Real Love

By Alicia Taylor

Published on Oct 8, 2009


Disclaimer on ch. 1.

Chapter 21.

"We will be one We go together" -The Fray

Christian was lying in the tub; his head resting on the rim and his feet under the water. Olli was lying oh his back; Christian's heated body, underneath him. Christian was carefully massaging Olli's shoulders and arms, and sporadically kissing his hair. "We need to get out soon." Christian murmured. "Shhh, I just started to get warm." Olli was barely awake.

"Are you about to fall asleep?" Christian asked, pretending to be offended. "No. No I'm totally awak..." The end of Olli's words were cut off as he drifted into unconsciousness. The sound of Olli's loud breathing filled the room and Christian admired the boy, as he gently stroked his moistened hair. `We should do this everyday.' Christian was also tired, but didn't want to sleep through the moment.

There was a faint rattle coming from the next room and Christian started to freak out. `Shit, shit, shit, shit...' He knew from previous experience, exactly what that particular sound was. Henriette had come back to check on her son, and was now entering his bedroom. "Olli, wake up!" Christian felt bad, but it had to be done.

Though he had slept his entire day away, Olli was completely exhausted. He opened his eyes for a second and they fluttered a little, before falling shut. Christian regretfully moved out from under the sleeping boy, set Olli's head where his own had been resting, and leaped out of the tub. He was slipping the whole way, as he rushed to the bathroom door, before shutting it loudly and locking it. Christian returned to Olli's side and tried once again, to wake him.

"Oliver! What are you doing?" Henriette's voice was shrill and it stung Christian's ears. He cowered at the intense knocks that followed the harsh voice. "Olli?" Christian spoke into Olli's ear, while shaking his shoulders. "Olli, wake up!" Christian wasn't yelling, but he wasn't whispering either. "What?" Olli's voice was dripping with annoyance, as Christian's body dripped actual water drops.

"You have to wake up now, Olli. Your mom's at the bathroom door!" Olli blinked Christian into focus and then shot up into a sitting position, now fully aware of the situation. "Well, why didn't you get me up before?" Christian couldn't help but chuckle at a sleepy, grumpy Olli. Olli didn't join in, in the laughter.

"Oliver! Do I have to get the key and unlock this door?" His mom questioned, while shaking the doorknob. "No! Sorry! I'm...busy!" Olli was too sleepy to think of a good excuse. Christian covered his mouth, to muffle his laughter. He thought Olli's statement sounded funny. After getting a stern look from a secretly amused Olli, Christian apologized with his eyes. Olli excepted the apology with his lips. "Well, hurry up! Do you have any idea what time it is? I want to go to bed soon!"

Henriette sat down on Olli's bed, with no intention of leaving. "I'm gonna be a little while! You can go to bed if you want! I'll just finish up in here and then it's lights off. I promise!" The boys held hands, while silently praying that she'd accept Olli's suggestion.

"I can wait!" Henriette adjusted herself into a more comfortable position, on her son's uncomfortable bed. `I need to remember to replace this mattress.' She yawned quietly, making sure to cover her mouth; like a lady. The boys let out simultaneous sighs of defeat.

"What do we do now?" Olli asked Christian; his eyes following his boyfriend around the room. Christian was anxiously pacing the bathroom. He was starting to get used to the bare feet/slick floor thing, and wasn't slipping as much. "I have no idea. There isn't really a good place to hide in here. Can't you just go into your room to say goodnight and leave me in here?"

"She's going to check the bathroom, no matter what. She likes to make sure the "butlers" did a good job cleaning up." Olli made unhappy air quotes with his fingers when he said the word: butlers. Christian rolled his eyes as he pictured Olli's mom wearing a white glove and running her hand across the tiles of the bathroom floor.

"There's only one thing we can do!" Olli said in a determined voice, as he banged a decisive fist against the tub. Christian stopped pacing and looked at Olli with wonder. His eyes glowed with anticipation as he impatiently waited for Olli to continue. "We'll just walk out together, pack up my stuff, and go."

Christian's face was the definition of shock. "But...she's gonna freak out! We can't. Olli, think about what you're saying!" "I know what I said, Christian." Olli was smiling. Christian couldn't help but smile back.

Christian liked this new...bolder side of Olli. "Ok, then. If that's what you've decided." They gathered their courage with a strong kiss. Christian helped Olli out of the tub, which was now almost completely empty, with all of the water spilling they'd been doing.

The boys took some towels and dried themselves off as much as they could, but their clothing (If you can really call boxers clothing) remained damp. "Ready?" Christian asked. "Ready." Olli replied as he took Christian's hand and together, they walked toward the door.

Thanks for reading!!! "D

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