Real Me

By Jake K

Published on Nov 27, 2004


This is a work of fiction. It involves sex between two men, including some non-consensual acts. If such would offend you, or if reading such is illegal for you due to location or age, please do not continue.

There is not too much sex in the first couple of chapters, and what there is goes more to breaking down walls then for actual physical pleasure. Bear with me, and I promise it WILL get to the headboard-slamming, toes-curling, screaming the top's name stuff. Direct all comments or suggestions to - and please enjoy!!!

As I followed Scott from the bar, I kept wondering if anyone I knew saw. Because it was quite obvious who was leading who in this, and before now I had NEVER been the follower. But I do have to admit, the view from behind was very nice -- the jeans were tight enough that I could almost see the muscles moving under them.

When we got to the street, Scott slowed a bit so I caught up to him. Without turning around he asked, "Where is your car?" Without thinking I pointed at the new Jeep Wrangler I had just bought. It was black, with dark leather seats, upgraded stereo, seat warmers, and almost every gadget you can think of tossed in to the mix. I had three other cars, which most people would think were much nicer, but this was my baby. I went camping a lot, and wanted a useful (read non-pretty) vehicle to go to the mountains.

As all this went thru my head, Scott walked to the driver's side and got in. It took me a moment to realize I was not going to be driving my own car. I walked to the Jeep and looked at Scott, who just smiled and nodded to the passenger seat. When I opened my mouth, all he did was raise an eyebrow, a slight look of displeasure on his face -- he knew I was going to argue and he was not happy with that. Without thinking, I just shut my mouth and moved to the passenger door. It was in that moment, I knew. I knew I might -- no, WOULD - fight this, but I knew he was in control and it felt right.

As he pulled out into traffic, he put his hand on my knee, and squeezed. "I am glad you did not argue, Jake. I know you need some time to adjust, and it is going to take some work, but you are going to accept that you are not the boss-man here, and you know you want to do what I say. It gets your juices going, doesn't it?" As he said this, his hand went to my crotch, and to my shock, he was touching a very hard cock. He was right!! I did like it -- what was wrong with me, dammit?

For the next twenty minutes, we drove in almost total silence, except when I would indicate when a turn was coming up. We were out in the suburbs, in the richer area of town, and Scott was looking around. "Nice area, Jake. You must do very well. You are not like the typical rich asswipe -- you do not show it off." He squeezed my cock, and I have to admit a small (but increasingly larger) part of me was glad how I acted pleased him.

As we got nearer my house, the houses got further and further apart. I lived in a large house on the lake, set on about 25 acres of land. I also owned the lots on either side of the house, but I kept them wooded -- I liked the privacy they afforded. I also liked to camp out some in the wooded areas - on warm nights, it gave me an escape from the house. It always feels cold and empty to me. I had bought it because, as a partner in the firm, I had to host parties and such for many clients, and I needed a place able to hold them all, and to impress them. But again my true tastes were simpler - I wanted a small house on the lake, nothing too fancy. I would splurge on the land, though - I liked my privacy. I had fucked many a boy outside, where he could yell all he wanted and no one would notice since nearest neighbor was about two miles away.

Pulling into the garage, Scott saw the BMW, the Lexus and the Escalade. "I like your choice of cars, Jake, especially that you chose Jeep for fun. Shows you know how to show off and also how to be yourself." Wow - did he really see that much into me already, that he knew the rich boy shit was an act? Wait... already? Did I think there was going to be more of this with him?

He parked the Jeep, and we got out. We went to the door into the house, and I turned off the alarm. Scott walked in ahead of me, handing me the keys and his coat. "Put them up, and get me a beer." He walked off to explore the house, leaving me alone in the hallway.

I slumped against the wall, and shook my head. What was I doing? This kid should be bent over my knees, getting his ass blistered before I fucked it and left him whimpering for more. Instead, my cock was jumping at the way this guy just ... took over. For several minutes, I went over in my head ways to end this shit, and get back to the real me, and forget this punk.

"Where's my beer?" he yelled from somewhere in the front of the house. It made me jump and without thinking I started to the kitchen. After about ten steps, I stopped. He barks a question and I run to obey? Fuck this... not in my own house, dammit.

Instead, I walked to the front of the house, and found him looking thru the office/ library. "Scott, I think it is time we stopped this..."

He stood up straight and turned to look at me. Without a word he walked towards me. Even though I was much taller then him, something about his look made me cringe. As he reached me, his hand shot out and grabbed my balls. His grip was like a vise, and the pain was intense. It never occurred to me to fight back. Instead I became to whimper and started to fall to my knees. He never let go, however, which kept me stooped down but on my feet.

"okay, time to get a few things straight, Jakey-boy. Number one, this stops when I say it does, not when you decide you have had enough. Number two, when I tell you to do something, you do it -- or you get punished. Number three, you do not have any say so unless I let you. Number four, this may be your house and you may be older, but you will call me Master or Sir from now on. More rules will be added as we go, but I think setting the simple ones are enough for now. Do you have any questions about these?"

I was almost yelling form the pain -- this guy's grip was amazingly powerful. As I started to sweat from the pain, I replied "Okay, okay Scott. I will... AAAAAAAGH!" I screamed in pain as he suddenly twisted my nuts hard.

"I think you mean MASTER Scott or SIR, right, BOY?"

"YES YES, I meant SIR!!!! Please, please stop!" I screamed, the pain making me cry.

He let go of my balls and I sagged to my knees. My hands were covering my crotch, trying to protect them from the pain I was feeling. My face was still wet form the tears of pain. Slowly I looked up at Scott, standing in front of me, a smug look on his face. He reached out and ran his hand thru my hair. "This is where you belong, Jake, just going to take some time to get you to see that. Now, go fetch my beer, boy -- and nothing for you, since you were bad you do not deserve anything."

He turned back to the books and ignored me. After a minute, I got up and walked to the kitchen. I was still aching in my balls, and I admit, I wanted to keep him from getting mad again. I got him a bottle of beer and opened it. I brought it back to him. When I walked into the library, I saw he was sitting in my desk chair, looking at my computer. As I came in, he slowly spun so he was facing towards me, and his legs were spread wide. He held out his hand for the beer, which I handed to him. As he raised it to his lips to drink some, he said "Strip."

For a moment I stood there looking nervous, as he sipped his beer and watched me. I turned beet red, but I slowly started to undo my belt. I undid the button-front on my jeans, and then pulled my tee shirt over my head. My hard, tanned chest with its light covering of hair was exposed, and my large nips were standing at attention. If I needed more proof that this was getting to me, their perkiness did it.

He leaned back in the chair as I bent over and took off my work boots. As I was undoing the laces, he leaned forward and smacked my ass. My reaction was strange though -- all I did was blush a bit. I mean, I did not stop or even hesitate undoing my boots, I did not protest, I just took it.

Standing back up straight, I began to push the jeans down my legs. I was not wearing any underwear (I almost never do), so very quickly my whole body was exposed. My 8 inch cock was throbbing, sticking straight out from my body. The head had some pre-cum on it, making it glisten. I was proud of my cock - still uncut (thank god my parents did not think circumcision was a good thing), it was thick and just veiny enough to make a boy's mouth water. Until tonight, it had made sure I was the boss in any situation.

As I stood facing him, Scott sipped his beer and looked me up and down. I could tell he was thinking over some things, from the way he would look at parts of me and purse his lips or cock his head. Without saying a word, he moved his hand to indicate I should turn slowly around. Again, blushing, I simply did what he wanted. When I was facing away from him, I heard him stand up and walk to me. His hand on my shoulder, he pushed me forward, so I was bent over. He kicked at my feet some, spreading my legs, and pulled me so I was presenting my ass to him. His hand slowly felt up my ass, then moved towards my crack. I knew what he was going for, and involuntarily I tensed up, and flexed my ass to make it harder to get to my hole. He never said a word, and for a moment I thought he would stop. Then... SMACK! SMACK!

He slapped my ass twice, very hard, leaving bright red marks I was sure, and I stumbled forward a bit, but he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back, his other hand keeping me bent over. "When I want to touch you, boy, you will not resist. As long as I want you, you are mine, got it?" A light slap to my balls hanging down between my legs got the point across.

"Yessir," I replied. Fuck, I was calling him sir now without thought. He was half my fucking age, and I was thinking of him as sir?

He moved his hand back to my ass, and this time I managed to keep still, as his fingers caressed up and down my crack, and grazed my hole. The touch made me think of how he finger-fucked me in the bar, and how good it had felt. My cock stirred at the thought, and I shivered. Then I felt him move away from me, and I tried to look around at him, but he told me to stay still for a moment. I heard his zipper go and realized he was undoing his jeans. In a moment I heard the chair creak a bit as he sat back down. "Turn around, boy."

I stood up, slowly, but at first I stayed facing away from him. I knew if I did this, it was well and truly over. I knew what I was going to see and what it would mean, and I was not sure I was ready to surrender to this young man. He did not say anything, he just waited. He knew this was the moment when he would turn me into his boy, and he knew I had to want it. He was patient, letting me stand there, shaking, scared to give in but parts of me (an 8 inch part in particular) wanting it so bad.

And slowly I turned around, and saw Scott sitting in my own desk chair, leaning back with his hands behind his head, his jeans open, and a monster 10 inch cock standing straight up from the open fly.

When I looked in his face, his grin told me he knew he had me.

This is my first story, so any and all feedback is welcome -- and though I have some ideas where this is going to go (it is based somewhat on what I would like to find in real life {hint hint guys}) any ideas on where you would like it to go?? And I had someone ask me what the two guys look like, as in pictures -- at this point I do not, simply because Jake is me (and I am still nervous about pics all over the net) and Scott is simply an idealized fantasy man of mine, so at the moment I do not have any -- sorry, fellas.

Next: Chapter 3

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