Raven's Claw

By Bearpup

Published on Jun 17, 2017


See original story (www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritaria/ravens-claw/) for warnings and copyright. Highlights: All fiction. All rights reserved. Includes sex between young-adult and adult men. Go away if any of that is against your local rules. Practice safer sex than my characters. Write if you like, but flamers end up in the nasty bits of future stories. Donate to Nifty TODAY at donate.nifty.org/donate.html to keep the cum coming.

Ned looked absolutely mutinous at the news. He glared at Vinny, knowing that his own points were on the line and at the mercy of this uncooperative prick. Bobby was just as pissed, but because he wouldn't get a shot at Ned which he wanted so badly he could taste it. Paul's Puppy, Junior, seemed really miffed until he looked over at the stunning male beauty that Aaron's younger brother had turned out to be. Paul and Jackson looked at each other appraisingly while Aaron just stared in slack-jawed, near-drooling delight at his luck. In the control room, Rob and Leo high-fived. Their correlations had worked very well and the pairing were almost ideal in the overall program protocol. Other than poor Ned, this promised to be a very... educational evening.

Raven's Claw 3: A Night of Lessons

By Bear Pup

Social Time was an odd mix. It was the first time the boys had relaxed together as a group since the Auburndale meet, but absolutely nothing was the same now. The entertainment options... option, singular... was a set of three video feeds: Protectorate News, Local News & Weather, and perhaps the lamest game shows and soap operas ever conceived on Protectorate Entertainment. After some initial infighting over the one, large screen, everyone decided that the Protectorate News was at least different.

Even that palled after a bit. Other than the backgrounds and some of the cool vehicles, it was largely the same riots being put down and natural disasters being overcome that kids were bored by on what used to be national news. No force-field generators, no teleporters, no anti-gravity sleds, no death rays (at least not today).

The digidesks were no better. Other than tablet versions of the same three channels, nothing but the homework and the unnerving human body maps showed up. Apparently, nothing they hadn't covered would be accessible. Some of the guys found a deck of cards and tried for a poker game, but that disintegrated when no one could remember whether a flush beat a straight, and which cards were supposed to be wild.

Homework was... bizarre. Ned had switched from Coy to Stud for the evening, and he seemed pretty good at it. Bobby was just in awe of anything Ned did, so he took to the Coy approach thinking it would get him in with Ned. The ones who noticed more, however, Jackson and Paul. No one could really tell if those two were playing Stud or just ignoring the whole thing and being themselves. The same with Junior on the other end of the scale; was he playing Coy or just playing Junior? Vinny was very obviously trying to do stud but was coming off as Rooster with every swagger exaggerated to the point some guys snickered, infuriating the already-unsettled teen. Aaron was utterly at a loss. Both poses seemed to be beyond his acting range, so instead of Coy or Stud, he played a fresh role called Befuddled.

What Aaron did very, very well was the Home-Ec homework, the Chores list. He seemed utterly in his element chatting up each of the guys like a good journalist after a story. Junior was doing good at it as well, his puppyish demeanor undoing the reserve of most of the guys. Sean shook his head as he realized that Vinny, in his adopted role of self-destructive-prick-in-chief, had decided to give everyone who asked completely different answers on what he hated most and least about housework, trying to make sure that only he would have enough right answers to 'win' the assignment. Sean tapped out a quick note to the monitoring room and got an instant, '+1 already on it', back from Leo.

Each of the guys got various snacks, all relatively small. Both Wagner brothers, Aaron and Bobby, sat transfixed as they watched Paul eat a bunch of red seedless grapes. Paul was watching the news program on a tablet and seemed utterly distracted. He'd pluck a grape and roll it in his fingers for a moment then push it into his mouth. You could see his tongue trolling it and teasing the skin off before he finally bit down and consumed it.

Sean tried to hide a wide smile when he heard Aaron's breath caught one particularly-prolonged grape-teasing. His rampant, leaking erection left no doubt he was thinking of the same work being done on his own nads or cockhead. He looked away and Paul smiled widely and wickedly. Sean was impressed. Paul had apparently been using the screen of his tablet as a mirror to measure the effect of his erotic snack on the others. Now THAT is how you Stud.

Junior also was better at seduction than expected. He'd gotten something that was between a fruit pop and a frozen smoothie on a stick. As it melted slowly, Junior licked it constantly, keeping his eyes demurely downcast. He twirled it round and round, letting his lips slurp off the melt as he ran them up and down the pole. I addition to Jackson and Ned, Bobby now looked like he was about to cum have pulled his attention away when Paul finished the grapes. Sean smiled realizing that Bobby was Junior's roommate for the night. Well, well, well.

Everyone jumped with the bands DINGed and vibrated at the same time. Sean stood up. "Boyos! That means it's nine. You have thirty minutes before Room-Lock. Room-Lock means that every door in the Center will open only outwards, toward corridors, until morning. Since each of your rooms has only a pisser and a sink, any shite-taking will need to be complete in the next thirty minutes or you'll end up sleeping on the cold terrazzo of the hallway. You WILL each brush your teeth in your room before bed.

"Finding your room is easy. In about 20 minutes, your band will blink red if you are moving away and blue if you are moving in the right direction. It will vibrate when you reach your room's door. It also works everywhere else in the Center. At any point, simply say 'I'm Lost' and it will guide you in the same way to whichever room you should be in at the time.

"All of you know where the W/Cs are. Feel free to shower if you like. Also, never hesitate to help a buddy out whenever he seems in need, or ask for such from another. The practice will do you good. Neither sexuality nor light sex play are private in the Protectorate, so you'll eventually have to work through being shy about it." The boys looked at each other in fear, each knowing he'd rather die than be the first to ask or offer.

"Oi, and don't forget, you have to have your Home-Economics homework done by lights out and your Sex homework within an hour thereafter. You won't get a single point if you don't, and you'll be docked for skiving off as well. Jump to it, me boyos!"

The kid meandered around as Sean got himself ready for bed. He considered a shower, but also had seen the charts on Aaron. Sean decided a bit of man-musk was the perfect perfume for the evening. He smiled widely at the shocked and appalled faces of those boys who had not yet needed to use the facilities since lunch. Other than a three-by-three partition between the commodes, there were no doors or walls. The pisser was a German style, a long porcelain wall with a trough offering slightly less privacy than a lamppost. The four showerheads were closely spaced along one wall. If nothing else drove home the fact that privacy no longer existed, it was this very carefully-designed bathroom.

Of the seven, Vinny was the most-obviously undone by the facilities, looking in horror at the commodes. "Don't be a pussy, Bianchi," Paolo prodded. "Most countries never had the obsessions Americans did over bathrooms." Paul sat and smiled through his business and Vinny, shakily and scowling at the insult, followed suit. Sean tapped in a note, 'America past tense', and grinned.

Sean was sitting and jacking slowly, watching porn on his tablet when Aaron came into the room and froze. His headset gave off enough of the telltale fuck-noises that there could be no doubt what he was doing... as intended. Aaron shook a little, then manned up. "So, um, so you have porn?"

Sean paused the flik and smiled, "A'course, mate! You will too when you get points."

Aaron stared at the luscious, lean Sean with his milky-white and uncut cock. "So, um, you, well, you gonna share?"

"Sorry there, mate. No such luck. Strictly against the rules. You want porn, get points." Aaron tried to look at his tablet but couldn't take his eyes off his roomie. Sean knew it was cruel but also necessary as he let the kid stew until he initiated the 'homework'.

"Um, c-c-can I, um, t-t-t-touch you?"

Sean gave him a surprised look, "Why, of course you can! Anytime you like, mate. And not just me. If a guy isn't in the mood or something he'll just let you know. No hard feeling on either side... so to speak." He let his leprechaun smirk loose on the last part and got a tentative twitch of a smile in return.

Next door, the scene was quite different. Ned finished his Chores list and turned to Vinny. "So, who did you put on garbage detail, Vinny?"

Vinny didn't even look at him. "I'm not gonna let youse cheat offa me, Darling." Any time someone wanted to really piss Ned off, they referred to him by his surname. Born Nelson Darling, Ned was uniquely sensitive to the effeminate inflection that could be injected into 'Darling' in a conversation.

Leo watched Ned's vitals spike as he worked his lower jaw back and forth quickly, his anger tell, Leo guessed. "Just trying to make conversation. Why be a prick?"

"Just livin the life, man."

Ned took a deep, steadying breath. "Okay, what do we do about the other homework?"

Vinny finally looked over and cocked an eyebrow, "Not tonight, dear, I have a headache," he smirked as Ned sputtered.

"But we'll lose points. I'll lose points your selfish prick!"

"Fine. If you want to come over here and jack me off, fine. But none of that faggy touching." Ned was seething, but Leo was suddenly on high alert. He let his eyes flash occasionally to the other monitors, but mainly to make sure nothing really unexpected was happening. This would take a very deft touch.

Ned moved over and uncomfortably sat on the side of Vinny's bed. Vinny moved only slightly to accommodate the younger guy. Leo started a very subtle stimulation of Vinny's prostate while still preventing any sort of erectile action.

Ned's hand moved over the utterly-flaccid penis trying to bring it to life. Vinny fought back a groan of pleasure at the touch. He looked down and was appalled to see that nothing whatsoever was happening. It felt amazing, but wasn't getting hard. "Jeez, Ned, Don't youse know howta handle a dick?"

Ned growled, "Maybe if you got with the program, Vinny, you might get a better response!" On the words, 'get with the program' and 'better', Leo pumped up the stimulation of the prostate. Vinny coughed to cover his reaction to that.

"Fine! Maybe a little fairy dust will help me sleep." He fought hard to keep his hand from shaking as he reached out for Ned's nicely-shaped and very hard dick. As his hand slid down then back up, Leo released the erection block and put the subprostate on a fuck pattern, leaving only the orgasmic response completely suppressed.

Ned blinked in surprise. "Well, that sure seems to have helped." Vinny's cock was now very hard, taking only moments to engorge to its full if unimpressive length. Ned was perhaps 6.5 inches; Vinny was just a bit under six and of average girth. Both boys were cut, and worked each other's dicks slowly.

Vinny was quietly going insane. His whole body vibrated with need, a need he'd repressed since he was a child. Ned's touch was like magic and the feel of Ned's dick as it slid through his fingers made him more excited than he'd been in his life. He started to moan with the pleasure, surprising Ned even more. He felt he was moments from an explosive orgasm, but those moments just didn't want to come. He could tell Ned was getting close as well. Vinny became increasingly frustrated, then desperate for an orgasm that just wouldn't arrive.

"Um, uh, Vinny? Maybe if we, uh, tried what they told us? You know, touching?" Every bit of Vinny's anger, frustration and self-loathing exploded and he pushed Ned violently away from him, leaving the kind flat on his ass.

"Fuck off!" He raged. "Go fag yourself up! No wonder I couldn't cum with your pervert hands all over me, you queer!"

Ned sat on the floor in open-mouthed shock at the vehemence and the words themselves. Ned knew, had always known, that he actually was gay or at least bi. But to have it thrown in his face like that, in a world where it was no longer a liability but a real asset, was too much.

"F-F-F-FUCK YOU!" Ned threw himself onto his own bed and let the rage burn away the shameful tears that prickled his eyes. He decided to just get it over with; he was far too turned on to not cum no matter how humiliating it would be to pleasure himself in front of the token bigot on the team.

He let his free hand rove to his underarms, the utterly-unexpected place that Bobby had tantalized earlier. Letting his breath get short as his frigged his cock, using spit for lube and not giving a fuck what Vinny thought. He went back to one that really did make him wild, his belly, letting the knuckles of both hands knock each other in their own, strange rhythm. With a shuddering convulsion and a deep groan, he unloaded. When he stopped shaking, he moved to the sink and scraped away as much of his load as he could; there were no towels or handy socks to clean up with.

He turned to find an shocking look on Vinny's ashen face. Vinny was trying desperately to frig an utterly-flaccid cock, as if the motion could somehow retrieve the aching hardness he'd had earlier, and that blessed feeling of impending orgasm. What actually happened horrified the boy. As soon as he pushed Ned away, his hardon started to fade. By the time he finished raging at his roommate, nothing could be done to bring back his erection. He listened in absolute hell to Ned's moans and watched has the boy teased his body and cock to a shuddering and vocal completion.

Vinny didn't realize it, but Ned did; Vinny was weeping with need and frustration. For all the early rage and humiliation, Ned was a deeply good person. He softened a bit and asked the very boy who had just tormented him, "Vinny, you sure that you don't--"

Vinny let out a loud whimper and flung himself over, burying his face, his shame and his gnawing need in the pillow. Ned sighed and slipped into the bed, secretly coming to like the sticky film that coated him from the jizz he couldn't get off. He slept deeply and peacefully; Vinny, not at all.

At the other end of the line of rooms, Paolo di Silva and Jackson Mills sat in calm contemplation. They looked at each other with little difference than they would in the sparring ring. As wrestlers, they were no strangers to touching, but this was something else entirely. They both started to speak at the same instant, and both laughed. Each was a real leader, both in personality and style.

Jackson spoke first. "Okay, bonito," all of the team had picked up Portuguese terms over the year; Jackson chose the equivalent of pretty-boy making Paolo smile, "so now what? Two varao with a problem and no garota, right?"

Paul chuckled, "Damn close, preto," Jackson beamed at the South American version of 'sambo' or 'black boy', "you just forgot to roll that 'a'; varao is summer, varão is a big-man. But the problem, as you say, it's not the varão, it's the lack of girls... and the 'homework'. I think we gotta do this thing, camarada."

They moved toward each other and Leo couldn't help but make the comparison of a panther and a jaguar coming together. With the Vinny situation solved, he felt safe to drop a hand to his cock. There was no requirement for the staff to go naked unless with the students, but there was also no minimum dress code. Leo always stripped off when he came (or came) on duty.

Jackson was huge, true, but the Brazillian stud's tanned physique was simply perfect. They moved into each other and started running hands everywhere. Paul was delighted. The session with Vinny was the biggest flop in history. Jackson was going over his body like he was property, true, but precious property for all that. Paul let his hands stroke everywhere, finally finding that Jackson's thighs, especially the inner edges, set the big man trembling and whimpering.

He didn't have long to gloat as Jackson quickly found his own kryptonite. He hadn't even marked at since it was technically off-limits. It was one of the things he worked so hard on with wrestling, because his ass cheeks were the key to his own sex. To have the curly hairs there caressed slowly and sensually as Jackson was doing drove him wild.

It took very little time before each of them reached between their writhing bodies and grabbed the other's cock in a silky embrace. Jackson left one hand to tease Paul's ass and Paul kept one on Jackson's thighs. Both were uncut and Jackson always leaked heavily, so lube wasn't even thought about as they dragged explosive and vocal blasts from each other.

The two pulled apart, panting and triumphant. This was one match when they were ecstatic to have ending in a draw. "Preto, you're a fucking mess, dude!" Jackson looked down and chuckled. On his much-darker skin, the milky cum shone. They moved to the sink and realized just how hard this was gonna be.

Paul tilted his head to the side. "Dude, I got an idea, but you might not like it much. Then again, we can't get much more personal that we already did, camarada..." Jackson smiled, though, and for the next ten minutes, each of them bent into the urinal while the other washed his chest, belly and pubes with handfuls of water from the sink. Of the eight men in the dorm, they were the only ones who didn't waken stuck to the sheets.

Next door was another odd matchup, and one with opposite problems. "Uh, Um, Junior?"

Matt put down his tablet and looked almost-mournfully at his teammate. "Bobby, can you do me a real favor? I fucking hate that nickname. I hate that my dad made me use it. Can you, maybe, um, call me Matt?"

"Matt? Your name is Matt?" Bobby was delighted to have something he could do for his roommate. "I wish you'd said something. I wish you'd told us. I'd never have called you... that."

Matt sighed deeply. "My dad, Matt Sparks, Senior, was the Coach. He'd never have let you. And," his voice and lower lip trembled, "he'd have made my life hell for even asking you."

Bobby's heart was breaking at that. He moved to Matt's bed and pulled him into his side. It was halfway between a 'sorry you got trounced' hug and a 'damn you're sexy' one. "Matt, I'm so sorry. I never knew. You were always so... strong, so steady."

Matt barked a laugh that was more pain that humor. "Being weak is the biggest sin after being queer in my house." He gasped as the import of what he said sunk in.

Bobby's voice was soft. He steeled himself for the biggest moment of his life, the admission of what no one, ever, had known. "I think I might be one of those, dude, and I'm damn sure not weak."

Matt's head popped up so fast his neck hurt. "You? You're?" He sighed deeply. "No," his voice fell in defeat, "you're saying that because of all the Protectorate stuff. I know that, and thanks, but you don't have to pretend with me. You see, I, uh, I-I-I-I'm both."

Bobby's voice was stronger now. "No, you might be, um, that way, but you are damned sure not weak. You ran two more laps before blowing chunks than any of us, dude, and you shot like a fucking stallion in the sh-- oops. I shouldn't have said that."

"God, I was so embarrassed." Matt finally sat up but relished in the continued bodily contact with this amazing beauty. "I thought I was gonna die and then Coach, um, Howie, sorry, Howie was patting me on the back like I was a, a, a prime stud!"

Bobby looked deep into Matt's eyes. "You were. You, um, you are..." He leaned forward and Matt leaned away from the impending kiss.

"You're not, um, not going to hurt me? Be mean about it? I, uh, I don't think I can take that right now. If, if you're gonna go off on me, I begging that you just do it, please? I, I, I really like you and just can't--"

The rest was cut off by Bobby's burning lips. Matt moaned into it, releasing a lifetime of need and desire. They writhed their erections and bodies against one another for perhaps three minutes before Matt forced himself to pull back. "Um, Uh, Bobby? No! No! I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm sorry! Please, please ARGHHHHH!" He erupted, the first shot actually arcing between their bodies and coating his own face before Bobby forced him back into the embrace, rubbing him with his own cock and belly to prolong the squealing, whimpering explosion.

Matt was flat out weeping in shame. "I'm, so, so, s-s-s-s-sorry!" he wailed.

Bobby pulled his face up and forced they're eyes to lock. "I'm not. God, Matt, that was the hottest, sexiest--" He dove into a kiss with the shocked boy, putting every ounce of passion and need he knew into it. He reached between them and swallowed Matt's squawk of surprise. Yeah, Matt was already hard again.

Bobby's wrench them apart, face red and determined. "I thought I was gonna cum when you ate that fucking popsicle! All I could think about--" His voice vanished as he shuddered at Matt's gentle touch on his own throbbing boner.

"Was having me do the same thing to your dick?"

"N-N-N-N-N-NO! Of d-d-doing it to each other! Oh, God, I don't know if I can take this new world thing. Saying what I mean instead of, of, of hiding. I can't take it." He pushed the smaller young man forcefully back and dove onto the luscious, cream-coated hardon, licking and lapping. Seconds later, he found that it really was possible to scream, groan and inhale at the same time when he felt his manhood engulfed in the warm, tender wetness of Matt's mouth.

Neither noticed when the lights vanished around ten as each had just cum in the other's throat. They'd drawn two more very loud, very desperate orgasms from each other when they jumped. A voice whispered quietly but firmly in an hypnotical, musical cadence. "Get to sleep now. Anyone not already asleep, stop whatever you might be doing. If you are not able to sleep in the next fifteen minutes, a drink will be delivered to the port at your headboard with a sleep aid." The voice repeated twice more, each time softer and more seductively.

The boys reluctantly pealed themselves apart and Bobby returned to his bed, happier than at any point in his young life. He was certain that nothing on Earth could make him fall asle--

Aaron was shaking so bad that Sean giggled at his first touch. "That tickled!" He noted the instant worry on the boy's face and Sean said softly, "And I liked it." Bobby moved into him as he had in their touching session, earlier, his hands no less magical at the later hour. Sean pulled out all his vocal stops, letting every purr and whimper loose. It turned Arron on so much that the boy could feel himself leaving a trail of dick-drool over Sean's skin.

"C-C-C-C-Can, Can I-I-I-I"

"Can you breathe? Yes, please," Sean smiled at the utterly undone young man.

"Can I k-kiss your body?"

Sean moaned and looked fiercely into the boy's eyes. "Every fookin' day, mate. You are so goddamned sexy."

Aaron whimpered and went to Sean's tits, causing Sean to arch himself and pull the head even closer. No further encouragement was needed. Aaron's lips and tongue went everything. Every single place that had caused a moan or purr when touched earlier. Sean thought he might even lose control...

Then he knew he would as Aaron buried his face in Sean's neck, long licks drawing along that usually-undiscovered SCZ making Sean want to scream. He moved down suddenly and his tongue and lips locked on to that point above the pubic mound Aaron had pinpointed earlier. With an accuracy that actually did wrench a scream from Sean, he nibbled and licked and smooched the spot.

"Bloo-oody Fookin Chrrrrrist, What the fook ayr-ya kid? GRUNGNGGNNGNG!!" That last erupted from his lungs as Aaron pivoted his head, latching his face onto Sean's cock and driving his tongue into and around his lace-curtain foreskin. Sean was a master of controlling his orgasm and was shocked to his core when he started to scream obscenities and dump a massive load into the mouth of the still-suckling Aaron.

Leo was wide-eyes with wonder as the nearly-irresistible Aaron cause Sean to make noises that no one on the staff had ever wrenched from him. And not for lack of trying; overcoming Sean's legendary control was the united objective of almost every gay and bisexual man at the Center. Leo put a save-lock on the scene and sent the link to Daniel. This was way, way past 'unusual' for a first-day subject!

Aaron pulled off and looked in actual fear at Sean's face. "I'm sorry. I wasn't supposed to do that, was I?"

Sean slack-jawed and drooling face slowly came to life as the aftershocks abated. "Fook no, mate. No human shoulda been able to do that. I'd'a sworn on the mound a Tara that God himself could-na-a done it!" He sat suddenly. "And you! You, you little shite! Pretending to be the shy little virgin! How long you been at this, mate? Serious now!"

Aaron rocked back, worried even more. "N-n-n-n-never. N-never. You, um, you were the first I touched, ever, man or g-g-girl -- well, Bobby in the shower when H-Howie made us! I swear to God!"

Sean, now fully recovered, got one of the most-predatory looks Aaron had ever seen. "Oh, yes, boyo, Oh, yes, you'll be a-swearing to God and every saint ya know!" He scooped the astonished Aaron into his arms and carried him to the other bed. "Don't move a muscle, boyo. You'rrrre a-going for the ride of your life."

The epic marathon of teasing, denial and edging had Aaron begging, pleading, praying to come, desperate for Sean to "stop-never-stop!" Sean took him to Nirvana once with a few quick slurps, then immediately returned to work until Aaron was hard and squirming again. He then gave the shy and reserved Aaron a blowjob that was seared into the boy's nerves from that day forward. The gentle voice reminding everyone to sleep rang out and Sean sneered at it. Leo cut in. "You, too, Sean." Sean snarled ferociously, "No, seriously, Sean. Bed. Now. Aaron needs sleep." Sean growled and grumbled back to his bed, but both were asleep long before the fifteen-minute window.

Perhaps a hundred feet away and three hours earlier, a crow of triumph rang out in the AC's room to the delight of Daniel and the rest of the top staff, excluding Howie who was teaching at the time. It had taken far longer than anyone expected for the man to piece together the hints scrawled in the margins of a couple of pages of a Manual of Conduct for Protectorate Citizens.

Sparks leapt to the digidesk and pawed clumsily through the interface, then carefully pecked out the instructions he'd assembled. "YES!" He came to the Iron John site. Along with a variety of propaganda pieces about a return to natural law and the Rights of Real Men were a number of sub-sites.

Every bit of it was crude in the extreme, which actually had been remarkably-difficult to achieve. Once you knew how to do web design correctly, doing it deliberately-wrong was hard! The treasure trove, and the thing that the AC dove into like a starving man at a feast was a set of feeds with 'flat' (pictorial) and 'digital' (video) porn. The flat section was a slide-show of images, all from seventies and eighties hard-code (often Danish) porno magazines. Subtly interspersed were similarly-designed gay porn as well, much of it extraordinarily nasty.

The video channel offered short clips, again of terrible quantity. Clips lasted anywhere for six to fifteen minutes. Most of it was hard-core straight kink, but every fourth or fifth was gay. Sparks growled in fury when the first gay stuff came up and went back and found a statement. 'Natural Law does not discriminate!!! Gay, straight or bisexual DOES NOT MATTER!!! The Protectorate must be Crushed for the Good of all REAL MEN!!!!!'

Daniel pinged the Monitor/Psych queue. 'Take it away, guys'. The standing order was that once the Assistant Coach had found the porn, they were to keep his stim at a constant background and slightly-impair his erections. He could get a really great chub, but never really get into it. Whenever gay porn came up, they were to increase his stim and unlock all erectile functions. Orgasm, of course, was completely inhibited, and would remain so for several days, perhaps a week, as his control eroded.

Daniel smiled. He had decided that the Assistant Coach Matt Sparks would be his personal project. Using their protocols, technologies and developments alone, they would break the AC. Corporate, damn their eyes, was absolutely right; getting this guy to market as a submissive and complaint muscle-stud slave would be the ultimate triumph. He was already spending his stock options while he slowly caressed his own leaking erection. 'Hmm,' Daniel thought, 'I wonder if I have enough to buy him for myself...' He yanked his hand away as he realized just how close that thought had brought him to ruining a very nice pair of shorts.

If you want to get mail notifying you of new postings or give me ANY feedback that could make me a better author, e-mail me at orson.cadell@gmail.com

Active storelines, all at www.nifty.org/nifty/gay... Canvas Hell: 29 chapters .../camping/canvas-hell/ Beaux Thibodaux: 20 chapters .../adult-youth/beaux-thibodaux/ The Heathens: 22 chapters .../historical/the-heathens/ Lake Desolation: 14 chapters .../rural/lake-desolation/ Shark Reef: 7 chapters .../adult-youth/shark-reef/ Culberhouse Rules: 5 chapters .../incest/culberhouse-rules/ Raven's Claw: 3 chapters .../authoritarian/ravens-claw/

Just finished, rewritten and typeset: Off the Magic Carpet in PDF or eBook formats. Let me know if you're interested. The price is right: Whatever you think it's worth!

Special collaboration with Brad Borris: In God's Love (5 installments) .../incest/in-gods-love/

Next: Chapter 4

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