Real World

By Michael Yost

Published on Dec 28, 2002


"I'm suggesting we all go to sleep," Josh said moving over for Thomas.

"This is fun kind of like a sleep over," Amy said cheerfully, "Anyone know any ghost stories? I love to be scared."

"I know one," Thomas said, telling them a funny smutty story about a ghost.

After a while only Amy's snores filled the room, as did Thomas' deep breathing.

All toasty and warm between them Josh thought, This is kind of nice. Thomas' not very innocent arm had fallen over his hip. Burrowing his nose into Amy's hair and throat. he thought to himself. Maybe a little drink.

Carefully opening her throat up with a small nip of his fangs; Josh drew her blood inside himself for a tasty, long drink,

Opening his eyes, releasing her neck, he thought, Hey! Take your hand off of that I'm practically a married man

Pushing Amy's sleeping hand from his crotch, Josh cuddled against her. He liked the feel of Thomas' flannel clad body against his back, knowing if it was Pete's he'd be having such a fit of misery if Pete was wearing anything but silk to bed. Silk on his cold skin sliding against his.

"Josh. come up here," whispered a familiar voice.

Untangling himself from his roommates' limbs, Josh climbed up the ladder to the upper bunk.

"I came through the window," Pete said, waiting for Josh to put his arms around him.

Josh laid on his side facing him

Confused, Pete asked, "Aren't you glad to see me? Josh what's wrong?"

Josh still didn't make a move.

Throwing his arms around Josh, Pete kissed him

"I wanted to be your princess for a change," Josh whispered, kissing Pete all over his face, sliding his hands over Pete's ass.

"You going to attack me day walker?" Pete teased.

"Do not compare me to that stupid day walker comic book character, Blade" Josh moaned, "I hate that those movies. I'd like to stuff some silver nitrate up Blade's ass. If Blade met you, you adorable night walker you, this day walker would make Blade eat his silver bullets if he laid one tiny, little finger on you. After killing him, I'd take you in my arms, undress you as slowly as I could."

"I guess that's what Christov thinks were doing right now, ripping off each other's clothing," Pete said bitterly.

"Chistov and Michael have watched too many Blade movies. Why do they think day walkers are trouble?"

"Michael thinks your kind is going to end up on top of the food chain."

"Michael can got to hell. The only chains I care about is chaining you to the bed and. . ."

"Josh can we talk? I really feel awkward being here. I mean I lied to Louis by coming here. And I have no idea how other night walkers will take my appearing on television. You know the rules, no photographs, no names written down. Others barely tolerate your parent's rock band, Body Beautiful, because they promised to only play in vampire bars, and do rare concerts, and they never give out their real names. I don't know. Being on television could put my life in danger."

"Pete, I promise any filming of you will end up on the cutting room floor when they edit the show for general viewing. I already ruined the film in the camera in my bedroom,." Josh cried, his plan of asking Pete to marry him on MTV evaporating. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have talked you into doing something you're uncomfortable with."

"I'm not uncomfortable being with you. I'm uncomfortable about Louis," Pete protested, "I want to be with you," Pete said, playing with the elastic on Josh's shorts, stroking his bare chest with is other hand.

Taking Pete's hands and kissing them, fighting down the arousal he felt, Josh said, "All night long I knew who I wanted to claim me. I kept wishing you would come out of the crowd. That you would ask me to dance, and you would take me home. I was so lonely for your face. And here you are. Pete, I love you. Please don't start something we can't finish. You have to leave. It's going to be dawn soon."

"I know," Pete said humbly, "And you're right. I'm being unfair. We promised each other we would wait to make love. We promised other people we wouldn't see each other."

How did your evening go, How did you get here so quickly?"

"Armand flew us out here."


"Christov and Henri. Christov insisted I go to Chicago."

"Has he changed his mind about us?" Josh asked eagerly.

"No," Pete said crestfallen, Then in a enchanted voice he said, "I saw a coven of vampires They all died around my age. They all looked very young. Shimmering like spirits in the moonlight."

"Did you meet them?" Josh said, feeling a stink of worry.

"Not yet, but I wanted to," Pete said earnestly.

"Why were they glowing?" Josh asked confused.

"Night walkers can appear to be angels."

"I guess day walkers can't glow. I asked dads about it. Day walkers are too organic. The coven was being that seductive?."

"They were stunning," Pete said snuggling against Josh, teasing his lips with his tongue finally kissing him deeply. "I didn't know how cold I was until I hugged you. You're so warm. My bones almost jolted out of my skin when I put my arms around you. You're passive tonight."

"I know you have to leave, Josh whispered.

"You're right," Pete said, "But not for long. I' coming over tomorrow night. Let's go out Josh please? I want to spend time with you. I want your roommates to know you're my guy."

"Yes," Josh breathed, "Come over for one night. One night shouldn't be pushing our luck with the twins. I so want everyone to meet you," Josh breathed, kissing a faint blue vein on Pete's throat.

"Josh why aren't you wearing your promise ring?" Pete asked surprised.

"I took it off for dads' sake, and I forgot to pack it,"

"Should I take off my ring?" Pete teased.

"No, please don't. Why don't you wear it? Unless you want to take it off. I guess fair's fair,"

"No," Pete said smiling "There's no way I'm taking this ring off."

Slipping out of the top bunk Pete crawled up the wall, onto the ceiling. He pushed out the glass he had cut out with his nails then he slipped out of the large ceiling window, carefully putting back the glass in the window.

Josh lay in bed alone his stomach twisting. Visions of glowing, horny-for-Pete, angelic night walkers smirking at him.

Josh waited patently for the alarm clock to go off.

Once he heard the buzz, he stretched and yawned, rubbing his eyes, pretending he had slept some of the night away.

"Wake up Thomas, Amy," he said. He heard the phone ringing.

"Come back to bed, "Thomas sleepily beseeched Josh.

"Can't, I'm an early riser. Sleep in if you want. I'm sure you all have vicious hangovers," Josh said grinning mischievously at Thomas and Amy, "Should I make you both orange smoothies with raw eggs added? That's supposed to help hangovers."

"Are you trying to kill us?" Amy moaned, rubbing her neck, looking dreamy eyed at Josh.

"Maybe I'll try to kill you later," Josh smirked.

"Hey, have fun roomy?" Joey mumbled, stumbling in.

"Sure fun," Josh said nervously. Picking up the phone, Josh was greeted by voice of Mr. Links.

"Hey Josh I was hoping you'd pickup. I have some serious questions to ask you about your application you filled out to get on the show," Mr. Links said.

"I have some serious answers I want to give yon" Josh said quickly.

"Meet me for breakfast at the House of Blues hotel. Dress in something nice."

Dress in something what? Josh thought confused. "Sure whatever," Josh said in his best slacker tone, nervously half expecting Louis to appear, knowing his Dads hated it whenever he sounded like a young man who didn't know how to be polite to his elders on the phone.

"Who was it?" Joey asked, rubbing his freshly washed hair with a towel.

"Some mortal," Josh said crisply, yanking my chain."

A mortal huh? "Thomas laughed.

"You heard Josh. Some mortal is being a bitch. Speaking of which all of you mortals can get out of Josh and my bedroom. I want to change and I'm shy."

"Right you're shy" Thomas smirked, "That's why we all saw your butt in the air last night going to it with Marcia. Come on Amy let's give Joey his privacy."

"I already saw you butt naked Joey," Amy moaned, her head pounding, "There's no way I'm getting out of this bed."

"Now!" Joey ordered a little more aggressively, "You can stay Josh, I know you have no evil designs on me."

Josh stripped off his baggy shorts he used for pajamas, He went for a sweater he knew his dad would approve off, and a pair of slacks.

After Amy and Thomas helped each other half crawl half walk out to the room, Joey unwrapped his towel tossing it to the floor, spotting a semi-aroused cock.

Cute, but not cute enough, Josh thought absently, heading for the door.

"Hold it," Joey said grabbing Josh's arm, "Please."

"What?" Josh said, trying not to sound irritated.

"Last night you were trying to tell me something about yourself. Like you wanted me to know you better," Joey said a low voice.

"You mean about giving a beer bottle a blow job? Giving you a show? It was all a show," Josh said, his groin getting painfully aware of Joey's naked body.

Taking his own arousal in his hand, Joey mumbled embarrassingly, "I guess Marica's still on the the "old boy's" mind."

"You have a nice sized "old boy "there," Josh said, "Maricia is a lucky lady. Listen I have to go.. It was nice meeting you."

"What do you mean it was nice meeting you?" Joey said frowning.

"I can't explain it to you right now. I have to get out of Chicago."

"Josh did I do something to offend you?' Joey cried.

Pulling on his dirty shorts, Joey said, "I mean I didn't mean anything by calling you pretty. You're a nice guy."

"Joey you'd be the least of my problems if you were a problem" Josh said, "Listen I have to go."

The camera man filmed Josh leaving then the camera man stopped, "All right does anyone want to go into the confessional?" he asked.

"I do, I do," Amy squealed, going into the small room.

"Say anything on your mind," the cameraman said

"I really, really like Josh," Amy said seriously, "I hope he likes me too. He was so wild and funny on the dance floor. Sometimes he acts kind of tough like he could be dangerous, but I think he's all soft inside. And he had the sexiest mouth. I love it when he pouts."

"Anyone else want a turn," the camera man said, sticking his head out of the door of the confessional. Finished with filming Amy.

"I do," Joey said, going in while Amy was leaving,

"I just want to say I hope Marica realized it was just fun and games last night. I'm pissed off at Josh for thinking I'm a jerk, I hope he and I can come to a common ground. I hope he doesn't leave just because of some stupid things I said about Thomas," Joey said, blinking his large eyes, "I kind of like Josh. I hope we get to know each other better. I hope he reconsiders leaving Chicago."

Making his way to the House of Blue's Hotel, Josh let a pretty hostess escort him to a table where Mr. Links was waiting.

"Listen before you say another word" Josh said hurriedly.

Josh I can do a lot for your career. I know people who would be more than willing to produce a television movie of your novel. The Vampire Anthony," Mr. Links said.


Next: Chapter 20

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