Real World

By Michael Yost

Published on Jan 6, 2003


"You know what Josh I don't give a damn about your being gay! I have no problem with Thomas. At least Thomas is honest. He told us all about how you nearly blow jobbed a guy to death."

"I did not almost blow job a guy to death. All right? Do I have to throw you bodily out? You bitch. I can't believe Thomas told you," Josh snarled, grabbing Amy's arms, his eyes glittering cruelly, "I just want to be left alone. Amy could you please leave before something happens we'll both regret."

Josh threw open the door. "Thomas," he explained.

"You didn't even bother calling Frankie. He's so embarrassed about last night the least you could have done was call him to see if he was all right. You closet freaks are all alike. Just looking for a piece of ass," Thomas yelled, thrusting his finger in Josh's surprised face.

"I'm not a closet freak!!" Josh stammered, "I was going to call him. Honestly!! I was! I didn't know what to say to him. He freaked me out having a heart attack." Slamming the door on Thomas, Josh leaned against the door, "You're still here aren't you," Josh moaned to Amy.

"Skank, slut!!!!!! What were you doing with that Frankie person!" Amy yelled, her hands all balled up.

"As if it's any of your business! Nothing! I did nothing!" Josh yelled, feeling guilty as hell. Grabbing her arm Josh opened the door. Josh could see Joey watching the scene a look of sympathy and amusement on his handsome face. Joey's smile went into a grin, his eyes sparkled, he winked at Josh. Josh stood there for a moment, in shock, stalk naked, with red magic marker all over his body, Amy struggling in his grasp. He turned his stomach over to butterflies, Joey was so damn good looking, and he was laughing at him.

"Josh get your stinking hands off me, you freak," Amy yelled. Josh thrust her forward, she collided into Thomas.

Josh slammed the door in all their faces.

Getting out of the closet, Pete took a chair, and jammed it under the door knob.

"I hate being yelled at! Christov is yelling at me! Amy is yelling at me! Thomas is yelling at me," Josh stammered, sitting on the bed.

"I'm not going to yell at you," Pete said putting his arm around Josh's shoulder.

"If you did I'd become so hysterical," Josh laughed shakily.

"Lay back Josh, I want to do something " Pete whispered.

"Pete, I'm so not in the mood. Amy's yelling and banging on the door."

"Forget Amy she can't get in. No one can get in," Pete whispered, pushing Josh back on the bed. holding him down by his shoulders.

"What are you going to do to me?" Josh breathed.

"This," Pete murmured, tucking his head under Josh's throat, Pete slowly licked at the skin, breaking off from his rhythm to make flickering teasing jabs at Josh's flesh. Finally, he sucked hard on the flesh.

Undulating his body on fire, flexing his hips, Josh reached for his cock founding it. With his other hand he reached for Pete's zipper.

"Why are you doing that?" Pete asked surprised.

"Because I want to cum, Josh gasped.

"Why do you have to touch yourself? Can't you cum by my licking you?" Pete asked.

"No, I can't. I mean I probably could if you did it long enough Are you saying you could cum if I just licked your throat? How would you know?"

Paling Pete drew away.

"Wait have you already done this with someone else?" Josh cried grabbing his wrists.

"Josh," Pete cried his face turning whiter.

"You've done this before with someone else! With a night walker! With Michael haven't you? Pete how many others have you done this with? We need to talk about this."

"Are you calling me a slut?" Pete whispered in a low horrified voice, " Every time I try to be with you you have mortals swarming all over you. "

"Don't you dare try to change the subject!" Josh yelled, feeling guilty about those Joey induced butterflies in his groin, "Pete, whatever you did in your past. Whatever you did it with I forgive you," Josh stammered, "You didn't have to lie to me about never having been someone."

" I didn't know what Michael was doing to me. He told me all night walkers did what he did to me. It was the custom. I didn't know what to expect. I didn't know about boundaries between night walkers. I didn't completely know what I even was. How different and changed I was from being a mortal boy."

Leaping off of the bed, crawling out of the window, Pete ran away into the night.

Sweeping down from a high rise Michael scooped the boy up in his arms, flying him upwards.

Burrowing his head in Michael shoulder, Pete sobbed "Don't let me go."

"I'll never let you go," Michael whispered, engaging his lips on top of Pete's.

"I mean don't let me fall. You ruined my life you bastard!!!!" Pete yelled, swinging his fist at him, smacking him hard in the eye.

Landing on top of the roof of a high rise, Michael smacked his fist into a wall. "How have I ruined your life? You are my life, Pete," Michael pleaded, "You're a brilliant scholar. You're making a fool out of yourself chasing after that teenage boy who gets off on Bugs Bunny cartoons. What's the matter with you?"

"You're making a fool of yourself chasing me. Michael it's over between us."

"Why? Because you have some ridiculous infatuation with a day walker?"

"It isn't an infatuation. I love him," Pete yelled.

"Then why aren't you with him? Why did you run away from him?' Michael demanded.

His face twisting in pain, Pete vaulted over the roof crawling head first towards the sidewalk

Landing on his feet, Pete ran down an alley.

Screaming in pain, he put his hand to his arm, amazed to see it was bleeding.

"Pretty boy," rasped a handsome, young vampire with a wild toss of blond hair, "Care to fight?'

Stupefied only for a moment, Pete went into a crouch position, catching the knife thrown at him

The circled around each other. Two other vampires dressed in outrageous rags cheered their friend on.

Pete dodged a killing strike from his attacker. Lunging, twisting his wrist, Pete dealt a blow on the boy's forehead. Before he could hack away at the boy, the boy grabbed his wrist pushing Pete backwards. Making a jab at Pete's side, the boy drew blood. Making a quick strike, Pete wounded the boy' throat. Tackling Pete, sending him sprawling to the concrete, the boy pressed the steel to Pete's throat. Chuckling, his lips fell down to Pete's lips. "Looks like I won sweetheart. Give it up."

Kneeling him right to the groin, Pete shoved the moaning boy off of himself

Before the boy could go for his dropped knife, Pete rolled out of the way.

The vampire boy was suddenly held aloft in the air by the scuff of his shirt.

"Way to go Pete," Christov cried running to Pete, hugging him "I knew you could handle yourself in a fight."

"Pete has no business fighting like a common street thug!" Michael said through clinched teeth, throwing the boy at Pete's feet.

" Michael calm down if things had gotten out of hand we would have stepped in. This is good for the Pete" Henri said, hugging Pete tousling his hair.

"We taught him how to fight," Christov said proudly

"And how to handle a knife" Henri said beaming,

"How dare you both!" Michael yelled at Christov and Henri "You are taking Pete and ruining him. He's not made for street fighting. If he had been where he belongs safely with me this scum would not have dared made a challenge to my consort."

"I'm not your consort," Pete snarled.

"You would be if we lived by the old vampire rules," Michael said in a dangerous voice.

"You yourself do not approve of the old rules of the powerful forcing themselves on the weaker," Henri said mildly, standing in front of Pete, his walking stick ready to be used.

"Who is your maker?" Michael addressed the young vampire.

A pert female vampire strolled over to them and said smartly. "Khayman, he made us, and forgot all about us." She had marvelous dark eyes, and a page boy hair cut, and carefully drawn on red lips. She was almost clownish in the vividness of her bright, dramatic features.

"Vampire nation is trying its hardest to unify night walkers into a state of law where rogues can roam freely without the fear of being attacked by an ancient or a warring coven. The next time your coven attacks another vampire, I will have the pleasure of roasting you all within an inch of your so called immortal lives," Michael said with an evil smile.

"Chill. We understand, and we'll cope with it," the young vampire who attacked Pete quipped.

"Right no problem, brother blood sucker," the other male member of the group laughed, joining them.

"We were just having fun with the little twerp," she smirked, appreciating Michael's razor thinness and his radiant crow black hair, getting off on his aura of pure vampire power.

"I'm glad we understand each other. I do not approve of your concept of fooling around," Michael said cuttingly, reluctantly dismissing the thought of how nice it would be to have a brutal taste under their skins into their ripped out hearts.

"Michael we have to take to you about a delicate matter involving a possible ancient," Henri said politely.

"We'll talk about it after I have to talk to Pete alone. I won't hurt him. Don't look at me like that," Michael growled at Henri.

"We won't be far," Henri assured Pete.

Leaving Pete alone with Michael, Christov and Henri went hunting, The children's coven already disappeared into the night before Michael changed his mind about killing them.

Grabbing Pete under his chin, Michael forced Pete to look at him.

"I could have taken you the first time you were in my bed in every fashion I wanted to take you. I could have used you like a slave."

Shoving images into Pete's resisting mind, Michael forced him to be in a world of fantasy.

Next: Chapter 29

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