Reach for It

By Nathan Harrison

Published on Sep 18, 2001


Reach for It Chapter 2

Well, here I am again to continue with my amazing story. I hope someone out there is enjoying it. I know the first part was long and the band did not come in until the end, but I need background, motivation, a feeling of understanding! That being said let me specify again, just for the record. I know nothing about NSync or their sexuality, personalities, political agendas, or feelings on the need for control of the expanding population of Kiwi's in South Australia. Here is just my own twisted idea/wish for the truth.

I hope all is well in the world for you now after last weeks tragedy.

"Hello?" The voice came over the line. It was Lance.

"Yeah, Hey there this is Tim. The guy from the hospital." God I hoped they remembered me. Of course they remembered me it was only a few hours ago.

"Hey Tim! What's up dude?" Lance sounded kind of preoccupied of surprised or something.

"Hey, Lance? Chris gave me this number and told me to call tonight. Something about you guys being in town." I was sweating; I hoped he couldn't tell over the phone.

"Uh yeah, we are here for the night our flight leaves in the am and Chris thought we might, do something... I mean go out grab some food." Lance almost stuttered on the last.

I heard something rustle behind the phone. "Hey man, Joey here! Whaz up? Chris seems to think you might be able to get us out of the hotel for a few hours so we don't go stir crazy. You up to the task?" His accent was pure New York. I laughed, as I though to myself that talking to Lance had already gotten me UP to the task.

"I might be able to arrange something. What do you guys feel like? I think I might be able to get a few hours out." I enjoyed talking to Joey he seemed so full of life.

"I will swear you to secrecy and tell you the hotel we are at, O.K. though I hardly think that is necessary as Chris already gave you his Cell number. You must just radiate that doctor vibe and make people trust you." Joey sounded serious at the end, which made it funny.

"I get that occasionally, I don't know why. Tell me where to meet you guys and we'll head to a few spots I know that you might be able to get to without attracting to much attention." I was already mentally scanning the choices.

"I see we are on the same wavelength, you and me, we's gonna be tight." He had the goodfella accent for the end.

"Capiche" I said back.

After taking down the name of the hotel they were at and what to tell them at the desk to be allowed up I thought it was not one I would have picked, but I guess that is how they stay out of the limelight.

"What time guys?" I asked the last pertinent fact?

"Say an hour? That should give JC long enough to do his hair! Ouch." There was again a rustle. "Sorry pillow fight. I will end this. See ya!"

"See you guys in a bit." And the phone went dead.

I went to the bedroom to get my cloths for the evening; it took a second for it to click. I had just been on the phone with NSync! I was taking them out on the town! God, I have to get it together, don't want them to think I am some screaming girl, but I did feel like it at that moment.

It had taken me a little to dress, I had wanted something to look relaxed but still good enough to impress. Settling on some cargo shorts and a long sleeve Abercrombie tee, I arrived at the hotel about ten minutes early. I walked up to the desk, eyeing a young woman, probably about twenty, behind the desk. She was in a uniform of the hotel and was quietly checking people in. When they left I walked right up.

"Can I help you?" She looked really interested in her job. Sarcasm there.

"Yeah, I need to see Mick Jagger." I spoke quietly, like spies were all around me.

"Yes, Mr. Jagger is expecting you. Go up to the fifth floor and tell, Martin that Heather sent you." My question had perked her interest and she gave me a knowing smile. We shared a secret.

Martin turned out to be a rather large black man, someone who could crush me between his hands and leave little to be identified. He was incredibly nice however; he spoke in a midwestern slang greeted me nicely, like I was a VIP. He told me the gentlemen were expecting me. When we reached the room, Martin knocked twice then waited a second, then knocked again. He looked very serious, and then told me there was no secret knock but it made him laugh everyone thought there would be. He simply opened the door. There I went!

The room was full of voices talking about random topics as I walked in. I spied Chris first, he was yelling about some crazy card game rule. He saw me come in out of the corner of his eye, and turned to me.

"Tim, hurrah! You have come to rescue us from our imprisonment in the Hotel of Horror." He stood and walked over; he was wearing nondescript dark blue Addidas pants and a pullover that proclaimed that skiers sucked snow.

I smiled as I walked forward and started to speak as I was tackled out of my side by a light blue blur. It turned out to be Joey, who attacked from the side. He wrestled me to the ground, "Who's the real superman?" The light blue turned out to be a powder blue polo tee shirt, with a single gold chain hanging from his neck; a tiny Superman S was the charm.

I sat pinned to the floor underneath his denim shorts and high top tennis shoes. Finally I spoke as I caught my breath. "You're the man Joey." I started rolling on the floor as he pounced and started tickling me under my arms.

"Joe, show our guest some manners, even if you have none. He is worse than a dog I swear." JC came forward and helped me up, still laughing.

"Don't worry I grew up with three brothers, you got nothing I can't handle." I eyed Joey again as I spoke. JC was dressed in a pain of black leather pants and a Silver mesh jersey.

"Whoa!" His outfit surprised me. He had a black baseball cap covering his famous hair.

"What?" He looked surprised. He looked at himself for a stain or rip.

"Nothing, just when you guys said incognito, you obviously have not been to the south before." I laughed.

"What are you talking about?" He looked dumbfounded.

"I tried to tell him, it would not fit around here but he wouldn't listen. This isn't Orlando." Lance came through a door to an adjoining room. He was much more casual than the rest and more appropriate for the geographic area.

"Lance is right, he should know his home town is not that far from here. It is the twenty first century; this is small town America in a slightly larger form. Nobody around here dresses like that. It is too flashy to be low key. Change please, I for one don't want to be mobbed tonight." I smiled at the faux look of hurt on his face as he turned and walked into the room Lance had come from.

Lance himself was weaning a pair of loose fitting khaki cargo pants and a button Girbaud shirt that was pale green. He would fit the most in here. He would get looks though, from me if no one else, simply for his eyes.

"Damn, he knows us five minutes and he is giving fashion tips already. He seems way too cool and comfortable. Maybe we will have some fun tonight." Justin scared the shit out of me as he had snuck in behind me. I jumped a foot forward when he spoke, bringing a round of laughs in the room.

"Sorry dude, didn't mean to send you out of your skin." He looked around the room. "You seem kind of high strung, its not like you're hanging with super, mega pop stars."

"Ha!" Chris yelled. I stepped to the side as Justin walked in. He was wearing a Chicago Bulls jersey and a baseball cap on back.

"So where you taking us in this fine town." JC looked at me.

It was my turn to laugh. "Despite our appearance of an egalitarian Mecca, this is small town America at its best." I looked at them. "But I think I can arrange for us to have a great time that will leave you with a good feeling when you abandon us. I think we will start out at a bar called Boheme. It is a quiet bar with good food and live music at night, definitely a good place to start." I looked at JC. " Do you need to have it check out before, or like secured?"

Now he laughed. "We are not the president. The guys," he gestured at the bodyguard who came in with me, "will go in a little before we do and maintain a discrete distance."

"Let's roll for it!" Joey jumped up from the couch were he had come to rest.

We walked down the hall and then outside. There was already a contingent of four guys outside. I thought to myself, that they would look out of place wherever we go.

"Guys, I don't think I have enough room in my car for everyone." I laughed. I turned to Lance, "maybe they could fit in the in the back?"

He smiled at me. "Don't worry they have their own car, usually they go ahead when he drive."

"It never really occurred to me that you have a car with you, but I can see how that would be useful." I turned as we walked out to the parking lot. "I thought we would go in my car."

"Well, We will have to have it checked out by the bomb squad first." Chris popped in. I looked around dumbfounded for a second. "Just kidding! We trust you. Of course we will ride with you, hell we don't know how to get around in this Podunk town anyway." The guys laughed.

"What are you laughing at, it is a Podunk town." I looked at them trying not to crack up.

"Lance has been teaching Chris to talk like some country bumpkin, like "Ya'll"."

They all laughed at Justin's comment. Everyone save Lance who just smiled.

I poured on as much accent as I could. "Hold yo' face up boy. We are true southern gentlemen. It's the dream of every Yankee to be born south of the Mason Dixon!" This time Lance and I had the laugh.

"Hey, I'm from Tennessee!" Justin jumped up and wrestled his arm around my neck trying to put me in a headlock.

I twisted out of his grasp and tried to get him in an arm lock. "I have three older brothers! Boy!" I laughed as I let go. Justin put on this exaggerated furious face. I again put on my exaggerated accent. "Besides, you ain't really from Tennessee. Hell, If you wuz, you'd be dating your sister, not Britney Spears!" Everyone started to laugh, except Justin. I thought for a second I might have actually hurt his feelings.

"I'm sorry Justin, I usually save that joke for guys from Arkansas or Mississippi." We laughed at Lance now. He immediately jumped on me, doing significantly better of a job at the headlock.

"Uncle, Uncle!" I screamed. We were making a large spectacle in the parking lot as we approached my Land Rover.

"Cool Ride man!" JC had been quite up until then.

"Thanks man, it gets me where I want to go." I unlocked the doors. I know it is crazy, but I was hoping Lance would sit in the front with me. Strangely, all of the guys ran for the back seats, except Lance who was left with the front seat.

As I started the engine, my radio started, the CD in the player was bjork. It was a little loud, but that is how I like it when I am riding around. I quickly turned it down.

"Nice system. Is it custom? You docs must make a bundle!" Joey looked over the inside.

"Yes, it is custom, but no we don't make much. "I am just a resident, the lowest paid on the totem pole, hell the nurses at the hospital make more than I do. The truck used to be my mom's. She got tired of it and I inherited it. It is like seven years old."

"Cool, what do your parents do?" Lance spoke up as I started the engine and pulled out.

"My dad is a game warden for a national animal refuge, my mom is a nurse." I smiled.

"You must really love your family." Lance looked at me.

"I do, they are very conservative though." I lost myself in thought for a second as I drove through traffic. "I laugh at them because they could hardly have pictured they would end up with a gay son." As soon as I said it I realized my mistake, I immediately had that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

The car was deathly quite for a second.

"Your gay?" Chris asked. I hated myself for a moment, I mean I just wanted to go out an idolized for a while, and then I go and fuck it up. But I am not saying I am ashamed. Hell, no!

"Sure enough." I said with a little force behind my breath. "For about five minutes now." That was my standard bit to make the situation a little easier. JC laughed, "That's cool man. I thought it was little funny that you were at our concert. Now, I win the bet."

"Bet...what bet?" I looked over my shoulder at the backseaters. "Bastards! You know, I happen to think that you are very talented!" I turned back to face the road.

"So do we but we were wondering. It's just that most of our fans are of the young female persuasion." Chris said. "No biggie, we have tons off gay guys that work with us. It sure doesn't bother any of us."

"I think it is kinda kinky you might want me!" Joey said in a high-pitched girlie voice.

I gave him the finger over my shoulder. A round of applause came about.

"You do seem to be untouchable pop stars! Until someone gets to know you, just when you seem like normal people, it turns out you are a bunch of bastards." I said. The mood was significantly lighter than moments ago, I appreciated it. They all realized it to. I got a couple of slaps on the shoulder from the back, but I noticed Lance just kind of looked forward. It could be trouble.

We made it through downtown to the bar I had targeted. Boheme, was a small bar that had a dark, but entertaining atmosphere. Most nights the band ranged from Blues and Jazz to Reggae. I pulled into a parking space and the trailing car pulled next to us. Out popped on of the large guys, he walked over to Lances window. He rolled it down and they quickly discussed security.

I leaned over the seat, "This how it always happens?"

Justin answered, " Yeah, the guys go in scan the place for exits and sit down, they will reserve a table for us and make sure they have a good view. They'll call on the cell in a minute to tell us everything is ready."

"I feel like I am with important people." I laughed. I looked over at the guys and they had this look like, "What?"

It was only a few minutes before Justin's cell rang and we got the all clear. We exited my car and made our way to the door, the sun setting over the cityscape. I took the lead on the way in and directed us to a table in a corner, far enough from the small stage to be able to talk, but close enough to enjoy the music.

We sat down and the waitress came around to get our drink orders. Various beers were ordered and a couple of mixed drinks. She did not even bat an eyelash at my companions. Admittedly they weren't as "disguised" as I would have thought, it seemed obvious who they were. I suppose Joey saw my look.

"It is the old hiding in plain sight thing. You really don't expect to see us so most people don't." He smiled. "I could be wearing one of our T-shirts and I don't think she would still believe it."

"I think she has just never heard of NSync." I teased. "She probably has been in Zimbabwe since the mid nineties."

"You laugh at that, I get mail from fans in Africa." JC interjected.

We shot the shit for a while, a few beers were consumed and the band started up. We ordered some short order food and a couple of desserts. I noticed Lance staring at me a couple of times, but he said nothing. Even when, a few time, he looked as if he were about to ask me something.

"Hey Lance, have you been working much with the production company you started?" I tried to start up a conversation.

"Not as much as I would like." And that was it. No more said. Justin popped in the uncomfortable silence, "You know he has a movie coming out in the fall."

I was amazed, " No, I had no idea. What kind of movie is it?" I looked at Lance. I had the look of a puppy dog in my eyes. I tried to conceal my worship from my gaze, but I was not very successful.

"It... It is a romance. About a guy who meets the girl of his dreams on the subway." He stammered out.

"But he is too much of a weenie to reach out and grab the opportunity when it is there." Chris said the statement with unusual emphasis.

"Well, he is not used to the feelings he was having and...he needed to do it in his own time." Lance hurriedly said.

"But the opportunity left and he nearly missed out." Justin said and looked over at me.

I knew something was going on, but I could not tell. (I am dense.) "Sounds like it will win an Oscar. I mean, it is an age old story and if you are in it, it is bound to be excellent." Did I say that? "I mean, I bet you are an awesome actor." He just stared at me a look of near shock on his face. "I need to used the restroom." He stood and made his way to the back of the bar.

Everyone was quiet.

I looked around the table at the other guys. "He was freaked out when I said I was gay, wasn't he?" I looked at there expressions.

"Yes, but..."JC started.

"No" I sighed. "It's Ok, I came from the same type of environment as he did, the same people growing up. It can be hard." I looked back at my companions; they looked almost pained. "Listen, I am a big boy. You can't do what I do without meeting people like that. I know he probably doesn't hate me, but it can be weird for him. I will tell you, I am not ashamed of who or what I am. It is a part of me, not the end all be all though. I am gay, but I am also a lot more. And if he can't deal with it that is his problem."

Justin blurted out just as Lance walked back up, "So you like being a doctor?"

"Yeah, It is fun. I couldn't do anything like that if I didn't enjoy it. I like waking up in the morning and looking forward to my work." I smiled, a little better humor creeping into my voice.

"So tell us some juicy bits." Joey leaned in.

"God please, I like to go out with people who are not in the business. I find I often have nothing to talk about other than what I do. I want to be away for a while."

"We understand, all people talk about is rehearsal, choreography, writing, interviews. That is our nightmare. I think we can relate to not having anything to talk about other than that and having a job that is your dream." Chris spoke up.

"When I first started with the band down in Orlando, it was hard work, but the music the dancing it was like a fire that filled me with energy everyday." Justin's eyes glazed over.

We talked over then next couple of hours, time flew by. I think I drank a little more than I had intended, mainly because it bothered me having Lance a few feet away from me and knowing that he couldn't stand me. Conversation tensed up a little whenever Lance was asked a question, but he never spontaneously spoke up.

Finally, the stage manager at the bar announced they would have a little Karaoke before they closed for the night. I looked down at my watch.

"Damn, it is twelve thirty." I looked up at the guys.

"Oww, poor baby needs his beauty sleep." Joey mildly slurred.

"I was about to say I had to go to work tomorrow bright and early, but I don't want to complain, especially to a bunch of guys who have nothing better than sleep on a bus to do." I laughed.

"It is hard work, despite the opinion of nearly everyone else in the world." Justin smiled. He looked up at the stage. "Come on guys, no one is getting up. Let's go sing a quick one for the laymen."

A groan came from the table.

"Yeah, that is a great idea." JC popped in, much to the chagrin of Joey and Chris.

"No, I don't think we should." Lance spoke, for the first time in like an hour.

"I'm going." Justin stood and JC joined him. He kicked Joey's chair on his way up.

"Don't you want to get up and sing something special for the night?" JC looked at the Fat One.

"Yeah..." He stood. "Come on Scoop. We don't get the opportunity to do this everyday."

Lance looked suspicious but got up, grumbling. Justin led the way to the stage and the others followed. They spoke briefly to the stage guy and they faced the audence, there was a hush as people waited for the worst. I mean it is Karaoke at 1 am.

Justin took one mike and the other guys split one for two; Chris and Lance and JC and Joey. Justin looked at me and then the rest of them; the silence in the bar was electrifying. I knew no one expected what was to come, least of all me.

"When the visions surround you, bring tears to your eyes. When all that surround you, are secrets and lies...I'll be your strength, I'll give you hope..." the had started into an acappella version on This I Promise You. The place was silent except for the haunting melody coming from the five guys on the stage. The emotional impact was amazing. NO one spoke, no one looked away from the stage.

I don't know why, but it seemed like Lance stared at me while he sang. I didn't understand.

"This I promise you...every word I say is true, this I promise you...I promise you..." Justin held the last syllable for what seemed like forever. When he stopped, there was a moment of absolute silence, and then thunder erupted from the crowd as applause roared. I think it dawned on them who was here and they went wild.

I found myself being ushered out by the bodyguards and we all met outside, a crowd coming out of the bar. We made our way back to the car and we climbed in and headed back to the hotel at a request from JC.

"That was took my breath away. I mean I have seen you in concert and on TV but that was...different. I could feel the song in my bones." I tried to express in words what I had no words to say.

"That is why we love doing what we do." Lance said from the back seat where he had secured a seat this time. We arrived at the hotel and I went up to their rooms at a general request, even from Lance. I need to say goodbye, but I was pumped with energy after the last hour.

We got in to JC and Justin's room, I took and offered Coke and sat down.

"I hate going to bars cause now I smell like a big cigarette." Joey brushed himself off as if he could wipe the reek from him.

"Problem is Joey, it smells better than you normally do!" Justin's snappy retort earned him a flying leap from Super Joey. The two rolled on the floor. Everyone not involved in the altercation was soon on the floor as well, only laughing as Joey got hold of Justin's boxers and gave him a wedgie to remember.

"Now you'll be the one to talk like a fair tonight!" Lance yelled at the two wrestlers. It brought the room quiet. I took it as my moment to leave. I walked back to the door.

"Hey, it was fun you guys. I want you to know I had a good time despite a few rough spots. Goodnight." Before anything could be said I was out the door and down the hall.

I know it was silly, I have stood up to worse things said by other people, but in my fucked up little brain, what Lance said really hurt because it was from him. Stupid, I know.

I made it to the elevator, and as the doors closed I heard a door slam. In the parking lot I made a B-line to my car. Tears welled up in my eyes, I fought them tooth and nail, but it would be a losing battle I knew.

As I reached my door, a hand reached out and grabbed mine. I turned to look at Joey Fatone.

"Man, I know it was something simple, and could be said by anyone. But I don't really need this shit. I tried to cut some slack, but I can't make a noose for myself with it." I told him, I closed my eyes as I felt the tears burning me.

"Lance...he is...I mean, shit!" He screamed in the parking lot. "You like him don't you?"

I opened my eyes and looked at Joey in shock. "I...I like him as a singer. I mean I hardly know him, I am not one of those little screaming girls with crushes, I am a doctor for heavens sake." I closed my eyes again. The dam was bout to break.

I felt lips touch mine.

I opened my eyes to see Joey in front on me, with his eyes closed as he kissed me. I was in shock. Cardiac Arrest. Maybe I was having a stroke? Anyway I felt the softest lips pressed against my own. I pulled back.

"What..."My words were cut off by another kiss.

I don't know how we made it back to his room. We said nothing, we had passed the point of words, and I felt a hunger in him. I pushed him back on his bed and he looked up at me. I had never really looked at his eyes. They were beautiful. I climbed down on top of him and kissed him again from above him. I felt him run his tongue into my mouth, I sucked on the tip. I ran my own lips over his face. I felt his beard scratch on my face. I reveled in the sensations. He ran his hands from my waist up under my shirt and worked it over my head. I did the same for him. He was an animal, I could almost hear him growling, wait actually I could.

I felt his hands rub over my pecs and to my back as he pulled me in to him. Our chests pressed in I felt the hair on his chest, so soft and downy. I ground my crotch into his and I could feel his hardness pressed against me. It was big, that could easily be told. We ate each other, we kissed everywhere, I felt him unbuttoning my pants and he slid his hands down my ass under my boxers. He slid my pants down exposing me totally. I kicked off my shoes and socks. I sat naked on top of this handsome specimen a manhood. My own 6 inches was primed and ready to go. I went down to his beltline, not wanting to be the only one exposed. I unfastened the belt and then drove onto the buttons of the fly. I pulled his matching blue boxer briefs down, wasting no time. I saw my prize; his eight and a half inch pipe stood standing straight up. I could see the precum forming at the tip. I stuck out my tongue and lapped up the glob of honey, eliciting a low moan from Joey. He pulled me up to eye level and rolled over on top of me. I felt his cock slide under me between my legs. I could feel it digging into the trench of my ass and it was my turn to moan in lust. I grabbed him around his back and squeezed his dick with my ass cheeks. I humped him in a quick motion that had the effect of jerking him and rubbing my own dick against his hairy belly.

He dove down on my mouth to silence the groans I was releasing but soon it was me who was kissing him to keep him from waking the neighbors. We rolled around on the rather hard bed for several minutes, exploring each other's bodies with hand and tongues. I felt him ease down my chest and to my own hard cock. Every nerve in my body tingled when he took his first swipe at it with his tongue. Soon he was trying to take the whole thing down. He gagged a couple of times and scraped a bit of tooth on one pass. I gathered he had never done this before. He had the moves for a girl but couldn't get into the groove for a guy. It is easier than a girl, guys know what feels good for them and that's all they have to do to make another guy happy.

I eased Joey up and kissed him on the neck and made my way down to his own engorged member. I went after it with a passion. He grabbed both sides of my head, and kudos for him, didn't force me down on his cock. I took his rather impressive member down to the base and started making swallowing motions with my throat. I felt him lift up his ass to try to fuck his cock down my throat. I took the opportunity to slip my finger into the crevice that his hole. I rubbed the rosy pucker with my finger, intensifying his feelings. I knew he was close, so I backed off, hearing the moan of desire issue from his throat. He pulled my up and kissed me again, his hand finding my dick and he started to jerk me off. I turned into a sixty-nine and went back down on his cock. I thrust my finger against his ass as I vacuumed his throbbing member. I eased a finger into the trail of spit that dripped down his dick and then used it as lubrication for me to ease my first digit into his ass. I felt the spasm in his cock as I worked my finger around. My won dick spasmed and shot a load onto his chest as he licked the last few drops off of my cock. The moan I gave when I came sent him over the edge and his dick started pumping the white gold into my mouth. I rubbed his prostate with my finger and received another volley of cum for my trouble. I pulled out my finger when he was spent and turned around on the bed to lie next to him. He had a contented smile on his face; he kissed me one more time before he drifted to sleep, with me in his strong arms. I followed shortly after.

I awoke a couple of hours later. I always wake up early when I drink. I looked at the clock next to the bed and saw 5:30am. I turned and felt the warm body next to me. Joey was still in the position he fell asleep in, a big bear, just not as furry I thought. We were covered in a blanket. I was suddenly scared. I didn't get the blanket and Joey sure hadn't. Who?

I eased up and found my cloths on the floor. I slowly dressed. I had to get home and change and get to work. I knew I should wake Joey and say goodbye, but the combination of seeing his so peaceful and the annoying feeling that this was a spur of the moment thing for him as it was for me kept nagging me. As I tied my shoes, I realized what it was. He had enjoyed what he did, and had done to him, but he wasn't gay. I thought about it. I found a pad of paper and jotted a quick note for him, with my phone number and email on it, of course.

I eased out of the room and into the hall. I saw one of the bodyguards looking at me as I eased out of the room. "As you were." I said as I walked past; he had that look of "What the Fuck?" but said nothing.

I walked in a daze the whole day. I had two hours of sleep, but I was not sleepy. I played over the events of the night over and over in my head. I thought I might have dreamed it, except for the report on the local channel of the impromptu song given at a local bar by the band NSync during their short stay. I couldn't believe it.

More to come...

Next: Chapter 3

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