Real World

By Michael Yost

Published on Jan 3, 2003


"I'll buy you a pair of cherry print underwear. They sell them here as souvenirs. Want me to buy you some poppers too? How about some meth, or steroids?" Thomas said running his hand along Josh's chest. His fingers teasingly played with Josh's nipples. Josh felt his whole body melting and then becoming hard at the rough, pinching play. "Let's forget about the party," Thomas murmured, getting on his knees, nibbling at Josh's cock making the sensitive skin wet with saliva. Slowly, he engulfed Josh's cock into his tight mouth. Josh felt the tugging stoke of Thomas' mouth on his jutting out hard-on. Thomas gently pulled on Josh's balls, massaging with his hand the space between Josh's testicles and asshole. Bobbing his head up and down with a steady, fucking rhythm, loving how Josh felt in his mouth. Carefully, Thomas slowly started to push a finger inside of Josh's anus.

"Ah, ah, wait," Josh moaned, pulling his cock out of Thomas' month. Falling to his knees, Josh tenderly kissed Thomas' moist lips.

"You're so beautiful," Josh whispered against Thomas' mouth. For a second he let Thomas' tongue have his way with his mouth. Josh returned Thomas' kiss with a rough passion. Pulling away from Thomas, Josh rubbed his forehead against his. "Listen, we can't do this. What you were doing for me. It was great. But we can't. It isn't right."

"Don't be such a girl," Thomas whispered in Josh's ear, cupping Josh's luscious ass cheeks in his hands. His hard on grinding into Josh's hard on.

"No, don't," Josh cried, this time forcefully pushing Thomas away.

"Whatever," Thomas cried out defensively. "I'll buy you some underwear. So you don't feel you have to go home. It's all right if you don't like me Josh. I've been e-mailing a guy I'm supposed to meet here. I'm not hard up."

"It's not that I don't think your attractive, I do," Josh swallowed, "Buy me the underwear. I'll pay you back. I don't want to just walk in there naked. I'm not into drugs. I get my highs differently."

"Listen this just isn't fuck city. Guys come here to socialize too and if they find someone they like they hook up with them in the orgy room upstairs or they leave with them. It's not like you have to fuck the first person you see. It's not like you're oblicated to fuck anyone here if you don't want to, " Thomas said embarrassed. "I thought you were going on to me at The Cell."

" I'm here out of curiosity. Whatever happen, happens, OK?" Josh said nervously.

"All right. I'm not dissing you Josh I thought it would be nice to jerk you off," Thomas said, putting his hand Josh's semi aroused cock.

"Later. OK?" Josh said, pushing his hand away.

"All right. Later," Thomas said sullenly, "What's the big deal? Are you bent out of shape after fighting with that dude at the bar? He's cute. I should have hooked up with him."

"He'd spit out the bones after he was done with you," Josh said shakily.

Buying Josh a pair of underwear, Thomas took him into the party room. Thomas to Josh's relief deserted him for a cute, blond.

Taking a sit on the plush, expensive couch, Josh gawked at the boys. All of them were knockouts. Gorgeous athletic boys laughing too loudly, gossiping, and showing off.

"If I wasn't an almost married man I would so be in drop dead heaven, Josh moaned to himself.

A swanky looking blond straddled a dark haired boy. The blond drew a razor blade on his lover's already scared arm, making deep, scarlet gashes. The blond licked at the blood falling in a steady stream down the boy's flesh. The boy gasped as the blond made two quick slashes in his thighs.

His mouth lost in a subtle moan, his breathing coming out soft and rapid, the dark haired boy pulled down his jockey underwear inviting his lover to make some cuts into his buttocks. The blond devoured the boy's liquids with his tongue, moving a butt plug in and out of the boy's buttocks. Removing the plug, the blonde's blood kissed mouth was full of obsession for his lover. He thrust a curving finger into his lover's anus. Nodding at a boy who was watching him, the blond gave his permission to a lean, Hispanic boy with wavy hair and perfect muscles to straddle his prone lover's face. The dark haired boy's knees were up. The dark haired boy licked at the Hispanic boy's ass. The Hispanic boy grasped the dark haired boy's cock, fucking it with his sweaty hand, unafraid of the blood on the boy's thighs. The blond continued to keep his finger stick inside his lover, moving it in and out, watching intently as the Hispanic boy moved his hips higher up, his cock dangling in front of the dark haired boy's mouth Raising his head up, the dark haired boy swallowed the Hispanic boy's thick cock. The dark haired boy's face was hot and intent, sucking the long cock. The Hispanic boy flexed his hips, pushing his meat in the white boy's mouth, his muscular, golden brown body smelling of sweat. The blond kept up with his finger fucking of his lover's ass Finally the Hispanic boy moaned, his body stiffened, his balls went into tiny spasms, and his hip muscles convulsed, his cock throbbed and pumped spurts of semen, then a steady stream of semen into the boy's sucking hard mouth.

Pushing the Hispanic off his lover, the blond first tenderly kissed his lover, tasting the Hispanic boy's cum in his mouth. Savagely, his bit his lover's tit with his blunt teeth. The dark haired boy screamed, his cock jutted out cum, pumping it hard on his legs. Panting, the dark haired boy allowed himself to be cradled in his lover's arms. Tears in the dark haired boy's eyes. Their mouths searched and found each other. The dark haired boy's teeth bit into the blonde's arm, and he sucked while he was being tenderly treasured by his blond lover.

Rapt, painful tenseness was on the blond's face. He nodded to a young man watching them. The young man pulled the dark haired boy up to be on all fours spreading his legs wide open, so his buttocks were taunt and stretched, his small sore opening exposed. Caressing the dark haired boy's smooth buttocks, the boy pushed his cock between his cheeks with determined thrusts. The dark haired boy gasped matching the boy's thrust. His lover grasped his cock lacing it with his fingers, massaging his balls in his ball sac. The young man clutched his fingers into dark haired boy's back, hurting him and pleasuring him at the same time. Ejaculating into the dark haired boy, the young man waited, his cock still quivering inside the dark haired boy's tightness. Running his hand up the dark haired boy's spine in appreciation for what a great ride he was. Pulling out his cock between the dark haired boy's butt cheeks, he sat back on his haunches. The blond bit into the soft flesh of his lover's abdomen. The dark haired boy shuddered, arching his back ejaculating Thirstily, he sought out his blond lover's wrist, biting it hard, licking the tiny drops of blood on his wincing lover's flesh.

"Vampires," Thomas said, his eyes, wide.

"Not really," Josh said smiling, amazed at the show, thinking, Ow those blunt teeth have got to hurt.

"Well of course not really vampires," Thomas said troubled, "Man, who let those freaks in? I guess they are vampires. They drink blood after all."

"I don't believe in vampires," Josh said, his eyes glittering hard, watching as the two blood stained mortals cuddling on the carpet, "I have more faith in the tooth fairy." Josh's emotional hunger at the sight of the lovers' blood was unbearable. He possessively wanted to feed off of them both. His cock was stirring, convulsing in his underwear, arguing with his brain about how good it would be too fuck the two wanna be vampires, wondering if he could drink their blood in public and get away with it. Make their fantasy life a reality.

Before he attempted rape someone or worse hook up with someone to spend the night and later have breakfast with them, Josh picked up a cordless phone and dialed Brent's cell phone number.

"Hell Brent baby what you you doing? I love you too. Yes, Pete made it up here to Chicago, Shut up about him and I doing the nasty. Brent you sound loaded. Are you? Damn it Brent where are you? Oz's. Stay put. You leave and I'll kill you."

Slamming down the phone, Josh quickly dialed his father's number "Daniel hi, nothings wrong with me, would you go to Oz's and take Bernt home? Alex is there he can keep an eye on the kids? Thanks father I knew I could you'd come through. Great. Tell Alex I'm going to be calling right back."

Pressing the talk button after Daniel hung up the phone, Josh called Brent's cell phone number.

"Hi, my father is coming to pick you up. No I don't think you're a big shit. Come on don't cry, everyone fucks up some times. Call me after Daniel takes you home. Listen I'm going to call Ray and have him spend the rest of the evening with you."

Hanging up on Brent, Josh called his home number "Hi Alex could you call Ray? His number is in my address book next to the phone. Could you put Ace on?'

"Hi little man," Josh said his throat tightening "What are you doing?

"Tabby is being bad. She took my race car and she keeps biting it," Ace complained, wondering why adults didn't stay put like pesky sisters did. "Alex is racing cars with me. When are you coming home?"

"Soon, I can't stay on the line long. Love you. I bet your cars are beating Alex's cars."

"Sometimes," Ace said rolling his eyes, "his cars are fast too."

"I'll see you son. I have to go. See you soon, "Josh babbled on the phone, "Put Alex back on."

"How is everything going? Make sure you call Ray. Brent sounded depressed. Yes, I know Brent's not Ray's favorite person, but Ray's good man, talk to you later."

Ray's a good man except where Pete's concerned, Josh thought grimly, hanging up the phone, I have no idea why Ray doesn't like Pete.

Checking out the boys who were discretely checking him out Josh decided on pretty blond with a gym pampered body.

With a jolt, Josh realized none of these gym angels looked at all like his skinny, wiry Pete. Man, these poor boys don't know what they are missing out on by being so exclusive, Josh thought to himself.

Sliding next to the gym bunny, Josh engaged him into a conversation, relieved to find the boy was bombed on meth, knowing the conversions was going to be kept simple.

To his regret Josh found his victim to be a nice guy. Kind of shy, engaging, with a sneaky sense of humor.

Man, if you were just a tad more cute, Pete would have justification to kill me. But your not, Josh thought sadly.

"Hey," Josh said. nibbling on his bunny's soft, silky boy ears, "let's go upstairs."

"Sure," the bunny boy swallowed letting Josh take the lead. The boy's heart was pounding, his mouth cotton ball dry. The boy felt sick and high, flashes of light and darkness hit his brain, he stumbled after Josh.

"Let's not go into one of the bedrooms, "Josh said, knowing there was going to be other boys doing other boys there. "Let's do it in the bathroom."

Entering the bathroom, having his victim sit on the vanity, Josh gave him a passionate, heady kiss of good-bye. Engaging in aggressive kisses with his lover, Josh's mouth trailed down to the boy's muscular throat.

The boy gasped, his closed eyes opening, then falling shut. Tearing into the boy's throat with razor thin delicacy Josh sucked, his mouth filling with blood salty as semen and sweat, better than semen and sweat. Pushing the boy against the mirror, the boy's hot. smooth body against his, Josh sucked more. The boy moaned in his embrace his erection straining against his white cotton underwear. Pre cum staining it.

Your heart, Josh thought panicking, Your on steroids and meth, it's beating too fast. You're going to die before I decide if your going to live or not. All I wanted was a little drink then it would be see you around kid. Damn.

Knowing what was going to happen next, Josh pulled away, The boy's eyes went into the back of his head. His body started to convulse and thrash about, his teeth clamped shut.

"Damn, damn," Josh whispered. Forcing the boy's mouth open, he stared to give him mouth to mouth, giving the boy air, then thumping his hands his chest.

Listen to me, he commanded the boy's brain, Calm your body down. Your getting help. You're getting air. Fuck. Fuck fuck this.

Working on him patently Josh stopped when he saw the boy's color was less gray, and he was starting to rhythmically breath.

Quickly healing the puncture wounds on his neck, Josh wrapped some towels around him

Running down stairs, Josh called 911. "Listen there is a guy here who started to have a heart attack. He's been taking meth and steroids, maybe something else."

Giving the address out, Josh hung up the phone.

"What happened to Frankie?" the host asked.

"He went into the convulsions. I gave him mouth to mouth, "Josh said, heading for the dressing like an automation to get his clothes while the host hurried to hide the drugs he had for sale.

Thomas came down the stairs with the guy he hooked up with over the net.

Thomas joined Josh in the dressing room. "He's talking. He seems all right, except for being dizzy and cold. Poor guy's teeth are chattering," Thomas explained.

"I'm going to the house," Josh said to Thomas.

"Hey, he's asking for you, " Thomas worried, "Could you stay with him till the ambulance comes?"

"I don't even know the guy!" Josh blurted out.

"Please," Thomas said.

"Sure," Josh said morosely, wishing he had Pete with him. Pete would understand what he was going through. He'd understand everything. Going up the stairs to the bathroom, Josh felt horrified, thinking I was losing control I wanted too much from you. I was going to far with my little drink. I'm sorry.

The pretty boy looked like as ashen copy of himself. "Josh, he mumbled, "Thanks for saving my life."

You mean sparing it, Josh thought, the boy's blood churning in his guts.

"You're welcome," Josh said awkwardly, taking the boy's cold hand, "It will be all right. Understand, The worse is over."

"Ok' the boy said with a fading in and out smile.

Staying with the disoriented boy, enduing his mumbled out words, Josh left when the ambulance finally showed up.

The taste of the boy's blood was still rich in his mouth, Josh knew without a doubt he wished he had drunk to the brim

"It's perfectly normal," Damion's calm voice assumed Josh on the phone, "You had a connection with the young man. It's very hard to master the little drink when you're with a mortal you have sympathy for. There is no reason to be upset son."

"But why couldn't I be less emotional about blood drinking? I was completely caught up in the rapture," Josh whispered into the phone back in the Real World Chicago house.

"He tasted good, and felt good," Damion said reassuringly, "And you didn't kill him."

"When I realized he way dying from an overdose helped along by my feeding off of him, I didn't want him to die," Josh whispered.


Next: Chapter 26

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