Raven's Claw

By Bearpup

Published on Sep 24, 2017


See original story (www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritaria/ravens-claw/) for warnings and copyright. Highlights: All fiction. All rights reserved. Includes sex between young-adult and adult men. Go away if any of that is against your local rules. Practice safer sex than my characters. Write if you like, but flamers end up in the nasty bits of future stories. Donate to Nifty TODAY at donate.nifty.org/donate.html to keep the cum coming. You can also set up AMAZON SMILE so that your purchases on Amazon earn contributions to NIFTY! It's a great, zero-cost way to enhance the support you already give them.

Leo watched, stroking himself to two orgasms as the two men gave each other amazing, screaming, crying, cussing, moaning, shrieking orgasms over the next two hours. It was simple muscle exhaustion that felled them, and they slept with the diminutive Sean curled into the chest of the bigger, older and, by that point, completely insensate (and happily ex-virgin) former coach.

Raven's Claw 11: A Matter of Taste (A4)

By Bear Pup

Ned swam into consciousness already moaning. He looked down and saw Chef Wit's disheveled hair and felt the man root around the meeting of his widespread legs. Wit had him damned near in splits and was licking and sucking Ned's balls, taint and everything nearby. "Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-What are youOOOOOOOOO?" He heard his voice spiral out of control as Wit realized he was awake and started to speed-lick everything including the young man's shaft and head, never staying in one place more than an instant.

Wit pulled off for breath and looked up at the young super-stud. "I'm finishing the meal I started last night, champ. I only got five courses..." He went back to making love to Ned's low-hangers.


Wit pulled himself up Ned's body slowly, making sure that he maintained maximum contact with the youth's burly body, licking as he went.

He kissed Ned and whispered in his ear, "Well, the hors d'oeuvre was the kissing," he proceeded to tease Ned's ears and throat with his tongue, "the delectable sweat of your manly armpits was the potage," he nibbled and Ned whimpered, "and licking the cum from your belly and the sweat from your back was my poisson." Wit ground his crotch onto Ned's needy cock, eliciting a long, deep moan of need.

"Your ass, Ned, your amazing, incredible, luscious, beefy ass was the entrée." Instead of demonstrating, he gazed deep into Ned's eyes and kissed him so deeply that he was trying to lick Ned's aforementioned orifice from the inside. Wit's tongue retreated with a plunger-like sound and Ned groaned at the loss. "You were, sadly, not around for the sorbet. That was me using your chunky, hot, stud-cum load to launch myself into orbit, Ned." The boy whimpered and huffed at the image.

"So this morning, we get to salades, the night-funk in your incredibly-manly crotch-sweat," he ground hard against Ned again, "and now, I'll go for the fromage..."

"F-F-F-F-Fromage?" Ned squeaked as Wit moved south.

"Fromage is French for cheese, Ned. Since you, sadly, don't have a foreskin for me to tease your head cheese from, I'll just have to settle for your cummmmmmmmm..." He dove fully onto Ned's cock as the boy threw back his head and gasped at the combined sensations of lips, tongue and intensely-vibrating throat as Wit hummed around the stud's horn. He lasted, at most, two minutes before screaming an ever-escalating refrain of, "Oh, god! Oh, God! OH, God! OH GOD!" ending in a wordless, ecstatic release.

As the boy literally wept from the orgasm, Wit smiled up at his shocked and dilated eyes. "Oh, and I forgot dessert."


Wit flipped Ned's hunky body onto his stomach and purred in the burly stud's ear, "Yeah. I do the best parts all over again."

"OH! MY!! GOD!!!"

Ned and Wit weren't the only ones up well before the morning wake-up calls. Around three in the morning, both Matt and Aaron awoke to the sound of twin screams, stunned to find that they'd awakened each other moments before a shared wet dream would have taken them to dreamland paradise. They clung to each other, slowly coming down from the near-orgasm. They panted and Aaron hugged and petted Matt, trying to recapture the cuddle-fest to which they'd fallen asleep and getting more and more worked-up as he went, finally reaching the point that he could no longer contain his need.

"Um, Matt? Matt, I... FUCK IT!" Aaron dove into Matt's mouth with a long and desperate kiss. Matt was shocked, still half asleep, but melted in the intense passion of Aaron's unexpected kiss. Aaron pulled back, "God, Matt. You are so hot, so sexy, so beautiful. Can I... can I please, please, please make love to you?"

Matt had no words for what swelled within him: an irresistible desire to give Aaron everything, anything that would please the man-child in his arm. "Yes! Yes, Aaron. Anything!" He howled in pleasure as Aaron started to writhe against him, the night-sweat of their bodies creating a slick and entrancing surface. Aaron was grunting and seemed to be approaching climax, but Matt felt a need in him to do something... more building beyond endurance.

He pushed apart from Aaron who whined at the loss then yipped in surprise as Matt's body slithered down and the young man's mouth engulfed the wrestler's cock, sucking it hard, fast, deep. A sound that Aaron had never heard, never made, never knew he could make erupted from deep inside as Matt quickly took him to and past the point of no return.

The wrestler used every bit of his power to pry the other boy away from his tortuously-sensitive cock but Matt was having none of it. In moments, the overstimulation flipped like a switch to unimagined bliss. The younger man rode his bucking, thrusting, howling teammate through another orgasm and finally let him go, moving to capture Aaron's mouth in his own.

Aaron, this time, was resolute that he would not again be a passenger on the pleasure express. He pinned the lithe track-and-field stud and growled, "Move a muscle and I'll chew your fucking nuts off!" Aaron thought back to what Sean had done and proceeded to take the smaller guy to nirvana -- once, twice, thrice -- arms locked at his side and legs pinned by Aaron's ample shoulders. When Matt was a quivering mass of bliss, Aaron pulled the boy-man to him and they lost themselves in a passionate, desperate, love-infused kiss that blended seamlessly with dreamland.

They awoke in each other's arms, staring in wonder at what they thought-hoped-prayed had been real. "Did that...?"

"I think...?"

"Oh God...!"

"Kiss me again, Matt, so I can be sure." After a long, luxurious, soul-swallowing series of kisses later, a soft voice nearly made them squeal in alarm. "It is six-fifty am. In ten minutes, you will be waking up if you are not already awake..."

"NO!" Neither boy knew which really had shouted, or if it was both of them with a single voice.

"Yes," came Rob's patient reply, making them both jump; they still weren't used to the constant surveillance. "It really is morning and it really is time to get up. If you want to, you can still fool around for ten -- no, nine -- minutes. I'd suggest, though, that you finish the kiss and get up. Your choice, of course."

Matt yelled, "I hate you Mr Disembodied Voice. I just wanted you to know that!"

"Being hated is the third line of my job description, son," Rob's voice smiled.

Matt and Aaron looked at each other and burst out laughing. They crawled out of bed and entered the Social Room just as Chef and a completely-exhausted, wobbly and unfocused Ned emerged from the next room.

"Dude!" Aaron exclaimed, "Are you okay?"

Ned's sex-drunk eyes semi-focused on Aaron as he said, "Do you KNOW how hard it is to be the cheese?" Utterly perplexed, Aaron and Matt accepted the not-entirely-stable Ned from and chucking Chef and guided him with them to the bathroom.

Vincent, Paul, Jackson and Bobby emerged simultaneously. Vincent and Bobby exchanged winks and eyebrow wiggles while Jackson and Paul reverted to Emotionless Stud mode. Jackson, though, couldn't help but keep his hand on the small of Bobby's creamy-white back possessively, even if the ebony muscle-god didn't notice it himself.

When they were gathered in the Gym, Ben standing off to one side, Howie addressed the group.

"So you might have noticed that we didn't talk about points last night. You know how to use the digidesks and you can look whenever you want." The guys scrambled for the nearest unit. "We will make sure to remind you at the start of each day, though, to keep you focused. This time yesterday, Matt was Top Dog, Ned was Stallion and Bobby was Stud. As the gasps of shock around the room can attest, many of you have already noticed a... slight change." He smiled at the stunned looks on various faces. The rankings showed Matt at the top, followed Vinny, Aaron, Jackson, Bobby, Ned and Paul. The last three were beside themselves with indignation.

"Yes, your very own Vincent has skyrocketed from last place all the way to Stallion. Matt is still in the lead with a handsome margin, but you young men need to seriously up your game. You guys really need to watch how Matt, Vincent and, surprisingly, Jackson have changed the way they approach things. Up until yesterday, you could float along on being hunky or gorgeous or flirty. Now, you have to work at this shit, gentlemen, or you will crash in flames. Am I understood?" there was a muttered response as the guys stared at the numbers. "AM I UNDERSTOOD?" Everyone jumped.

An almost-Pavlovian response to that tone of voice yanked a resounding, "YES, COACH!" from the boys. Ben had to clamp down on his own response to avoid joining them and he smiled ruefully. A lifetime of habits with coaches just like Howie had worn a groove in his soul.

"Today, you coach each other. Ben and I will watch and help as needed. Make yourselves better and you get points; make your husbands better and you get LOTS of points. Go into your own little zone and you will LOSE point. Am I clear?"


The results were illuminating if not particularly-shocking to anyone but the boys themselves. Matt would encourage anyone but he directed no one and took no initiative, awaiting instructions at every turn. Paul and Jackson were all about advice and guidance, but never really listened. Aaron and Bobby took all advice and offered suggestions, but quietly and a bit timidly. Ned and Vincent were the stars.

Ned was quiet, simple and sincere, showing things over and over to those who wanted to learn, quietly exhorting them to stronger and better reps of whichever exercise the teammate was working. Vincent was ebullient; laughing, joking but always pushing each man to exceed the overly-conservative limits each had placed on himself. Howie and Ben muttered to each other especially on who worked with whom. Ned always came back to Bobby and Vincent to Matt; of the two of them, though, Vincent was the least possessive. Ned would drop anyone if Bobby even glanced his way, but Vincent never moved to help Matt unless the person with which he'd been working was truly ready.

Howie wrapped the session thirty minutes early and set the men to running suicide drills. Up and back in increasingly-strenuous sprints designed to push men to their limits. Jackson and Paul, having done little but give advice for the previous couple of hours, did far better than they should have done and Matt, the boy conditioned to cross-country with its sustained exertion, shone.

The shocker, again, was Vincent. It was as if he drew fresh energy whenever he coached someone, replacing from the exertion of his teammate whatever sweat and power he'd expended in his own exercise, demonstrations and coaching. At the end, he spent nearly as much of his breath pushing and encouraging Matt as he did completing his own drills. When he finally fell, Matt seemed to wilt without Vincent's voice to urge him on, and the boy faded quickly.

"Long shower today, men," Howie said in that deeply-rumbling voice that seemed to caress and be enhanced by the tiles of the room as he and Ben ushered the exhausted young men into the showers. "Spend some time soaking in the hot water. There will also be a short arm inspection. For those of you who don't have dads in the military and don't watch old movies, that's a dick check."

"Um, a what?" That was Ned.

"In case you haven't noticed, we've been putting your cocks through quite a workout since we woke you up four days ago." There was a universal chuckle as the guys got under the showerheads and started to rinse the sweat off.

"That's right, only four days but over forty-five orgasms between you. I don't care how much of a King Stud you were back in school, none of you can honestly tell me your equipment is used to that kind of mileage. Also, some of you have already started on today's lesson and I want to check for abrasions and," he smiled wickedly, "teeth marks that might need to be dealt with to avoid discomfort."

Not a sound other than falling water could be heard in the room as every one of the boys held his breath as the revelation sunk in. Dick. Teeth marks. Today's lesson. Paolo looked ill; Jackson wasn't far behind. At the other end of the spectrum, Matt looked like Christmas had come early; Bobby and Vincent were openly smiling. Ned and Aaron just looked at each other in trepidation.

Paul was snapped out of his reverie with a yelp as Ben's hands were all over his junk. Ben was on one knee, looking closely and carefully at Ned's cock and balls as he manipulated them, waiting until Ned was rock-hard and red-faced before nodding and moving on to Matt. The thought of the day's lesson and the visual of Ned's short-arm inspection meant Ben didn't have to wait for an erection and his exam (to Matt's disappointment) was extremely brief.

Jackson took longer for two reasons, he was longer and it took a while to get him hard. Ben gave Howie a nod and the larger man told the black stallion to stay after he dried off and turned to Matt. "It's extremely hard to do with something this size, Matt, but watch the teeth, especially right on the edge of the head, okay?" Matt blushed purple in horror but nodded. Jackson smirked at the other guys as they looked between the huge black stud and the lithe, young Matt who'd given the stud a screaming climax in the Social Room the evening before.

Everyone else was railed at that point and the remaining inspections went quickly. Ned was also held back. A smirk invaded Howie's voice, "And I'll work with Chef on getting a little too into his work... I mean, of all people, shouldn't a chef know the difference between sucking and chewing?" He anointed spots on the cock and (for Ned) balls of each of the young men using a tube of bright-blue gel labeled "Protectorate Pharma - Healing Ointment" (actually just Neosporin with food color added) before escorting the whole group over the classroom.

Aaron, in particular, was unsurprised to find Sean there wearing nothing but an enormous grin having sampled the Irishman's rather-impressive skills the first night. The guys moved in, obviously-hesitant. Carter was at the front. "Gentlemen, settle down and take a desk please. We have a lot to cover before you get to the part you are either relishing or dreading. We will be covering sexual signaling today, building on the facial expressions yesterday and the body postures from the day before."

Sean suddenly jumped a little and grabbed a digidesk. "Carter, sorry to interrupt mate, but I have a summons. I'll rejoin when I can."

He found Howie and Ben in the hall headed in the same direction, toward the Raven's Claw meeting rooms. "What's up, me boyos?"

"No idea," Howie mumbled worriedly, then brightened as he rescanned the tablet he held, "but the summons has Frank, Miles and Wilkin on it. Maybe they cracked the Aaron thing?" He noted how Sean's eyes as well as Ben's glazed over slightly as they flashed back to their nights with the boy. Howie decided it was time he got on the schedule himself!

They got to the meeting room to find Rob at the controls, not the medical teams. Daniel, Devon and Jon were there as well. Daniel spoke, "Rob has something of interest that changes the whole Aaron situation. Rob, take it please."

"Okay. First up, take a look at the video and telemetry for Aaron and Matt last night." They watched the boys cuddle and coo, most of the men smiling. It was hot, sexy, romantic and incredibly-marketable. "Sean and Ben, what do you NOT see happening?"

Howie suddenly sat forward as he realized what Rob was getting at. Sean stared then said with a tinge of awe, "There's no sex mania. Matt's immune?"

"Not quite. Watch from about three o'clock. They woke up, each within moments of orgasm from a wet dream and their shared bodily contact." For a minute, the scene was similar. The boys held each other and suddenly Aaron burst out, "Um, Matt? Matt, I... FUCK IT!" and dove into a deep kiss.

The effect was immediate on the telemetry. Every single indicator on Matt's charts jumped, some of them skyrocketing. They watched as Aaron started to hunch against Matt and then, awe-struck, as Matt broke away and devoured Aaron, sucking two loads from the larger young man before Aaron reciprocated over and over, leaving Matt a blubbering, quivering pile of boy-flesh.

Howie's voice was low and a little worried, "What the fuck just happened?"

Daniel answered, "We don't actually know, but Rob has a theory that makes a lot of sense, and helps explain why Frank and Miles came up empty on the fluid analysis from Aaron in the test lab. Frank?"

"Ve took ever fluid zat ze boys could produce. All of zem were perfectly within ze normal limits. Aaron actually tested softer in several sexual measures. Zen we see zis?"

Rob took the narrative, "I think it only makes sense if whatever is special about Aaron only kicks in when he initiates sexual contact. Something in the volition itself triggers whatever is driving this sexual mania. We couldn't really have seen it with Ben and Sean because the protocols require that they have the subject make the first move. Guys, your thoughts?"

Ben answered first, "It fits. It actually fits perfectly. Aaron is cute as fuck and sexy to boot, but he was just another subject until he touched me. From that moment, it was pure obsession. It was like I'd been dosed, to be honest."

"That's it exactly," Sean mused. "It was precisely like I'd been drrrrrugged. The boy's touch seemed to... ignite me and when he... well, all-a-ya saw the tape." Sean glared at Rob and growled, "Every fooking asshole in the known universe has seen the tape." Rob smiled, completely unabashed. "He brought me off in minutes and I've rarrrrrrely cum so hard in me life! Shocked the fook outta me and no mistake!"

"So, gentlemen, how do we isolate it, how do we test it and how do we package it?" Daniel asked with his boss-isn't-taking-no-for-an-answer voice. "I am not letting this go, gentlemen; whatever Aaron has is worth the value of this entire division. We will find a way to package it if I have to redirect every single person not devoted to marketing the wrestlers. You have four days before I pull the trigger and do exactly that."

"Howie, Ben, Sean and Wilkin, please stay a moment; I need updates on other subjects from you. Everyone else, get to work, please." The men stood. "Sean, tell me about Coach Davis, please."

Sean's smile was wide and lascivious. "Sleeping like a wee bairn by now, chief. As would I if it wasn't for today's special lesson. You have to decide quickly, though, what you want. If you plan on marketing him, we're fine as we are. If he's to be staff, though, we have to break the protocol on the myth. If you wait too long, you'll have lost him when he finds out the truth. He's a prrrroud one, he is, and won't thank you for lying."

"Recommendation taken, Sean. Thank you. Go ahead and get back to Sexuality, please." When he'd gone, Daniel turned to the remaining three. "What about Sick Fucking Bastard AC Sparks?"

"SFB is in the hands of Wilkin and a crew we built for the purpose," Howie grumbled. "Most are veterans of the Jack Jerold nightmare so they know what to expect. Wilkin?"

The smaller man frowned. "I've told you already I don't like this and," he rushed before Daniel could object, "I know we have no choice. I just want us to be realistic about the odds of making any real money on this investment. The man is an absolute horror and breaking a true sociopath is a major challenge under the best of circumstances. I want it understood that we may end up dumping him on the rough market."

Everyone went silent at that. The rough market was the name Raven's Claw used for the trade in unskilled sexual slaves whose fates were best not even considered. The people that the protocol turned out were treated like princes, most of them, and certainly as valued, cherished husbands by the men who paid the Raven's Claw prices. The former Assistant Coach, though, could never be that and they would have to use every trick to get him ready for anything other than the horrors of the rough market.

"We've built the best team we can. We have him in a constant state of arousal. He can reach orgasm only with something in his ass, and has to ask nicely. He has not asked and vows he never will. We expect that to last at least three days as his inhibitions are eroded and his libido stoked by Milt's drugs. When he asks the first time, we have to make it erotic and irresistibly-powerful and we have Cooper Fleming ready to take that."

"Cooper? Excellent. I thought he was out of action now that he's with Melissa and Roger."

"He should be," Howie's leer was clear in his voice, "but Melissa is expecting and Roger has apparently turned into a combination of a mother hen and a stormtrooper. He won't let Cooper near her... or himself, apparently, after a recent spat. Cooper's been on the no-ass wagon for two weeks now. It wasn't a hard sell, chief."

"Excellent. Wilkin, I want daily updates, and I want multiple-angle video of this first time. Also, I don't want the Sick Fucking Bastard to simply ask. Bring Cooper in, strip him down and let the SFB look at that cock until he begs for it."

"Got it. Anything else?"

"Yes." Daniel sat in thought for a minute. "Howie, I want a change-up from protocol. Paolo worries me."

"Yeah, us too."

"We need to get Aaron in heat and collect samples. Wilkin, get Frank to pull Paul and Aaron for tests tomorrow morning. See if you can get Aaron to, consciously or not, get in the state of 'volition' you mentioned. I also want you to run a custom program on our macho little Brazilian. I want you to use the hottest images of Aaron in the subliminals and the reverse with Aaron, and I want them roomed together that night. I want to put Aaron's mojo to the test. Just to be certain, spike Aaron's evening smoothie with Miles' new IC-6.2. Ben, you'll be in the Social Room that night and I want you to be sure to push the two together as much as you can. I want Paul to be irresistible to Aaron."

"Um, we've kinda promised Rob tomorrow with Aaron, boss."

"See if he'll swap for tonight and pull Wit after the cooking is done. If not, get creative..." Daniel cocked an eyebrow at Howie's formidable crotch and both Ben and Wilkin chuckled. Rob would drop anything for a night with The Howitzer.

Sean slipped back into the classroom and chuckled. From the looks around the room, each the young man was trying to project that he was open to a sexual advance. "Sean! Excellent timing. You have always been one of the experts at looking available..."

"'Tis easy, Carter! I always am available!" That got a good round of chuckles from the guys.

"So these young men have been practicing a particular look. I want you to critique them since you've just walked in and first impressions are of the utmost importance."

Sean moved to the front and asked, "Okay, me boyos! We'll start with a poll. Who wants me to be nice and who wants me to be honest? For 'nice', raise your hands." The guys chuckled and Sean smiled. Matt, Bobby and Aaron had all voted for 'Nice'.

"I'm afraid that 'honest' wins the day. We'll start, since I am the quintessential bastard, with those who wanted me to be nice instead. Matt!" The youngest groaned. "You looked like you were more than just open to a sexual advance, you looked like you'd practically pay for one. That's a passing grade nonetheless." Matt smiled, blushing.

"Bobby! Sad to say, me boy, but this is one of the first times I've ever seen you NOT look like you were up for little slap and tickle. You look more like you're gazing into the window of a sweets-shop. Stop trying so hard, mate. Aaron, you pass, but on a technicality. You looked like you wanted to be asked (so it's a pass) but only so that you could run screaming. I will say that some men like the 'shy virgin' look, but I really don't think it's what you were going for."

The room was now all laughing, including Sean's victims. "Ned, full marks! Excellent balance of ready and reserved. Mates, look at how he's sitting. Attentive and open, but relaxed and still. Not desperate but also not clenched or closed. He's smiling slightly which makes him look nice and also a little fun. Copy that. Vincent, you just look constipated, mate." The room roared with mirth. "Work with Bobby on the whole 'trying too hard' thing. Jackson, you pass, but you look more like you're on the make, more predator than willing prey." Sean turned to Paul.

"You're a tough one to grade, Paul. Do you look approachable? In a vaguely intimidating way, sure. Do you look ready for some fun? Hell, yeah! I wouldn't have any real trouble coming up and striking a conversation, but I'm rather difficult to discourage. Would your average husband be so brave? Probably not. On balance, I'd say it's a pass, but you should probably work with Ned and Matt on loosening up a bit."

"Actually, Sean, 'loosening up a bit' is a perfect segue to the next lesson. Unlike most days where we split the afternoon equally between Sexuality and Sex, today we make an exception. Your homework tonight for Sexuality is to work in small groups (in between and even during cooking lessons) to understand posture, expression and approachability. Be honest with each other, please. Those most-improved tomorrow earn points for both themselves and the men who worked with them."

Howie spoke as he entered the room. "And don't think that the Protectorate systems won't know precisely who helped most." The guys started and turned instinctually toward the giant instructor they had all internalized as 'Coach' with a capital 'C'.

"Howie! Excellent timing as always. I'll leave these men in your capable hands."

"Actually, Carter, I'd rather you stayed for a few. I'd like to do something a little different today."

"Ooo. Even better!"

"Gentlemen, today's Sex lesson will be here in the classroom, since we have far better cameras and integration with your digidesks. If you'll all pull open an app called Züm, please? It's pronounced Zoooom. It's a video app that will allow you to pick angles, zoom in and out, and otherwise control replay of the video."

"Um, video of what, sir?" Ned asked with some worry.

"Of each of you getting a blowjob." Seven mouths dropped simultaneously. "Yes, we will be teaching you to give oral pleasure, but first you need to learn how to receive it."

"Okay, I'll bite." Bobby asked to derisive laughter. "Hey! No! No pun intended guys, Sheesh! What do you mean learn to get a blowjob? There, well, there isn't a lot we're supposed to do, is there?"

"Hence the reason for this class, me boyo!" Sean's leprechaun smile was back.

"Sean's right," Howie's deep voice held a sly smile. "There are a number of things you need to learn. First, what to do with your hands, how to guide your husband without choking the poor guy. What to do with your body to signal him. Most important, though, is what to do with your own mouth."

"You mean, um, sixty-nine and shit?" Bobby's brow was furrowed. He was thrilled with the idea of getting, giving or just fucking watching a blowjob, but he still couldn't wrap his head around what the blowee could need to learn.

"No, Bobby, mutual blowjobs are an advanced lesson. We'll demonstrate. Matt, front and center, please."


"Yes, ya-ya-ya-you." That got chuckles as a blushing Matt moved to the front of class where a desk-height bench similar to a massage table stood. Howie lifted Matt like a weightless doll and laid him back on the bench. "Prop yourself up on your elbows so you can see. Now, today's class is an introduction, not a master class. The cock is not the primary focus of a good blowjob, but it's a major part of it, especially at the endgame. We want first to get you to understand what to do when you're getting head, including the climax."

Matt was looking almost undone, eyes darting from Howie to Sean and Carter to the class and back like jumping beans. He had even started to lose some of the rigidity in his perpetual hardon.

"Sean, if you will demonstrate, please."

Matt's eyes got huge as the gorgeous Irishman moved forward like a cat and whispered, "It's okay mate. I promise."

Matt's eyes almost rolled back when Sean began to fellate the boy's cock from which all hints of going down were a distant memory. "Oh, god!" Matt whimpered softly. The guys watched as he gripped the sides of the bench like the gunwales of the very last lifeboat on the RMS Titanic. His pale, smooth belly rippled as Sean began to bob and swish and tongue and bob some more in Matt's first-ever expert blowjob. If his mind had been working at all, his thought would be the contrast between the enthusiastic and thrilling work Aaron had done that morning and how it paled in comparison to the erotic masterpiece being worked on his iron-hard prick. Once or twice he twitched but otherwise was as still as he could hold his athletic, runner-built body.

Matt gasped shallowly, inaudibly, holding each breath longer and longer until Sean brought him into a monumental climax, his body spasming and every muscle clenched tight. The sound Matt made was not unlike that of a tractor-trailer approaching a stop signal, but even that was strangled and muted. When Sean verrrrrry slowly pulled back, sucking the last of Matt's load, the young man whimpered once and fell back, utterly spent. Howie lifted him effortlessly and poured him into the chair at the youth's desk as Matt mumbled nonsense syllables.

"While we let poor Matt recover -- by the way, you have had special supplements this morning and throughout the day to speed your, um, recharging abilities -- let's compare and contrast Carter getting the same treatment."

Carter smiled like a kid on his birthday and hopped enthusiastically up onto the bench and reclined eagerly. "Sean, make this as similar as possible to Matt's, please."

A couple guys noticed patches on the wall in front of Sean or the ceiling above Carter that had started glowing with red numerals, 4:12. As soon as Sean's lips took Carter's cock inside, the timer began counting down the seconds. Their attention was instantly drawn, though, by Carter.

"Oh, God, Sean. That is so wonderful. Your lips are so soft, boy, so hot. AH! OH! Yes, there. Right... like... THAT! AhAhhh!" Carter's hands were in Sean's hair, caressing his head and neck, encouraging the younger man and moving him subtly to change the angle on occasion. He moaned and purred almost non-stop, sometimes in words but mainly in appreciative murmurs and sounds.

He yelped, "Ow! Sean!" once and his whole body flinched a little before he moaned again, "God, Sean, that's amazing. How do you...MMmmmmMM." Another flinch, "Sean! Teeth!" came later. As the timer reached 0:45, Carter let desperation tinge his encouragement. "God, Sean! Please! Finish me, Sean. Oh, fuck, kid, I can't take it much more!"

At 0:15, his pitched changed and he started to beg and warn, "Sean! Sean I'm close, baby. Please don't stop! Please, Sean! GOD YES! You're so good, baby! No one can do that to me! Yes, Yes, Take it. YESSSSS! Uhn! Uhn! Fuck! Shit! Uhn! DAMN, Sean! YES!" His hands were clasped not behind Sean's head, clamping it in place, but to either side, guiding but not forcing. Carter's entire body writhed in rhythm to his cries and the ecstasy was evident everywhere -- voice, face, even his curled toes exclaimed his transcendent bliss.

Both Sean and Carter were panting with exertion and Sean went up and kissed Carter tenderly but with obvious passion before pulling back.

Howie's sardonic voice cracked the air of amazement, "Cleanup on Aisle Bobby!" Every jock jumped and looked at the bright-red and mortified Bobby who, apparently, had absentmindedly stroked out a load that, at the moment, was dripping off the underside of the glass desk in audible plops.

"Bobby, don't be embarrassed. You asked and answered your own question is all that happened. THAT is what the recipient of a blowjob needs to understand. The husband who is taking you to paradise is not a toy or a convenience, he's someone you love and want to have as much pleasure as you do. Yeah, you can do that by reciprocating, but you can also make damned sure that your partner KNOWS that you not only appreciate, you revel in what he's doing to your body.

"Every scream and moan, every word of praise or encouragement, every caress or stroke of a hand on Sean's face or scalp told him he was doing wonderful things. Control, can you queue up torso and face only at, um, 01:29 and 01:52, please, on a three-second loop?" The giant screen behind him came alive. On the left was Matt from his abs north, the strain of his arms gripping the edges and the cords of his neck as taut as his body. The same general scene appeared on the right with Carter's more-mature body instead.

When the video started, first with Matt, they saw his chest heaving and a quick, and quickly-stifled, twitch. That ran twice more, then froze. The other came to life, Carter moving constantly, hands disappearing at the bottom of the screen to pet and stroke Sean's head. "Oh. Mmmm. Yeah, ahhh-- Ow! Sean!" came with a full-body spasm then he moaned, "God, Sean, that's amazing. How do you-- Oh. Mmmm." The video repeated. "Yeah, ahhh--Ow! Sean!" The loop playing through twice.

When silence fell, it was clear Matt was back with them and looking chagrined. "Matt, what happened there on your video?"

"His tooth caught my, um, my foreskin?"

"And you didn't think that was something your husband should know?"

"Um, well, it still felt fucking amazing!" Everyone laughed and Matt's obvious embarrassment eased a little.

"I'm sure it did, me boy, cuz I'm just that good," Sean preen theatrically, "But you notice the difference in Carter, there? He didn't smack me or insult me, he just let me know. And I was able to make it soooooo much better, mate."

"He ain't kidding. That tooth nicked me and, as soon as I made a noise, he was after that nick like nobody's business, making it feel even better than it had before."

"And I did the same to both-a-ya a couple minutes later with the same result. And as much as I love your cock, you hot young stud, I had a lot more fun with Carter a'petting and a'praising and a'begging and a'moaning. It makes ya feel like a God it does!"

They queued up several other parallels, Carter and Sean walking through various points as Howie surreptitiously (as much as that word can apply to a mammoth muscle-mound moving around a small classroom) moved to Matt's side.

"You did amazing, Matt," he said softly in his deep and delicious voice, "and I mean that, son. I picked you because I knew you would react like ninety-percent of the men out there when in front of a room. You manned up and shut up. I want you to know you've got some very nice points coming to make up for that embarrassment, Matt. You're a good man and a fucking stud of a lover when you don't feel on display. Okay, sport?" Matt stared worshipfully at Howie who went to move away.

"Coach? Um, Howie, sir? C-C-C-Can someone spend points to, to, to get a n-n-n-n-night with an instructor?" He wanted to crawl under the floor at the needy-little-boy tone, but he was helpless to stop it.

Howie smiled. "Sean? He really is pretty amazing, isn't he?"

"H-H-H-He is, but, uh, I... wadabowdu?" He blushed and looked down.

Howie's brow furrowed, "Run that past me again, son?"

Matt took three deep, fast breaths. "What about if I, well, wanted to request you?" He couldn't look at the man he'd just effectively propositioned. Howie was shocked at both the request and the bravery it took this normally-meek young man to make it. He'd also just got confirmation that Rob wanted Aaron that night, ecstatic that he didn't have to wait one more day as expected.

"Matt? Look at me, son." Matt finally moved his head just enough to gaze up, not having a clue how irresistibly-sexy he looked with the lashes 'protecting' his eyes from rejection, the blush livid on his cheeks and pouty lip just visible below. "I'm surprised and honored, Matt. I'll tell you what. For a limited time, if you order in the next thirty seconds, you can get one genuine Howie for tonight at the bargain price of one point. How does that sound?"

"Yes! Oh, God, Yes, sir!" Matt wanted to die again with the childish yip in his voice. Howie leaned in and muttered something in his ear that Matt could not make out over the pounding of his pulse and the whole-body quiver that the man's warm breath caused as it caressed the shell of his ear. Even after Howie moved back to the front of the class and joined the critique and commentary, Matt could feel his heat, smell his musk, taste his need. He lost himself in a vague and formless melody of sexual pleasure playing in the key of Howie.

Beta Readers are making this story better for everyone. Big shout-outs for this chapter go to Zach and one of the best current authors on Nifty, Jeff Moses, who has (for reasons that astond me) offered to help me become a better writer.

If you want news on new stories and chapters, please join my Google Group at https://groups.google.com/d/forum/bear-pup-news

If you want to give me ANY feedback that could make me a better author, e-mail me at orson.cadell@gmail.com

Now on Tumblr: Bear Pup -- Beyond Nifty https://orsonbearpup.tumblr.com/ (Including Insta-Porn)

Active storelines, all at www.nifty.org/nifty/gay... Canvas Hell: 35 chapters .../camping/canvas-hell/ Beaux Thibodaux: 27 chapters .../adult-youth/beaux-thibodaux/ The Heathens: 28 chapters .../historical/the-heathens/ Lake Desolation: 20 chapters .../rural/lake-desolation/ Culberhouse Rules: 12 chapters .../incest/culberhouse-rules/ Raven's Claw: 11 chapters .../authoritarian/ravens-claw/ Ashes & Dust: 6 chapters .../rural/ashes-and-dust/ Maybe Next Time: 6 chapters .../authoritarian/maybe-next-time/ NEW! IRMA'S BOYS: .../adult-friends/irmas-boys/

Next: Chapter 12

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