Ray and Alex

By Raydel Rijo

Published on Feb 2, 2007


They both got their plates out and served them, they ate a lot, Ray was full and so was Alex, because afterwards they both slouched on the love seat to digest their food. After about and hour of skipping through the channels, Alex started talking to me about why he had broken up with his wife. I listened to his deep voice, oh how I loved that voice. "So what you're saying is that you were not happy with her," I said, "Yes, I wasn't happy, actually I don't think I'll be happier with any woman at all." I looked at him, wondering at what he had just said. He looked at me, he knew what he had said, and knew that I had knew what he had meant. It was clear, HE WAS GAY.

"You're lucky you got to know who you are at such an early age." He said to me gravely. "It's never too late to find out." He looked at me, and I looked back. What a hot face he had. I glanced at the clock eleven it read. We kept quite for a couple of minutes, I yawned, he looked at me and said, "You want to go to bed, I'm tired myself," "yeah just bring me a blanket and a pillow and I'll stay here." I replied. "Are you kidding, no, you're going to bed you'll sleep in my bed I wont let you sleep on the couch." He said to me almost angry. "Oh ok" I said

He turned off the television. They walked to his bedroom at the same time. Ray took off his jeans and his shirt and stayed in his boxers. He did the same what a hot body he had six packs, smooth chest, and legs a woman would envy, he was just gorgeous. Ray was nervous, although he tried to hide it he was breathing hard, and very fast. Ray laid down, breathing harder than usual. "Are you all right there Ray?" Alex asked attentively. "Yeah, I'm fine just a little nervous." "Why are you nervous, have I done something, do you want to sleep alone here I'll to go the couch." Alex said, No, no," said Ray almost instantly, "It's just that I've never slept with someone before especially someone like you." "Someone like me, how?" asked Alex. "Well you know attractive like you." Said Ray. Alex chuckled and said, "You find me attractive?" "Yes very" replied Ray. Ray felt himself breathing a little easy now.

"Tell me something Ray." Said Alex. "Are you a virgin?" Ray looked at Alex surprises; he did not believe that Alex had asked him that question. But then again he didn't believe he was in bed with someone that he was so attractive to and that someone was gay as well. "Yes" said Ray half ashamed, half excited. Alex stood quite for a second. Then unexpectedly he turned to Ray and kissed him.

Ray was stunned he felt numb, he could not believe what had just happened. Alex had kissed him and he had returned the kiss. "Alex..." Ray started saying but Alex put a finger on his lips and shushed him. He knelt on the bed in front of Ray, he tried to sit up but Alex didn't let him. Ray was trembling, he was shaking his whole body was he was so nervous. Alex crouched over him and kissed him again, Ray kissed him back. He slowly ran his hand down Ray's abdominal area reaching his boxers. Alex inserted his hand inside the boxers and started stroking Ray's eight inch semi-hard dick. Ray was ecstatic, he was trembling from fear and pleasure. Both at the same time he did not know what to feel. Alex stopped kissing him and moved down slowly licking his body all the way to his already hard cock. And so like this Ray felt for the first time in his life the pleasure of fellatio. Ray was trembling from top to bottom. He could not move, the pleasure was so intense that it paralyzed him momentarily. Alex went up and down. Ray was trying to hold it; somehow he knew that if he came too quickly it would ruin the moment. But no matter, Ray could not hold it, and he came on Alex's mouth, while giving a long moan of pleasure.

"Sorry" said Ray. He hadn't meant to come on Alex's mouth. "Its okay how was it for a fist timer?" Ray wasn't sure what to think, he couldn't his mind was on the already grown bulge in Alex's boxers. Alex smiled, crawled up on Ray and kissed him again. It tasted salty. Alex stood up from the bed. "My god" Ray thought, Alex was his dream come true, the faint light of the side table lamp smoothen his features, Alex looked like a roman. He looked at Ray and said "Come here, get on your knees," Ray obediently stood up and got on his knees in front of Alex. His bulge thrusting Ray's face. Slowly, yet fast enough for Ray he took off his boxers. Ray opened up his eyes, the most beautiful cock that he had seen in the world was standing in front of him. About 9 inches, maybe 10 just beautiful. Rosy color, and uncut. Ray looked up and Alex said, "it's ok don't be nervous. Take it with your hand and just kiss it." Ray did as he was told.

Ray could hardly wrap his hand around Alex's member. Ray kissed it, it was warm. "Good boy," said Alex. "now open up and put it in your mouth. Ray did as he was told, his heart beating a hundred times faster, he body trembling. Yet he did it, Ray opened up his mouth and inserted Alex's beautiful member into his mouth. This was good, Ray's first time, he loved it, it didn't taste like anything yet Ray loved it. he didn't know why. And by the looks of it Alex was enjoying it as well, because he was moaning, which was making Ray harder and making him go harder and harder. After about ten minutes, Ray was a little tired of doing it. he looked up at Alex, and said, "my jaw hurts," Alex chuckled and said "it's ok." And he took ray by his hair and started jaking off, until he came on Ray's face. It was so good, Ray was just happy, that warm sweet cum from Alex's cock was just awesome.

Ray stood up with his face wet with cum. Alex kissed him, licked his own cum off Ray's face. And kissed him again. He hugged Ray and said, "Do you want to have sex with me, do you want to have me inside you?" Ray could not believe Alex was asking him that, he just couldn't this could not be real, "yes, I want you, I always have. I've always wanted you since the first day I met you." Said Ray, Alex smiled and said "lay on your back." Ray did so. Alex came towards him, his member hard as stone. He looked at Ray and said, "I want you to tell me to stop if it hurts, it will in the beginning, but then it'll be fine." Ray nodded. and with that done, Alex slowly very slowly entered him. Ray felt Alex's member enter, him, slowly ripping through his virgin ass. He was in pain, oh yes. Ray was in pain, it wasn't a very hard pain, but it hurt like hell. Ray closed his eyes, "do you want me to stop?" Alex asked, "No" Ray said at once. "Keep going". Alex kept going, slowly, in and out, Ray could not hold it, and the pain was too much. He didn't want Alex to stop, because after all he was pleasing the man that he'd always liked.

"Wait" said Ray. Alex stopped. He took it out, Ray sighed and said "OK keep going." Alex did as he was told. Only that this time, Ray didn't want him to go slow, he wanted Alex to go fast, Ray didn't feel pain, he felt both pain and pleasure. But the pleasure was more. Alex kept going faster and faster, he started moaning, and so did Ray. Their moans of pleasure filled the room, Alex went faster and Ray's pleasure intensified, he was ecstatic, he never would've thought he could feel this way. He had been missing something so good for the last couple of years of his life. Suddenly Alex picked Ray up and threw him against the wall. His hard cock in his ass and Ray's legs around his back, Ray grabbed Alex, bit his shoulder, it felt so good. He wanted Alex to never leave him, he wanted Alex to never stop. Alex kissed his ear, and then kissed him in the mouth.

Alex threw Ray back in bed but now on Ray's stomach, got on top of him, and entered him. Alex kissed Ray's back slowly as he fucked him hard. He started slowing down, slowly, slowly, until he moaned and whispered in Ray's ears, "I'm coming" Ray turned on his back, and opened his mouth. Alex put his hard cock close to Ray's mouth and started stroking it. Within a couple of minutes Alex was shooting his juice on Ray's face. It was warm, and Ray loved it.

Alex threw himself onto the bed, looked at Ray and said, "you're still hard". Ray looked down, and said, "yes, I am". Alex took Ray's hard cock and started stroking it. Ray started moaning, and Alex kissed him, it felt so good. Ray started breathing hard, he was coming, and Alex kept kissing him, "oohhh, aaahhhh," Ray moaned, and his man juice just shot out of his dick. Alex laid back again.

He looked at Ray. "Are you OK?" "Are you kidding me? I feel fucking awesome, I needed that" said Ray. Alex smiled, they both laid there for a couple of seconds, just looking up at the ceiling.

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