Real World

By Michael Yost

Published on Jan 21, 2003


"That lousy God damned slut!" Pete screamed, running to Ovid.

"What's the matter! Calm down," Ovid cried, "Where's your boy friend?"

"My so called boy friend has been cheating on me all along with his boi toy of a room mate!" Pete roared, "He had the nerve to make me feel like I' the one who's guilty for our break up."

Jumping on Ovid's bones, pinning the vampire boy to the couch, Pete said in a low rasping growl. "Everyone's been telling me what to do. Damion, Christov, everyone! Josh Blue thinks he can do whatever he wants to do. From now on I' m going to do what I want to do!"

"What do you going to do?" Ovid said, his mouth falling to be lax, his fangs barred, thinking, Damn, thanks Josh for making this easy on me. A couple of months of fucking Pete, having him in our coven, then out he goes.

"I never seen you like this before," Ovid gasped, "Pete what do you want?"

"I want to tell Josh off!" Pete screamed in Ovid's face.

Jumping off Ovid, Pete went running out of the trailer.

Running down the street and straight up the brick wall of the Real World Chicago house, Pete screamed, "I want to talk to you Josh Blue! Now!"

Kicking through the glass, his leg flying through the gap, Pete smashed his crotch against the widow pane. "Oww," Pete cried, One leg dangling in Josh's room, the other leg against the roof.

"Pete if we're going to talk to has to be someplace else," Josh cried in his bedroom, "Climb down. I'll meet you outside."

"Oww," Pete groaned, slithering down the wall. His crotch sill burning, Pete met Josh on the ground.

Josh stood before him a blank look on his face, holding a carton of butter brickle ice cream.

"Where's your slut of a room mate Joey!" Pete growled, "Were you two doing it all along?"

"He's out, " Josh said, throwing the ice cream into a trash can, "He took all my room mates club hopping after I told him I needed to be alone."

"You're alone?" Pete scoffed.

"I said I was alone. You just dumped me. What did you think I'd be doing? Partying? Out having a good time!! For the record Joey isn't a slut. Now come on let's walk or you can go in my bedroom and check to see if I'm hiding Joey in there," Josh said, struggling with his emotions of relief and anger, strolling away from Pete.

"Joey is another reason you didn't want to go to Paris with me, isn't he?" Pete said angerily.

Without a word Josh ran down the street, Pete running behind him. Josh ended up stopping at a parking lot where a carnival was being hosted by a local discount store in Paying for two tickets to ride the Tilt-A- Whirl, Josh got into the ride with Pete.

"Aren't you gong to say anything to me?"Pete asked fearlessly.

The mechanical gears sent them whirling around and around, up and down, The momentum of the ride shoved Pete against Josh, They were surrounded by the golden carnival lights, the hot smells of spun sugar, popcorn, and caramel apples roaring through the shouts and screams of happy mortals, and loud rock music.

The Tilt-a-Whirl grounded to a halt. Josh leaped out of the ride.

Leaping after him, Pete chased Josh down to to a vacant street. "Josh say something!" he yelled exasperated.

Turning on him, Josh yelled, "Are you jerking me around, because if you are get out of my life, now."

"Josh!" Pete cried surprised.

"Just because your so fucking hot, so fucking cute, and so fucking perfect, you have my dick wrapped around your little finger, not to mention everything else, doesn't give you the right to jerk me around" Josh yelled.

"Jerk you around" Pete cried, "I'm jerking you around!"

"You and Michael!"

"Isn't it enough for you to know I don't love Michael, and never did? Josh, I was his lover, there I admit it. I was only his lover, he wasn't my lover. You were the first person who bit me. Michael and I we never went very far I wouldn't allow him. Nothing happened between Michael and I. More has happened between us."

"It should be like this! Me, always trying to prove I'm worthy to you. Always falling short. And when things don't go your way you want to leave!"

"Josh only for one second!"

"I can't just jump up and run away with you! Got it!"

"I know, I wouldn't want you to. Your right, "Pete said quickly, "I'm sorry. Do I have to get down on my hands and kneels to prove to you I'm sorry. Don't you trust me when I'm telling you loud and clear I'm sorry!"

"I believe you. Not because I want to but because I trust you. Pete, I thought about it. Trying to live a night walkers life Laying next to you during the day in a grave, bed, or coffin. Pretending to be dead so we could be together all the time, and never separated. I know if I tried to lie with you during the day my foot would start to shake. I 'd start to get restless. I'd go crazy. I'd end up bolting. I'm sorry I can't change. Any more than you can change," Josh said painfully.

"Josh, I'd never ask you to give up the sunlight, half your life up for me," Pete cried, "I love you. Josh I saw you. You were all over your room mate."

"And I saw you in Ovid's arms. Tell me the truth Pete are you attracted to Ovid?' Josh said. "Do you want him?"

Yes, I 'm attracted to him, "Pete stuttered, "So what? I mean I find a lot of boys attractive. It's not like I want to be with any of them."

"Pete I feel the same way about Joey. I was upset, and he kissed me. I kissed him back. I even told myself I wanted to make love to him because I felt so destroyed by our breaking up. One kiss from him and I knew he wasn't who I wanted to be with. Not even close. I told him to leave. How about Michael? Are you attracted to Michael?"

Pete grimaced. He held his breath , he admitted, "Yes, there are times which I am attracted to Michael Only when Michael isn't acting like he owns me are moments I actually think he isn't at least totally repulsive. Josh it isn't at all how I feel about you."

"Pete, I'm not gong to lie to you. I do kiss my victims sometimes. Out of gratitude from what I'm gong to take from them. Not anything else. I would never want to take anything away from you. Are you still attracted to me?' Josh said in a bitter sweet tone.

"Yes, how can you ask that? I love you," Pete said in a small voice "Your everything to me it goes beyond mere attraction. I never want to lose you. After I left your room, I came back to tell you how much I loved you."

"I know I feel the same about you," Josh said, wiping away a tear from his face. "You actually thought I was cheating on you with Joey for days?"

"Only because I was angry when I saw you two together. You actually thought I was more attracted to Ovid then you?" Pete said, smiling.

They strolled through the cold late October night, "I'm sorry for the hateful things I said to you when you wouldn't join Ovid's coven, " Pete said solemnly.

"I'm sorry for pushing you into saying those hateful words. I shouldn't have yelled at you at the concert instead I should of introduced myself to Ovid as your boy friend. I handled everything stupidly, I should have been honest with everyone from the start. I shouldn't have allowed the possibility of people thinking I was straight because of my Real World application form. Then none of this blackmail would have happened. It's my fault our plans for fun in Chicago was ruined."

"No, I shouldn't have shown up in the fist place after after I promised Damion I wouldn't, " Pete said.

"You broke your word for me," Josh said lovingly.

"I know. And that was a mistake. I should have encouraged you to keep your word to your dads instead of the both of us going behind his back." Pete said, "Josh let's' do it tonight. I want to make love to you tonight," Pete breathed.

Stopping Pete from taking another step, Josh couldn't believe what Pete was saying, "Not tonight, It's too soon. Too fast You crushed me tonight. The thought of losing you Pete. You can hurt me the way no other boy can or will."

"You crushed me tonight too. I was so angry I wanted to yell my head off at you and Joey," Pete said, pressing Josh's hand.

"Are you going to Paris or are you going to stay here in Chicago?"

"You still think I should go to Paris?"

"I meant it when I said I trusted you. If you think you need the experience of being in a night walker's coven, traveling the world before you can settle down go it. I want you to be sure of us, and if this will help. Do it for us."

"I'm going back to New Orleans with Christov and Henri After tonight I'm gong to keep my promise to Louis not to see you until your in New Orleans. Josh, we should have upheld our promises to stay apart for a few months. If Damion and Christov can trust us to keep our word to them then they'll have to trust us about everything. Including how we feel about each other. And then they'll have to stop interfering with us."

"Guess the only way we'll get people to trust that we belong together is by being more frank and forceful about how we feel about each other," Josh agreed, "We're going to have to start being in people's faces about it. Are you sure about Paris?"

"Totally. You were right. I was running away. It had nothing do with with growing up, or trying to find myself. If I want to be a so called grown up the best place to be right now is New Orleans. I'm going to leave tomorrow night. I know who I am. I'm yours. And know you belong to me. Even when we're apart. Other people are going to learn that too. And then they start leaving us alone. What are you going to do?"

"I'm gong to finish my time out here in Chicago, " Josh said, " Tomorrow morning I'm participating in a charity run for breast cancer."

"I wish I could be there to see you run," Pete said wistfully

"So do I. Come on," Josh said, leading Pete to the street where the race was going to start.

"Wait here,' Josh said.

Breaking out into a run, Josh left Pete by himself. Before long he was running down the street from the other side.

Catching a laughing Pete in his arms, Josh yelled, "The winner and still champion!"

Kissing him deeply, their tongues playing against each other's, Josh broke the kiss and whispered "Listen Pete tomorrow when I'm running my race as far as I'm concerned the race isn't over till I'm back with you, holding you n my arms again. "Josh breathed, "All my endeavors all my goals are not complete until I'm holding you in the night."

"You've been crying," Pete said putting his hand's to Josh's face, "I didn't mean to make you cry."

"Yes, you did, You always can make me cry. That's why I want to wait a little longer to ask you."

"Ask me what?" Pete said, "It's nothing gross is it?"

"I hope not,'" Josh laughed, putting his finger in his pocket fingering the wedding ring.

"Josh," Pete said grinning.

"I'll ask you when we get back to New Orleans," Josh said rubbing noses with Pete. "Don't worry Ill ask you someday. I know we can handle damage control after screw ups. So your askable."

"I guess so," Pete said smiling.

Not that were' not going to screw up sometimes. But we'll get over the rough times, right?"

"Don't ever doubt it," Pete said seriously. "Josh lets leave our promise rings here in Chicago . We don't need chastity rings."

"We don't," Josh cried his knees turning to water.

"We don't," Pete said, taking Josh's hand leading down the sidewalk.

"Josh I know you turned me down the first time I asked you tonight I'm asking again. I want to make love with you all night long," Pete breathed

"If you really want to," Josh said, thinking, Screw it I just can't say no to the boy. And he's asking, he's finally asking me for once!

"Nothing anal," Pete warned.

"Gawk," Josh gasped.

"And no drinking my blood," Pete said seriously, "I still want to wait till we've made a formal commitment before we do any of that stuff."

Gulp, Josh thought, saying, "It's your body your choice." Passionately kissing Pete, meaning what he said, choosing to love Pete rather than waste a night of pressuring him, he said, "You're my choice not your blood, nor your body. You're my choice. Even if I couldn't touch you, even if I couldn't taste you. You would be my choice. You."

"You're my choice too."

"If I'm your choice. Tonight I'm going to let you take the lead, " Josh teased.

Next: Chapter 42

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