Rays Cream Pie Party

By jimboyston

Published on Mar 13, 2023


I didn't know Wayne very well. Wayne hung out a cigar bar that Daddy Jim frequented. Jim said Wayne was very excited when he heard about my plans for Mikie-- twelve loads up the ass and twelve loads in his mouth. When Wayne found out he couldn't make it to the party he twisted Jim's arm to get for my phone number then he convinced me to drop by during the day.

I rang the door bell. A dark haired, muscled man answered the door, smoking a cigar. "Hey there" he said "You Ray?"

"Yes I am."

"Good to meet you Ray. I'm Wayne"

Wayne did a double take when he saw Mikie. "And you must be Mikie." His cigar almost fell out of his mouth. He quickly recovered and then said "Come on in!"

After Wayne closed the door he turned and looked at Mikie. "Wow. He's young," he said as he ran his hands over Mikie's arms. "I don't want to know how young he is."

I smiled and ask "Is it OK? Would you rather have an older boy?"

"Oh no!" Wayne said. "This is a fucking fantasy. I've just never had a boy this young before."

"They are worth it." I said. "Wait till you feel his ass."

Wayne took Mikie boy by the shoulders and squeezed. He said "Are you really doing it? You really gonna be a cream pie?"

"Yes Sir." Mikie clearly liked Wayne's attention. He had a smile on his face.

"Wow." Wayne was very excited. "How many so far? How many loads?"

"Uh..." Mikie counted in his head. "Six last night. Four this morning."

"That's so hot..." Wayne put his arms around Mikie. He ran his hands over Mikie's ass and playfully spanked it. He started to get more aggressive but then reined himself in. Wayne was breathing very quick.

"Don't hold back," I said to Wayne. "Watch this."

I sat down on a chair and then said to the boy "Drop you pants and bend over my lap boy." The boy did so. He was a bit nervous, knowing that I enjoy giving good strong spankings, but he quickly complied. He laid over my lap, ass up, awaiting my discipline. I ran my hand over his ass. "Are you a good boy?" I asked.

"Yes Sir!" I brought my hand down on his ass and gave it a hard slap. "Ow!"

"Are you going to show Daddy Wayne a good time?"

"Yes Sir!" A gave him another hard slap. "Ow!"

"Are you going to hide any of your skills from Daddy Wayne?"

"No Sir!" Another good spank. "Ow!"

Wayne was about to drool. "What do you think Wayne?" I asked.

"I want that." I took my hand off the boys ass and offered it to Wayne. Wayne stat next to me and gave the boy a gentle spank.

"Harder." I said. This time Wayne gave the boy three firm spanks and made the boy squirm.

"Harder." I said again. This time Wayne's spanking left red marks on the boys smooth white ass.

"I could almost pop doing that." Wayne said to me.

"I know. The power gets me rock hard too."

"Can I use a belt?"

"Oh yeah. Go right ahead."

"It won't hurt him too much?"

"You need to be strong if you want to keep the boy submissive and feminine"

Wayne took off his belt. I ordered the boy to get on all fours and present his ass. Wayne started to repeatedly whip the boy. At first he was gentle, but each strap came down harder and made the boy moan loader. I put my boot on the boys neck and held him down. Wayne went wild on the boy's ass.

Wayne let up when Mikie boy started stopping. "Oh man," Wayne said, "You do this often?"

"Most every day,"

"Fuck. I wish I'd known you and Jim did this years ago."

Wayne eyeballed the boy for a few minutes. Then he sat down on the couch and pulled Mikie boy onto his lap. He took a few puffs on his cigar and then set it down. He wrapped his arms around Mikie and kissed the boy on the cheek.

"I also like kissing. Do you like kissing?"

"Oh Yes Sir." Wayne gave Mikie a deep passionate kiss.

Wayne said "You're a good kisser. You play with men often?"

"Yeah. Pretty much" said Mikie. "All day when I'm with Uncle Ray and a few times a week when I'm home."

Wayne and Mikie kissed some more. Then Wayne asked Mikie "Could you get undressed for me?"

"Yes Sir!" While Mikie undressed, Wayne picked up his cigar and clenched his teeth around it. He watched Mikie quickly and expertly get naked. Within thirty seconds Mikie was down to his jock strap. Wayne pulled Mikie back into his arms and ran his hands over the boy's back and ass. Wayne squeezed the boy's jockstrap and said "Nice!" under his breath.

"How many loads do you have?" Wayne asked again.

"Ten loads Sir."

"How many more to go?"

"Mikie looked at me. I said "Fourteen."

"Oh... That's so sexy." Wayne said. He laid back on the sofa and pulled Mikie boy on top of him. He grabbed the boy and started grinding his crotch in the boys thigh. "Tell me about them. Who was the first?" Wayne asked. He kissed the boy on his cheek, then he playfully nibbled on the boy's ear.

"Daddy Jim was first."

"Jim? The man that owns the gas station?"


"He put a load in you?"

"He put two in me."


"Yes Sir one in my ass and one in my mouth."

"Oh! Good boy!" Wayne gently kissed Mikie all over his face. His hand were caressing Mikie's ass, pulling his cheeks apart. "And you liked it?"

"Yes Sir."

"You liked his cum?

"Yes Sir."

"I want to hear you say it. Tell me how it felt?"

"I loved his cum Sir."

"Oh good boy." Wayne started fingering the boys hole. He gently kissed the boys forehead. "Who else?"

"Daddy Mark did."

"Who is Mark?"

"He's a friend of Daddy Jim and Ray."

"I think I know him. He fuck you too?"

"He face fucked me Sir."

"You like that boy?"

"Yes Sir."

"Let me hear you say it."

"I like being faced fucked Sir. I liked his cum."

Wayne passionately kissed Mikie. "Tell me what you love about cum boy."

Mikie thought a moment then said. "I love the taste. I love the way daddies are happy when they shoot in me."

Wayne picked Mikie up and rolled over. He lifted Mikie's legs up to his head. He held Mikie down and softly kissed the boy on the lips. "Do you want to be a cream pie?"

"Yes Sir."

"Say it."

"I want to be a cream pie Sir."

"Ask for my cream."

"I want your cum Sir."

"Beg for it."

"Please Sir. I want your cum Sir."


"I want your cum Sir. I want it in my ass."

"Good boy. Hang on a sec." Wayne got off of Mikie. He looked over at me and said "Thanks Ray." He dropped his pants. He lifted up the boys legs and said "Hold your ankles boy." After Mikie grabbed his ankles, Wayne spat on the boy's hole. Wayne finger fucked the boy and then he said "Talk to me boy."

"I want your cum Sir."

"How much cum do you want boy?"

"I want lots of cum Sir."

"You want to be a cream pie?"

"Oh yes Sir!" I could see Wayne's dick was hard.

"Tell me about it."

"I want lots of cum in. I love the feeling. I love pleasing men and taking their cum."

Wayne shoved his cock head into the boy. The boys eyes opened wide as Wayne slowly pushed his dick in..

"What do you want boy?" Wayne started thrusting.

"I want you to cum in me Sir. I want to be a cream pie."

"You love that?"

"Yes Sir. I love cum. I love men."

Wayne shoved his tongue into Mickie's mouth and passionately kissed him. The boy let out a soft moan every time Wayne dick slammed into the boy's hole.

"Beg for my cum boy."

"Please Sir. I want your cum Sir."


"I want you to fill me up Sir. Want your cum Sir."

Wayne was panting. He quickly said "Here it is boy!" and loudly moaned as he shot his load into Mikie's ass. He stopped thrusting and caught his breath. After a moment of rest, he pulled out of the boy and laid on top of him saying "Good boy. That's so wonderful." Wayne turned to me a said "You want to fuck him?"

I said "I've already cum in him twice today. I need a bit of a rest."

"Fuck. That's too bad. I wish I was there. Say... I'd really like to keep in touch."

I smiled and thought back to the first time I dominated a boy, the first time I realized that I had every right to use the boy for my pleasure. "Yeah. Let's stay in touch. You'll have fun." I was looking forward to showing Wayne everything he fantasized about.

Next: Chapter 6

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