Real World

By Michael Yost

Published on Jan 14, 2003


"Pete if we take Josh into our coven do you realize you would have to share him? He wouldn't be yours anymore he would belong to all of us," Ovid said, pulling his snow damp shirt over his head, putting Pete's hand to his naked chest. Pete's eyes widened. He left his hand on Ovid's chest. The city lights stretched out before them. A fresh, light snow tossed about, falling sparkling in the city lights.

"And you're implying I belong to you too," Pete said shrinking away Ovid, "Fine, if there is no other way, I want Josh to be my first lover, then Emil, then Lena, then you're last, dead last on my list."

"Long as I'm on the list," Ovid laughed.

"Ovid beak your coven rules for me, I'm begging you not as a potential lover, but as your friend.."

Tenderly kissing Pete's lips, looking reflectively out into the night, Ovid said thoughtfully" Go ahead and ask him."

In another part of town, looking like a animated explosion of black and white, Christov strolled amongst the high rise buildings, the quant clubs and taverns.

"Christov?" a puzzled voice said behind him.

"What do you want?" Christov said in his toughest, street, wise-guy voice. Turning around, he said in shock, "Detective Mayers?"

Christov couldn't believe his past was standing there gawking at him. The young muscular detective he knew thirty years ago was now a trim, handsome man in his sixties His dark hair was a carefully combed out thick mop of gray. His handsome face was obscured by a pair of dark glasses, his well cared for body was dressed in an expensive gray suit, and a trench coat.

"You, you, a cop,"" Christov babbled at his old customer who had also been his partner forcing him to turn informer against the drug dealers in is neighborhood.

"You know I'm a cop. You called me by my name. You used to call me Rick," Detective Mayers said mildly, hiding his shock.

"I don't like mother fucking cops named Rick, never have never will," Christov sneered his head souring to dangerous heights, "I heard about you out in the streets. Now if you will excuse me I have appointments."

"I'm sure you do," Detective Mayers said politely, his clean masculine scent of after shave and soap clung to his snow sprinkled trench coat. Throwing a surprised Christov against a car, Mayers took out a pair of handcuffs. Mayers deftly handcuffed Christov's hands behind his back. Professionally his hands patted against Christov's body till they came in contact with his crotch. There Meyer's hands lingered a longer than necessary.

"I didn't do anything!" Christov whined. Then he snapped out of his moment of dajavue thinking, As soon as were alone, I'm so going to tear this guy a new ass hole.

"Do I have to do this the hard way?" Meyer's said, "I could take off the cuffs and buy you a cup of coffee. " Before he knew what he was doing Meyer's pressed Christov against the warmth of his coat.

"Stop slobbering on me!! You like handcuffs didn't you? You're even a cop in bed," Christov yelled actually blushing, remembering nights Mayers would handcuff his mortal body to a bed post. How surprisingly gentle the cop had been. How he slowly would coax him with his hands, mouth and cock to shudder with a frenzy of pleasure no matter how hard he tried not to feel anything.

"Crap!!" Christov yelled, shaking indignantly.

"Sorry, you look so cold. You're just like him. He'd go out every night half naked, too. It didn't matter if it was raining, snowing. He didn't care. I loved him" Mayers said stroking Christov's wincing face with his fingers, "And he didn't care. I knew the shit was tempting fate. Wanting to die. Thank God I always insisted on wearing a condom when ever I mounted him even after I had him get tested and he came out clean. Probably dead with AIDS by now. Probably how he wanted to end it."

"Who didn't care?" Christov moaned, knowing fully well who Mayers was talking about.

"Let me buy you a coffee and a hot meal. Roxy's makes a mean hot roast beef sandwich. We can talk."

"I'm busy with appointments to keep," Christov growled.

Then you're under arrest for prostitution."

"No, I'm not. I'm having coffee and a sandwich with you. I can't very well do both. Can I?" Christov spat out.

"No you can't," Mayers said uncuffing Christov, "After you."

Hesitating for a moment his vampire instinct screaming alarm bells inside his head,. Christov went inside Roxy's knowing Mayes was behind him checking out his ass.

Henri waited a while then he followed them inside. Henri quickly took the darkest corner he could find in the resturant.

"The man I was in love with," Mayers mused, "He could have been your father, maybe he was. Do you know of a guy named Christov?"

"Nope, never heard of him."

"I doubt if Christov could have fathered a child, not by a woman in the a normal way. He was kind of a woman hater."

"I was not, I mean if he was a pro like me he probably didn't like the competition," Christov cried, scrumming in his seat.

"Maybe he donated his sperm," Meyers said reflectively.

"I didn't, I . . . wouldn't do a thing like that, I mean!!" Christov cried flustered.

"It wasn't always bad between us was it Christov?" Meryes said in a dreamy tight voice.

"I'm not this person you keep calling Christov Stop hassling me!'

"Right of course not. Remember when we spent our first and only Christmas together? I bought Chinese take out. It was fun. We were both so exhausted. We both sat around in your, I mean his thread bare apartment watching my television I brought over. We didn't say a word all night long. I bought him bags of groceries. And a goose down comforter for his bed."

"Strange gift," Christov said indifferently "to give to a whore."

"We got under it, he was tense waiting for me to make my move. I knew he was tied and wasn't up to it. Some trick busted him up really good. I surprised him by keeping my hands off him Even when I insisted on giving him a bath I didn't touch him except to soap up his bruises. I made a huge production about tucking him in. Giving him aspirin. He looked so peaceful once he finally fell asleep. It was always cold in his place. Like a grave. He snuggled up to me in his sleep. I stole a kiss off him. I felt like the luckiest bastard born."

"He refused to move in with you once again didn't he?" Christov said coldly.

"He insisted on being on my pay roll. He took all the luck away from that night."

"Did you hit him?"

"We had a fight. I was frustrated. The stress which goes along with my job. I was frustrated with him. I ended up slapping him. He hit me back. Drew a knife on me. Almost stabbed me in the gut if I hadn't have stepped back in time. He went postal on me."

"You drew a gun on him."

"Yes, I hit him with it. I was angry with the punk. Hitting a cop. How stupid can you get? Out of self defense I drew a gun on him. How can you love someone and hate and resent them all at the same time?"

"You tell me I wouldn't know. Did you like fucking him with your gun in his face?"

He knew I wouldn't have shot him."

"Just like he knew you wouldn't hit him," Christov said sullenly.

"I only played with him that one night. He deserved it for being suicidal enough to draw a knife on me. He demanded I pay him afterwards.. I did. I was insulting us both. After he got his money the scary thing was he laughed, he was all calm, his anger disappeared. Nothing touched that bitch. Nothing. Only hard ons and money mattered to him."

Christov leaned back, remembering after the fucking was over. His body sprawled out on the floor. Mayer's zipping up his pants, lighting up a cigarette. Mayer's young face hard and cold, angry, sad tears falling down his face, telling him he deserved it. Putting his gun back into his shoulder holster. Later Mayers came back with flowers of all things, telling him he loved him. And he was sorry, begging him if he would only listen to him, really listen to him, he would understand how he felt about him, and his nights of being abused by tricks would soon be over. The night ended up in bed as usual..

"You're right, he's probably dead. Hookers like him don't stay alive long, " Christov said, getting up from his seat, only to to Mayers grab his arm. Not wanting to make a scene with so much two legged food around Christov allowed himself to be forced back into his seat.

"The last time I saw Christov he was hanging around this sissy blond," Mayers said. His eyes angrily caressing the slender brunette sitting across from him.

Seething, Henri hid his head behind a menu.

"I have no idea what he saw in that girlie bitch. All decked out in pearls and ruffles, he looked like my kid sister."

Still hiding behind the menu Henri took off his pearls. Glad for the heavy jacket he was wearing hiding his ruffled shirt.

"And that stupid walking stick he always carried. Going around like he was some lady boy. I always thought Christov was a bottom. Even though he bitched and whined when I was fucking telling me he was a top. He had this skinny ass. Holding it up in the air, cursing the whole time under his breath. Then he'd sweet talk me. The bitch. Guess he was fucking the blond the whole time he was fucking me. He was a good whore. Had me fooled. He stopped talking money from me after a while. We were lovers. At least that's what he told me. I wanted him to know we were partners. I'd take him out to dinner afterwards. he'd put a ton of sugar in his coffee, just like you're doing now."

Nervously, Christov noticed Henri sneaking out of the cafe.

Christov blinked his eyes. There siting across from him was a handsome, dark haired man. His young face holding a just lit cigarette. 'You love me. It's not bullshit? It's not all about what we do in bed?. I'll buy a house. I'll keep you there.'

Christov could remember himself say, 'It's not bullshit. How many time do I have to say it? I love you. '

Christov blinked again, sitting across from him was Mayers back in his old age.

"I guess he wasn't telling me the truth about being in love with me. He must have ran off with that lady boy in velvet . He must have been working him and didn't want to tell me because he was afraid of what I would do to him if I knew he was planning on leaving me. I should have known something was up when he stopped asking for money. I guess they're a couple of old farts like me now, keeping house. Christov was getting too old to push his pussy. I could have given that bastard a wonderful life. I bet he cheats on Goldilocks too."

"Ah, " Christov moaned, "Didn't you ever find someone else?"

"Not like Christov. Sure, I had partners for sex. No one I fell in love with. Something about him. I'm here on special assignment. The body of a mutilated girl was found in an alley. Who ever killed her had Jack the Ripper expertise. Funny, this seems like stepping in a time machine, When I knew Christov and what was that blonde's name? Henri. There was dead mutilated bodies showing up too. Know any blondes?"

"Not not like the blond you described," Christov said shortly.

"Funny thing is once Blondie and Christov disappeared the murders stopped. Who knows maybe Christov buried some where. Worms making holes in him. Maybe the blond killed him. I doubt it. I shot this guy Roscoe who informed on Christov. I thought the guy ruined everything. Blew my case right out of the water. Christov took off running. Gossip on the street was a hit man from the drug cartel killed Christov to keep him from telling more about their operation. I won't believe he's dead. Christov's out there some where. Laughing about how he played me for a chump. I want you to keep an eye out for me on anything suspicious. I'll make it worth your while."

Sliding a hundred dollar bill Christov's way, Mayer's ran his hand through his crisp gray hair, "Come to my motel room. Spend the whole night."

"No," Christov spat out bitterly, "Not for all the money you got."

"Then you're spending the night in jail," Mayers said simply, taking the bill, crumbling it up in his hand, "What's the problem whore? You want to give it away for free when all the boys check out your pretty face and your ass in your nice, comfy cell? Maybe they'll at least pay you in cigarettes. I'm that repugnant to you? You'd risk being ass fisted in jail?"

"I'll go to your room," Christov cried exasperated, feeling mortal, feeling trapped, remembering that was how he got into his mess with Mayers in the first place, persuading him not to arrest him in exchange for sex.

Christov shook his head, remembering Mayers taking him to his house. The hand cuffs pinching his wrists. Mayers threw him to his bed, roughly pulling down his jeans burying his head in his naked crotch. The cop gave him a clumsy blow job, gagging on his cock, till he told Mayers to take it slower, to use his hand on the base of his cock, to squeeze it firmly. Mayers complied, licking the length of it, slowly working the large cock into his virgin mouth, pumping his mouth on it slowly till he made Christov cum. Christov slid to his knees, he had to admit Mayers had a healthy piece of meat on him, he took the rounded head into his mouth, his hands still handcuffed behind him. Slowly he mouthed the cop's cock, working it, putting subtle then hard pressure on it till it pumped cum into his mouth. He rolled away from the young cop.

"Ok take the cuffs off me," Christov said, "Were even"

"No way are we even. You would have spent the night in jail," Mayers said, grinning a masculine smile at at him. Going into his bathroom, he returned with Vaseline and a condom.

"No, forget it, I don't do that," Christov panted, trying to push Mayers away from him with his legs. Mayers rolled him on his stomach. Christov felt his legs being pulled apart spread eagled. Mayers unrolled the condom onto his pulsing hard cock. Greasing his cock with the Vaseline, he shoved it inside Christov's hole. Christov muffled a scream, he breathed through his mouth. Mayers prodded him, fucking him as hard as he could, playing with Christov's hardening dick. Christov felt sperm wet inside him. His prostrate throbbing, giving him an orgasm.

"I have to use the men's room," Christov wheezed after Mayer's pulled his cock out of him, "You have one, little boy?"

"Use it. You probably need to drown some pubic hair lice," Meyers said, pulling Christov up by his hand cuffs, taking him inside his bathroom, placing him on the toilet.

Doing his business, Christov face flamed up angrily, "I have to fucking wipe. Will you please uncuff me?"

"I can manage that," Mayers said, wiping a cringing Christov clean. Pulling him back into the bedroom, Meyers threw him on the bed.

"You owe me extra for cleaning me out," Christov snarled.

"You were so full of shit I did you a favor," Mayer's laughed.

"We're even now," Christov said angrily, kicking at Mayer's face.

"Hell no," Mayers said, taking lotion he rubbed it into Christov's body, rubbings his feet, massaging his back, caressing and pinching his nipples, masturbating his cock with the lotion. Christov opened his legs up wide, sighing like a cynical cat, letting Mayers have the privilege of probing and licking his body. Mayers hard cock ended up fucking him all night long. Christov ended up waking up to the scent of sex, sweat, cigarette butts, coffee, and scrambled eggs. The hand cuffs gone from his wrists.

"I thought you could do with some breakfast. Orange juice?" Mayers said as Christov entered the kitchen.

Taking a cautious sip of coffee, Christov relaxed in the chair, "What no sugar?"

"Here," Mayers said, handing him the bowl.

"You took way too many liberties last night. I'll send you my bill."

"You think so,? Meyers said, his eyes twinkling. "The way I see it I saved you from spending a lot of nights in jail."

"What do you mean?"

"Let's just say your immune from arrest now at least for hooking. Kill someone that's a different story."

Nibbling on the eggs, Christov feeling awkward, he said to his handsome, well built tick, "So how's the cop business going?"

Meyers ended up telling him his life story. About growing up a spoiled and affiant. Disappointing his oil rich family by deciding to be a cop. Dealing with hiding being bisexual, Meyers enjoyed the sympathetic responses Christov gave him over coffee The relief he felt finding someone he could talk to, have sex with held Mayers in a thrall, making the slim brunette the most important person in his life. After using his shower, Christov put him on notice he was only allowed one bondage fuck a night, and he would never spend the night at his place again.

It was great at first, Christov thought staring at the old man across from him, I even thought you and I were friends. Then the lightly veiled threats started after I refused to move in with you and I ended up doing you favors in your police work.

Christov's stomach turned, remembering Roscoe's brains splattering against the wall, half his face missing when Mayers's learned he was going to tell the drug cartel Christov was the snitch.

"Listen, I do have an appointment, I can't break it. He's my bread and butter client. A regular. Give me a break," Christov whined to the old man.

"Tough. He'll just have to understand. Now let's go to my car. What's your name?"

"Ken like in doll,' Christov said sharply.

"Eat your sandwich first."

"No," Christov growled.

"I said eat it. You're thin. You look sickly."

"Fuck you," Christov growled, tipping his glass of water on the sandwich.

"Doper. I might have known. I bet if I looked on the inside of your thighs I'd find a jungle of needle marks. Christov hated drugs," Mayers said disappointed, "And your probably got HIV up you pretty ass too. No problem that's what condoms are for," Mayers said stuffily, hungering to touch and hold what part of him believed was only a memory personified in the angry young man, "When we're together I want to call you Christov."

Next: Chapter 36

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