Real World

By Michael Yost

Published on Jan 5, 2003


The next night Josh stumbled into his bedroom after having abandoned all is roommates at the Funky Budda Longue.

Pleading an illness got him out of dance duty with the girls. To his amazement Thomas didn't rat him out for being at The Cell, or going to a party with him or did he? Josh thought to himself. All night long Thomas has been giving me side glances, and Joey, Joey gawks at me like I'm a freak, and what is it with him? Joey constantly has to make sure he's sitting next to me, he asks my opinion about everything, finding any excuse to pat or rub me on the back. Like he wants to be my best friend, except for the fact he keeps putting his hand on my knee and he leans into my face. What does he want to be? And the girls were giggling every time they looked at me, and when I asked them what's so funny they laughed even harder. Damn, Josh threw his head back on the pillow of his bunk bed.

"Josh," Pete whispered from the upper bunk, "I thought your bed was the top bunk what are you doing in Joey's bed?'

"Getting ready to read," Josh said, his heart racing, "He's been sleeping with Marica I can't believe you're here!"

"I disengaged the cameras," Pete said quickly, "You're better off staying where your at. I can't stay long. It was murder tying to sneak away from Christov and Henri. They think Henri offended some ancient by stealing their kill."

"Why would Henri do something so unethical? How could he manage to steal a victim from an ancient?" Josh scoffed.

"They found a victim who they hoped was left to die. Henri hurried the dying along," Pete said bleakly.

"I would have done the same thing," Josh worried.

"The both of them are going to talk over the situation with Michael. They're hoping Michael can mediate the situation for them if there's any mediation needed, " Pete said staring up at the ceiling, his wrist dangling down in Josh's face.

"We're hoping it was a killing which belonged to the coven children," Pete murmured his flesh tingling at the fell of Josh's moist pointy tongue licking at the long blue vein in his small delicate wrist.

"I thought you said they were our age," Josh whispered, throwing what he hoped was tantalizing kisses on Pete's wrist, blowing on his cool skin, stroking the exposed flesh harder with the caress of his fingers.

"Yes," Pete whispered, undulating on the bed His wrist trapped in Josh's gasp. Needle thin hits of pleasure sent blood to Pete's cock causing it to shove against his loose Caffeine brand pants.

"Don't!" Pete screamed.

Dropping Pete's wrist, his fangs coated with blood, Josh yelled, "I thought you wanted me to!!"

"You penetrated me,' Pete said in wounded surprise

"Pete, I'm sorry, I thought that was what this was leading to,'" Josh gasped, "I didn't suck your blood. I'm sorry! I got carried away!"

Jumping from the bed, going to the mirror, Pete looked at the puncture wounds on his wrist. His face hot with embarrassment and happiness.

"I like it, I like how your bite looks on my wrist. Josh I'm sorry. It was only a blood kiss, and I freaked out on you. You never kissed me like that that. You took me by surprise. I'm sorry."

"Next time I'll warn you," Josh cried frustrated

"Do it again," Pete said, his eyes shinning.

"Did it hurt?" Josh said.

"Yes, a little," Pete admitted, "Just kiss me with your fangs. No drinking. Just a kiss, please?"

"Fine" Josh said putting his arms around Pete, staring at Pete's neck. His head full of dizziness he pierced Pete's skin. Drawing away when he hear Pete gasp.

"I love it," Pete said running to the mirror, looking at the wound on his neck. "It's fading away," he said sadly.

"Ill fix that," Josh said, taking a magic maker he put two red dots on Pete's neck.

"Now where would you like to bite me?" Josh teased, giving Pete the magic marker.

"You know I can't bite you. Your blood is poisonous to night walkers."

"If you could bite me where would you bite?" Josh laughed.

Smiling impishly Pete said, "Take off your jeans."

Pulling off his jeans, Josh shyly stood before Pete. His cock ram rod hard, standing straight out of his pubic hair.

"I'd bite here," Pete said pressing the marker on Josh's calves. Pete's mouth watered at the beauty of Josh's long legs, his muscular thighs, his thick cock. "And here," Pete whispered, making magic maker bite wounds on Josh's thigh, "And here," Pete said his eyes burning, his breath coming out fast, making red marks on Josh's tight ass. "And here," Pete whispered making marks on Josh's belly, throwing off Josh's shirt, marking his chest, his nipples, his pecs, his shoulders, back, and neck with red, finally Pete got down on his keens, Josh's tortured erection thrust close to his face. Opening his mouth to engulf the rounded rose blue head of Josh's cock, his tongue first teased the musty smelling slit in the head of Josh's penis, tasting the pre cum which was leaking from it. Pete's hands held Josh's rounded balls foundling them while he took the pen up said lustfully, "I'd bite you . .

Flinging the door open, Amy bounced into the room yelling, "Josh are you OK?"

Dive bombing into the closet too fast for Amy's eyes to see, Pete cracked open the door. He peered out.

"Go away!! I'm naked!" Josh cried scurrying under the covers. Glad the lights were out.

"It's OK Josh I've seen you naked before," she slurred drunkenly, dodging into the bed with him. Her hand shooting out between his legs, grasping his penis hard.

"Ahh, ahha, ahh" Josh groaned his erection exploding moistly at the touch of her hand.

"Boy, you must really like me,' Amy marveled.

"You rapist you. Get out of here!! Don't you ever touch me there again," Josh hissed, anguishing over what Pete must be thinking.

"Give me a break you obviously wanted it baby" Amy smirked, "You asked for it. Chill Josh, I want to sleep with you tonight. I'm sick of Marica getting all the action. Let's have some fun of our own tonight.. Do you have a cat in here or something? I hear something growling."

"It's my stomach!! Could you leave!!! I told you I wasn't feeling well," Josh yelled,.

OK," she said wiping her hand on the sheet. "You have no idea what you're tuning down."

"Oh. I have a good idea of what I'm not going to get tonight," Josh cried, almost sobbing, "And I came this close."

Josh, I'm sorry you don't feel good. Damn, don't take it so hard. Maybe you'll feel better tomorrow, and we can finish what we started," Amy consoled him

"Whatever! Listen I'm so spoken for. I have someone back home," Josh said angrily, "Just because you're a girl doesn't give you the right to treat me like I am a piece of meat!"

"So it is true what Thomas said!! You are a faggot!"

"Even if I wasn't a faggot. I still wouldn't like a pushy, aggressive girl pawing at my privates," Josh yelled outraged.

"I thought we were friends. You've been lying to me all all along! All the fag shit you bought at Bad Boys was for yourself," Amy yelled.

"Stop calling me a faggot you bitch. I told you all I was a fence sitter. I'm bi. Or I'm nothing at all! I have no desire for any mortal gender."

"So, what are you into animals?" Amy hotly sneered.

"Leave me the hell alone," Josh ordered.

: tbc

Next: Chapter 28

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