Real Me

By Jake K

Published on Dec 7, 2004


This is a work of fiction. It involves sex between two men, including some non-consensual acts. If such would offend you, or if reading such is illegal for you due to location or age, please do not continue.

Please note this is a fantasy -- the characters engage in unsafe sex practices but in the real world, always use a condom, and make sure in very rough scenes you establish a "safe word" to stop the game. Always always make sure both partners are being responsible, and enjoying the scene. All comments to

I spent the next day (Monday) working as hard as I could, mostly to keep my mind from thinking about Scott and what he might represent. Every once in awhile, my mind would flash back to what I had gone thru with him, and how much I enjoyed it. But I shoved it aside and threw myself into work.

By time I left, it was 6:30, and I decided to go to the gym to work out. When I got to the gym, I went to the locker room to change into my workout clothes. As I started to strip, I heard a whistle, and looked over my shoulder, and broke into a huge grin. Standing on either side of the door were Jason and Lake, two hot muscle boys, who happened to be twins. At five foot nine inches, both had sandy blonde hair, kept very short, and their bodies were tanned from long hours in the sun or in the tanning bed -- they always looked their best.

We had had some hot times, with them on their knees blowing me or begging me to fuck one while the other had to watch. They had been regulars in my playroom for a few months, then it died down -- we simply got bored with one another, I think. In the long run, if the rumors were true, there would never be anyone for more then casual play with them except the other -- they apparently were much closer then brothers should be (though when we played, they never so much as kissed, let alone anything else).

They walked up on either side of me, and their hands began to strip me. I smiled, and let them work -- having two boys pampering me was a good reminder of who I thought I was. Their hands were massaging me as they got my clothes off, relaxing the stress that I had not realized had built up over the day. But it was the words that Jason (Lake?) said next that made me start.

"Scott says hey, and that we are to remind you who owns you now." As they spoke, they grabbed me by my hardon, and led me back into the locker room, towards a store room we had used often for ... aerobic exercise. I could not speak, nor resist -- I was too stunned that these two boys knew what was going on, knew what I had let happen to me.

As they pushed me inside and closed the door, one of them slapped my ass, hard enough to make the welts flame up a bit. "We always knew there was something not right about ya, Jake. Now we know why." They shoved me forward, and I stumbled to my knees, looking up at them. They walked to me, and then pulled down their shorts. Their large cocks -- a matched set of 8 inch uncut meat -- were already hard and dripping.

"Guys please.... It is not what you think, we need to stop..." SLAP! One of them used his hand on my cheek to get my full attention, and to shut me up.

"We have some ground rules, Jake, but for the next hour you are ours, and Scott says to let ya know -- argue or fight, and he will make Saturday look like nothin'." As he spoke, he had taken his cock and was rubbing the head across my lips, coating them with his pre-cum.

"The first ground rule is we do not get to fuck you -- Scott wants to bust that cherry. And we are not to mark you in anyway you would have to explain to someone else. Beyond that... well, let's just say, keep us happy and we will not have to worry about it."

Looking up at them, I knew I was in trouble. If I tried to fight them, they had me outnumbered, and frankly, I was pretty sure even one on one they could kick my ass -- they had grown up on the streets, and had learned to fight very dirty. Then just smiled, as the one began to push the head of his cock between my lips. "Suck me, boy."

Reluctantly, I began to move up and down his cock. I had blown them before -- as I said, I love to suck cock. But this time, it was merely for show -- I was too worried to get into it. But then he grabbed my hair, and using it as a handle, began to skullfuck me. I had never let them use me like this before now, but obviously he knew what he was doing -- he was sliding in and out of my throat, occasionally making me gag as he slammed into the back of my throat. His moaning let me know he was enjoying it, and I hated to admit it but I was starting to as well.

The other twin dropped down between his brother's knees, and moved to suck my cock. The two of them had always been the most talented cocksuckers I had ever had pleasure to fuck. And this was no exception -- his mouth was working my cock like a violin and he was a maestro at playing. I could not help but moan around the other's cock, which made him chuckle. After a few more minutes, he began to thrust harder, and I felt the muscles in his legs tensing. I knew what was about to happen, and I began to suck harder -- I wanted to taste his cum. He shot about five times down my throat and in my mouth, filling me up. As he pulled out, he smeared his cum across my face, marking me as I had him (them) so many times before now.

Swallowing his cum, I settled back to enjoy the blowjob I was getting... but then, it stopped!!! I groaned, and tried to grab his head and force him back down on me, but my hands were slapped away. "No, boy, Scott has said you are not to cum, he wants you tense when he claims you Friday."

I looked up at both of them, their hard muscled bodies making my cock throb. They looked at me then one of them (damn I hated not being able to tell them apart!!!) grabbed me by the hair and drug me out of the room and pulling me into the shower. The shoved me to the middle of the room, and when I started to stand up, they knocked me back down and told me to stay there.

They had always hated when I pissed on them -- but I had given them no choice, and made them drink it as well. So I knew what was coming... but it was still a shock as their streams hit me squarely in the face, on either cheek. They let it flow, making me drink some, covering me head to toe with their warm urine. They never said a word, they just watched me being covered, and their grins let me know they loved having me at their mercy.

"So you know, we are asking... begging him to let us fuck you when he gets done breaking you in -- just like you did us the second night we played. And we are going to make it hurt just as much." As they said this I whimpered -- I had had a bad day when they had come over, and I went a shade too far, and they had limped for about a week after we were done. Seeing them look at me, I realized that trying to prove my manhood had finally come back to haunt me.

They simply shook off their cocks and walked out, leaving me there to ponder what had happened. *** I showered quickly, then got dressed again and went home. As I walked out, the twins smiled and said good night to me, and patted my ass as I went thru the door. It the 45 minutes I had been inside, it had turned colder -- not quite freezing yet, but I could almost taste the snow coming -- the brief interlude of warm days had ended and a major cold front was moving in to show us it really was December.

I drove home, not really noticing the drive. All I could think was why had I let that happen. I mean, Scott had "claimed" me but they were not Scott. So why had I just given in to them?

The answer, of course, was Scott had given them permission. My cock was hard as I realized he had simply given me as... a party favor. He was showing me, even when not around, he owned my time and my body. But why did I like that idea??? Why did my cock, which was now visible and standing proud (I had of course stripped naked when I walked in the door) respond to this kid so heartily?

I sat down at the computer, and I wondered what to send tonight. I knew I had to do so -- it was quickly becoming obvious I wanted this, at least with Scott, if not everyone and not all the time.

After a few minutes, I decided to send him the tale of what happened, and to tell him that I was starting to accept he had power over me, at least for now.

I waited three hours but got no response, so I went to bed.

The next day, I spent trying to focus on the job, but all day all I kept thinking was what would change if I gave in to Scott -- if I accepted I was his. Would I have to admit it to all the men at the bar? Would my friends who knew little about my interest in S&M find out? Would work, where I was certainly not out to most of the staff, find out about my young boyfriend?

Throughout the day, I decided to write down my thoughts, to share with him. I told him how I was scared what it would mean to my life to be his boy. I asked him what he thought he would want from me, in terms of public knowledge. I wrote how the previous day -- serving the twins -- had drove home that my need to show I was a MAN had led to my humiliation before them, at Sir's request. (And I was very careful to use Sir when addressing him -- I was nervous at how I would be punished already, no need to make it worse.) I went back to the gym, this time no twins -- I got in a two hour workout, before giving in and knowing I was not going to run away from this -- it was something I was going to have to deal with directly, or it was going to consume me.

When I got home, I again got naked, and after fixing a rum and coke, I sat at the computer and thought about today's email -- and then I added a final comment: there is a part of me that needs this, sir, a part of me that appreciates lifting the burden off my shoulders.

After I hit send, I sat back and thought about that last bit -- I could not figure out why I had said it, but the part that needed it also knew it was the right thing to say.

When he did not reply that night, I again went to bed, but this time I wondered: had I done something wrong? I tossed and turned, finally falling asleep about 2 AM.

When I woke up, I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I saw myself -- 6 foot 3 inches, hard gym toned body, black hair with slight touches of grey throughout, bright green-blue eyes, tanned all over from tanning bed, and my chest hair was in nice patterns across my chest and abs. I knew I was considered a very handsome man, and told often I was a catch. Boys chased me, and up until this weekend, I had loved the attention. Now, I looked at myself and began to wonder what being the boy -- not for a night, but all the time -- would be like.

I got dressed, and went thru my day, still focused on Scott. I had several meetings, and if anyone asked me later, I could not have told you what I said. I reviewed the notes, making I had not sold the farm, and then went back to my little world. Again, I hit the gym, this time for an hour, then went home without showering. When I hit the air, the cold made me shiver -- the sweat condensed rapidly on me, reminding me of Scott standing over me, dripping sweat down on my face. My cock hardened instantly, and the whole drive home, I could not help it -- I smiled thinking about him.

When I got home, I was surprised to find a box with my name on it by the door into the house. I picked it up and took it inside. I stripped just inside, looking at the small package, wondering what the hell it was. Somehow I knew it was from him, but I did not open it right away. I made dinner, and ate looking at it, sitting on the counter. When I was done, I took it to the library and sat down at the computer. I slowly opened it, and lifted the box lid.

Inside was an electric razor, shaving cream, disposables and a large tube of depilatory cream. There was a note:

I know you need and appreciate it boy -- and I knew you needed time to think this through and accept who you really are. That is what this week is about, time for both of us to think. You see, I started this just as a lark, all I wanted was to break you down and humiliate you. I still want to do that, but I was surprised with what I saw in your house. It was more then just a playboy's party pad. You have pictures of friends and family, you have letters you have kept for years in your desk, you have a character I have never seen in the other subs I have played with before now. And it scares me a bit, because the more I find out about you -- from the charity work you do to the sports you play -- the more I want to know. Part of me wants to break you and leave you, but there is a part that wants to keep you around, and see why I feel this way. So you see, we both need to sort through some things.

But regardless, I think you still have some tasks to complete, yes? Friday is coming...

I read it again, and thought about the fact that while I was trying to deal with things, so was he. I had never considered he might have his own conflicts -- and I was happy to know I was the cause of them.

But the shaving gear made me blanch -- could I really take that step? I went to bed troubled, but again, sleep came a little while later. ***

Thursday, I spent the day in planning a new project, working out the details of a deal for one of our biggest clients. I had no time to think about Scott -- at one time, I got into a yelling match with one of the other associates about who messed up the figures. In the end, turned out we were both stressing too much, and that neither of us had been the culprit. What shocked me about it was after it was over, I went over to him and told him I was sorry for being a prick. I had never backed down like that before -- I had always thought it showed weakness. But now, I realized never saying you were sorry was a sign of arrogance -- and if there was one thing I was learning about myself this week, it was that false arrogance (as opposed to belief in my own abilities, which I certainly had) just creates needless tension.

On the way home, I thought about how in just five days, I had changed. Even if I did not go any further with this, Scott had at least made me okay with not having to prove I was the man all the time, and from what I had seen he had really not asked for anything in return for giving me this lesson.

As I stripped right inside the door, my hand ran across my abs. Looking down, I was suddenly sure of what I wanted, at least for now. I ran up the stairs to the bathroom. I grabbed the razor and turned it on, and before I could think about it anymore, I began to trim off my chest hair. I worked all over and got myself down to stubble, all over my body. I picked up the lotion, and began to spread it all over my body. I stood in the middle of the room, eyes closed. I was thinking about how I had just willingly sacrificed what was my most visible sign of manhood to a guy I was not even sure would be around two weeks from now. But I felt he deserved at least this temporary sacrifice.

After I felt the lotion tingling and burning for several minutes, I moved to the shower. I waited a few more minutes, simply because I was not prepared for what I knew I was going to see, but then I turned on the water, and sloughed off the lotion and the stubble with it. My hands rubbed over my now smooth body, especially my groin. It was as smooth a little boy -- like I had done to many guys before in my playroom. As I did, I thought of Scott watching me, and my cock got hard. Looking down I was shocked at how much bigger it looked, while at the same time like a little boy's. The hood covered the head, so just a small bit was peeking out, aroused by the idea of being a boy for Scott.

My email that night was simple: no words, just a picture of me naked, showing my newly bare self.

An hour later, he replied with a simple: Good boy -- see you tomorrow -- Sir

For the first time in three nights, I slept easily, no tension or tossing. I had no idea what tomorrow would bring, but I was prepared to accept it for the time. Were there limits we needed to discuss? Sure. But I was confident we could work them out, and enjoy this for a few weeks.

Little did I understand that my wanting to set limitations on it would lead to further trouble...

Sorry about the delay on this - I have been swamped with work, so this has been sort of neglected. It is a little rough, but I had a hard time with this chapter - did not want to make it too long, but knew it was necessary to show the thought process. I plan on revising this later, but I have so many people asking for the next set I felt this was one I good skim a bit on, and will let you know when I update it.

I am planning on one chapter a week until I get this done - and I have 6 more chapters to go, though I might add a chapter from Scott's perspective to show some of what he is going though with this. Let me know what you think - stick with Jake? Or show Scott?

As before, any and all comments welcomed and appreciated - and of course, any Scotts out there feel free to send me a message!!!

Jake -

Next: Chapter 7

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