Real Love

By Alicia Taylor

Published on Sep 2, 2009


The disclaimer is on chapter 1.

Thanks for the emails! Hugs! :D

Chapter 9.

"You'll risk all this for just a kiss I promise I will not resist They're never gonna track us down I've been running all my life I ran away, I ran away from good I've been waiting all my life You're not a day, you're not a day too soon" -Sia

Christian and Olli strolled happily along the driveway leading up to a small brick house; Constantin, a few steps ahead of them. There, on the front porch with impatient faces, were most of Christian's friends. Their angry eyes lighting up, when they started to notice one bye one, that Christian and Olli were holding hands.

Judith almost fell onto them as she hurried toward the new couple. "Hi, Olli! I'm Judith! I'm Christian's best friend! I'm so happy that..." Christian elbowed Judith in the boob; he meant to elbow her in the side, but her boob got in the way. Judith frowned and pretended to be in pain for a second, before returning her animated attention to Olli. Olli laughed at Christian's obvious attempt to quiet his friend, before speaking to an extremely manic, Judith.

"Hi. It's nice to meet you...I think you might be breaking my hand!" "Sorry!" Judith realized that she was squeezing Olli's free hand so tightly, that her own was actually beginning to ache. Christian smirked at his friend's eagerness and then let go of Olli's un-bruised hand, so that he could unlock his front door.

Christian's friends rushed past him in a stampede, as they entered the house. Olli was about to go in too, but he was stopped. Olli felt Christian grab him from behind, arms snaking around his body, not letting him leave. Olli turned his head to face Christian and his expectant smile. They stood in the doorway for a while, kissing passionately; not noticing the passing neighbor, walking his white fluffy dog and shaking his white fluffy head, in disapproval.

Olli sat on the little brown couch, awkwardly; he was surrounded by Christian's female friends. After they had all introduced themselves in rapid succession, they now tried to get to know their new friend by firing off question after question, asking another before Olli could finish answering first. He wanted to jump up, hop over the couch and join Christian, but he was too polite.

Christian was on the other side of the room with his male friends, playing foosball. David, Constantin and Sebastian were paying more attention to the game than Christian was, as he watched in horror while the girls attacked his Olli. "Hey, what are you...Christian?" Sebastian was irked when Christian suddenly abandoned the game and his partner.

Christian hurried over to the couch before it was too late. "Did you know that Olli has lived in four different countries?" A fascinated Lydia asked Christian, as he wiggled his way in-between Rebecca and Olli. "No!" Christian exclaimed, while gazing at Olli, now intrigued. "And he's never lived in the same place for more than two years!" Judith stated, as she pulled a brown strand of hair out of her mouth. "Oh?" Christian realized that he didn't really know anything about Olli, except his name and that he had soft lips.

The fun and laughter of the evening died down and Christian's friends made their way to the front door in small groups, until Christian and Olli were left alone. Christian closed his front door and hurriedly approached the occupied couch. "We're alone." Christian flirted as he sat next to Olli. "Yeah, and what are you gonna do about it?" Olli mused, before kissing Christian's cheek.

Their temples pressed together and Christian's head slowly slid down to rest against Olli's chest. He was so tired, he could hardly keep his eyes open. Olli took hold of Christian's shoulders and moved him sideways, so that they could lie horizontally. The exhaustion they were both feeling, overtook their bodies. And as Christian snuggled into Olli's solid arms, they fell asleep.

"Fuck! Fuck!" Christian opened his eyes and they slowly adjusted to the morning light; his fuzzy vision, starting to clear as he focused his attention on an agitated Olli. He was bending down to tie his shoes with a freaked out expression on his face. "Morning." Christian said in a concerned tone. "Morning." Olli stopped what he was doing for a second to look Christian's way and fake a smile.

"We're not late for school, if you're worried about getting into trouble again." Christian said as he looked at his watch. "No. I know. It's just..." Christian was becoming nervous as Olli paused. "My mom's gonna kill me!" Olli looked as if he would collapse from worry. "Oh, ok. I'll drive you home." Christian said with relief in his voice as he rolled off of the couch to search for his car keys.

"You live here?" Christian asked in awe, as he took in the sight of the beautiful, mansion-like house. "At the moment." Olli answered pensively, as he looked up at the cold, stone building that he knew would never truly be his home.

"I don't know what I can possibly say to make her forgive me this time." Olli breathed, as he looked up at one of the many windows of the house. The statement made Christian feel uneasy and he had no response for Olli, as he too, looked up at the window that he was sure was Olli's mother's room.

"I don't want to freak you out, but my mom...she's...well let's just say she's very strict. And if she found out about us, I'm positive I would never see you again." Christian looked at Olli through sad eyes. He had been out to his close friends and his brother, for a few years now, but never felt the need to tell his father. Christian was sure he'd tell him when the time was right and that his father would accept it, because he loved him. Looking into Olli's eyes, he could sense that this definitely wasn't the case with his mother.

"Then she won't find out." Christian assured Olli as he hugged him close. "Thank you. I need to go in now." Olli said quietly and then he kissed the boy he could feel himself falling in love with. A person-sized shadow loomed over the car and before Olli looked up, he knew who was responsible for casting it.

Thanks for reading! I'd like it if you sent me a comment! :)

Next: Chapter 10

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