Raven Hair

By Double A

Published on Mar 13, 2000



After a hiatus of sorts, I am back with another story! Yay! Anyway, due to personal problems, I've been unable/unwilling to write much of anything for a long time. Here is a new story from me to you. For those of you who know my style and enjoy it, you should really like this one. Like I said, though, I haven't written anything for a while, so I may be a bit rusty. For those who don't know my style, I tend to use a lot of build-up and "storyline". So, if you came on to find a story for a quick jack-off, then this probably ain't for you. However, if you want to take the time to read a beautiful tale of young love, then sit back, take a sip from your glass of wine, and enjoy!

And remember...Always stand up for what you think is right, don't listen to bullshit, no matter who is saying it, and always speak with your fists and swear a lot to be heard!

Part 5:

David was standing in his mother's bedroom, looking out the window, when he saw a gray Toyota Corolla pull into the driveway.

His mother must have heard it too, because David heard her say, "Is that your friend, David?"

"I think so." David called back, and his suspicions were correct, as he saw a boy with the unmistakable long raven hair and black ensemble with the purplish sweatshirt step out of the car, carrying a duffel bag.

David watched as the car pulled away and the boy stood in the driveway and squinted at the house, apparently trying to see if he had the right address. He quickly shot away from the window, jumping down the four steps leading up to the landing of his mother's bedroom, and pulled open the front door.

Ignoring his mother's warning of not to go outside without shoes, David called down to Aaron, "Hey, you coming up or not?"

Aaron looked up at David, smiled and climbed up the stairs. David showed him inside the house and said, "Welcome to my humble abode."

Aaron looked around and even his normally composed face couldn't help but be in awe. "This place is huge!" Aaron commented to nobody in particular.

David took a deep breath, feeling just a bit of smugness, and replied, "Yup. My grandfather bought house for my mom and dad, when they were still married. He was some sort of mob boss or something."

Aaron turned to David, smiling in a way that made David feel that sick feeling in his stomach again, and said, "Really? That's so cool!"

David nodded, his eyes looking at the ground, and said, "Why don't we go eat dinner?"

Aaron shrugged and his face returned to his usual poker face, "Sure."

Together, the two boys walked toward the kitchen. As he walked, Aaron reached behind his head and gathered up his hair and pushed it all behind his ears, so none of it hung in his face. David couldn't help but stare at Aaron as he did that and nearly smacked into the wall. Aaron laughed at David and commented, "Walk much? Maybe you need glasses?"

"I have glasses. I just don't wear them." David mumbled as he followed Aaron into the kitchen.

When David's mother spotted Aaron, she smiled and introduced herself. That was the funny thing about David's mother. When stranger came over, she was either super polite, to the point where it was just weird, or she hid in her bedroom and didn't come out until the person left.

"I'm Aaron. Nice to meet you, Ms. Levine." Aaron extended his hand and said in a way that made David snicker.

David groaned, as he knew what came next.

"Actually," David's mother said, "It's Ms. Shatz. I'm divorced from David's father."

Aaron bowed his head in apology and replied, "I'm really sorry, Ms. Shatz. I'll know better next time."

David's mother turned to David, and shot him a look that basically told him, "Why can't you be more like this kid?"

The three of them sat down to a typical dinner at David's house, which was basically, David's mother served dinner, then quickly took her plate and went to her bedroom to eat. Aaron looked over at David and asked, "Umm...What exactly are we supposed to do?"

David shook his head at his mother's rudeness and replied, "Just sit down and eat. I'm sorry for my mother."

Aaron shrugged and played around with the food with his fork. Without looking up, the two of them ate in silence. David was far too embarrassed to say anything.

After dinner, Aaron picked up his plate and brought it over toward the sink. When he noticed David wasn't doing the same, he stopped and asked, "Don't you bring your plate to the sink when you're done?"

Not looking up, David pushed a noodle around with his fork and said, "No. We just leave them on the table and the maid comes and cleans it up."

"How often does the maid come?" Aaron asked.

"Once a month." David answered softly.

David heard Aaron giggle, then say, "Well, when I'm here, would your mother mind if I washed the dishes?"

David looked up quickly and said, "No. I mean, my mom doesn't want anybody touching the dishwasher. She thinks they might break it."

Aaron looked at David for a few seconds, like he was stupid, then smiled and replied, "No, I mean, by hand."

"You can do that?" David asked, totally serious.

Aaron shot David the look again, then, simply said, "Come. I'll show you."

David slowly got up and Aaron took his plate in his other hand. Together, they walked over to the sink. Aaron demonstrated, much to David's intrigue, how you can use the bottle of soap by the sink, hot water, and a sponge, to clean dishes by hand.

After they were finished, Aaron smiled at David and said, totally serious, "And that's how you do it. If you want, I can show you again sometime."

David smiled, despite the feeling in his stomach becoming quite painful, and joked, "Maybe after we're done swimming, you can show me how to clean my room."

Aaron's face dropped, "Oh shit! I knew I forgot something!"

"What?" David inquired, worried.

Aaron shrugged and sadly said, "My bathing suit. I guess we can't go swimming now."

David smiled at Aaron, "Are you shy about going swimming with me?"

Aaron laughed and shook his head, "No, it isn't that. I was so...well...you didn't give me much time, so I just grabbed a bunch of stuff and put it in my bag. I know I brought a towel, but I forgot a bathing suit."

David shrugged, "It's cool. You can borrow one of mine."

Aaron bit his lower lip and said, "Umm...I don't know if any would fit me."

David shrugged, "We're pretty much the same size."

Aaron looked at David's stomach and smiled, "If you think so."

"Oh shut up!" David laughed, "Just come with me. I think I have one...It's even in your favourite colour."

"And what would that be?" Aaron asked, following David down the hallway to his room.

As they reached the doorway, David turned and, smiling, replied, "Black, of course. It has a bit of dark purple too, but it's only on the sides.."

Aaron looked down and, biting his lower lip, laughed. David let out an involuntary sigh and walked into the room. Stepping over a pile of clothes, he opened up the closet and fished around on the shelves."

"Geez, you room is worse than mine!" He heard Aaron say.

Ignoring that, He finally found the swimsuit he was thinking about and handed it to Aaron. Aaron looked it over in his hand and David jokingly said, "Don't worry. It's been washed."

Aaron smiled and followed David as they left his room. Once back out in the hallway, David called out, "Mom, we're ready to go now!"

"Okay, coming!" was the reply.

David's mother gave David the key to the pool and dropped them off.

"I told grandma that you were there. She won't come down, but when you're done you can go up and call me from her place." She said, before leaving.

The two boys walked down the hallway and entered the men's changing room. Without a second thought, David put down his towel on the bench and began pulling off his jeans.


David looked up to see Aaron furtively looking around the changing area.

"Yeah?" David replied.

His ears dark with a redness that was beginning to move to his cheeks, he said, "Is there, like, a more...you know...private area, where I could change?"

David smiled, despite himself, and replied, "Nope. This is it.", then added jokingly, "Why? You embarrassed or something?"

Aaron shrugged, "Yeah...kinda."

David stood up and said, "Okay, how about this? You go over to that wall, and I'll go to this one and we'll just change and not look at each other."

"Promise?" Aaron asked.

David nodded, "I swear to God."

Aaron nodded and smiled, "Thanks."

The two boys took their stuff over the walls on opposite sides of the room. David pulled off his pants and briefs, stuffing them in the bag he brought and pulling out his swimming trunks. He briefly turned around, just to make sure that Aaron wasn't looking at him. He was more than a little embarrassed as his gaze met Aaron's.

Aaron still had his briefs on and, angrily remarked, "Hey! You swore!"

David quickly turned back around and pulled back on his swimsuit, than spun around and said, "Well, you looked too!"

Aaron shrugged, "I was just looking to make sure that you weren't looking!"

"Me too!" David replied.

Aaron sighed and said, "Well, just go to the pool. I'll meet you there."

David shrugged, "I can't. You need to key to open the door."

Aaron looked around impatiently, and David got scared that he was going to ask to go home.

"Look," David said quickly, "I'll stand with my face against the wall and you can change and watch me to make sure that I don't look."

Aaron bit his lower lip in thought and finally said, "Okay, but if you look one more time, I'm going home!"

David nodded and turned around facing the wall. Once his face was turned fully away from Aaron, he smiled quite large. While Aaron was saying the last thing, David's eyes were looking down, but they were also looking at Aaron's boxers. From the embarrassment and agitation of his long-haired friend, it appeared that Aaron had gotten a bit of an erection. Again, David was very confused about why he found that so intriguing, but he couldn't help but smile.

When Aaron was finally changed, he said so and David opened the door and the two of them went into the pool area. David could see now that Aaron was a bit thinner than he was, but he wasn't so much looking at that, as he was looking at Aaron's entire bare torso, as the two of them walked to the steps leading into the pool.

"What's wrong with me?" David asked himself.

The two boys both descended into the pool and ducked under the water. The pool was heated, so there was no getting used to the water first. Aaron broke off down the length of the pool, underwater, doing a very nice breast stroke. David wasn't a great swimming, so he simply tried his best to follow Aaron's progress above water, doing a half-decent front stroke.

When they reached the end of the pool, Aaron surfaced and David could feel the blood slowly drain away from his face. Aaron's long black hair, now wet, hung haphazardly in his face and he reached up and peeled it away, twisting it into a mock ponytail and then smiling at David.

"I won." He announced, "Race you back?"

David shook his head, "Hold on once second."

"Have it your way." Aaron said, and took off back down the pool.

David clutched pulled himself half out of the pool and cradled his head in his crossed arms. His whole body was shaking, for some reason, and the feeling in his stomach was so painful, that he couldn't stop himself from crying. He tried to suppress the sobs, but when he realized his couldn't, he quickly ducked his head underwater. When he came up again, he felt a bit better, but he still felt really painful.

"Why does he have to have long hair?" David asked himself, bitterly, "Maybe he'll go bald when he's older, though..."

"Why the hell am I thinking this way?" David said softly to himself.

He turned around and watched Aaron surface from underwater again, pulling his long, wt hair away from his face.

"Why does he have to go flaunting it in front of me like that?" David thought.

Fighting back a second urge to cry, David pushed off from the wall and called, "Hey, Aaron! Let's have that race now!"

"Cool!" Aaron called.

The two boys played around in the pool for the next forty minutes, even though David felt more miserable than he ever had in his entire life. By the end of the forty minutes, Aaron declared that he was tired and David was all too happy to leave the pool and the repetitive views of Aaron's wet hair, and go back to change.

Standing against the walls again, Aaron declared, "This time, please don't look!"

David couldn't have looked even if he wanted to. For some reason, the sight of Aaron's hair was bad enough, that he didn't even have the desire to try and catch a glimpse of Aaron's naked body. He was filled with such feelings and he now knew what they were. He was envious of Aaron. Extremely envious. He always had been.

"Well, no more!" David thought, as he pulled back on his jeans, "I'm going to make myself look just like Aaron, from now on, and I'm going to start by never cutting my hair again. Never ever! That way, I won't have to be jealous of him!"

Those thoughts put a smile on David's face and, when they were both done changing, David led Aaron confidently out of the changing room and down the hallway, toward his grandmother's apartment.

Aaron turned to David and, smiling, said, "I had fun."

David turned to Aaron and looked at him bitterly, ready to shoot him a harsh response. It didn't last long, though, because as David saw Aaron's smile and happy face, he lost all negative feelings for him. He no longer saw the long wet hair that he so wanted, but instead just saw the face that he...well...he didn't know what, but he knew he couldn't stay mad at Aaron.

So, despite the misery that he suffered at the pool, and the painful feelings he felt for the boy, David simply smiled and said, "Me too, Aaron. Me too."

Next: Chapter 6

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