Real World

By Michael Yost

Published on Jan 8, 2003


"We like fast cars with great stereo systems. It's fun to steal worthless things. Jewelry mostly. And we adore to steal money. Do you know what we do with it?" Lena said conspiracy in her voice.

"We burn it," Ovid said, "money is so unimportant to us."

"Even the jewelry after we get bored with it we throw it in the river," Lena said.

"As we do with televisions, stereos, designer clothes whatever we steal we get bored with it and take hammers to it and smash it," Ovid informed Pete. "Or we tear it up to rags."

"We live a life of total freedom," Emil said, "We liked you Pete the moment we first saw you,"

"I guess I like you too," Pete said.

"We also beg at train stations and subway stations. It's exquisite fun to ask morals if they have change to spare," Emil said. "throwing their charity in their faces by burning the dollars later and throwing the coins in the river."

"And if one of those mortals are dirty minded enough to ask us to go home with them," Lena thrilled.

"Diner in served," Emil said.

"It's an enjoyable lifestyle we lead," Lena said cheerfully, "You'd be a fool if you didn't join us."

"I'll join you for the evening," Pete said, "But I won't steal or destroy anything. I remember how I felt when I was mortal and someone stole my bike."

Giving each other side glances the coven broke out in silver toned laughter.

"Pete you have to forget you ever were a mortal if you want to be truly be the present manifestation of yourself," Ovid reprimanded him.

"We all ready have done our fair share of stealing for the night, " Lena said, "Lets' go to the grave yard and dance."

Following the coven to the graveyard Pete didn't know what to think of them Their laughter-- infectious like an airborne drug, their callous disregard of human's feeling appealing. Their disregard of what mortals toiled and strained for and valued appealing. All issues of what mattered to humans didn't seem to matter to this coven of children.

Once they were a good distance within the cemetery grounds Ovid put his hand on Pete's hips, taking Pete's hand he waltzed with him to the music blasting from a CD player of Pink.

Emil and Lena danced on the top of graves wailing like castaway demons along with the music being out outlandish on the cold tombstones, the frosty dirt and grass of old graves, the loose dirt of new graves. Playfully they took that dirt and tossed it up into the air.

A moon floated above them silver with a dab of blood on it at least that's how it appeared to their adoring vamp eyes. Stars, hot ice nuggets in the face of the sky shone above them. Everything was marvelously deathly cold to the touch.

Pete laid his head on Ovid's shoulder, feeling enamored and aroused for the fist time in his undead life by the sexuality of another one of the undead. Clothes, bones, and glass smooth skin pressed against Pete's clothing. Dead boy beautiful-- haunted his vision.

"And now for the treat," Lena cried with her cold moist lips.

Going to a crypt she released a girl who had been locked inside. To Pete's horror the coven chased the mortal girl down like they were hounds with slathering jaws after a frightened rabbit.

She ran one way, in her panic, and they would head her off, laughing at her. She tried to run another way, and they trapped her, letting her pass, running up to her pushing her. Ovid grabbed the girl's wrist, kicking at her legs, forcing her to fall to the ground, her screams accompanying the music. A full orchestra of rap and screams. Pouncing at the girl's throat, Lena mocked her, licking at the girl's terrified face. Murmuring how pretty she was, such a pretty girl. Lena's cold lips kissed and nibbled at the girl's living flesh. Emil unbuttoned the victim's jeans, pulling them down, parting her legs, his mouth seeking for her thigh.

"Stop it," Pete yelled, throwing himself at Emil

Easily throwing the weaker vampire aside, Emil snarled at Pete," Stop being worthless. There's a wrist free. Take a bite. What are you after all?"

"Wait don't kill her," Pete pleaded, feeling like he was back to being a mortal boy with all the burdens of pity and fear.

"What will you give me if we don't kill her?" Ovid asked.

"Ovid are you insane?" Lena yelled at him, removing her tongue from the girl's throat.

"What do yo want from me" Pete whispered.

"I want to spend a night with you." He glanced at his cohorts "Alone."

"We can spend the night together," Pete pleaded "Just please give her to me."

The girl pulled up her jeans, sobbing and cursing in terror, struggling to her knees.

Picking up the girl by her shoulders, Pete half carried half dragged her away from the others.

"I won't hurt you," Pete promised the thirteen year old.

Her brown haired head rested against his cold shirt, he put his head to her shoulder, moving his lips to the salt of her long thin neck.

Saying the last rites in his head for her, he had her dream a child's dream while she was dying, She dreamt of being in a movie. Where she was the heroine, fighting off terrorists whose plot she had just foiled. And she was all grown up, and glamorous, and all the bad guys were just actors and she wasn't afraid of them. Except it was so cold, why was it so damned cold? And then she died. Her clutch on Pete's shirt dropped.

The coven watched in awe. Pete's dead boy's face was now a healthy pink. He looked wonderfully human and venerable holding the corpse in his arms. With her innocent, clean blood throbbing in his veins he looked more beautiful than just a mere mortal. More like how a painted on canvas saint looked like-- an idealized, mythical mortal.

"That was fantastic, if I had died the night Khay found me I would have liked to have been killed the very same way," Lena said, throwing her arms around Pete.

Going to a new grave, Pete hurriedly dug into the dirt. Then he tossed the girl's remains on top of the coffin. He refilled the grave.

"Well," Emil said caustically, "We established what you are Pete. A hog. You hogged up the victim not offering us one little taste. And as for you Oivd you're being rather piggish about wanting to have Pete all to yourself, too. I guess like goes with like."

"It was a nice kill," Ovid said, cryptically, ignoring Emil, "We can forget about her now She's with the angels. As for you my angel."

"I, I have a crypt I sleep in," Pete said morosely "We can share it tonight."

Coming into the cemetery Christov and Henri hurried to the coven.

"We have been searching for you every where Pete Tell your little friends good night, We have to get into our coffins," Christov ordered.

"Christov this is Ovid," Pete said, "He's spending the night with me."

Henri's and Christov's mouths dropped open,

"Did I hear you right?' Henri said.

"Yes," Ovid said, "You heard him right. Ovid took Pete's hand, tugging him to the north side of the cemetery to the crypt Pete's coven was using.

Dumbfounded, Henri and Christov closed themselves into their coffins.

Once everyone was to far away to hear, Emil said, "Poor little rich boy having pity for his food."

"Don't worry about it," Lena said her eyes gleaming, "We'll get our night with him too. Ovid is being clever. He'll seduce him for all of us."

"We'll sleep on the floor it's more comfortable that way. "Ovid said, once they were inside the tomb Stripping off his clothes, he pulled Pete down to lay beside him.

"I said we'd spend the night together not anything else," Pete growled shoving Ovid's hands slipping up his shirt.

"What do yo think we're kids having a sleep over? Ovid whispered, sliding his tongue into Pete's mouth, taking in Pete's taste and the girl's freshly consumed blood. He held Pete down by his shoulders, greedily lapping at the girl's blood in his mouth. The feel of the Ovid's tongue inside him was ticklish, stimulating every nerve in his body. The softness of their mouths joined into a harder, demanding kiss. Ovid's hands wandered under Pete's clothes. Tickling him, making him laugh, holding him down when he tried to get away.

"Come on beautiful your going to enjoy this," Ovid whispered in Pete's ear, playfully giving it a smacking kiss.

Licking and nibbling at his nipples, and his stomach. Ovid slipped his hands between Pete's legs caressing his stiffening cock trapped in his pants. Pete nuzzled his nose against Ovid's throat, his lips parting. Ovid stiffened feeling the naked, sharp, hardiness of Pete's fangs at his throat. Ovid waited in anticipating. The two boys throbbed in each other's arms their breath becoming faster, a dangerous compulsion building in them both. Ovid felt Pete trembling. Only closed lips were now against his neck. Pete's confidence in his desire for the other night walker seemed to bleed out of him.

If you saw him, if you knew him, Pete projected in Ovid's mind. You would fall in love with him. You would understand. You would want him as much as I want him.

Ovid saw the image of a handsome, almost smirking young man. With blond spiky hair and a pretty mouth. The young man's colors were too bold, too bright, it was obvious he wasn't dead and he wasn't human either.

Capturing his mouth, Ovid kissed Pete again, projecting in Pete's mind, I would not fall in love with him.

Breaking a way from the kiss his mouth tempted and tingling with desire and guilt, Pete rolled on his side going into a fetal position, his back spooned against Ovid. Pete then passed out. His own eyes growing heavy, Ovid passed out too.

The next night Ovid's hand reached for the shape spooned against his. His closed eyes still full of sleep. "This is the night we get to spend together beautiful. Don't make it rough on us both"

"Kid, will you kindly remove your hand off from my balls you're ticking me."

"What!" Ovid gasped.

There in his arms was Christov leering at him. Smirking at him, Christov said, "I don't like to be tickled."

"Eeek!!" Ovid screamed taking his hands off Christov

"You slept in," Henri said soothingly. Christov rolled way from Ovid.

"We read Pete's mind with his permission of course. He told us all about the business transaction you two made," Christov said grinning at Ovid.

"And the transaction has been fulfilled. Pete has spent the night with you," Henri said smiling thinly.


Next: Chapter 31

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