Real World

By Michael Yost

Published on Jan 7, 2003


Kissing Michael passionately Pete was soaking with him in a hot tub. The air was scented with candles. Drenched in darkness and steam. Vampire Priest Devon, a master vampire of a thousand years, youthful body was pressed against Pete's. His hand prowling inside of Pete's swimsuit, his finger pressing against Pete's anus. Trapped between the two, Pete laughed while Michael's head scooped down latching onto his nipple, tonguing it to be hard. Michael's hand slipped inside Pete's suit, playing with his erection. Joining the priest in his exploration of Pete's ass, cupping the rounded curve of one of his cheeks.

Breaking away from his two lovers, Pete started to climb up the hot tub's ladder to get out of the tub

Father Devon pulled down Pete's suit while Pete was still on the ladder. Devon forced Pete to bend over, kissing the soft, muscular flesh of the boy's hips. Devon rimmed his anus with his tongue, stuffing a finger inside of the withering boy. His arm crossed around Pete's hips while Michael nodded, giving Devon permission to insert another finger. Pete gasped at the pressure inside of him, the pleasure of being help down fast by Devon's impossible strength. Pete's cock was excited. Pete wished Devon would touch it, run his smooth hands on it, yank it, hand fuck it. Instead Devon kept pushing his fingers inside of him, enjoying the boy's tightness, the feel of the boy beneath him.

"Whose first?" Amenhotep, a powerful, anceint asked laughingly thrusting his hot cock into Pete's gasping mouth. Amenhoptep looked like a radient, suncooked demon of the desert tombs. Running his compressed mouth up and down Amenhoptep's shaft, Pete felt Father Devon's continuing pressure inside of him. Pete mouth fucked Amenhoptep while he was being finger fucked. The fingers inside of him were pressing against his gland, making him feel moist and weak all over.

His eyes wet with tears, Pete came deep inside his rectum, having an orgasm inside without ejaculating. Pete felt Amenhoptep's cock pumping inside his mouth. He tasted Amenhoptep's salty ejaculation running hotly down his throat Savoring the last drop, Pete removed his mouth, licking at Amenhoptep's semi aroused penis, his eyes looking upward, seeking Amenhoptep's approval.

"I believe it's my turn," Amenhoptep said lovingly, helping Pete out of the tub, laying him down, gently kissing, biting, fingering and touching the boy's body. Pete tried to touch Amenhoptep's hard-on only to have his hand pushed away.

Putting his legs on top of Amenhoptep's shoulders, his anus already dilated from Father Devon's finger fucking him, Pete winced in pain while Amenhoptep's large hard penis slowly entered him giving him time to adjust. Gasping, Pete relaxed his body against Amenhoptep's thrusts inside of him. Amenhoptep's balls went taunt, he gave out a hellish cry, thrusting roughly and deeply inside the boy, his penis pumping our sperm, his balls against the boy's hips. Amenhoptep pulled himself out, gesturing to Devon.

Scooting between Pete's legs, Devon thrust his tongue inside of Pete's stretched out male pussy, licking the cum dripping from his sore, used opening. Pushing Pete roughly to his stomach, Devon jabbed Pete's ass with his cock, holding on to the boy tightly, shoving his thick cock in and out, fingering his tits. Digging his fingers into the boy's thighs, Devon pulled Pete's flexing hips hard against his thighs. Hot sperm coated Pete's insides. Devon pushed Pete away. Then Devon spooned against the boy. Devon pressed his hand between Pete's ass cheeks, inserting a finger inside Pete who was wet with blood sweat, panting, his hard on still firm between his legs.

"You like that bitch?" Father Devon whispered, "I'm up for more." He said, putting his fucking finger between Pete's lips so Pete could taste himself, smell himself. "Lick it baby, make it slick for me."

Michael pulled Pete out of Father Devon's arms, thrusting his cock inside of his lover, digging his fangs into Pete's neck marking his ownership of the boy he was sharing. Michael pushed his body against Pete's, flexing his hips, fucking Pete--a dirty rapture beyond belief, running his hands against this boy's slender body, taking control of Pete's cock, his hand gloving the boy's moist hardness. Pete screamed. The pain of Michael's invasive fangs amazing, the suck on his neck sending his mind spirling.

"Stop," Pete whispered back on the sidewalk with Michael. The fantasy over.

"I could of shoved you into doing anything I wanted you to do . I could have made you my pet, shared you with powerful vampires. You think your pathetic caretakers could have stopped me? I didn't Pete. I could have. I respected you too much. Respected what you are what you mean to me. I would never hurt you. Don't you remember what it was like in the library between us? Our conversations. Your inquisitive mind. Don't you remember the nights we spent together? Give us another chance."

Running away from Michael, his throat tight Pete felt someone shove him. He skidded face first against the pavement.

Folding up into a ball, Pete moaned. He got on all fours retching blood on the pavement.

Grabbing Pete' glasses, pushing his fingers through the lenses, the vampire boy threw the frames at Pete's back, "What's the matter boy toy have a fight with your dark and gruesome lover?"

"I'm not a boy toy. Do I look like boy toy? You broke my glasses," Pete moaned, "Leave me alone."

"Can't beat the shit out of a guy with glasses. What's the matter you sick?"

No," Pete said getting up, shoving the boy, "I said get the fuck away from me."

"Looks like your coven lost sight of you," the boy smiled, grabbing Pete by the wrists, "I'm Gunther, but I prefer to be called Ovid. What the hell do you call yourself?"

"Pete," Pete said If the creature before him had wings he'd easily pass for a homeless angel all dressed in tatters.

Russet, wild hair flew down in curls from tough handsome face. Ovid sniffed at Pete's face, "I like your smell Pete. I want it on my hands."

"Oh, you caught the pretty one at last, " the girl with the page boy cut cried embracing Pete's back, "I do think we should keep this one. I love him already."

"As I do too, Lena" Emil said licking his lips.

"Who are you three? What stories you do have to tell?' Pete said edging away a bit. Lena moved in to prevent any possible escape.

"We're Berliners,or at least we used to be Berliners," Ovid said smiling at what he took to be Pet's interest in them, "We stopped being mortals months ago. All of us died at seventeen. We partied for a while with our maker. A nice, handsome, old fart by the name of Khay. One night he looked at us all blindly. Then he slipped out into the night and never came back. The senile old shrill."

"Not that we're not grateful for the gift, but he didn't teach us much. I thought he would take care of use forever, Lena said cheerfully.

"We take knowledge where we can find it while we were making our way on our magical journey our dark world,' Emil smirked, "Care to travel with us?"

Something moved inside of Pete's mind The coven's excitement, the awareness he was one of them, newly killed himself, and young.

I have to admit hanging around Christov and Henri is becoming impossible. The way they protect me all the time, I used to be grateful for it. I still am. But the restrictions they put on me. Watching me like I'm some savant idiot who needs to be cared for like an infant. The same as Michael. Never letting me breath, never letting me see Josh."

"Yes, I would like to spend the evening adventuring with you," Pete said cautiously, with warning in his voice he added, "I have a boyfriend. I'm only looking for companions. I, I should go back to him, we had a terrible fight."

"Let him stew for a moment," Lena advised "Give him a chance to cool down."

"It's hard to see him,"" Pete admitted "he's always with humans."

"Always with humans?" Emil asked, surprised.

"He isn't human is he?" Lena said "Are you going to give him the dark gift?"

"Josh already has the gift. His blood line traces directly back to the vampire spirit Anton."

"Anton was his maker, the father of us all?" Ovid said amazed, "Then your boy friend must be as old as Sekhmet the mother of us all. And twice as mad probably."

''No, Josh is only nineteen," Pete laughed, "he got his vampire blood from Anton's spirit. Josh is of the day walker race."

"He's what!" Lena demanded.

"A vampire who lives by day and night. He never sleeps. He drinks blood. He also can eat blood drenched food"

"What does he need food for? Does he shit and pee like a mortal?" Ovid quipped.

Yes," Pete said defensively, "He can reproduce too."

"A breeder," Ovid sad distasteful, "he's not one of us. Now is he?"

"When you meet him you'll find he isn't that different." Pete assured them.

"We're not going to meet him while he's surrounded with humans,'" Lena said restlessly, "We avoid humans."

"We model our coven after the Wild Boys, gangs of gay boys who existed in Berlin in the late 1930's Our chieftain, our bull, is Ovid," Emil informed Pete, winking at Ovid, "We have elaborate blood oaths and ceremonies of ritualized sex. If you want to join us you have to box or knife fight Ovid. You've already done that. Now all that's left for you to do is to be gang raped while bond and gagged, masturbate publicly, and them ejaculate on command, or act as a living commode for us."

"No worry there," Lena laughed at Pete's nervous face, "Obviously we can't use you a a living commode. We can all take turn with you. Drinking from you at the same time. I can strap on a dildo and have a turn with you Pete.. It would be a pleasure. You look like the bottom type. We share everything with each other."

"Yes, I could take you on as our designated girlfriend for our coven," Ovid said pleased.

"We could send you out to whore for us," Emil said, "For sucker-lickers seeking passive kitty receivers."

"I think I head enough," Pete said primly, "If I wanted to be a passive kitty-receiver I would have stayed with Michael"

"We're only playing with your mind, Pete,' Ovid laughed, "Mostly what we do is burglar houses, snatch purses, and steal cars."

"It not like we can hold a 9 to 5 jobs now is it?" Emil laughed in his shabby tuxedo, and garish tattoos.


Next: Chapter 30

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