Real World

By Michael Yost

Published on Jan 22, 2003


"I have the kids watching a Disney's Dumbo. You want to me to chase you upstairs?" Pete grinned, "Or did your roommates wear you out?"

"Chase me!" Josh grinned back. running up the upstairs to their bedroom. Pete at his heels.

Shutting the door behind them. Pete slipped to his knees, biting and licking at Josh' s clothed crotch. Pete peeled Josh's jeans off, sucking and nibbling greedily at him, slipping his mouth onto his cock, mouth fucking it hard. Salvia ran down his tight mouth. The skin moving on Josh' s hard on made the friction unbelievable as Pete worked him over.

"Ah, Ah, " Josh moaned, "Wait, wait,. I don't want to cum yet. No. way. Slipping his fingers down Pete's loose jeans cupping his balls, Josh pulled off Pete's shirt, sucking on his nipples flickering his tongue on their perfect tautness. Unsnapping Pete's snaps to his pants, pulling them down exposing his light brown pubic hair, pulling the pants down further, Josh placed his hand on the base of Pete's popped out hard cock. Josh licked the moist slit in his cock, swirling his tongue around the head, engulfing his stiff rod into his mouth making thrusting up and down motions, his fingers thrust into his crack. his palm on Pete's luscious curved ass.

Flexing his hips, Pete made the tight friction and pressure on his cock more fantastic. Josh pulled away, Pete groaned, "Josh take it back in your mouth, I want it. Come one. "

Torturing Pete, Josh licked and fingered his balls, taking one ball sac in his mouth then the other. His finger pushed against Pete's anus, playing his finger inside at a careful slant. Josh made Pete get into a 69 position, Pete's hard on hanging over Josh's mouth. They took each other orally till Josh pulled his mouth away from Pete before Pete could ejaculate. Knowing if Pete had his way the night would be all about sucking sex. Pete was still timid about anal sex. Josh had to have that ass, that beautiful. sexy, in-your-face, naked ass. Josh's finger worked it's way into Pete, going deeper. Pete's cock pressing against his face. The tightness of Pete's jerking rump was unbelievable.

Scooting behind Pete, holding him in his arms, breathing rapidly, Josh held onto Pete's balls, playing with his moist sweat thighs.

"Josh do it," Pete cried.

"No," Josh whispered in Pete's ear, running his hands roughly on his nipples, his abdomen, and chest..

"Josh," Pete moaned, pumping his hips against Josh's hard cock, "Do it slow. Do it slow. Please."

"I can't go slow," Josh rasped, caressing the taunt globes of his ass.

"Do it," Pet said fearlessly.

"Noo," Pete cried, tears in his eyes, Josh's hard cock roughly thrust inside of him.

Pete winced, taking in the hurt, as the cock pounded inside of his stretched rectum, his prostrate gland melting and throbbing, creaming, Pete's scrotum tightened, his stiff cock exploded, pumping sperm in Josh's hand. Gasping Pete moved his ass up and down Josh's penis

"Pete your, your, damn Pete," Josh whimpered, clutching Pete's spent penis. Josh stiffened, his toes curled, his spine arched, he felt like everything in his body turned to cum, he fell against Pete's back, moaning his name Endless sperm coated Pete's rectum, Panting, Pete squeezed his sphincter muscle, forcing Josh cock to quiver and pump more sperm. Pulling his penis out Josh laid with sweat and cum on his penis, thighs, and balls, Kissing the back of Pete's neck, tearing his skin apart, Josh drank Pete into having another ejaculation of blood. Cuddling with Pete, laying on the wet spots on the sheets, licking his underarms, and chest, Josh said, "We'd better get out of bed and watch the kids."

"Kids, do we have kids?" Pete laughed. His ass hurt a little, he clinched his sore ass cheeks. It still felt like Josh's cock was inside of him. The sheets were bunched between Pete's sweaty legs. Pete wiped his thighs and hips with the sheets. Josh buried his face into a laughing Pete's thighs liking how he smelled. Musky, boy, and bloody.

"Love you, love you," Josh said, putting his head on Pete abdomen while Pete played with his spiky hair.

Wrapping his thighs around Josh's head, Pete moaned "I told you to go slowly."

"I'm sorry. You know when we're apart I get greedy. I promise next time I'll go slowly. Inch by inch. Propping Pete's hips up, Josh licked and dived his tongue inside him, masturbating his lax cock.

"Josh, Josh wait, " Pete gasped. "Wait a minute."

Hardening helplessly in Josh's pulling grasp, struggling only making things more exiting, Pete ejaculated a small amount of sperm.

"Was that more our your liking, beautiful?," Josh giggled rubbing his face against Pete's.

"You mean it was more to your taste," Pete giggled, being blissfully tickled by Josh's tongue on his lax cock and thighs.

Getting dressed, they made their way dizzily downstairs.

Pete turned off the the Disney cartoon.

Ace was concentrating on assembling his hot wheels track, trying to make his car crashes as complicated and terrifying as possible. His cherub, round face lost in serious planning. His hands tucked into his blue overalls. Several white rats crawled about the living room. One nosed Ace's knee. Ace picked up the rat, petting it, snuggling his face into it's rodent face. Gently, he parted his lips, biting through the hairy neck. The rat only squealed for a second before it was no only a living rat.

Tabby came over to his meticulously planned out roads.

Her plump toddler's legs deftly kicked apart his road work

"Pete, daddy," Ace roared, grabbing a hold full of Tabby's hair.

"No Ace,'" Pete said prying Ace's hands from Tabby's hair. Tabby's fist caught Ace's mouth a good one.

"Ace,'" Josh said, patiently, "You're supposed to call Pete daddy too now. Tabby is only one years old, You have to be a big about this son. She only wanted to play too."

"I want her to leave me alone," Ace yelled, rubbing his stinging mouth.

"Ace you hit Tabby first. She doesn't know any better. You taught her to hit. She thinks it's a game," Pete reasoned.

"Can I drown her?" Ace growled, his three year olds face furious.

"No," Pete said sternly, "Ace go to your room and take a time out."

"I didn't do anything. You always take her side!" Ace swore, stomping off to his room

Opening the door, he covered his eyes. The room was coated in a tornado of blinding, swirling light. There in the rocker where his daddy Josh usually sat him with on his lap when Josh read stories to him was a little girl of nine, looking at a book upside down. The light seemed to surround her. Then it flew out the window, leaving the room dark. Ace ran to look outside, there was only darkness out there.

"I heard what they said, to you, " she said in smooth faraway tones, "Adults can be so unfair."

"Tell me about it," Ace said, sitting at her feet, "How did you get in here?"

"My mother brought me. She thinks your fathers are bad," she said in a decided voice.

"How would she know?" Ace said fascinated by the girl's transparency.

Bright blue butterflies suddenly coated his room. Amazed he touched one, thinking its wings to be pretty, The fluttery softness exploded harmlessly in his hand. The room smelled damp and mossy from the demise of the butterfly.

"My name is Arabella she said, the butterflies swooping aimlessly in confusion, "My mother thinks you are right We should drown your sister."

"Won't it hurt her?" Ace said.

"No. not really it will make her a better little girl. You'll like her better, I promise," she said, jumping off the rocking chair, leaving a puddle of water on the wooden seat, "Call her."

Following her into the bathroom, Ace watched as she twisted the knobs of the facets, "We don't want it too hot or too cold," she said cheerfully, "Now call her. It won't hurt her," she insisted, Tell her you want to say your sorry."

Tabby, Tabby," Ace yelled, "Come here, I want to show you something."

"Dads had it all arranged," Josh said rubbing Pete's knee, "We're going to be married at Saint Louis. He talked to Father Jim."

"But if we go through a preCana classes I have to move out of the house. The church won't marry us if we're living together," Pete protested. "Josh are you sure about this? It could well take over six month until we get to the ceremony."

"Are you kidding? Of course I'm sure. I already bought my tux. Pete is this about Ray? It happened months ago."

"I don't deserve a wedding," Pete said bleakly.

"What you don't deserve to be forgiven. Right? I used to be a real jerk Pete You know that. Everyone had to be perfect especially you. Pete at you trying to tell me because you slept with Ray you can't trust yourself to be faithful?"

"I can trust myself for the rest of our lives I'm secure about us." Pete insisted

"Then we deserve a wedding,' Josh said happily, "Dads talked Father Jim into bypassing that rule about living separately during preCanal classes. Besides the wedding isn't officially sanctioned by the Catholic Church so Father Jim is marrying us outside of the chinch. He realizes we have children, he's not going to insist on our breaking up our family for months. That would be ridiculous."

"I'm glad Damion got that part resolved for us," Pete said, relieved.

I'm glad Damion is on our side. And Christov?"

"He's iffy on the whole thing for the most part he's happy for us," Pete chimed

"All we have to do is go to the preCanna classes, learn how to be a married, and get married, " Josh said his eyes shining, "One of those happy ever after things people get to do."

"If they insist on their right to be happy," Pete said, snuggling against Josh.

Tabby wandered into the bathroom. Her thumb in her rosebud mouth, her eyes full of curiosity for the beautiful, strange girl in the bathroom. Tabby shyly tugged on her dress, not sure if she should talk to this older girl or not. Not even the blue butterflies flying about could distract her from the girl smiling at her.

"Maybe we should just drown her doll," Ace reasoned.

"No, Tabby likes to play in the water, Don't you Tabby?" the girl said innocently.

"Should we take off her clothes if we're going to put her in the bathtub," Ace said with equal innocence.

"I don't think so," she said reaching out her hand, saying , "Tabby come here."

Toddling over to the girl, Tabby reached out to touch her pretty face.

Deftly the girl shoved Tabby into the tub. She slammed her fist on Tabby's chest, keeping her submerged in he water. The butterflies swarmed into the water, dissolving as soon as they landed.

"Ace did I hear the water running? What are you doing!" Pete cried.

Alarmed, Pete went into the bathroom. He saw water running into the tub. Tabby was laying face up in the water, bubbles pouring out of her little nose.

"Oh my God. oh my God," Pete breathed pulling Tabby out of the water.

Hiccuping giving out a heaving breath, Tabby wailed, throwing up water.

"She told me to do it, She told me it wouldn't hurt!" Ace screamed "Don't be mad at me. I didn't do anything!"

"Who told you ! " Pete said, thumping Tabby's back


Next: Chapter 44

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