Raven Hair

By Double A

Published on Mar 12, 2000



After a hiatus of sorts, I am back with another story! Yay! Anyway, due to personal problems, I've been unable/unwilling to write much of anything for a long time. Here is a new story from me to you. For those of you who know my style and enjoy it, you should really like this one. Like I said, though, I haven't written anything for a while, so I may be a bit rusty. For those who don't know my style, I tend to use a lot of build-up and "storyline". So, if you came on to find a story for a quick jack-off, then this probably ain't for you. However, if you want to take the time to read a beautiful tale of young love, then sit back, take a sip from your glass of wine, and enjoy!

And remember...Always stand up for what you think is right, don't listen to bullshit, no matter who is saying it, and always speak with your fists and swear a lot to be heard!

Part 3:

That Saturday, David followed the directions that Aaron had given him and arrived at his house.

Aaron's dad lived in a fairly large duplex that was a few blocks away from Benny pool, which was closed for the winter, and Monkland street, a road with a long strip of restaurants, shops, and bars lining it. When David rang the doorbell, it was answered by a tall teenager in a black tanktop and blue jeans, with his long black hair in a ponytail. He was gazing down at David with more than a little disinterest and David, beginning to get worried that he had the wrong place, asked, "Umm, is Aaron there?"

Without changing his sedated expression, the guy replied, "You must be David. Come in. Aaron's in the basement."

The guy moved out of the way, letting David in to the vestibule, then closed the door behind him. As David took off his shoes, he called out at the departing guy, "Hey, you're Aaron's brother, right?"

Without turning around or even stopping, the guy replied in his monotone voice, "Yeah."

David shook his head and smiled slightly. "Geez, what's this family on?", he thought to himself.

David stepped carefully down the stairs and arrived in the fairly large basement of the place. It was made into a bedroom, with Megadeth posters all over the wall. There was a large TV next to the bed, where David spotted Aaron playing a Super Nintendo game that he recognized as Final Fantasy 2. Aaron was still dressed in black, but he wore a black T-shirt that clung somewhat to his slightly pudgy body, and his trademark sweatshirt was absent. His long hair was splayed in a tangled mess around his face and head. As David approached him, Aaron paused the game and turned around. With an uncharacteristic smile on his face and an upbeat voice, Aaron said, "David! I'm glad you found the place. Anyway, remember when you were telling me that you had trouble beating Zeromus at the end of the game? Well, let me show you how to do it."

David smiled back and sat down beside him, watching as Aaron loaded the game and proceeded to lose five times, before finally beating him with a few tossed Excaliburs by Edge, the Ninja.

As Aaron played, David couldn't help but look at him with quick, embarrassed glances. He wasn't sure why, but something about Aaron made him want to gaze at him. David just couldn't figure it out. Maybe it was because Aaron's face was paler than any he'd ever seen, or maybe it was because he'd never known any guys with long hair before. Maybe it was because he seemed to get this funny look of focus and concentration in his eyes when he was trying to pummel the pixilated beast with the swords, or maybe it was because he bit his lower lip and took a deep breath whenever Zeromus beaned his characters with a bolt of dark energy. David wasn't sure, but he was seriously beginning to feel really weird. After a while, the nagging feeling to stare at the boy got so annoying that David turned away from Aaron and put his hand over his face.

Aaron didn't notice, as he was too caught up in the game, but after he'd beaten Zeromus and turned to see David's reaction, he said, smiling, "You seem bored. Do you want to go up to my room and play a computer game or something?"

David looked up quickly, as he heard Aaron's voice, and, trying to avert his eyes from gazing at Aaron's, he replied, "But isn't this your room?"

Aaron shook his head, "No, this is John's. You know, my brother? He has the SNES in his room, but I'm still allowed to play it. Anyway, come on and lemme show you my room."

Aaron quickly stood up and ran upstairs, with David following close behind him. No matter how much he tried to fight it, David couldn't help but look at Aaron's ass as he climbed up the stairs. David didn't know what the hell was wrong with him.

Aaron's room was actually pretty small. Plain white walls, with a single bed in the middle of the hardwood floor, and a computer desk and computer real close to that. David lived in a huge house with his mom, and Aaron's room was actually the size of their guest bathroom.

Aaron went over and turned on his computer and David, not knowing where else to sit, sat down on Aaron's bed, on top of a grey T-shirt. Once the loading procedure was done, Aaron turned to David and said, "I got this cool new game that's so cute. You're gonna love it!"

With that, Aaron proceeded to show David a game called Serf City, also known as Settlers 1. David tried to watch the screen, even though he found the game pretty boring. Anything to avoid looking at Aaron. Something about that long black hair and the pubescent peach fuzz on Aaron's upper lip made David feel all tingly and nauseous.

"Na, couldn't be that." David thought to himself, then looked up at Aaron, who was still playing Serf City, and said, "Umm, Aaron, I'm going to have to leave before supper, okay? I'm not feeling so well."

Aaron turned around and shrugged, "It's okay. You can't stay for supper anyway."

David nodded and, with that out of the way, Aaron went back to playing his game. Suddenly, David felt hurt. Why hadn't he been invited for supper? He was going to ask Aaron that very question, but decided that it wasn't really important anyway.

The duldrum of sitting on Aaron's bed and watching him play a computer game was interrupted an hour later, when Aaron's dad walked in to the room and greeted David. As David's hand was clutched in the firm handshake of Aaron's father, he was struck by how much he differed from his kids. Namely, he was nearly bald, but also he had a very jovial voice, fairly tanned skin and he smiled a lot and seemed really confident.

After Aaron's dad left, David smiled and, jokingly, said, "You look nothing like your dad. You must take after your mom."

Without turning away from his game, Aaron replied, "My mother's a lesbian."

There was a full minute of very uncomfortable silence, as David sat there and wondered what to say next. He eventually came up with, "Oh...I'm sorry.", then regretted saying it.

Aaron turned off the computer and stood up. Looking at David, he smiled and said, "Why do you say you're sorry? It's her own thing."

"I just meant, I'm sorry I said what I said. I was just joking. I had no idea your mother was a...umm...you know." was the brilliant thing that David came up with next.

Aaron bit his lower lip and looked away and David immediately wanted to crawl into a hole and shoot himself. After a few seconds, Aaron looked up and said, "Do you want to go to the park?"

"Sure." David replied, and, after telling his father that they were going out, both boys put on their coats and shoes and went outside.

Benny park was a fifteen minute walk away, and the silence between them made David feel very uncomfortable. Kicking a pile of autumn leaves, David said, "Your dad seems really nice."

Aaron put his hands in the pocket of his purple-tinged sweatshirt and shrugged, "I guess."

Another minute of silence was broken by David saying, "Thanks for showing me how to beat Final Fantasy 2."

Aaron shrugged, "No problem."

They walked for another few minutes in silence, before Aaron, this time, broke it by saying, not looking up, "Look, Dave, I'm kinda tired, so after we do stuff at the park for a bit, why don't you go home, okay?"

David looked over at Aaron and had but one question on his mind. A question that he'd been wanting to ask Aaron ever since he first saw him in the basement, nearly four hours ago. He couldn't bring himself to ask it now, though, so he simply nodded and said, "Okay."

The two thirteen-year-olds arrived at the park and played on the monkey bars for a bit, before going over to the swings.

"Why don't we have a jumping contest?" David suggested.

Aaron looked nervous, "How?"

David smiled, "We go on the swings and swing for a while, then see how far we can jump off of them. We'll measure by the first mark of our foot in the sand."

Aaron seemed agreeable to that, so the two of them got on the swings, built up speed and flew off them. By the end of twenty minutes, both boys were visibly tired and sweaty from the effort. They were both pretty even in their victories over each other, and now they simply sat on the swings and went slowly back and forth. David could see that Aaron was trying to find a way to tell him that he'd had enough, so he tried to think of a way to assure that he'd see Aaron again.

Turning to Aaron, he said, "I'm kind of tired now too, so I'll go home. Next weekend, though, do you want to get together?"

Aaron turned over to David and shrugged, "I don't know how I'll feel by then. I have a busy week this week. Maybe. What do you want to do?"

David shrugged, "I don't know."

"Oh." Aaron said, looking down at the marks his feet made in the sand.

Taking a deep breath, David added, "But I'd like to see you again, though."

Aaron looked up, a smile on his face, showing the braces on his teeth, and replied, "You would?"

David nodded and said, "You can call me later this week."

Aaron's smile dropped and he said, "I...I don't really like to use the phone."

"I'll call you then." David said, getting up and starting to walk away.

Aaron nodded, "Okay, cool. I'm glad you could come over today. I had fun."

"So did I." David called back, even though it was only a half-truth.

The two boys started walking off in opposite directions, then David suddenly stopped and turned. Summoning up the courage, he finally asked Aaron the question that he wanted to ask him.

"Aaron, are you my friend?"

Aaron turned around and, his braced teeth visible again, he smiled and replied, "Yeah. We're friends."

Next: Chapter 4

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