Reaching Out

By Adam Irwin

Published on Jan 8, 2001


Last time on Reaching Out

"That's odd." Joey laughed.

"What?" Chris asked, a little confused by what Joey was laughing at.

"We actually agreed on something without a fight for once." Joey

explained himself, and they all snickered at it. Usual it would take

them at least an hour to make plans, but that didn't count the number of

fights, and arguements as to where they should go. This time it was much

easier as they decided with in ten minutes.

"That is kinda odd." Britney agreed, laughing on her own this time, and

soon they were all laughing at how stupid she was for finding the topic


"Should we answer it?" JC asked as he slipped off his shirt. Justin rubbed JC's built chest and stomach with his hands, he was already on his knees, beginning to unzip JC's pants with his teeth. "Um, I'll take that as a no." JC mumbled as he let Justin pull the pants down gently with his pants.

"I don't think they're home right now." Britney hung up the phone and looked around the room.

"Now we go by ourselves." They all smiled, and shrugged off the absence, happy enough that they weren't going to ruin their plans and wait.

"I think I'm ready Josh." Justin smiled, and JC knew exactly what he meant.

"Alright, I've got some condoms inside my dresser drawer." JC started to walk away, but he felt himself get pushed onto the bed.

"No, I'll lube you up myself, and I don't want it protection. I want you inside me, all of you." Justin reiterated his means, and went down on top of JC. His mouth enveloped JC's shaft, licking it and sucking it until he felt himself getting pushed off.

"Just, baby, if you want this to last, you gotta stop." JC moaned as Justin removed his mouth from his tool and sat down on the bed.

JC slowly maneuvered himself to remove Justin of his final clothing. Taking a moment to admire him inside his boxer briefs and nothing else. "You're beautiful" Justin blushed at the comment, but said nothing as JC slid those off, and smiled. He stood up to remove himself of his own clothing, and now stood in the room naked, staring at his naked boyfriend in awe. "Are you sure?" Justin nodded quickly, and JC smiled at him as he took a seat back on the bed. He slid himself up towards Justin, and positioned his cock at Justin's ass. "It's gonna hurt, but I promise you it'll get better."

"I'm ready." Justin replied quickly without hesitation, it was obvious that he wanted the sex, and he didn't want to wait.

"Alright." And with that, JC slowly worked his way into Justin's ass, going slow at first, until the point where he knew he should just do it quick and easy. Looking down he could see the pain in Justin's eyes, and he knew that Justin wanted to let some of it out in screams and tears. "I love you baby." Bending down he kissed him softly on the cheek, and started to pound into him fast and hard. "Ohhhh, Baby, you're so fucking tight." JC moaned with each thrust, each time coming closer and closer to cumming.

"Ahhhhh." Justin screamed as JC continued to pound into his ass, giving Justin more pleasure then he ever thought possible. JC liked the moaning from his lover, and got into it more intense then before, wrapping his hand around him and grabbing his lover's dick. Slowly he started to pump it as he pumped into him.

"" JC moaned, as he pumped both faster, moans escaping both boys.

"OHH I'm cumming." Justin screamed out in a loud mumbled moan. His body trembled from his orgasm, and his ass clenced, causing JC to go into his own orgasm.

"You're so good." JC moaned, as he too came fast and hard into Justin's ass. "I love you baby." JC managed to get out, as he pulled out of Justin' ass and rolled over to face him.

"I love you too." Justin mumbled as he fell into sleep. JC smiled down at him and kissed his forehead, as he relaxed into sleep.

"So, you think the lovers are having as much fun?" Joey asked as their movie came to an end.

"I don't know, probably that movie really sucked." Chris complained as they neared their car.

"Well, maybe I'd let you complain if you hadn't picked it. But I told you it would be stupid." Britney complained. "If I'm a girl and I didn't like it then you know it was stupid. And to begin with, you're lucky we didn't get caught, their were a lot of teenagers and small children in their."

"Sorry, I didn't think we would blow our cover in The Grinch." Chris complained again. "I honestly didn't think their would be teenagers around us."

"Yeah, that one girl almost recognized you when you threw popcorn at her." Lance laughed at him, as they pulled out of the movie parking lot.

"I'm gonna call JC." Britney grabbed the phone and dialed the familiary number.

Ring Ring Ring.


"Hey C."

"Hi Brit, what ya up to?"

"Um, well, I'm in the car right now. We just finished watching a movie. We called you, but you didn't answer." Britney replied.

"We, were kinda busy. In fact, I think I should be getting back now. I don't want him to wake up without me." JC smiled at the fact that he was going back to bed with Justin. The reality hadn't sunk in yet, it was like a new wave of love hit him every day, and he was hoping that waves would come crashing down every day after.

"Oh, busy! I understand. Well, you get back to him now." Britney laughed. "Talk to you later JC."

"See ya Britt." Britney hung up the car phone, and looked around the car. "They were busy!" She shrieked as they all laughed.

"Maybe they were doing paper work or something." Dani said out of courtesy, but she busted up laughing at her own comment, knowing they were doing more then paper work.

"Hey baby, how come you woke up?" JC asked as he came back in the room. He slid back into bed, and let Justin lay his head down on his chest.

"I woke up when you went to get the phone. Who was it?" Justin asked, as JC unconciously twirled his curls.

"Just Brit, she was in the car on the way back from a movie."JC responded, with a yawn.

"Oh." Justin responded.

"Something wrong babe."

"Nah, just tired and a little sore." Justin responded with a warm hearted smile.

"It's the usual babe, but don't worry I'll take good care of you." JC leaned down and kissed his curls.

"Does it hurt every time?" Justin asked with a nervous voice.

"No, but the first few times yeah. Like I said though, I'll take care of you, even when it doesn't." Once again he bent down, but this time he tilted Justin's head up, so that he had access to give him an open mouth kiss. Pulling away, he smiled at the look on Justin's face. It was one of yearning, and need. Shaking his head, he leaned back down and gave Justin what he wanted another quick kiss, before pulling away.

Justin only whimpered before he opened his eyes. "Why can't you kiss me forever?"

"Because I need to breathe too. And cuz I would rather hold you and watch you." JC replied.

"I told the doctor about our conversation." Justin spoke out of no where.

"We don't have to talk about it Justin."

"No, I want to." Justin reassured JC. "I told him about you wanting me to check into a rehab clinic, and how I broke down and begged you not to make me go. We didn't really talk about it, cuz I started to cry again. I'm serious Josh, I don't know what I would do without you." Justin was near tears again, and JC couldn't help but frown at his lover.

"Justin, I'm serious when I say that I'll never leave you. Now that we are together, we always will be." JC responded to his boyfriend. "I love you."

"I know, I'm just scared about what's gonna happen. We have to start rehearsing soon, and all that. Are we going to tell management? What about touring, we have to be on guard 24/7." Justin started to wonder too much for JC's liking, so JC hushed him with a kiss.

"Baby, don't worry about all that. Management will understand. And if they don't, what can they do? The guys are behind us, so we don't have to worry about being replaced. And we'll be fine on tour. We've always been a touchy group, and no one's ever questioned it. Now you'll just be getting most of the touching from me." JC replied.

"Most?" Justin responded with a small smile on his face.

"Don't make me tickle you little man." JC smiled and went to tickling. Justin squirmed underneath him. "Who rocks your world?"

"No." Justin refused to answer.

JC kept up the tickling, knowing that Justin would give in shortly. "Who rocks your world?"

"You do, You do." Justin screamed, and continued to laugh as JC tickled him.

"Ya know, you really should have given in earlier. Ya know what physical contact with you makes me, and it was kinda hard to not react when we are both still naked."

Justin blushed at the obvious that they both had hard-ons again.

"I don't think I could handle another round just yet." Justin responded.

"Well, maybe we could do it the old fashion way." JC smiled, and slid under the covers.


I hoped you liked this chapter. It was longer then the last one, just like I promised. And JC and Justin had their first time sex. I hope I wrote it good, smut isn't my strong point. But I think I do it okay.

The story is coming closer to an end. Only 3 more chapters after this one. So give me any ideas on how you want it to end by e-mailing me at

Thanks and see ya next time.

Next: Chapter 8

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