental calculation in my head, construction worker means that we have nothing much to talk about, that is a minus 3. Being 36 is a minus 2. Nice body is a plus 1 and big dick is a plus 1.

"He scored a four, Sammi! I am pretty busy this semester but thanks for your help. Maybe we could go out sometimes next weekend? I just got an ID from another Asian friend of mine. I am sure that it's going to work since we all look alike to yo'll, right?" I smiled.

John X The next weekend Sammi and I decided to go out to a local gay bar called "The blazing Saddle". True enough, the doorman couldn't tell the difference between the picture of my friend and me and so I entered the bar without any problems.

Sammi seemed to know a lot of gay guys in that bar and most of them came up to say hello to her. Then there was this fake blonde guy who kept starring at me. He finally came up to say hi to Sammi and introduced himself to me. We talked for a bit but I wasn't really interested in him since he looked kind of goofy and seemed to have no personality at all. He gave me his phone number and went back to his friends.

"What did he get?" asked Sammi.

"Let's see, minus 2 for being 39, minus 1 for being 5ft5 and minus 2 for that goofy smile. Final score, 3 out of 10," I replied.

"Wow! Aint you judgmental! Get a beer and relax, dude!" she said as she patted on my back.

So with no one that I was interested in, I became more interested in getting drunk. After a few beers, I became tipsy. I noticed that there was this tall guy who was dancing with another guy but couldn't keep his eye off me. I thought that he was pretty cute and so I gave him a smile.

Then came the last call, I told Sammi that I wanted to go home. The tall guy just popped out of nowhere and told my roommate that he would take me home instead. My roommate winked at me wished me fun.

We went back to his motel and there were some drinks in the fridge and so I drank some more. We talked for a bit and he told me that he was a lawyer from Mason City. I could care less about what he did and where he was from, all I wanted was to get laid! He told me to take off my clothes, asked me to lie on my stomach and he proceeded to giving me a back rub. He started licking my shoulders and my back. He went down to my ass cheeks and rubbed his five-o-clock shadow against them. He then took my ass cheeks apart and stuck his tongue in my hole. He definitely knew what he was doing since I was moaning and telling him how good it felt.

I felt his dick rubbing against my hole and I heard him asked me if I wanted to be fucked by him. I said yes. He applied some lube on my hole and slowly entered me. It was very painful at first and I didn't have time to get used to his dick. Once his dick was deep inside me, he pulled it out completely and jammed it back into my hole again. This dude then just kept on pounding my ass. He was also very verbal; he kept asking me if I liked being pounded by his big dick, etc. Finally I couldn't take the pain any longer and I just told him to pull it out and he jerked off and came all over his stomach. I was too drunk to cum and so I rolled over and went to sleep.

The next day I got up with a headache and found him cuddling besides me. Then I realized what happened last night. I saw a used condom on the floor and so I figured that he did use the protection.

I looked at him and I also realized that he wasn't as hot looking as last night. I could swear that he looked ten times better last night! Damn! Must be the fucking alcohol! I was definitely mad at myself for letting the alcohol impaired my judgment but then there was nothing I could do at that point of time. However, he had a really nice body; lean, smooth and well defined. I also took a peek at his flaccid dick and it was pretty thick.

He woke up a while later and we talked for a bit in his car before he took me back to my apartment. I didn't even dare asking for his age for fear that it could be well over 30. I told him where I went to school and then he asked,

"Oh, so do you know Clayton Stamp? He is in the law program at your school. He doesn't talk to me but we always compete for the same guys at the gay parties. It's just so annoying that most of the guys that I have met had actually slept with him before," he said while pulling over in front of my apartment.

"What a fucking small world," I thought to myself!

"I think you just fucked Clayton Stamp by proxy," I said to him while I got out of his car.

John looked puzzled.

"Never mind," I smiled and wished him a safe trip back to Mason City.

John got a five, by the way!

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