Ray and Alex

By Raydel Rijo

Published on Dec 7, 2006


Ray woke up the morning of his birthday feeling not so very good. Oh yeah another birthday morning another birthday that had nothing special to offer. Ray was turning 18 that Monday. Yes 18 years old, finally after a pain-staking year of waiting for the so awaited 18 birthday and this is how Ray was going to spend his birthday. At parent's apartment where he lived, alone, washing clothes. Shit. What a boring life. Ray spent all of his birthday going up and down in the elevator washing clothes. It was hot, the middle of August. Ray needed something to make his birthday worthwhile but nothing came up. He was still a virgin at 18 and he was gay. Now Ray thought that being gay and a virgin at 18 was some sort of curse. It had to be, all of his other gay friends had managed to have sex before leaving high school. Ray did not, he had hoped that his last boyfriend would do something with him but no such luck, he last boyfriend was a dumb ass. Ray was not ugly at all, he was skinny, nice six pack, cute bubble butt, and beauty marks all over his body, dark brown hair, beautiful lips, and a beautiful 8 inch cock. Sometimes Ray wondered if his dick had scared his boyfriend away. He laughed at this because as far he was concerned all gay guys liked big dicks, as least he did.

Ray lay on his bed, tired from his day washing clothes; his parents were already at home. He wanted to go out; he wanted to leave, but no luck. He heard his father talk about his friend Alex. And Ray instantly fell into a daydream, oh Alex. Alex was a friend of Ray's dad; he was a hot Cuban guy. He was in his late 20's but looked very young, sexy beyond comprehension, Ray had always had a crush on him. Ever since Ray had seen him that day six years ago he liked Alex. Somehow Alex always managed to give this look to Ray that always amazed him, secretly Ray hoped that Alex was gay, but no luck he was married and had a kid, still there was some hope. Ray snapped out of the daydream that he was having when he heard his father mention the word gay. He listened carefully. "Alex got divorced from his wife? Ray's father told Ray's mother." He told me today. He's living alone in an apartment he rented in this building. I told him to come by later to have dinner with us." My parents kept talking but Ray drifted away thinking

Alex? the guy that he'd always had a crush on was divorced from his wife, and living in the same apartment building as Ray. It was almost unbelievable, Ray thought of what he had always wondered about Alex. Maybe he got divorced because he can't be with his wife anymore because he's gay. Ray pondered over this thought over and over again until he fell asleep?

Ray was awoken by his mother, it was dinner time. Ray got up from his bed and glanced at the dinner table. His father was sitting, next to him Ray's mom and Alex in front of her. Ray's heart gave a leap, he sat next to Alex. The whole time they were eating and his father was talking to Alex and his mother, Ray smelled the wonderful cologne that he had on. So masculine, so arousing, so alluring. After dinner, Alex and Ray's father started watching baseball. Ray went back to his room. Almost aroused by the thought of Alex. And with this thought Ray fell asleep again.

Next: Chapter 2

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