Real Love

By Alicia Taylor

Published on Aug 24, 2009


Is is hot in here, or is it just Ollian? :P

Thanks for the emails!

The disclaimer from ch. 1 applies to this chapter as well. :)

Chapter 7.

"Get out of my dreams and into my car" -Billy Ocean

Olli was completely confused. He couldn't remember spending quality time with Olivia, heading home, getting scolded by his mom, waking up, eating his yogurt, or suffering through a whole day of classes.

It seemed as though he was driving off in Olivia's car, watching Christian in her rearview mirror, and minutes later he was standing in front of the school again, waiting to go to Christian's house. He was sure he had stumbled upon a wormhole that had sent him 24 hours into the future.

Olli looked to the sky and focused his attention on a deep gray cloud that was threatening to spill its contents onto his unprotected head. `Why am I wearing these clothes?' Olli wondered, as he looked down at his black, short sleeve shirt and thin jeans. He was not dressed for the rain.

He thought about taking shelter under a tree or simply going back inside the school, but didn't want to chance missing Christian. "Shit!" Olli was surprised, when the rain pelted him with a heavy ferocity. He quickly changed his mind about not heading back inside, and started to make his way up the soggy grass-covered hill. Christian was suddenly smiling down at him from the top of the grassy knoll, warmly dressed.

"You look like a drowned rat." Christian teased, as he ruffled Olli's sopping hair with a hesitant hand. "Let's get you out of here!" Christian had to raise his voice as a boom of thunder sounded. The boys ran laughing through the parking lot as if lightning bolts were on their heels; quickly reaching Christian's brother's car.

Gregor was currently living in another town and told Christian to take good care of his "baby," until he got back. Through his excitement, Christian forgot to unlock the passenger door. He only noticed this, when he heard the noise Olli was making as he pulled desperately and repeatedly on the door handle.

Christian thought about prolonging his suffering for a moment, but quickly dismissed the idea, realizing it would mean more time apart from Olli as he struggled in the rain. Olli's face lit up when he saw the lock pop down, disappearing into the door.

He swung the heavy door open and crashed into the seat, spilling little droplets of rain from his body. Christian watched as a raindrop slid seductively down Olli's neck and under his shirt. He then looked up at Olli's face, feeling as though he had been caught ogling. Olli smiled mischievously and then dramatically shook his head back and forth, letting the cold water spatter the inside of the car and Christian's face.

"Hey!" Christian complained, though he wasn't really bothered. "Oh, oops! How inconsiderate of me. Did poor Chrissie get a little wet?" Olli was flirting. He felt a group of excited butterflies flutter around in his stomach. Christian loved the way Olli played with his name. He tried to restrain himself, but felt he had to touch him somehow. He boldly stretched his arm out and delicately pinched Olli's nose.

A shocked Olli, stared in awe of Christian and then decided to touch him back. He cautiously let a frozen hand run across Christian's eyebrow, making him gasp. The car was becoming increasingly warm as their body heat fogged up the windows. Christian's erratic breathing was the only sound Olli could hear, as the rest of the world melted away.

Christian scooted a little closer to Olli and he felt his scent overwhelm him. They were only inches apart again and neither boy was about to move away. Christian leaned in and Olli followed his lead, tilting his head to the side to ready himself for a kiss.

The End...just kidding!!! Hahahaha! :D

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Next: Chapter 8

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