Real World

By Michael Yost

Published on Dec 10, 2002


"What do you mean Pete's a challenge to me?"

"First it was a challenge just to get him to look at you. Then it was a challenge to talk him out of his engagement to that good looking prick Michael. I don't know Josh. The people you value the most in your life are the people who are hardest for you to please. I hope once you get what you think you want out of Pete, he'll still manage to keep you challenged," Brent said.

"That's so not true. I'm passionate about Pete as a person, not as some cracker jack toy. You are so wrong!" Josh insisted, "As for sex for now until Pete's ready pass me the porn. It's not like we don't do stuff in bed together. He's really shy about anything which has to do with penetration. He'll get over it like he did with his hang up about doing oral stuff. Besides I want to wait too. I want it all! The wedding, promising him eternal love and loyalty in front of everyone, and I want the wedding night to be our first time together."

"Speaking of porn I was surfing the net and I came across a golden shower site."

"You're kidding," Josh said, making a face.

"No serious. There was these mostly hairy, older dudes pissing in each other's mouths."

"Stop right there," Josh laughed, "I don't want to know."

"There was one guy who was pissing on another guy's cocks and balls, " Brent said dreamily, "I don't know. How do you think it would feel like? Getting peed on?"

"Hot, then cold, and sticky," Josh smiled, "Brent, where are you taking this?"

"Pete has totally trained adventure right out of you. I think it would be kind of outstanding, standing over a really good looking guy; the tension, worrying if you'll get pee shy, the taboo aspect, feeling like you're a little kid who is going to be doing something dirty, the expectation almost fear and anticipation on your lover's face, the relief once you're spraying him."

"Stop. I get the picture."

'Taking him to a shower. He's dripping wet. Slowly soaping his warm body all over. Pressing him against the shower wall. Dominating him. His muscles sliding against yours in total submission."

"Brent," Josh grinned, "Fine, I'll play your game. Parting his butt cheeks. He gasping as you slowly put a soapy finger inside of him."

"He starts to pee. Warm water and piss running down his legs. You insert another finger inside, finger fucking him. He's panting hard from the pleasure of taking a good long hard piss, and from being fucked, then you press your cock against his soapy anus. You enter inside, slowly at first, driving your cock between his cheeks with steady thrusts as your slippery hand tightly slides up and down his hard cock, and chest. Making him whimper as he thuds his body against yours. He ejaculates in your hand. He's so hot and wet. Hot sperm pumps out of your cock inside of him. His slippery body trembling against yours as you hold him close, kissing his little tramp's mouth. Still think pissing and fucking is gross?" Brent teased.

"Did you bookmark that site, and could you send me the url?" Josh said.

On the other side of town, Pete laid in his bed after coming out of the shower. His skinny body still damp. He looked under the covers at himself.

"I'll never bulk up," Pete thought morosely to himself while he looked through his magazine, "Sport's Illustrated" On the page was a slick, muscular, tan Adonis, flexing his biceps and triceps at him His firm thigh and calf muscles bulging out in his hot looking, oiled body. A bathing suit hid the model's essentials.

Tentatively, Pete rubbed his semi aroused cock, thinking of himself with husky man muscles. Josh laying on the bed, his legs open wide, Josh begging for his oiled, sweaty pumped up body to take him.

His bedroom door flew open.

Taking his hand out from between his thighs, Pete threw his magazine under the pillow, slamming his light brown haired head down on it.

"Why Pete," Henri said, standing in the doorway carrying a load of laundry to put away, "What are you doing in bed? I thought you would be at Josh's."

"No, I'm going there soon," Pete moaned, "I wish I could do something about my body. I hate it."

"Pete." Henri sat on the bed, concern and amusement on his face, "Your body is dead to change."

"But Josh's isn't. He can tan, buff up his muscles. How can be attracted to me? I'm just a runt of an animated corpse."

"Pete the old saying you're alive as you feel goes for vampires too," Henri said patiently, thinking, Teenagers. They can find a billion reasons to despise themselves.

"I look like a tooth pick. And Josh. He has muscles, and he's growing more hair on his chest, I look like a hairless white leper."

"You do not look like a leper. Why don't you go over to Josh's? He's leaving tomorrow."

"Josh wanted to have some private time with Brent. When I tried to use the phone to call him to see if I could come over, the battery was dead."

"My fault, I left it off too long. Go into Josh's mind and ask him if you can come over."

"Are you sure that wouldn't be invading his privacy?"Pete worried.

"Maybe a little bit. He's with his friend Brent what harm could it do?' Henri said.

"All right," Pete decided. Shutting his eyes. Pete let his mind collapse to the core of his being, then he felt himself becoming disconnected with his body. Pete could feel his essence heading for Josh's home, he sensed Josh and Brent laying in the grass together. Pete's eyes opened wide, his mind was back in his body.

"I accidentally landed in Brent's thoughts," he cried, upset and embarrassed.

"Oh. Was Brent thinking about Josh carnally? Pete, sometimes when we invade mortal's or other vampire's thoughts we see things which can upset us. I'm sure Brent didn't mean anything serious when he was thinking of Josh. I wouldn't hold it against Brent."

"Brent was thinking of me," Pete cried, turning more red, visualizing how Brent had him tied down to a bed, peeing on his genitals, parting his legs.

"I'm sure it wasn't bad what he was thinking," Henri soothed Pete.

Henri attained a liking for Pete and Josh's charming if muddled mortal friend Brent.

He was peeing on me," Pete mumbled in a small voice.

"I see," Henri said, covering mouth.

"Then I went into Josh's mind. And he was doing the same thing."

"Not with Brent I hope."

"No, to me. The I panicked and went back into Brent's mind. Brent was imagining Josh was peeing on me while Brent was inside of me. Brent and I were kissing. Then Josh pushed Brent aside. Brent peed on me. Brent was imagining he and Josh taking turns doing you now what with me. I can't pee," Pete said depressed, "I mean Josh and Brent they looked so smug and satisfied and all I could be was their girl. I can't even pee like a girl!"

"I'm sure Brent and Josh in Brent's fantasy did not look as satisfied as you look while your killing someone."

Henri regretted his words when he saw the unhappiness on Pete's face.

Pete said, burying his head in his arms. "Brent was laughing. I could tell he thinking I'd be boring to sleep with. And he's right. I think it would be gross to pee on someone. Even if I could pee I wouldn't be able to do what Brent and Josh are thinking about."

"You have to find something that is not gross to you. I have just the trick wait here," Henri left eh bedroom.

Pete could hear him rummaging in the refrigerator.

Henri came back inside the bedroom holding a whip cream canister.

"I bought this for fun," Henri said, spaying a little on his hand, "Isn't it wonderful how it comes out of the nozzle? We had nothing as efficient as this in the eighteenth century."

"But Henri, I can't eat that stuff."

No, but Josh can. Simply go over to his house. Squeeze a little on his neck, let your hands slip and slide. Use your imagination. Mix your blood into the cream. I gauretee you Josh won't share Brent's opinion of your being boring."

"Thanks Henri," Pete said awkwardly taking the can of whip cream from him, "I wanted to think of something fun we could do before he left for Chicago."

Pete looked happily away, fantasizing about putting whip cream all over Josh's chest, running his hands thought the slippery cream. Josh licking blood from is cut open hands, cream all over his fingers, doing everything except what they promised they wouldn't do together yet.

"Not at all," Henri said courteously as he watched Pete get dressed, "Love shouldn't be about worrying if your body is good enough for someone. Or worrying about what you think is gross. Love should be about play, adventure, and surprise."

Henri smiled at the young vampire.

I can't imagine why Damion feels it is so hard for an eighteenth century vampire to raise a twenty first century vampire. I guess that's what Christov and I are doing. Raising Pete. It's simply a mater of standing back, then stepping in when good advice is needed, Henri thought smugly to himself. The last time Henri had been a mortal was in the court of King Louis XVI. He knew the other vampires of France, but he felt it prudent to keep a safe distance from them at the time. Disagreements had a way of re-occuring between him and others. Even in this century he could hardly call most vampires a friend. He was at least tolerated by them. He had a close, on going friendship with Damion and Daniel, through as close as their friendship was it was also a touchy one. One had to be careful about not to bringing up the past in conversations with Damion.

"Do you ever with Christov? Pete asked, "You know?"


Next: Chapter 5

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