Real World

By Michael Yost

Published on Dec 26, 2002


"Glad you all made it safely here," Mr. Links said in his booming voice. "You get your work assignments in about a week in the mean time," he said, "Get to know each other, I know I can't wait to get to know you better."

"You," Mr. Links said, hugging Paul. "And you," he said, hugging Joey, then Amy and the rest of the Real World cast.

"And you," he said, hugging Josh, his breath hot and clammy on Josh's neck. Josh almost burst out in laughter.

"I'll see you real soon," Mr. Link said, aiming his his expensive, oily smile at Josh.

"Right, we'll do lunch," Josh said lazily as Mr. Links left.

Fuck, I hope you don't take that as a promise, Josh thought to himself.

Taking his suitcase, he let Joey take the lead to the room they were going to share.

"Josh isn't this unreal?" Joey laughed placing himself on the bed. "Bunk beds Like were little kids. So Josh you a top or are you a bottom?" Joey teased.

"Definitely a top," Josh said, feeling his body tingle warmly.

Man, Josh thought, Why is he looking at my butt?

Peeling of his baggy shirt, and his loose, cotton shorts, Joey got on the bed, patting it, "Come here Josh I want to show you something."

Closing his open mouth feeling like a dork, Josh cautiously said, "Sure."

Keep your eyes on his face, eyes on his face, Josh thought feverishly to himself, sitting on the bed, his eyes slid right down to Joe's slender, lightly hairy chest. His toned runner's thighs. His naked cock nestled in curly, dirty-blond, pubic hair.

Leaning over a seated Josh, Joey picked up a photo album.

"You going with someone?" Joey asked.

"I quote unquote broke up with someone. Our so called break up isn't going to last too long," Josh said, deciding if Joey was going to be so obviously naked he might as well enjoy the sight The guy looked delirious enough to pin down. He was so toned and his skin was tight and smooth. Licking it all over would be a sensation. There was a tattoo of a small devil on his right hip bone. A tiny rose was on his stretched out tummy. An oriental eyed blue tiger was on his arm.

"You like my tiger?" Joey said with some pride. "I like getting tattoos. They're addicting. First you're sitting there and you're getting a needle and dye put into your skin. It hurts and you're bleeding, and you go numb for a while. Then your whole body aches and it feels good because your brain starts releasing endorphins. It's a rush. Almost better than sex. A tattoo would look good on you next to one of your tits. You look like the angel type. That would look cool an angel on your arm or chest."

"Ugg, a jiggle titted, long legged, big haired angel on my chest," Josh laughed, "I don't know. Seems kind of sicko to me."

"Hey don't knock it. Everyone needs an angel in their life. I thought I had one till she flew away." Joey said.

"I used to go out with this lady," Joey said, opening his album so Josh could see numerous photos of a sweet young red headed thing.

"I dated her since I was sixteen. Nice huh? Over. Done that. Through with that."

"You must have cared about her to carry her pictures around," Josh said amused. Liking Joey a little more, and a little less.

"She dumped me," Joey said, shrugging "So which of our roommates do you think are fuckable?"

"Amy is the most fuckable. The rest? Nice to fuck I'm sure of that. Not sure if they are actually fuckable. Which one do you have your sights on?" Josh said cheerfully.

"Why aren't you getting undressed Josh?" Joey said, leaning back, sitting cross legged on the bed. His long cock laying between his thighs. Giving Josh a good look of his luscious heavy balls.

"Right," Josh said awkwardly, never feeling so scrutinized in all his life.

Teasingly, Josh very slowly rolled up his sweat shirt and threw it over his head. Sliding off his tight jeans, he said, "I hate underwear."

"Really I do too," Joey said seductively, startling Josh by leaning his face closer to his.

"All right! Yes! Yes! Yes!! Naked, Naked, Naked men!!" Amy yelled, running into the room.

"Cripes don't look," Josh yelled, covering himself with his hands.

Plopping herself on Josh's lap, she cheerfully said, "You guys have the right idea."

Snapping out of her bikini top, letting her full, medically perfected breasts fall free, he slid out of her bikini bottoms, she placed her naked ass back on Josh's thighs. "Let's stay naked." she drunkenly drawled, "You two think you're man enough to escort me to the hot tub?"

""I'll carry you," Josh teased, lifting her over his shoulder, taking her while she screamed and giggled to the hot tub. He dropped her in, jumping in after her.

"Come on take off your suits, "Amy squealed, pulling at Tan's bikini top.

"Oh, I'd rather not," Tan cried blushing,

"I'm game," Paul smirked, pulling his suit off his sweet mocha ass.

"Me too," Thomas laughed, pulling of his suit, playfully tossing it to Josh, "let's dish, boyfriend."

Scooping himself next to Josh their naked thighs touching in the hot bubbly water, Thomas told everyone about his career plans of wanting to be a pilot. He also told them about his love life which was stellar in quantity it not quality.

"How about you Josh? Tom asked playing putting his head on Josh's shoulder.

"I'm in love," Josh said hurriedly.

"Boys in love are the worst kind. They're no fun. Have you ever bee fun Josh?" Thomas pouted. Thomas raised one of his legs to his own chest.

"You're getting a little too crazy for me," Paul cried, This is embarrassing."

"Sure, I'm fun," Josh said to Thomas flirtatiously.

"I'm sure Josh is fun," Joey said, "Josh told me about all his lady friends. Didn't you Josh?"

"Yah, right. Lady friends," Josh said, shrugging, wondering what the hell Joey was talking about.

After edited versions of their life stories were exchanged, the group left the hot tub

"Let's shower and go to the House of Blues Bar," Thomas said.

"Josh and I get to go first beings we were stuck with the bunk bed," Joey said, "Come on Josh. Amy, Joanie wanna join us?"

"Sounds like a foursome," Marcia said a sour look on her face. She along with Tan were the only ones who decided to keep on their swimming suits.

"You have a dirty mind," Joey said lightly, "The girls have to protect me from Josh's wandering hands."

As they made their way to the bath room, Joey whispered to Josh, "I didn't like how that faggot was looking at you."

Surprised, Josh whispered back, "Thomas was just kidding around. Besides," Josh said, giving Joey a hard look, "I didn't mind."

Turning his head away, a triumph smile on his face, Joey stepped into the shower asking Joanie to wash his back.

"I'll wash yours Josh," Amy giggled, lathering up Josh. The smoothness of her soapy, feminine, wet hands stroked against Josh's muscles making his spine feel loose.

Her hands slid lower down to Josh's ass. Playfully, she squeezed his firm cheeks. Tucking her thumbs inside his crack. Joey watched Josh while Joanie scribbled his back. Embarrassed Josh's strotum started to throb, his balls felt moistly ticklish, and his skin stretched on his hardening cock.

"Time to wash your back, Amy," Josh cried, pulling away from her teasing, probing fingers. Josh's body pressed itself against Joey's naked muscular body for the sole reason of the shower being such a tight fit. Joey's wet semi erect hard-on pressed against Josh's. Joey lightly caressed Josh's hand. Moving forward his slippery chest rubbed against Josh's. Joannie laughed her hand caught between their chests. She rubbed her thumb against Josh's tit. Josh quickly pushed himself behind Amy.

Roughly scrubbing down Amy's naked back, Josh kept his head down. Eyes on Amy's shoulders.

Joey thinks I'm as much of a faggot as Thomas. I'm so going to rub it into his asshole face. I can't wait till he meets Pete, Josh thought both angry and amused.

Joey's eyes were at half mast, teasingly he started to soap up Joanie's nipples.

"Hey you're getting really friendly, "Joanie laughed, rubbing soap on his abdomen. Giggling, she lightly touched his semi-errect cock with her long nails.

"Naked women have that effect on me. Come on Josh let's go to our room and get dressed. Meet you girls out in the living room."

You think own own us?' Amy snorted.

"No honey, Josh and I are your own personal slave boys" Joey laughed

Wrapping towels around themselves, Josh and Joey went to their bed room.

Joey said, "Listen it's not like I have anything against Thomas I don't like that fag thing being in my face."

"What fag thing?' Josh said exasperated, "He doesn't mind your breeder thing in his face. Lighten up else it's going to be impossible for us to be friends."

Getting dressed in a tight enough to stress-out-your-dads jeans, and a see through, white muscle shirt which left nothing to even the dullest imagination. Josh put his head upside down, jelled it, then combed his hair with straight strokes. He put-on several studs and a small, gold hoop in his ear. Joey put on a pair of jeans and a nice polo shirt.

"You looking to hook up tonight?" Joey said, lightly rubbing Josh's shoulder.

"I wish," Josh sighed, enjoying the massage, "I have no one to look pretty for. Not yet anyway,"

"I think Amy will appreciate your efforts," Joey said, his large hands trailing down to the small of Josh's back. Josh held his breath, Joey's hands were so firm and strong. Josh felt a helpless hormonal thrill running up his spine. Quickly, he jumped away.

Joey smiled at him in a baffled innocent way. Leaving the room with Josh, the two met the rest of the group.

"What is it with this guy and the double speak? It's obvious he's attracted to me. Maybe he's attracted to me. I mean what kind of little cock teasing, sadistic, little mind game are you playing here Joey? Josh thought wickedly to himself deciding not to read Joey's mind, wanting to spar with him on Joey's playing field.

I hate boys like him, Josh thought, If a make a pass at him, he'll probably follow it up with a two by four aimed right at my head. Calling me a mother fucking pervert. Tying me to the back bumper of his car and dragging me through the streets. Or he'll laugh at me condescendingly telling me he's straight, and what's my problem, or he'll, he'll, kiss me with those luscious lips, and touch me. Man, if I was single I would so think about it. But I'm not. Besides unless that cock of his has a rainbow pin pinned to it, I am so not taking his passes seriously. What am thinking? There is no way I would take his advances seriously! Forget it, just forget it! Why doesn't he just leave me alone!!!! Down hormones. Down, down, I say. He probably is the type who burps , or cuts his toenails in the living room. Or, or he eats with his mouth open. I wonder what Pete's doing right now? If he's going to come down to Chicago. I can't wait till Joey sees me carrying Pete into the bedroom. The look on his face! Cripes, who cares what Joey thinks. Talk about a pimple on my universe, he's so nothing. Just let me get my hands on Pete, please Josh to God I'm begging you here.

Getting into the van, Josh deliberately sat next to Amy ignoring Joey and Thomas totally, engaging her into a thrilling flirtation.

Once they got inside the House of Blues, Josh ordered a long neck Coors, pouring a good doze of blood and beer into a glass.

"What the hell is that?' Joey asked

"Cranberry juice and enzymes I have a weak stomach. This protect my drinks from anyone putting a rape drug in it. I don't want to get molested now do I?" Josh teased, "Or do I?" he laughed putting his hand on Amy's knee.


Next: Chapter 18

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