Real World

By Michael Yost

Published on Dec 29, 2002


Authors note if you would like to see what Josh and Pete looks like go to

You can also find a link to my page where there is fan fiction written. Josh and Pete first were introduced in the novel What I Want. Real World was first loosely based on a fan fiction I wrote this version is an original version of Real World!

Part 20

"You do? I mean you know someone who would be interested in making my novel into a movie?" Josh said in a queasy voice as Mr. Links hand went up his thigh.

"Josh, I have to be candid with you. I felt big time vibrations between you and me the first time we met."

"You couldn't have," Josh blurted out before thinking, "I'm straight. Listen, you're a handsome man and all that. But, I'm not interested. I mean I'm not."

"Are you sure you're straight?" Mr. Links said, reaching under the table, stroking Josh's limp member hiding for dear life in his jeans. "Because if I discover you lied to me about your sexual ordination, I'll get lawyers who'll sue you up the ass. On the other hand I wouldn't mind a bit of little white lying if we were friends Josh."

"What makes you think I'm gay?" Josh said his mouth going dry.

"I asked around at your high school Seems you outed yourself the last month of our senior year."

"Pure bullshit! I was kidding around! They hate me at the high school I went to! They're out to get me!" Josh protested.

"Come on Josh. Most of your classmates had nothing but good things to say about you," Mr. Links said, putting his index finger to Josh's sweater rubbing his hidden nipple. Plastic surgery produced a flicker of youth to his appearance. His hair dark hair was a great dye job. "I've just come out of the closet myself. Been married for years. I'm in a position where I can get you a screen test. All you have to do for me is be my friend,"

"I'm your best straight friend," Josh whispered, getting out of his chair, "I'm quitting the show."

"You can't quit the show. You quit the show and my lawyers will have a field day with all the other lies on your application. Listen Josh I admire talent. I like to be with talented smart people," Mr, Links said in a nasty tone.

"I'm straight. I'll stay on the show," Josh said defeated.

"Because I'm threatening you?"

"No, because I like my roommates," Josh said tightly.

"You told them when it comes to your sexuality your were a fence sitter," Mr. Links observed.

"I was just kidding. Wow, yum, yum, look at the legs and the rack of mammy glands on our waitress. I think I'll write my phone number on the check. I hope she calls me."

"Fine stay on the show. Stop ogling the waitress, and work up your so called romance with Amy. The viewers will love it," Mr. Links said with sarcasm.

"It was nice talking with you Mr., Links," Josh said with equal sarcasm

"It could have been nicer. If you were honest with me and with yourself. You give me the goods and I'll be good to you. Think about it. You'll come around. I'm a power man Josh, and you know what my least favorite word is? My least favorite word is the word, 'No'. You know who my least favorite people are? Smart assholes who play me. What's a little cock sucking between friends? I'll make it worth your while."

"I'm not in the habit of being that kind of friendly even with my most cherished friends," Josh said darkly.

Leaving the House of Blues, storming back into the house, Josh fell in a chair.

"Wow, are you in a bad mood," Amy said with a sickening chirp to her voice.

"Where is everyone else?" Josh said, thinking, What would you say if I told you Mr. Links practically ordered me to seduce you? This is so lame.

"They all went out," Amy said, looking radiant in a brown fitted turtle neck sweater, and a short tan skirt. "Josh do you want to go see a movie?"

"What's playing?" Josh said overly brightly, thinking, Sure for a girl she's cute, I could even imagine she would be fun to bed. But not that much fun, and she' so not that cute.

""Lord of the Rings" is playing at the dollar theater right down the street. I wish I could rent it and we could cozy up here while everyone's gone. I could pop some popcorn. Too bad they don't allow us have a television. We could play some pool and later sit in the hot tub."

"Let's go to the movie," Josh said, getting up.

"But, Josh the movie isn't gong to start for a couple hours."

"I want to do some shopping at Boy's Town," Josh growled.

"The gay ghetto?' Amy said, surprised.

"Some of my best friends happen to be gay. I promised Brent I'd get him a Tee-shirt," Josh said sullenly, throwing a couch pillow against the wall.

"You're mood is almost as bad as Joey's," Amy cried.

"Joey's in a bad mood? He's so wasting his time, and so am I. I'm sorry I snapped at you Amy. I'm missing my kids. Do you mind if we go to Boy's Town?"

"If you don't mind going to "Lord of the Rings," I don't mind going to Boy's Town," she said cheerfully, "I don't know very many gay guys. I came from a pretty small town in Wyoming. Where men are men and sheep are nervous."

"Don't you have any gay friends?" Josh said, laying on the charm.

"No," Amy said honestly, "My folks don't even like talking about that sort of thing. So I'm curious Josh. Let's go shopping."

"Only if you promise not to gawk."

"Josh, I'm heading to a place full of gorgeous looking men," she said with wounded dignity, "How can I not gawk?"

"Fine, gawk," Josh laughed liking her frankness, thinking guiltily, Sure I miss my kids. But the truth? I want to get Pete out of Chicago and the hell away from that coven. I mean Christov and Henri won't look after him. What if the coven is dangerous? I have to trust that Pete will think things through. He'll decide to keep his distance from them. God, I hope the coven consists of man hating lesbians who spend their nights knitting.

Josh and Amy took a cab to Bad Boys a clothing store catering to bad boys. Josh picked out several C.D's by Gloved Groove: A Deeper Heart, Feel My Drums, and Thrill.

"You think Brent will like these jokey shorts?' Josh asked Amy.

"'Everything Tastes Better Naked," Amy read the words on the shorts, "How about this one which says: 'Butt Master'?"

"How about 'Bare Backrider Cowboy'? You know what I know he would love an adult jigsaw puzzle."

"You mean the one of the naked hunk? I'm so buying one of those," she grinned. "for my sister"

"Right, I thought last night you told me you were an only child."

"I'll demand my parents to adopt me a sister," Amy snorted, looking around.

"Oh, oh, oh, Josh get your friend Brent a Billy Doll. I love the fireman Billy Doll," Amy gushed, picking up the gay doll.

"Oh, I want a pecker leash and cock ring for that rebellious boy in my life," Amy giggled picking up a leash, "Do you think the ring will fit you Josh?"

"No need to put a pecker leash on me," Josh laughed, "You can take me any place mistress. I'm at your commend."

"Look at the time, slave, we'd better hurry up with our shopping," she said, putting a 'Boy's Next Door Calendar 2003' in the shopping cart.

"Grab one for Brent," Josh said over his shoulder while he was picking out some sexy, silky thongs.

"I'm buying a calendar for my mother too," Amy said, throwing two more calendars into the shopping cart. "Are you buying thongs for Brent?"

"Nope," Josh said grinning, holding up a skimpy. leopard patterned, silky thong, "These are for me. Brent's never going to see these."

"Can I see you in them?" Amy said lustfully, then she said, coyly, "Your mistress commands it."

"Sure, if you get lucky," Josh flirted, thinking, I'm not lying these thongs are for me alone to see on Pete. Gads, I can't wait.

Swallowing, fingering the thongs, Josh gulped, "Before we go I want to buy that shirt I was looking at."

"You mean the hot pink net one?' Amy said, her eyes growing wide.

"And those leather pants with the snaps down the side," Josh said lazily, "I want to go clubbing tonight."

"Me, too, me too!" Amy thrilled.

There's nothing like going shopping to dispel a bad mood and put your head back on the right course," Josh thought caressing his bundle of thong underwear thinking thoughts dirtier than dirt and a millions times more tasty.

Carrying out their purchases they made their way to the movie theater.

As they went into the theater, Josh discovered his chasity ring in his pocket, he quickly slipped it on.

Settling in his seat Josh suddenly fell back to being depressed.

What if Pete doesn't like the thongs? Why does he always have to have an excuse to avoid being as intimate as I need to be with him?"


Next: Chapter 21

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