Reaching Out

By Adam Irwin

Published on Jan 2, 2001


Last time on Reaching Out

"I could care less about our careers. You don't get it, you don't fucking get anything I'm trying to say to you Jusitn. I love you, I fucking love you. I love being your boyfriend, I love holding you, I love everything about you. I don't care that you fucked up, I don't care that you are going through some rough times, because I want to be their for you during it. Our careers mean shit compared to that, you mean everything to me, more then my career, more then my family, more then my friends, more then it all Justin. Because you are it all, you are my family, you are my friend, and you are the reason why I want you to get help. I want you to be okay." JC was crying now, usually he was strong, but it was all built up in him. He hadn't cried for a while now, maybe once when he found out about Justin doing the drugs, but now they were heavy tears, and Justin felt his own coming at the site of JC's.

JC could hear the sobs, and he realized that if he didn't stop, he wasn't going to be able to see very well to drive. Pulling to the side of the road, he turned off the car, and turned to face Justin.

"I don't want to go to a clinic Josh, I don't want to stay their. I don't want to be alone at night, I don't want to be away from you."

"It's okay, it's okay. You don't have to go, but please Justin, throw out the drugs that you have left, for our relationship's sake, throw them out."

"I will, I swear Josh. I'll try harder now." Justin's words were like a child, lost in a world to big for them. And JC knew that it was the truth. He knew that Justin would try, he just hoped that his tries would be good enough to get him through it.

"Are you sure you can do this?" JC asked a still crying Justin. They were now back at their house, and they were sitting in the bathroom. Justin was knelt down over the toilet, the bag of his last four hits of acid held in his hand.

"I have to, for us." Justin answered, and held the bag over the toilet, he got half way, before pulling back.

"Give me the bag Justin." JC's words weren't really a command, more of a plea, and Justin did as he was told. "It's for the best Justin. And don't worry I'm not mad that you couldn't do it yourself, it's gonna take some time for you to get over this."

"I'll be in the bedroom, when your done, will you come and hold me?" Justin asked in a timid voice.

"Of course." JC's answer was soothing, and loving and Justin knew that eventually things would get better.

"So what should we do about it? I mean, we've screwed up, but so has Justin. Do we apologize, stop by and visit them...what?" Britney asked, as herself, Joey, Chris, Lance and Dani were still discussing how to handle the wrong they had done by ignoring Justin and JC when they needed their friends the most.

"I think we should stop by and see if they want to go out tonight. Um, to the movies or something. Their's no temptation at the movie theatre. Except for the temptation to pay 10 dollars for a ticket, and twenty for a bag of popcorn and a soda." Chris teased, and for the first time they found themselves laughing int he conversation.

"Yeah, movies sound good. Let's surprise them though, around like 7 or something?" Dani suggested, looking at her watch. "If we do that, then it gives us three hours to find a movie, get ready and go over."

"Cool, and we'll meet back here." Joey threw that in because he knew that would mean that he didn't have to rush.

"Alright, we meet here at 6:30." Chris spoke as he walked out the door with Dani in tow. Lance followed slowly, and Britney was the last out the door.

"Me time." Joey spoke quite loudly to himself as the door swung shut.

"You okay baby?" Between the small amount of tears that Justin let fall, he was able to shake his head yes in reply to JC's question. "I know you aren't okay Justin. Talk to me about it, whatever you have to say, just let it out." JC slid into the bed, and wrapped his arms around Justin. Instinctively he felt Justin pull close to him, his own arms wrapped even tighter to give Justin comfort.

"I'm scared Josh. I didn't want this, I... I don't want to lose the guys, I don't want to lose you. I couldn't live without you, don't leave me Josh. Please....I'll fix everything, I promise, just, just, don't leave me."

JC couldn't see Justin's face, the position he was holding Justin in kept him from a good view. But he could tell that Justin's tears were flowing harder, and he could feel Justin's trembling through his own body.

"I would never leave you Justin. I promise you, I'll always be here for you, always."

"I've screwed up so bad Josh, I'm not good enough for you. You deserve someone, someone, someone whose not a fuck up." Justin tried to pull away from the contact of JC's body, but JC just pulled him tighter.

"No, Justin I deserve you. We are good together, we will make it through this. I love you, and I'm going to stick with you for this whole thing. I could care less that you make some mistakes, that's what we do, we screw up. You've got a lot of people around you to help, and I'll always be one of them."

"I love you Josh."

"I love you too Baby, now why don't you take a nap?"

"Um, are you going to take one with me?"

"Yep, I like this position." JC smiled, and kissed the back of Justin's neck before he himself fell into sleep, his body and Justin's breathing in and out togther, in a rythymic pattern.

"How come no one's answering?"

"I don't know Lance, usually when no one answers the door that means they aren't home, or they can't hear you." Joey said in a sarcastic tone, warranting Lance to flick him off.

"Wait a second." Britney bent down, and lifted up one of the rocks on the porch, and grabbed a key from underneath it. "Justin told me about this a while ago." Britney laughed at their expressions and turned the knob once the key was put in. She turned to see that they were all still standing their, confusion on their faces. "Are you guys coming in or what?" That snapped them out of it, and they all walked in.

"Where do you think they are?" Chris asked, as he sat down in their living room.

"Um, did any of us think that we might have been asleep." They all turned to catch JC and Justin walking down the steps, JC leading Justin by the hand. Both of their outfits were wrinkled, their hair messy from the nap.

"Uh, uh, we kinda wanted to apologize for avoiding ya'll." Lance started, looking around the room for help.

"Yeah, we're sorry guys. We, realize now that you guys need us more then ever, so, ya know, we're really sorry." Dani added, and smacked Chris for him to apologize as well.

"I'm sorry too."

"Me too."

"Me too."

"We accept your apologizes." Justin smiled, and looked them all up and down. "Where ya'll going?"

"We came by to see if you guys wanted to see a movie." Chris answered for them all.

"I'm not really in the mood to go out tonight." JC replied, sitting down next to Britney on the couch. Justin stayed standing against the wall, his head relaxing against the wall.

"Well aren't you a party pooper?" Britney smacked him on the arm.

"Don't hit my man." Justin teased her back for JC, and they all started to giggle.

"So, what have you two been up to?" Joey spoke up first after the laughter broke.

"I had my first session with my shrink today." Justin replied, but swallowed hard after getting a look of disappointment from JC for calling it a shrink. "I mean, I saw my doctor today, it was my first session with my doctor." He looked over this time to see that JC was smiling at him.

"That's cool, so, I'm taking it that you are doing good. Ya know, no more drugs, no more alcohol?" Lance asked.


"We threw away the bag of pills today." JC replied to the question.

"Only today? You mean you've had them all this time?" Lance asked again, his voice a little worried over the topic.

"He couldn't throw them away, it's tough on him Lance." JC answered the question in anger towards Lance for asking. He glanced over, and was happy to see that the question hadn't really hurt Justin.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it in a bad way." Lance blushed, and looked at his feet. It was going to be hard on them all watching what they said to Justin. They enjoyed teasing each other, but it was evident now that Justin didn't need to be teased, and that JC didn't want him to be teased.

"It's okay, I know you guys are probably mad at me. You should be, I really screwed up." Justin turned towards Lance, letting him know that he didn't really care that Lance had gotten upset over it.

"We were mad at you Justin, but we're over it. If anything you two should be mad at us for not being here. For avoiding the situation all together, but that changes now. If you guys don't want to see a movie, do you wanna do anything else?" Britney apologized, and changed the topic to what they should be doing.

"Um, I was hoping, actually that we could just relax here." Justin replied, looking around the room for objections.

"Cool with me."

"Yeah, I think we can all enjoy just chilling."

"Good, cuz it really wasn't up for discussion." Justin teased.

"Whatever curly." Chris threw a pillow at him, and soon it erupted into a full blown pillow fight. Britney and JC managed to rush from the room, standing behind the door. Dani tried, but was not so lucky to escape, as she was to close to Chris and took the blunt of one of Justin's pillow tossed. Soon Justin and Lance found themselves being teamed up on by Joey, Chris and Dani, without pillows that took the hits, laughing like little children.

"Come with me." JC smiled, and whispered to Britney. Britney looked at him, and catching the evil shimmer in his eyes, she caught onto what he was talking about.

"You still have these." Britney asked as they opened the hallway closet.

"Yep, gotta be a kid sometimes." JC laughed, and after finishing the second part neccessary, Britney and JC ran into the living room, defending Justin and Lance with squirt guns firing water at Joey, Chris and Dani.

"Ahh." Chris screamed at the touch of the cold water to his skin, as Justin attacked him with a pillow from behind.

"That's right bitch, you messed wid da wrong mofo." Justin laughed out loud at his own words, dropping the pillow and running behind JC. He clung to him like a child looking for protection, whispering in JC's ear where to shoot, and when.

Britney smiled, and turned towards JC, giving him a look that JC read quite well. JC carefully unscrewed the bottle that held the rest of the water, and on the count of the three by Britney's fingers, he turned and dumped the content of it onto Justin's head. Laughing hysterically it was JC's turn to run for some one, and he chose to hide behind Britney who continued to spray everyone in the rooom.

Justin just fell to the floor laughing, his clothes and hair soaked. Britney soon ran out of water, and they were all left wet and laughing, except for Britney and JC, who were only laughing.

"Okay, now we came here for some relaxation, and you drenched our clothes. So I suggest you get us some to change into." Lance stated in a mock adult tone of voice. Justin continued to laugh, but JC nodded.

"I'll go get you all something." JC took off out of the room and up the steps to get outfits for everyone in the room, except for himself and Britney.

"He better hurry up, I think something is seriously wrong with Curly over their. He hasn't stopped laughing, I think the water seeped into his brain." Chris and the others were soon in laughter againg as Justin slowly stopped his laughter.

"I haven't had this much fun for at least a year." He muttered in between giggles. Britney smiled at him, knowing that it was true.

"Alright, Justin I'm giving Joey and Lance a pair of your clothes, their closer to your size." JC walked back into the room, and tossed two sweatshirts and pants to Joey and Lance. Lance went into the downstairs bathroom, and Joey rushed into the upstairs bedroom to change into his set of clothes. "Dani, I got you the smallest pair of sweat pants and t-shirt that I have." JC shrugged and tossed them to her, even though he knew that they would still be too big for her small size. "And Chris you're my height, but more of Justin's weight, so I didn't know what to do. I got you pair of my pants, and one of Justin's sweatshirts." This time JC had to laugh, because he could tell that Chris was going to look really weird when he came out of the bathroom when it was his turn.

"What about me?" Justin pouted, giving JC a puppy dog face.

"I would never forget about you. I got you, a pair of your sweat pants, and since you love me, I got you that big grey sweatshirt of mine." JC didn't toss the items of clothing that he carried this time, but instead walked them over to Justin. He bent down to give Justin a kiss, but he was met with a wet hug.  Pulling away quickly, he caught Justin laughing again.

"That's what you get for being mean to me." Justin laughed, and rushed up the steps to the bedroom he and JC shared.

"I'll be back, I have to go beat up my boyfriend." JC laughed, and chased after him, running into the room and pushing the door shut.

"Excuse me, could I have some privacy while I get ready?" Justin asked, with sarcasm.

"Not like I haven't seen it, touched, and had my mouth on it." JC laughed, and jumped onto the bed, as Justin stripped completely to his birthday suit.

"Yeah, I've seen yours too, and I touched it, and I had my mouth on it, so we're even." Justin stuck his tongue out as he grabbed a pair of boxers from a drawer. Shifting around he threw back the boxers, and grabbed a pair of boxerbriefs. Throwing them down he jumped onto the bed next to JC.

"Well, ya know, if you're ready, you could be ahead of me." JC teased back, but Justin quite didn't get it.


"Whenever you are ready, you could have me in you, that would make you ahead of me." JC laughed, kissing Justin on the top of the head.

"Well, maybe if you're a good boy, I'll let you ride me all night long after the guys leave." Justin teased, understanding what JC was saying now.

"Can we send them home right away?" JC giggled

"Nope, ya gotta be nice to me for the rest of the day. And you have to find some way to make it up to me for pouring that water on me." Justin sat up. "Now, as much as I like to tease you, and seduce you, I'm going to put on some pants."

"Flirt." JC hollered as Justin slid into the pants and sweatshirt that JC had brought for him.

"Alright, let's go."

"Yes master" JC bowed as he walked out, grabbing onto Justin's hand as they walked down the steps.

"And what took you two so long." Dani asked with a wink.

"None of your business." JC stuck his tongue out, and winked back at her.

"We were just talking, and I was tempting Josh." Justin replied, smacking JC lightly for winking back. JC laughed, and they both found seats on the floor. Everyone was in comfortable clothes, except for JC and Britney who remained in the clothes they had been wearing all day.

"Okay tease, I think I definetly behaved myself. Do I get the reward we talked about?" JC smiled over at Justin as they climbed into bed. It was already 11, and they had spent the rest of the day and night with their friends watching tv, and making a dinner.

"I'm not really ready to move to that step." Justin whispered silently, as he slipped into JC's arms. "Your mad at me aren't you? I really am a tease, I'm sorry Josh, I just don't think I'm ready for it." Justin turned around so he was facing JC to get a reaction.

"I'm not mad at you baby. I just wish you wouldn't think that I would be. I'm your boyfriend, your bestfriend, we don't have to if you don't want to." JC kissed him tenderly, and soon it became more passionate. "But, I'm not done for the night." JC seductively whispered after the kiss broke, as he slid under the covers.

"JOSH" Justin's moaned out, as he felt JC's mouth engulf his cock.

JC was by now good at pleasuring Justin. He knew what drove the boy crazy, and he liked to have the upper hand in any form of sex they had together. He loved the way he could bring Justin to the edge, and then stop, right at the point where Justin would go insane.

"JOSH, please, please." Justin whimpered, as his hands gripped the sheets tight, pulling at them as his body thrashed from the sensations. "Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh" Justin screamed in pleasure, as he exploded under the sheets into JC's waiting mouth.

With in a few seconds, JC was popping back up out from under the covers a smile on his face. "Now we can go to bed."

"But, don't you want me to, ya know, return the favor." Justin asked, still panting from his own orgasm.

"Nope, I took of it myself while I took care of you." JC smiled at Justin, and kissed him on the cheek. "I know your tired, and we don't have to return favors. You just owe me one next time." JC giggled, and pulled Justin close to him. "Now sleep." Justin did as he was told, relaxing into JC's strong and caring arms.

It was a great day for the two of them. JC was up for another twenty minutes just watching Justin. He was proud of him, Justin had sought the therapy, opened up to him, and they enjoyed themselves all day. He hadn't seen Justin laugh like that for a long time, and he knew that he and his friends hadn't had as much fun together for a long time too. It was great, he was proud of Justin, proud that his younger lover had managed to last a full day with out the drugs. And proud that Justin allowed him to flush the drugs, proud that his boyfriend was getting help. But still scared, that the worst would come when Justin really went a longer time with out the drugs.


So, this chapter came out on time, or a little later then usual? I don't know, some times I think I don't write quick enough, and then it turns out that I just sent one out two days ago. Oh well, as long as I get responses I could give a shit less.

Justin's thrown away his drugs, finally he can get over the problem. Or can he? Even now with all his friends, will he be able to overcome his drug addiction? I don't know yet, any suggestions or criticsms can be sent to

Next: Chapter 6

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