Real Me

By Jake K

Published on May 1, 2005


This is a work of fiction, and the characters do not practice safe-sex. In the real world, always play smart, and use condoms!!!

We spent the next few hours working -- Scott on schoolwork, me on a contract for a deal I was overseeing for one of the firm's clients. We stopped long enough to order pizza, but even during the meal we spoke little -- Scott was distracted by his assignment, and I was lost thinking of how I was going to handle being exposed as a boy in front of all the guys I had used. But somehow, as much as I dreaded it, I knew it was right.

Scott had told the truth when he said I had to figure out how to combine the two parts of my life together, and I knew he was leaving it up to me to figure out how to do that. It was actually frustrating to not get direction from him on this -- in just two days, I had come to value his opinion, but I knew this was my own personal test, and one he was waiting to see how I handled it.

After dinner, I cleaned up, then went back to the den, and found Scott leaning back in his chair his, pushed back from the desk, eyes closed, a pen being tossed back and forth from hand to hand, as he thought. I stood and drank in the sight of him, in his shorts, bare chest, legs stretched out -- my fetish for well-developed legs caused an instant erection, and I chuckled softly to myself, at the thought that I was in total lust for this man, and a part of me was quickly discovering that I loved him.

WHAT??? My mind jumped back at the idea of loving him -- I had known him for all of a week, and I thought I might love him? What the hell was wrong with me? I had never accepted the idea of love, not really, not like the stories tell us -- I had always thought if it existed, it was for other people. But now...

Scott opened his eyes in that instant, and his grin melted me. He did not say a word, he just held out his hand, and I moved to him -- I knelt beside him as he played with my hair. After a moment, he quietly said, "So, pup, you ready for tonight? I promise you'll make it through it all, but I think it's going to be rough on you."

I looked up at him, at the man I knew was now my master, and nodded my head. "Sir, I... I cannot say I think it will be easy, but I have thought about it since dinner, and I know I need this, Sir. I never stopped to think of what I was doing to others, and how I hurt them. And above everything, Sir, I want to show you..." I faltered, not sure how to say it. "I want to show you I know my place, and I go where you tell me to go. I have to learn to accept punishments as you feel they are needed, and I have to give up my old life, my old play-acting. So I think I am ready, mentally, Sir, if not emotionally -- I am scared, Sir."

Scott stared at me for few moments, then slowly began to stand up. He stretched, his body right in front of me, and my mouth watered at the closeness to his cock, a few inches from my face. "Okay pup, then I think it is time we go get ready. It is nine now, and I want to get there about eleven, so I can really show you off."

He motioned for me to follow as he went upstairs. I moved quickly behind him, and we went thru the bedroom to the bathroom. He told me to get the shower going, so I could wash him. When the water temp was just right, he got in and summoned me, standing so I could begin. I started with his hair, standing behind him, lathering it up and using my fingers to massage his scalp as well as clean it. He leaned back, into my chest, relaxing. Even after I had rinsed the shampoo away, I kept it up for a few more minutes, determined to get him in the best possible mood for tonight.

When he pulled away, I began to move down, soap in hand, scrubbing his body. First his back, feeling the muscles relax as the hot water and pressure from my hands worked over him. I then reached around and did his chest, feeling the awesome power of his abs and chest -- I had never realized what a muscle-worshipper I was, but I was learning to enjoy every second of it!!! He flexed a bit, which made my erection come back. He laughed when he felt it against the small of his back, and turned around to face me. "Not going to let you get any ideas, boy."

I grinned but shook my head, and slowly sank to my knees, to continue my ... I was thinking chore, but this was definitely not work -- this was pleasure, serving him and getting to feel his body. I lathered up with soap and began to wash his groin, careful to not make it sexual since he had not indicated he wanted to play. But even as quick and as clinical as I tried to be, he responded and his cock began to fill with blood -- I moaned at the half-hard pole in front of me, wanting more, but afraid to displease him.

I then felt his hand on the back of my head, pulling me into him, and my heart beat faster. I moved to take the head on my mouth, and Scott shoved it in. As I began to suck on it, his cock fully hardened to its full ten inch length. He began to use my hair as a hold to fuck my face -- he was not gentle at all, and I was nothing more then the hole he used, I was not doing more then sucking on it, he provided all the motion and energy. He moved me so I was pressed against the wall, trapped between the tile and him. At first it was great, but then he began to push into me and then stop for a few seconds, cutting off my air with his huge rod. He did this over and over, each time a little longer, until I was afraid I was going to pass out. But he did not seem to notice when my hands would press on his thighs. Soon it got to the point that I was hitting them, which made him laugh. "Poor pup, bone too much for you?" But he did not stop -- he kept going, slamming into me, making me choke some, almost frantic.

It took him about twenty minutes to cum, since he was actually going slow despite the force of his thrusts. When he finally did explode, I was seeing spots, and the flood of semen as it shot into my mouth served to keep me from getting a solid breath. It had to have been six or seven shots, and my mouth was full of his cum as he pulled out. I swallowed quickly, and gasped for air.

Scott looked down at me, and grinned. "I told you, I have a touch of a sadistic side, pup, and sometimes I want to see you suffer a bit. You know I will not do anything to truly hurt you but the panic on your face... it was a major turn-on, boy." As I looked up at him, still sucking in air in big gulps, he laughed, and let loose his piss -- Scott seemed to be one of the guys who needed to use the bathroom when he was done with sex, and he loved to use a boy like this, to mark him as a bitch and slave, even if a valued one.

He sprayed his urine all over me, warm golden liquid running down my chest, mixed with the fall of the water. I closed my eyes, and simply let go, enjoying his control of me. I knew I had no choice but to accept this, and I knew it was right.

**** After Scott's pleasure, he leaned back and let me finish washing him, then stood while I quickly washed myself. He let the warm water spray over himself as he directed me on cleaning myself, like I was a small child needing direction in the simplest things. As I was almost done, he told me to go get the enema kit, that it was time to clean me thoroughly. I stepped out of the shower, shivering as the water cooled instantly on my skin, and went to the sink and grabbed the kit from underneath. Handing it to him as I stepped in the shower, I moved without being told, so I was leaning with my legs spread, and so Scott could sit on the small bench seat on the side. He grinned and began to fill the bulb from the water.

When it was ready, Scott sat down and slowly fed the tube into my hole. I whimpered, since there was no lube, but it was small enough that discomfort passed quickly. He began to pump the water into me. I had only had an enema once before, and I did not like it any better this time then that first. I was soon full to exploding, but Scott warned me to hold it, or I would regret it. One look at his face, and I knew I would not let it go until told to do so.

He removed the tube, and made me hold it for a few minutes, while he whispered what a good boy I was being, and how he was going to enjoy showing me off tonight. I beamed with pride, but I was so uncomfortable -- the pressure in my bowels was intense. I had given enemas to boys before, but had not really thought about how they had felt during them. Now, I almost felt bad about those times. Finally Scott told me to go to the toilet and let it go. I am not sure I had ever moved that fast before this, and I let it go, feeling it almost shoot out of me, as my body expelled the liquid invader. I sighed as I felt the discomfort fade.

Scott laughed, however, and told me I had to do it at least twice more, to be sure. I whined, but he merely slapped my ass and pushed me back into the shower. We repeated the process, Scott telling me each time to hold it for several minutes. When he was finally satisfied I was truly cleaned out, he patted my stomach and told me to dry him off. He stood while I wiped him down with a towel, then when done he had me dry myself while he went to pick out my clothes for the night.

When I was done and had tidied up the bathroom, I walked to him and saw him picking out my tightest leather pants, a dark grey tee-shirt that was a size or two too small, my black Wescos, and nothing else. I looked at him, a quizzical look. He grinned and said, "No underwear needed tonight, pup -- I want you as accessible as possible." He handed the clothes to me and told me to dress while he got his clothes on.

I pulled on the clothes, and was lacing up the boots when Scott came back in the room. My breath caught in my chest as I looked up at him. He was in tight jeans -- he was obviously not wearing underwear either. He wore a v-neck black t-shirt, so tight I swear I it looked painted on him. He wore the cowboy boots he had claimed from me the first night, and a pair of tight black gloves. He grinned at me, and turned, so I could see exactly how much this outfit showed off his whole body -- it was almost as revealing as being naked, with even his cock head showing under the worn denim (on the left side, of course!!!).

He walked over to me, and looked me over. He nodded once, but then reached up and pulled my collar out from under the shirt. "No need to hide, it, boy -- tonight, everyone is going to know you are mine, and everyone is going to know what a pussy you really are. Right?"

I swallowed, but nodded -- "Yessir."

He laughed then began to walk to the stairs. "Come on pup, time to get going. The twins will be there soon, and I know they want to ... see you."

Scott drove the Jeep, has hand on the back of my neck, massaging the muscles. I was tensing, nervous -- even though my brain told me I needed this, I was scared to reveal what I was learning about myself. For years, I had been one of the top dogs at the bar, and now... I was a bitch!!!

Scott did not say much, a few meaningless questions, just keeping me from totally withdrawing, making sure I was still THERE with him. Again, I contrasted that with how I had acted as a dom -- I had always asked questions to make sure the sub was enjoying himself, ensuring THEIR pleasure. With Scott, it was merely making sure his boy had not checked out mentally -- he was not doing anything to help me feel better or relax, leaving me to solve my own discomfort. I knew he would protect me, but the rest was in my own hands.

When we got to the parking lot, Scott hopped out and walked around to me. "Time to move, pup -- on your feet." He waited a moment while I thought, then grabbed me by the collar and yanked me out. "You move when you are told -- I do not give a FUCK if you are scared, you obey, got it... BITCH?" He said the last word loud enough the people getting out of their cars and moving to the door stopped and looked.

No one recognized me, not out here in the dark, so mostly I heard laughs and comments about showing me my place. Scott clipped a leash on to the collar, and pulled me towards the entrance. I moved behind him, far enough it was obvious this was no play-acting but not to the point of pulling on the lead -- I knew that would piss him off, and with what ever in the Hell I was going to go thru inside, I did not need to add a pissed of Scott to the mix.

As we got to the entrance, Scott reached back and pulled my wallet out of my pocket, to pay the cover charge. Larry, the guy on door-duty, started to ask for the money when he saw who it was -- and that it was me on the leash. He almost fell off his stool, and could not speak. Scott grinned, and just stuck the ten bucks in the cash box and pulled me inside.

As we got thru into the slightly darker interior, I swallows a deep breath. `Here it is... ready or not,' I thought.

At first, people just saw Scott -- as always, his presence commanded attention. Guys said hello, a few of the other doms clapped his shoulder, asking how he was. But slowly they saw that the leash was not attached to just anyone, but hooked on to me -- someone they had always known as being the biggest badass there!!! When the whispers started, I almost felt them like lashed across my back, each one cutting deeper and deeper. But I did not falter. I withdrew inside myself, but I stayed with Scott.

Finally, someone got bold enough to speak to me directly. "Jake, what the fuck is going on with this shit?" The guy flipped the leash, which made it pop out of Scott's hand. Even as I started to answer, Scott instantly whirled on the guy, and moved closer.

"I don't think you asked ME if you could talk to my slave. And you, bitch, know better then to say anything until I give you permission." He lightly cuffed the side of my head, hard enough to make a light `popping' sound, but not enough to hurt, at least not physically. Emotionally, it felt like being run over by my Jeep. I looked at him, a flash of anger in my eyes, but when I caught his gaze, and saw the steel inside, I dropped my head meekly.

My submission brought an audible gasp from everyone who could see it -- they had been expecting me to snap Scott in half, not my show of obedience. All at once, men were talking to Scott, quickly, excitedly, asking the whats, whens, whys... and Scott just smiled. He said nothing, letting them all wonder how I had been conquered by a guy half my age.

After a few minutes of this, of giving non-commital answers and dodging many of the questions outright, Scott pulled my lead and told them he would make sure all their questions were answered... later. He led me to a table against the wall, and sat down on the stool. He handed me back my wallet, and told me to go get us two beers.

I walked towards the bar, hearing the low voices, some making disbelieving comments, some making gloating statements of how far I had fallen, but not one of them spoke to me directly. I was Scott's slave, and he had vocally let it be known I was not to talk without permission, so what was the point of speaking to such a lowly... boy?

As I got near the bar, Roger and Mike -- two tops I had partied with before this -- moved between me and the bar. "Where the hell you going, boy? This is the MEN'S area -- boys go to the end." They pointed down to the other end, where boys went to get drinsk for their owners -- I of course had never been down that way before, and had forgotten the protocol of the bar. They roughly shoved away, propelling me forward. I stumbled, but managed not to fall.

As I slowly moved towards the slaves bar, I shook a little. Every eye was on me, I knew, and I was humiliated beyond words. Nothing that Scott had done before this compared with how I felt now. My whole world, the world I had carefully built and maintained, all to keep myself from being seen as weak -- it all was crumbling, and I was not sure I could handle this. It was too much -- too soon!!!

Just as I was about to turn to run out, I felt two pairs of hands on my arms. I looked up and saw the twins. Both had mischievious grins on their face,s but also a look of some... compassion? They pulled me with them, towards the slaves' area, but also pulled me close between them.

I heard one of them (goddamit, I hated not knowing who was who!!!) whisper in my ear, "We are gonna get ours, boy, but we know what it's like, and we are gonna offer you what you never offered us -- understanding." When we got up to the bar, the bartender looked me up and down, then shook his head and asked what my master wanted. I ordered the two beers, then turned to the twins. "Would you two like a beer?"

One of them shook his head, which I thought meant no, but then the other slapped my ass, HARD!! "You meant `Would you like a beer, Sirs?' -- right BOY?" I jerked a bit, but saw Scott watching from the table, and knew this was part of the punishment. I swallowed my groan, and looked down, as I said "Yessir, sorry Sir -- would you like a beer, Sirs?"

The whole place grew silent for a moment then people began to laugh, calling me a pussy, telling me what a pathetic waste of time I had used in trying to be something I wasn't, some saying when Scott tired of me they were going to fuck me stupid... all the same bullshit I had heard directed at slaves before now, but never at me.

I turned bright red, I know, but I turned back to the bartender, and asked for two more beers. I handed him my credit card, telling him to start a tab for Scott, the twins and myself. I took the beers, and handed two to the twins, and carrying the other two back to Scott's table.

When I got there, he was talking with some other doms, too low for me to hear over the noise fro mthe rest of the bar. He patted his knee, and without thinking I moved to him and knelt by him. His hand was on my neck, gripping it and working the muscles to help me relax. He did not speak to me, but he was letting me know he approved.

The twins joined in the conversation, accepted as... not quite equals but worthy of being allowed to talk to the doms. They were known to be very versatile, and obviously tonight they were in aggressive mode -- so they were included. As a sub, I was ignored except by occasional derogatory comments, or Scott's hand lightly touching me, reassuring me. The twins would look at me once in awhile, but they did not talk to me.

I used the time to look around -- I had of course never seen this `world' from my current perspective, and I found it to be interesting. Before, I had always seen mostly other doms -- the only time I noticed a sub was when I wanted a drink or a toy. Now, I saw the other subs -- moving to please their masters, watching for needs, quietly talking to each other but never taking their attention from their keepers.

After a few moments, I began to see something I had missed before this -- I saw the pleasure the subs were getting from their roles. The look of happiness when one's owner ruffled his hair and spoke quietly to him. Another whose master told how the slave had done a great job the previous night, sharing with other doms his pleasure with the slave -- it made the slave's face beam.

There were moments of punishment as well, but again, I noticed, for the first time, how the slaves seemed to find something positive about this -- knowing they had displeased their owners, they were eager to make up for it. Afterwards, some of them got words of encouragement from their owners, some got ignored... but none seemed upset by the experiences. And to my newly opened mind, I realized none of them looked weak -- indeed, they looked stronger for having owners, for having their roles properly defined.

How had I not seen this before? I had always thought anyone who served rather then directing was less of a man. I had thought that being in control was what made me strong. Now I was seeing it was being true to myself, like the other subs around me were to themselves, that made me strong. And having Scott to serve made it even better -- I knew he was in control, but I also knew I was safe with him.

And that is how, in the space of an hour, I truly accepted my place as Scott's boy.

There are other things to tell -- how the twins used me, how I almost lost Scott in a moment of stupidity, and other such... but they are for another story.

Okay guys, sorry it took so long to get this out, and that it is more a wrap-up then a continuation. An extremely close friend died, and I have spent a few months helping his wife get affairs in order. In the process, I met my real "Scott" -- whose name is Kevin. I lost the feel for the story, so I had to pull it together and get it to an ending, which might not sit well with some of you, but it is actually who it happened to me, though again it was over a slightly longer time then I had it happen in this story. And I could not just leave it hanging out there, as I promised people who wrote me to bring this to a conclusion, not just stop writing.

I do plan to write more, though I do not think I will include myself or "Scott" in the other stories. Who knows, that could change, but for now, I am going to focus on some other stuff.

Thanks to each and everyone of you who wrote me, with ideas, comments, critiques -- they were all appreciated, and I think I can speak for most of the authors on here when I say -- tell us what you think!!! Like it, hate it, want more of this and less of that... we are not just writing these for our own amusement, and we want to know how you are reacting!!!

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