Raven Hair

By Double A

Published on Mar 15, 2000



After a hiatus of sorts, I am back with another story! Yay! Anyway, due to personal problems, I've been unable/unwilling to write much of anything for a long time. Here is a new story from me to you. For those of you who know my style and enjoy it, you should really like this one. Like I said, though, I haven't written anything for a while, so I may be a bit rusty. For those who don't know my style, I tend to use a lot of build-up and "storyline". So, if you came on to find a story for a quick jack-off, then this probably ain't for you. However, if you want to take the time to read a beautiful tale of young love, then sit back, take a sip from your glass of wine, and enjoy!

And remember...Always stand up for what you think is right, don't listen to bullshit, no matter who is saying it, and always speak with your fists and swear a lot to be heard!

Part 6:

After an experience at David's grandmother's apartment, the two boys were finally picked up by David's mother and brought back to David's house.

David's mother was just the opposite from her own mother. David had been very embarrassed to have Aaron see his home, at first, because of the fact that it was only cleaned once a month. David's grandmother, on the other hand, was meticulously clean, a nudist and a kleptomaniac. So, when she answered the door for the two boys, wearing a hospital gown she'd stolen from the Jewish General, which left nothing to the imagination, David had simply stared at the ground, his envy of Aaron quickly forgotten amidst the need to impress him at every turn and the subsequent embarrassment that this was causing. When she invited the two in, she greeted David and a surprised Aaron with a kiss on the cheek and told them to wait there, and she'd call David's mother for them. She left them with explicit instructions not to touch anything or sit anywhere, and finally Aaron's curiosity got the better of his protocol and, after David's grandmother went into the kitchen to make the phone call, he'd turned to him and asked, "What's wrong with her?"

David shrugged, wishing for a hole to crawl into and die, and replied, "Don't mind her. She's insane."

It hadn't struck David as that funny, but Aaron cracked up. That, of course, made David crack up and they quickly stifled their giggles as David's grandmother had returned and told them to go wait downstairs and David's mother would be there in ten minutes.

Of course, David's mother ran on her own time, so the two young teens had been waiting in the lobby for a half-hour, when David's mother finally arrived.

Back at David's house, David's mother had taken their wet bathing suits and asked, "So, who's using the guest bathroom and who's using the bathroom in my bedroom?"

David and Aaron looked at each other, and Aaron turned to David's mother and said, "Um...I don't really feel comfortable taking a shower at another person's house."

Of course, David's mother had as much sympathy for the blushing Aaron as she did for anybody, and replied, "Nonsense. You go in the guest bathroom, and David will use my shower and then wait for you downstairs."

Aaron continued to look at David's mother for several more seconds, than turned to David. David could see Aaron biting his lower lip in thought and, finally, David cut in, "Mom, it's okay. Aaron doesn't have to take a shower if he doesn't want to."

Aaron shook his head at David and, smiling slightly, said, "No, Dave, it's okay. I'll just rinse off a bit."

David nodded, smiling, "You don't have to, you know?"

Aaron nodded, a bit of frustration visible in his eyes, "It's okay. I'll do it."

David's mother nodded and said, "Come, Aaron, I'll find you a towel."

David watched Aaron grudgingly go off with his mother, feeling a bit of pity for him, but he couldn't help but feel that tingly feeling in his stomach, as he thought about a naked Aaron actually showering in his house. A naked Aaron. Naked. Aaron!

"Oh shut up!" David told himself, as he walked up the stairs to his mother's bedroom.

After a brief rinse, he dried off, changed into jogging pants and a T-shirt and went down the basement stairs and over to his computer.

He was sitting and playing a new game he just bought, called "Sam and Max hit the Road". Unfortunately, it ran really slowly on his 286 and he wasn't even finished viewing the intro, where Sam, the insane rabbit, reached down the cat's throat and pulls out their orders, when Aaron came downstairs.

David was too busy cussing out the computer to notice Aaron standing behind him, until Aaron shouted, "Boo!"

David spun around and began to cuss out Aaron, "You dumb shit, why the...."

His voice trailed off as he noticed that Aaron was wearing his black jeans with no shirt.

Aaron smiled, "I'm sorry. It was just too easy."

With Aaron's wet hair shining wetly around his face and cascading down to just barely touch his bare chest and back, David was suddenly totally void of most of his vocabulary.

"Uh...Yeah." David garbled.

"So, whatcha playing?" Aaron asked, his braces and green eyes shining in the fluorescent lights of the huge basement, and the slight redness of his nose still not covering the faint freckles that David just now noticed were splashed across his nose.

"Umm...Sam and Max...err...something." David addressed to Aaron's right nipple.

Aaron just noticed that David was staring at his bare, hairless torso, and, a blush coming across his face, he crossed his arms across his chest and said, "Umm...Sorry. I sort of wet my shirt at the pool, so your mom made me give it to her to dry."

David nodded, the spell broken, and replied, "Yeah, she can be a pain that way sometimes. I can't lend you a shirt, if you want one.

Aaron sighed in relief, "Oh, could you, please? I'm so embarrassed."

"Why?" David felt himself say, despite all attempts to stop it, "You look good."

As David stood, wishing he'd had his mouth sewn up at birth, Aaron uncrossed his arms, exposing his chest again, and replied, "Really?"

David tried to think of something he could say to get off the road his brain was leading him on, but it appeared to be on a roll now, as he replied, "Yeah. You look so much better than me."

Aaron smirked in smugness and said, "Oh really? How?"

"Oh God, please don't say it!" David's brain urged his mouth, but it was to no avail.

"Your hair." David replied, "I love it. I want to grow my hair long like yours."

Aaron shrugged, "Why? You look good with short hair."

Now it was David's turn to reply, "Really?"

Aaron nodded, "Yeah, there's just one small problem with it."

David blushed, "Like what?"

David stood stiffly, as Aaron walked close up to David and ran a finger behind David's right ear. Looking right into David's eyes, he said, "You cut it too short. You're bald around your ears, so you should let the hair grow there, at least."

Even after Aaron finished talking, he still kept his hand on the side of David's face and looked awkwardly and nervously at him. David took a deep breath and said, "Do you...umm...like, ever have this feeling...like....I dunno."

Aaron smiled and slowly took his hand away from David's face. "What feeling?" he asked.

David turned away from Aaron and shrugged, "Nothing."

Aaron stepped closer and, with a bit of hesitation, put his hand on David's shoulder and asked, "Seriously, what feeling, Dave?"

David slowly turned around and met the forest-green gaze of Aaron's eyes. Shrugging, David replied nervously, "I dunno, really. It's like...umm...like a feeling, I guess. Like, when you...like, when you feel really sick, but you're not sick. Sometimes...I dunno...You even cry."

"What are you talking about?" Aaron asked, a confused look on his face.

David just couldn't find the right words, even though he tried really hard.

"Boys! You have school tommorow and it's already 9 o'clock. Come upstairs, please!"

David turned toward the stairs, then looked back at Aaron and said, "Well, we better go to bed."

Aaron shrugged and scratched a spot between his chest plate. After going over and shutting off the computer, Aaron followed David upstairs. David's mother met them coming up and handed Aaron his shirt.

"Here, I think it's dry now."

Aaron took it and put it on. "Thanks." He said.

David sighed to himself. He had really been enjoying getting a free look at Aaron's bare chest, and now he had to go and cover it up again.

The two of them went into David's room and David kicked a bunch of junk away from his bed.

"So, where am I sleeping?" Aaron asked, looking around the messy, but still pretty big room.

David shrugged, "On the floor, beside my bed, I guess. My mom will get you a pillow and a blanket." and then added, smiling, "Unless you'd rather sleep in the bed with me."

Aaron shrugged, "Well, it's certainly big enough."

David looked critically at Aaron. Was he serious? No, of course not. David could see the smirk on Aaron's pale face.

A few minutes later, David's mother got him a pillow and a comforter. Aaron laid it out beside the bed, in between the bed and David's TV.

"Now, go right to sleep, please." She instructed, as she said her `good nights', "You two have school tomorrow."

With that, she closed the door behind her, and the two boys were left in the dark.

"So..." David heard Aaron's voice say, "What do you want to do now?"

David shrugged and reached for his remote control. "Watch TV, I guess."

"Sounds cool to me." Aaron replied.

For the next two hours, Aaron and David sat and watched a back to back Law & Order with the volume turned down. While they watched, David found out that Aaron slept in a T-shirt and underwear, by watching him undo and remove his jeans, tossing them across the room. David figured that, in order to start his campaign to copy Aaron, he would do the same and removed his jogging pants.

After the shows were over, Aaron slid down on the carpet and lay on the pillow. "Hey!" David said, "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Aaron yawned, "I'm going to sleep. I'm tired."

David smiled sneakily and said, "I think there's something else on you'd like to watch."

Aaron look over at David, a disinterested look on his face, and replied, "I doubt it."

With that, David switched over to Viewer's Choice 3. The 23 inch screen of David's TV lit up the room with a picture of a man fucking a woman from behind. Aaron sat straight up and said, "You got porn? Wow!"

David and Aaron sat and watched it for several minutes. It was one of those porno movies that tried to work in an interesting storyline between all the smut. It was a real pathetic attempt, but David could still feel himself getting hard between his sheets. Meanwhile, though, Aaron sat and laughed as the lawyer and her client 69'ed each other on the lawyer's desk.

"What's so funny?" David asked, reaching down and adjusting his erection to better fit in his briefs.

Aaron turned to David and smiled, "The acting is so awful!"

David laughed too and said, "I guess, but the acting is not what porn is all about."

Aaron shrugged, "Well, I guess not, but the acting still sucks."

"So does that guy!" David joked, pointing to the screen.

Aaron turned back and looked at it, remarking, "Yeah, that's totally disgusting."

David nodded, and said, "Yeah, it is." even though he had always wondered what that sort of thing felt like.

The scene switched over, since every good porn movie needs a cum shot, to the girl taking her mouth off the guys dick and stroking it.

"Well, what about that?" David asked, smirking shyly.

Aaron shifted where he sat and shrugged, "I guess...umm...That's okay."

"Yeah, that's okay." David concurred.

The two sat and watched for a couple more minutes. David continued to get more aroused by the scenes, and Aaron seemed to, as well, as he kept shifting where he sat and trying to look disinterested.

Finally, Aaron turned over and said, "I'm going to sleep now. Turn it off."

David sighed and said, "Okay, fine."

With the TV off, the whole room was now almost pitch black. David lay in bed, close to tears. He didn't know why, but something about Aaron being right next to him made him feel both miserable and happy at the same time. He closed his eyes and tried to go to sleep. He was pretty tired, though, so he fell asleep without thinking too much about it.

He was just in the beginning of a dream about a talking apple, when he was awoken by someone shaking him. He wearily opened his eyes, to see the shape of Aaron sitting upright, looking at him.

"David!" Aaron whispered again.

"What?" David asked, propping himself up on his elbow.

"You know that feeling you talked about before?"

David yawned, "Yeah, what about it?"

Aaron leaned in closer and whispered quietly, "What does it feel like?"

David sat up in bed and stretched, then looked down at Aaron's inquisitive face and shrugged, "I dunno. Kinda like, a tingly thing in your stomach that sort of tickles. It kind of feels like you want to throw up, but you don't. It's like...I dunno...It's hard to describe."

Aaron leaned forward on David's mattress, cradling his head in his crossed arms in front of him. Yawning, he asked, "Does it kind of feel like you want something really badly, but you don't know what, and it's like a million butterflies in your body tickling from the inside?"

David smiled and lay back down. "Kind of." He replied.

Aaron shrugged, "Well, do you have that feeling right now?"

David looked inside himself. Even though it appeared to be two in the morning and he was extremely tired, especially after being woken up, the feeling had begun creeping up on him, ever since Aaron had looked at him with that gaze and smile of his.

"Yeah." David replied.

Aaron laughed and said, "I think I do too."

With that, Aaron slowly got up and sat down on the bed, next to David.

"So, what do you want to do?" David asked.

Aaron shrugged, "I dunno."

A smile creeping on to David's lips, he felt his ears burning as he asked, shakily, "Wanna try what that woman was doing in the movie?"

Aaron slid down the bed a bit, away from David. After a few seconds, he turned back to David and whispered, his voice filled with anxiety, "You mean...like...umm...how she was stroking the guy's dick?"

David slowly shook his head, the feeling overtaking his common sense and modesty like alcohol, "No...The other thing."

Aaron looked away from David quickly. For almost a minute, David sat and wondered why the heck he'd allowed this to go this far. Then Aaron turned toward David, his lip being nibbled on by his bottom teeth.

"You mean...ummm...like...with the mouth?"

David shrugged, "Umm...Well, yeah...I guess...."

Aaron sat there a few more seconds, then David saw the corners of his mouth slowly curl up.

Slowly, a smile came across his lips.

"Okay." Aaron replied.

Next: Chapter 7

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