Raven Hair

By Double A

Published on Apr 14, 2000



After a hiatus of sorts, I am back with another story! Yay! Anyway, due to personal problems, I've been unable/unwilling to write much of anything for a long time. Here is a new story from me to you. For those of you who know my style and enjoy it, you should really like this one. Like I said, though, I haven't written anything for a while, so I may be a bit rusty. For those who don't know my style, I tend to use a lot of build-up and "storyline". So, if you came on to find a story for a quick jack-off, then this probably ain't for you. However, if you want to take the time to read a beautiful tale of young love, then sit back, take a sip from your glass of wine, and enjoy!

And remember...Always stand up for what you think is right, don't listen to bullshit, no matter who is saying it, and always speak with your fists and swear a lot to be heard!

Part 27:

It's kind of like this guy who's running down a path that is littered with various objects. As he passes each object, he picks it up and snaps it over his head. Broomsticks, boards, Taylor Hanson's spine....They are all broken in half, and so the guy moves on, until he reaches a slab of concrete. His eyes filled with confidence, he picks up the concrete and smashes it over his head. It doesn't break, though, but the guys skull does and he collapses to the ground. When he recovers, he's so injured, that he couldn't even snap a matchstick over his head.

That's the way it was with David. School was so great. He had Matt and he was making loads of new friends. So, as was the tradition of friends, they gave out their e-mail address and web-site to each other.

Now, David's new website was a lot tamer than his old one, but it was still the second coming of "The Redrick POV" and talked about his sexuality and, despite what happened several months back, it also touched on how he was attracted to Zac Hanson.

As was mentioned earlier, David lived in a very prejudiced province, but he happened to live right in Hick-ville, as far as BC went. People walked around in white tank-tops, which, in this incidence, would be correct to be called "wife beaters." It wasn't a bad place to live, though. It was quiet and, as long as nobody mentioned that they happened to be anything other than a white, hetero, god-fearing christian, then things worked out fine.

David walked in to school one Monday, in early March 1998, and someone yelled at him, "Hanson sucks, faggot!"

David turned to face the guy, who turned out to be one very large nazi-esque guy, flanked by three similar-looking friends. He shrugged and said, "You're right. They do." and walked away.

What David didn't know, was that that phrase would be his typical greeting when he arrived at school every day, for the next three months.

In math class that day, he was called over to the desk of Amber Thompson, a girl who he's always had a bit of a crush on. So, like a puppy, he scurried over. He noticed that several of her friends around her were giggling, but he didn't care, because the Amber Thompson actually wanted to talk to him.

When he sat down beside her, she immediately leaned in close and inquired excitedly, "So, you're, like, actually bi?"

He smiled at her enthusiasm and nodded, "Yup."

"Have you, like, ever...you know...done it with a guy?" She went on to ask.

David shrugged, "Well...yeah, actually."

"Like, how many times?" She begged to know.

David shrugged, "I dunno...A lot."

She seemed satisfied with this answer, because she moved on to, "But, have you ever done it with a girl?"

David nodded, feeling somewhat disappointed at the mentality of this pretty girl, "Yeah."

"Do I know her?" She wanted to know.

David shrugged, "I don't think so. She doesn't go to this school."

"Which school does she go to?"

So David, totally captivated by this vixen's beauty, replied, "Marie Curie."

Amber's eyes opened wide, "But...but that's an elementary school! How old was the girl?"

David could have stopped there, but he went on to reply, "Twelve." before wishing that he suddenly dropped dead.

While Amber reeled from that, a guy sitting next to her leaned in and inquired, a very patronizing look on his face, "So, let me get this straight. You're bi, you have a thing for a twelve year old Hanson kid....and you fuck twelve-year-old girls? Geez, what the fuck is wrong with you?"

"N...nothing." David stuttered, wishing his mouth had been sewn up at birth.

Luckily, the teacher entered at that point, and all jeering ended for that class.

However, the rest of the day became a living Hell. People insulted him in the hallway, Matt decided it was better to avoid him, and he came to his locker everyday to find crude poetry taped to it. One of David's all-time favorites, though, involved Zac Hanson, a thermos and herpes.

And speaking of herpes, somebody had started a rumour, to go along with everything else that was going around at Lord Tweedsmuir, that David not only had herpes, which would have been bad enough, but also had AIDS. Right from the beginning of March, David's second attempt at Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary was ended, all because he gave out his website address. People were now literally trying to injure David. Walking home from school, people tried to run him over with their cars, and would always yell out insults at him. Once, he made the mistake of biking to and from school and, four blocks from his house, a truck smacked into the back wheel, sending David flying back-first into their windshield. Of course, they immediately pulled over and jumped out before the blood seeped through the glass, because they feared getting AIDS from him.

That didn't stop David, though. He actually went to school the next day, with a new bike that his father had bought him. On the way to school, he was biking down a hill, when a minivan driven by several kids from the math class pulled out from a side street in his way. He couldn't stop in time, so he smacked the side of the van, flew several feet over the hood, and landed on the road right on his elbow. It was his left elbow, it was true, but it still had him at home, on painkillers, for the next week.

During that week, David's father sat down with him and had a very serious talk. One of his friends' sons attended Lord Tweedsmuir, so he was well aware of the cause of David's new outlaw state, and the results that he had to endure. It was mostly academic at that point, but David told his father, "Dad, I'm bisexual."

His response was, "Well, as long as you still like girls, that's okay with me." but then he went on to explain, "This bullshit has got to stop with you, David."

The guidance counsellor at the school expressed concern that perhaps it was a bad idea for David to return, given the circumstances that he had put himself in. In other words, David was expelled from school.

The rest of the year passed by well-enough. David's arm healed and he stuck around the house, watching movies and babysitting Natalie, while his father and step-mother, who had finished maternity leave, were at work. They were surprisingly very happy with his not being at school this time.

"It's okay." They'd tell him, "Your responsibility was supposed to be school, but it's not at this point. So, your new job will be to stay at home with your sister and take care of her, while we're away."

So, instead of sitting in class and learning with people his own age, David now spent seven hours a day alone at a house, feeding his baby sister expressed breast milk, changing her diapers and putting her down for naps. David couldn't say that it was all bad. He spent so much time with Natalie, that he was the first one to see her smile and the first one she hugged. He loved his little half-sister and he didn't mind being with her all day. Sure, she cried a lot, but which babies don't? And he didn't have to go to school. That was good, wasn't it? He'd go on the internet and talk to his online friends. He'd sit there and wait for Gavin to get home and he'd talk to him a lot too. He was growing quite close with him and was even thinking of going to meet him someday, since he was only two states above him.

By the end of May, David's father and step-mother had decided that it would be good for David to go to Montreal for the summer and visit his mother and sister. David was actually looking forward to it too. He hadn't seen his mom and sister in almost a year and he loved BC, but it might be nice to see Montreal again for a couple of weeks.

On June twenty-fifth, 1998, five days before Natalie turned six months old, David hugged his father and step-mother goodbye, and boarded the plane back to Montreal. It was a nice flight, and he saw My Girl 2 as the inflight movie. Watching it now, without the distraction of sex, allowed him to really see the romantic interaction between Anna Chlumsky and Austin O'Bryan. David thought that that kind of romance would be cool in a book, and so, on the plane, he began writing notes for a romantic novel that would take place in a fantasy world called "Whiteshadow Isle", based on two particular scenes from the movie. The first scene, was the one where "Vada" is asleep, and "Nick" walks into the room and just stands there for a few seconds and looks at her, the shy attraction visible in his eyes, then, as he walks away, the slight smile that comes across "Vada's" face, as she understands what has just happened. The second scene, where "Vada" has just found out that her father might not be her real father and she begins to cry. "Nick" gets a very compassionate look in his eyes and wipes a tear from her cheek, with a bent finger. The beauty of their teenage love inspired David to write a novel that, over a year later, would become the basis for every other piece of writing that he ever did and a book that he would spend many more years trying to get published, with little success.

Back in Montreal, David smiled as he heard french for the first time in almost a year. Nobody spoke french in British Columbia and he wasn't sure if he even remembered how to speak it too well. It was 33 degrees Celsius, which was about 98 degrees Fahrenheit, so David was sweating buckets as he hauled his suitcases through the terminal and outside into the hot air of Dorval, Quebec.

He got in a taxi and the driver, flashing a big smile, said, "I'll est tres chaud aujourd'hui, calice!"

In English, that meant, "It's too fucking hot today!"

David nodded in agreement, understand what was said, but not sure of the correct response.

It was a forty-five minute drive, given the rush-hour traffic, back to Hampstead, where his mom lived, and so David thought a lot. Being back in Montreal again, he thought a lot about Aaron. Aaron would have just finished MIND and would be in first year Cegep, starting in September. He wondered what he was doing with his summer. Probably, he wasn't even in Montreal. Probably, he was back in LA, with his dad, on vacation. Then again, even if he was in Montreal, David doubted that Aaron would want to see him.

"Why the hell am I still thinking about that asshole?!" He thought to himself, "Aaron told me to fuck off a year ago and he hates my guts!"

Besides Aaron, David thought a lot about Natalie. He missed her quite a bit and was anxious to get back to BC and be with her again. He hoped she wouldn't grow up too much over the summer.

David also thought a lot about Hanson. They had released "3 Car Garage" recently, and David had hated it, as much as he hated Hanson. If they were already reduced to releasing songs that they wrote when they were toddlers, it was a sure sign that they were through. All the better too, because David had heard about a new band of young kids that had recently begun doing pop music, instead of really stupid country songs. Best of all, they were Canadian and very, very cute, especially the drummer. David didn't know what it was with him and drummers. Anyway, the band was called "The Moppats" or "The Muppets" or something, but he was eager to find out more about them.

The taxi pulled to a stop at 14 Northcote Road, and David was actually happy to see his mom standing outside. He opened the door and ran up to her, hugging her tightly, while she paid the cab. His sister was outside, babysitting some little two year old, by the name of Michael. They hugged too.

He brought his bags inside his old room, which was now Michael's room, and then sat down and had a lemonade with his mother. He didn't think he'd be this happy to be back in Montreal, but he was.

The feeling lasted for about an hour, then his mother went back to, "Aww, David, why are you always in my way?" and "Why don't you piss off for a little while, so I can be alone?"

The jet lag had gotten to David, though, so he went to bed and slept for a few hours. That evening, he got a call from his old buddy Matt, and the two of them went out to Lazer Quest.

David almost passed out when he entered Lazer Quest, though. The place had become a shrine to Hanson. Hanson had visited Montreal a few months back, and there were signed posters, merchandise and other stuff that just nauseated David.

All in all, David had a good vacation. He went to visit his grandmother in Ottawa for a few days, then came back and spent more time with his mother and sister.

A week after his arrival, he got a phone call from his father. He was glad to hear his voice, but not so glad to hear what he had to say.

"We've been thinking," his father said, "well...your step-mother has been thinking that...maybe it would be better...I mean, for Natalie and I...Well, there was a lot of stress when you were here and it put a big strain on my marriage and everything. Basically, I'm going to treat you like an adult and ask that you not take the return ticket and you stay with your mother in Montreal. It's your choice, ultimately, of course, but I think it'd be better if you'd stay with your mother."

David was shocked, but at the same time, he wasn't totally surprised. He cried, he talked, he asked for an explanation and his father gave one. In the end, though, he agreed to stay in Montreal.

Of course, his mother wasn't surprised of his father's decision. She called him a coward and a liar and a bastard and, in a small way, David inclined to agree. He could do little else but relay his woes to Gavin, though, and Gavin was sympathetic, of course, but could offer no physical support, which David really needed.

So, David finished grade 11, by working over the summer and fall. He had missed the signup deadline for the fall, anyway, but he didn't have the required credits to enter Cegep. So, he went to summer school and a three-month finishing school called Education Plus and met the winter deadline.

Spending New Year's Day of the last year of the millennium, even though it wasn't really the last year of the millennium, with his mother and sister was depressing. There was no kiss, no drinking, no partying. Just sadness.

On January twenty-first, 1999, an eighteen-year-old David Levine started Dawson College in the department of Creative Arts.

And, once again, he looked around at all the hundreds and hundreds of people milling around, walking, talking and doing things, and began to feel panic, so he ran to the bathroom and threw up.

Next: Chapter 28

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