Ready to be Made a Man

By Dakota Birch

Published on Sep 12, 2020



"Are you ready to be made a man, boy?" Asked Boon is in his deep manly voice.

"Yes sir." I replied nervously.

"And you're willing to do whatever it takes to make you into the ultimate man?" Boon asked.

"Yes sir. Whatever it takes." I replied again.

"And you are giving over your body and will to us, to do as we see fit into making you the ultimate man you can be?" Boon asked.

"Yes sir. You are in full control. I hand over 100% of myself to you and your men." I replied.

"Good." Smiled Boon with a toothy grin from his mustached mouth. He grabbed a goblet filled with liquid and passed it to me. "Drink. Drink all of it, boy."

I took the goblet and downed the potent mixture, which tasted delicious.

"What was this? It tasted amazing." I said with a big smile.

"Oh yeah?" Boon said with a wicked grin. "It's a mixture of all of our loads and sweat."

I looked back at Boon stunned, eyes wide. As embarrassed as I was about having just vocalized my love of taste for sperm and sweat, I was oddly turned on. I'd always considered myself straight, but was starting to wonder. I quickly shook the thought, reassuring myself of my heterosexuality. I'm a man's man. There's no way I'm gay. Plus, this couldn't be considered gay. This was just men being men. And most of the men in the room are straight, married with wives and kids. I gazed around the room, taking in the sight of over two dozen hairy balding men with facial hair. Every single man in here was hairy; and not just a sprinkle of chest hair, we're talking hairy shoulders and back - a complete pelt. Every single man was balding to one degree or another, ranging from small growing bald spots to already fully developed fullblown Norwood 7s. And every single man had some type of facial hair, whether it be a beard, a mustache, a goatee, and two guys had my favorite: a thick 70s sleazy pornstar horseshoe mustache.

"Get into the sling." Instructed Boon.

I obeyed and got my naked body into the sling, putting my legs up, fully exposing my vulnerable hairy hole to the group of lurking men.

"The man who brought you here goes first." Boon said, motioning to my Dad's best friend to step forward.

My Dad's buddy's name is John. John was an extremely hairy Armenian man, who was just slightly balding and had a thick jet black mustache that matched in color to the thick pelt of hair that covered his body from neck to toe. John had recruited me privately the week before when we were camping, after I expressed my deep desire to explore and expand my manhood and manliness to its full degree. John said he was part of a group of real manly men who could help me out with my request. I eagerly replied how badly I'd love to meet this group of masculine men John spoke about. My Dad had no clue I was here.

John smiled and asked, "Ready?"

To which I nodded in response.

John brought his hairy penis to my puckering hole and pushed it inside; and with one swift deep thrust put his entire length and girth into my willing ass. I could feel his monster untrimmed bush rubbing against my hole.

"Oh fuck, that's a nice hole." John said in approval, before addressing the other guys. "All of us are in for a real treat; this boy's hairy ass feels great." To which the other men growled and grunted in anticipation and excitement.

I could feel every inch as John slid in and out of my ass, thrusting his dick into my hungry hole. I moaned and rubbed my nipples in ecstasy, enjoying the raw Cock inside my ass.

"Yeah, you like that?" John asked, coaxing me.

"Fuck yeah, I like that." I replied immediately.

"Yeah, you like being fucked by a real man? A real hairy balding man's man?" John asked.

"Fuck yes!" I exclaimed in glee.

"That's right, buddy. You only get fucked by real men. Men who are hairy and balding." John reinforced sternly.

"Yes sir." I agreed. "Only men who are hairy and balding."

"I wish you were my son." John said with a grin. "I'd love to have watched you grow and brought you here to become a man." He fantasized. "Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum soon. You want my load, boy?"

"Yes sir." I begged. "Please give me your man seed."

"Yeah, you want the cum that's gonna turn you into a man?" John teased. "I wanna hear you really beg for it. Earn my load, boy."

"Please, sir! I need your load! Give me your cum!" I pleaded desperately. It was true, I was craving his cum deep in my ass.

"OH FUCK!!" John yelled.

I could feel rope upon rope of jizz spraying my insides, filling me up. I looked down and saw more chest hair immediately sprout on my pecs and belly. I also saw my belly get a little bigger and fatter. I felt a cool breeze suddenly on my head, and reached up a hand to feel a small bald spot beginning to form. My upper lip tickled, and I put a hand there feeling a faint mustache beginning to grow.

John pumped a few more times into me, ensuring every drop of his seed was deep inside me, before pulling out with a shudder. The next guy stepped forward. He looked like a trucker with his monster beer belly and huge bushy beard that reached past his man boobs. He didn't ask or pause, before railing his entire furry Cock into my cum-filled ass. It was mere minutes until he warned of his impending orgasm, before growling loudly and unloading his sperm into my ass. I watched as more body hair grew immediately on me and my belly got fatter. Man after man stepped up and emptied his nuts into my asshole; with one sole mission in mind: to pleasure themself with this willing boy's ass and make him a man. It wasn't until somewhere after the first dozen loads that I noticed my reflection in a mirror that hung above the sling. I was stunned at the image reflected back to me. I'd gained at least 60lbs, now sporting a bloated beer belly with a thick layer of fat over it, where just a hour ago lay a perfectly sculpted 6pack. A thick horseshoe mustache had begun sprouting, perfectly highlighting my new double chin. My pubic hair - which had been already all-natural and thick - was now a dense jungle of long hairs that continued growing up more than halfway up my shaft. My once meaty defined pecs we're now two fat moobs, with giant silver dollar-sized pink nipples. I was already a decently hairy dude when I showed up; but my pelt now was much thicker and darker, with my shoulder hair starting to look like an Afro. While before I'd worked so hard to achieve the perfect jock body, training for hours everyday at the gym; now, I was so turned on and excited by my new manlier look and craved more.

"Fuck yes!" I blurted out, while the Cock of the thirteenth hairy penis belonging to a balding otter in his late 40s penetrated my ass deeply. "Make me a fucking man!" I begged.

"Yeah? You like my hairy dick, boy?" The guy asked me.

"Fuck yeah I do." I winced in slight pain, as his big Cock stretched me open even more.

"My wife never gives it up to me anymore, so I have a lot of pent up sexual energy." He said to me with longing in his eyes.

"Well whenever you want it, you've got it." I responded. And it was true, whenever this guy wanted my ass to dump his seed into in the future, I would gladly give it up to him.

"You like getting fucked by straight married men, faggot?" He yelled.

"I ain't no faggot." I said with a frown. "This ain't gay or straight; this is just men being men."

"Damn right, buddy!" He hollered, as he shot a massive load of spunk into my cummy leaking ass.

I continued to take load after load from the hairy balding men. While most of the guys were age 48+, there were three younger gentlemen, the youngest being twenty years older than me, at 38. After the twentieth load, I caught my reflection again and almost came hands free in excitement. I'd now gained well over 100lbs, pushing close to 300lbs. My now fat frame was covered in thick hair from neck to toe; which the several gold chains around my neck rested in my thick sweater of dark body hair. I rocked a sleazy trailer trash horseshoe mustache, that made me look like a vintage pornstar out of the 1970s. I was now a full Norwood 5 and getting balder by the load.

"Fuck yes!" I exclaimed happily. "Bring on the final guys."

I took the remaining seven loads; 27 in total. I lay there panting, smiling at how horny and turned on I was at my transformation.

All of the guys looked on with grins of approval and nodded their heads happily. The furry 18yo boy with a 6pack and lean sculpted jock body had become a fat hairy balding hog who looked to be in his late 40s.

"How do you like your new self?" Boon asked, knowing the answer already from my grin.

"I'm in awe. It feels so right." I said, running my hands over my thick hairy fattening body, placing both hands on my fat nipples, and began working my tits hungrily.

"As part of the agreement, you've chosen to abandon your old life completely. You now will be part of this tribe and have gained entry into our brotherhood by taking each member's load of man-juice up your ass."

"Yes sir."

"You now will lead a new life. A real man's man life. You will have a wife; but just use her to take care of your house and other wifely duties. You will spend most of your time with us men; or with other balding hairy men. You will begin a new job as a truck driver; traveling across the country in a semi surrounded by other real men. Instead of mainstream society questioning your new look, you'll receive approval and praise from the real masculine men you come into contact with. They'll see your hairiness, that you're balding, and your bloated beer belly and nod in approval at the man you are, proudly displaying his manhood amongst a sea of testosterone. You will live a new life in a trailer park, proudly exposing your masculinity. You'll only wear the most masculine of clothes - when forced to wear clothes at all - sporting stringer tank tops, flannel cut offs, army cargo shorts, camo overalls, mechanic coveralls, dirty wifebeaters, sport jerseys that show off your hairy chest and back, and construction boots. You'll never wear a hat again, only proudly displaying your balding head (which was now a fullblown Norwood 7). You'll never shave your face again, only sporting a thick horseshoe mustache...which makes you look so sleazy and trashy. You understand and agree to all of this, buddy?"

"Yes sir." I said proudly, excited to show off my new man body to the world.

I got dressed and left the men's clubhouse, driving in my beat up truck to my new trailer park home. I rolled up to my trailer, which rocked a classic early 1980s vibe. I got out of the truck and gave a friendly nod to the hairy fat balding gentleman rocking in a chair on the porch of his trailer, next door.

"You my new neighbor?" He asked in a deep gruff voice, as he puffed on his pipe.

"Yes sir." I said, walking over to him. He and I both wore dirty wifebeater tank tops that were too small for us, exposing at the bottom, our hairy bellies. Our fat bitch tits were on full display in the see-through material. He wore oversized jean shorts; whereas I wore oversized army cargo shorts that exposed an ample amount of pubic hair when I purposely stretched my arms upwards to show off to him.

"Glad to see my new neighbor is a real man." He said approvingly.

"Pure man here." I said with a grin.

"How old are you, bud?" He asked.

"You`re not gonna believe me." I said. "But I'm 18yo. I just happen to look like I'm older."

"18yo?! And you look like that much of a man?! Damn buddy!" He said with a howl, as he rubbed his gut. "Ya know what? It's too hot for these wifebeaters; let's take em off." He said, peeling his sweaty tank off his hog body, revealing full view of his moobs and massive gut.

"Don't have to ask me twice." I said, ripping the tank top off. "Any excuse to show off my hairy man body." I said.

"That's right, buddy!" He said with a smile. "Show off your manhood proudly." He rubbed his belly again, looking me up and down.

I also rubbed my belly and brought my hand up to my fat nipples, and absent minded began rubbing and working the tits.

"That's it, boy." He growled, smiling behind his pipe that bellowed thick clouds of smoke. "Why don't you grab us a couple beers and take this inside?" He asked, motioning to the small fridge on his porch.

"Hell yes, sir." I said, reaching into the fridge and retrieving four beers, two for us each.

We went inside his trailer, which smelt of musk and sweat. I passed him his two beers, which he cracked open and downed both in just a few gulps. I followed suit and did the same. Our bellies now full of carbonated beer, grew to their full potential, hanging over the waistband of our shorts.

"I'm so happy I became a full man's man. This entire look is new to me." I confided.

"But you're loving it, aren't you?" He taunted.

"Oh hell yes." I said.

Then a knock came from his front door.

"Bud, you in there?" Another gruff voice asked.

"Yup. We're in here Junior." Bud answered.

Junior opened the door and walked in. He was also a fat hairy balding man, who sported a thick bushy beard that'd clearly win competitions if entered. Junior saw us shirtless and ripped his own shredder tank top off, joining the masculine energy which filled Bud's trailer.

"This here is my new neighbor." Bud introduced me to Junior.

"Nice to meet ya." I said, firmly shaking his hand.

"Damn good handshake, buddy." Junior nodded in approval.

"Junior's as old as you look." Bud teased me.

"Yeah, I'm 45. How old are you?" He asked me interested.

"You'll never believe this. I'm 18yo." I said proudly.

"18yo?!" Junior said in amazement.

"I said the same thing." Bud commented.

"Damn! Now that's how all 18yo should be looking." Junior said in approval. "Look at you. Only 18yo and already a full blown real man's man."

"Damn right." I said, slapping my gut with a loud thud.

The three of us looked at one another hungrily, fueled by testosterone. It was so hot to be in the company of other fat hairy balding men; men who clearly approved of my new look and were bringing out the man in me.

"I'm 71." Bud said, growling deeply and stroking his thick white horseshoe mustache. "You could pass for a mini me." He said to me.

"Hell yeah, I could!" I responded in excitement. "I come from a place where looking like this wasn't encouraged or praised. A place where men manscaped and sought to have a 6pack."

"Well you'll certainly not find that here."

(To be continued...)

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