Real World

By Michael Yost

Published on Jan 1, 2003


"Hey," Josh yelled falling to the The Cell's floor. Leaping to his feet Josh pounded on the slammed door, screaming, "Let me out of here!! Pete!!"

Turning around panting, his back plastered against the door, the strobe light hit Josh's eyes. Between the flashes of light and darkness, Josh saw to his horror various colors of beefy mortals in leather pants, and harnesses. One man spotting a penis leash was being tugged around by a rough Hell's Angel's type A couple men were wearing ball harnesses and too small of jocks hiding their hairy goodies. Some guys had the crotches cut of of their leather pants

"Get me out of here!" Josh wailed much to the amusement of all, "I changed my mind. This is so not my scene!"

Flinging the door open, throwing Josh forwards away from the door, Christov slammed the door shut.

"Did you really think I was going to let out take Pete into a place like this?" Christov said in a sharp voice, leading him to a barstool.

"Fine. And your right. I shouldn't have ever dreamed of taking Pete in here. I'm sitting on something sticky. Pete and I will go some place else."

"Fat chance I'm letting you take Pete any place,.You haven't the guts to face Louis. Even Armand doesn't want to face Louis' disappointment, and you expect Pete to just so you can get laid?"

"No," Josh said quickly, "Dads won't find find out about this."

"What if he does?" Christov snarled.

"I'm not letting Pete roam the streets of Chicago with Michael lurking about," Josh argued.

"Pete is with Henri. Listen boi. I'll let you see Pete. I don't five a damn about Louis' opinion. On one condition"

"Anything," Josh pleaded.

"You spend the whole night partying on your own. Get it out of your system. Sow those oats as wild as you can," Christ implored.

"You want me to cheat on Pete!" Josh cried in disbelief.

"If there's no love involved cough, cough, I hate that word, you're not cheating on Pete. You're just fucking around."

"But there is love and trust between Pete and I." :"Stop being so dense. I meant between you and whoever else besides Pete your fucking."

"How stupid do you think I am?"

"Everyone's stupid to me. Now lets sit at the bar and get to know the local talent. And have some fun," Christov said.

"Have all the fun you want. I'm going to order a beer and be miserable," Josh groused.

"Considering your Damion's kid I'm not at all surprised," Christov snorted.

A muscular guy spotting a bushy mustache, a black sleek leather jacket, and a heavy cigar saddled himself in a stool next to Christov's.

"You want to lick my boots? I like frails. How about you and I going into the cell out back. I know how to work over a bitch."

"Fuck you," Christov purred, "And I will for fifty dollars." Grabbing the guys' leather gloved hand, Christov thrust it between his legs. "You feel that bitch? That's for sale. I'll stick this up your tight, little, male pussy. You want a slave? The best slaves are the ones that are bought because honey I have no interest in you pleasing me. Hand over the money and I'll treat you to pain," Christov said wantonly, toying with the guy's bare nipples. Blowing on one, while he toyed with the other tasty little nub. ""I'll treat you to heavy laden pain all with the subtle touches and tickles you've always dreamed of."

"I'm the master here bitch," he growled. His eyes full of intrigued interest.

"That's what they all say. Till you get them bent over," Christov said, measuring the guy for a coffin, "Better yet for ten dollars you can have the twink over here," Christov said pointing to Josh.

"Oh fuck you," Josh growled, "Let me drink my beer in peace will you?"

"I don't know. I kind of like your smart, ass hole licking mouth. I bet you know how to work it in ways other than talking shit," the guy said enjoying the firm pinch Christov had on one of his nipples. Slipping his hand into Christov's jeans, a huge grin appeared on his face. "Sides, I like pierced dicks. Maybe I am drunk enough to let a piece of pussy fuck me for a change."

"You have a pierced dick?" Josh said.

"Never mind about my piercing," Christov said primly, "Take the twink. I'm not interested in you. Besides twink here looks hungry. Think of it as charity for the poor kid."

"Come on!" Josh growled, hooking the guy's arm roughly into his, dragging him into the cavernous part of the cell.

Naked men were in various acts of bondage sex.

One chained to a motorcycle was being rimmed by a hairy guy whose muscles were running into beer gut belly fat. He heaved himself up. His pot belly was pressed against the back of the guy's thighs. His chubby tongue darted all over the guy's naked back.

"What I get off on is having my boots licked, while your pants are pulled down. I really would love to put out my cigar on your tit. You into that? You wearing a butt plug so I don't have to worry about hurting you too badly when I screw you?" The man asked blowing his smoke in Josh's face. "Tell me I'm gonna slaughter your cherry. Call me daddy, that will really get me off," the guy said, running his hands up Josh's shirt.

Without a world Josh knocked the guy down. Straddling his waist, trapping him with his legs, burying his face into his burly neck, Josh thrust his fangs inside of him. Taking a long steady drink which if it went any longer would leave serious stress to his victim's heart, Josh released him. biting his own lip, healing his victim's puncture wounds with his own blood. He couldn't resist licking his own blood off the man's now healed neck liking his male, smoky taste.

Getting off the cigar toting, unconscious bitch, Josh ambled back to his stool, smirking at Christov.

"Nice work," Christov approved.

"Why do I have to prove the existence of my balls to you?" Josh growled

"Fuck you. Like killing a piece of pussy proved you have balls?" Christov laughed.

"I didn't kill the bitch. Just a little drink. Who needs the hassle of a dead body to deal with?" Josh shrugged. "I'm not human. Got that? Even if I can trot my ass out in the sun and tan it pretty I'm no more human than you are. So back off of Pete and me being an item"

"So you're a taker like any other vampire. A cancer. You know what a cancer is? A cancer is a cure for people" Christov laughed.

""Fuck that," Josh said in a low voice, "I'm more than just a cure for the plight of the over population of mortals. I'm more that just a taker."

"Such language coming from such a fine upstanding boy who wants to mate with my gentle fledgling," Christov said, narrowing his eyes dangerously.

"Excuse me," Josh said, shrinking in his skin, "I didn't mean anything by it. Christov I'm just trying to tell you I'm not a taker. I mean I really care about Pete. I'm not trying to take anything from him,"

"Bullshitting you. Josh," Christov smiled, "Tone down the dirty mouth while you're around Pete. Ok? He's not like you and me. He grew up in a respectable home with parents who loved him. I don't know," Christov sighed, "I try my best by him. Understand? I would hate to see what's good about Pete being ruined. But I know it will be For his own good it has to be ruined. He has to learn how to be a taker in everything or he's going to get crushed."

"I know what you mean. That's what I love about him too. He's everything I ever wanted at home. Someone who loves me," Josh said staring in his beer, "Someone normal A nice guy with values and who puts limits on his behavior. People with values know now to value others. They have integrity. I really do love him. What we both love about Pete shouldn't have to be ruined You're wrong."

"Josh, you'll going to live for probably like forever and if I have anything to to say it so will Pete. This relationship of yours is not going to last. He needs to know how to handle himself on his own. I've made so many stupid mistakes with him. When I sold him to Michael."

"You sold him to Michael?" Josh cried.

"I don't want to talk about it. I returned Michael's money, All right? Those nights Pete and Michael spend together," Christov said, tying to look innocent, evil oozing out of his little mind.

"Pete said he's a virgin," Josh said in a small voice.

"Would it matter if he was a virgin or not?" Christov said with fake sympathy.

"What would matter is if Pete's has been lying to me all along," Josh said angrily, "Leading me on. Making me thank he's something he's not, I', I, no it doesn't matter. I mean it would be like he's a completely differently person than I know. I thought he was inexperienced, innocent, someone I should protect."

"Maybe you don't know Pete as well as you think you do. Maybe he's lied about other things."

"And maybe I do know Pete, maybe Pete's ashamed of what happened between him and Michael. Damn you, if you think Pete not being a virgin causes me to love Pete any less you are so mistaken. If he lied to me I know there's a good reason. It probably explains a lot about why he is the way he is. Christov, did Michael hurt him? Tell me the truth. Did he pressure him into doing something he didn't want to do. Is that why Pete is afraid of going any further with me," Josh cried in a urgent voice, "I'll kill Michael, I'll so throw that walking corpse of a body into the sunlight."

"Don't you let any other vampire hear you threatening to put a night walker out into the sun! Especially Michael. God, your signing your own death warrant. Les does not like you. Any excuse would be a great excuse for him to kill you if he could even slightly justify your murder to Damion he would do it in a heart beat. And Damion, if Les convinced him you went as insane as Tara went, Damion would mourn your death, and he would still be Les' out of a feeling of sheer helplessness and despair. Michael could easily turn against you if he perceives your race is a threat to ours. Are you insane??? We're killers remember? And we're not choosey about who we kill or what their ages are. Damn it Josh, give me a dollar immediately."


Next: Chapter 24

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