Raven Hair

By Double A

Published on Apr 10, 2000



After a hiatus of sorts, I am back with another story! Yay! Anyway, due to personal problems, I've been unable/unwilling to write much of anything for a long time. Here is a new story from me to you. For those of you who know my style and enjoy it, you should really like this one. Like I said, though, I haven't written anything for a while, so I may be a bit rusty. For those who don't know my style, I tend to use a lot of build-up and "storyline". So, if you came on to find a story for a quick jack-off, then this probably ain't for you. However, if you want to take the time to read a beautiful tale of young love, then sit back, take a sip from your glass of wine, and enjoy!

And remember...Always stand up for what you think is right, don't listen to bullshit, no matter who is saying it, and always speak with your fists and swear a lot to be heard!

Part 23:

Despite David's father's instructions to return to the table and just forget about it, David couldn't, so he quietly excused himself and went upstairs to his room. He'd never been so worried before, even after his father telling him that he was going to make some phone calls and everything would be okay.

The premise behind it was, basically, David had written certain things on his web page that, perhaps, he shouldn't have. "The Redrick POV" had started off as a weekly opinion column that David would write, talking about events in the news and stuff, and giving his opinion on it. The first few columns had been just that, with a small section added for celebrities. Gradually, though, David realized that the news really wasn't interesting and he wasn't getting a lot of hits on his page. So, in an effort to boost the popularity of TRP, as he called it for short, he increased the size of the celebrity section. Now, this was a problem, because he really didn't know about many celebrities and he didn't really want to find out about them, because he found himself feeling really jealous of their popularity and fame. In fact, he only wrote about child celebrities, with three in particular. Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Hanson.

David's opinion of JTT, was that he was a pompous, egotistical asshole, who had overrun over teen magazine since his debut on Home Improvement. Of course, this opinion purely from what David saw, as he never had even met JTT and, frankly, he didn't want to, but insulting him made him feel better.

David's opinion of Joey, however, was much different. David and Joey had met many times before, as their fathers were acquaintances from David's father's time spent in Los Angeles, particularly in the Van Nuys area, where Joey currently lived. David liked Joey a lot, and, in particular, liked that, even though he was famous, he was one of the first celebrities that David had ever heard of, that spent time convincing people that he was not a celebrity. "People spend way too much falling over themselves to praise stars." Joey had said, "I'm not a celebrity, nor do I deserve their praise. Doctors who cure diseases, soldiers who fought in great wars for the defense of our country, and teachers who educate tommorow's youth...Those are the people who deserve the praise. All I do is take part in something that I enjoy." David wasn't sure whether that was simply Joey delivering a line, but he respected him and, in his POV, he had nothing but good things to say about him, except the occasional thought about whether he was gay or not.

Hanson, though, was totally the opposite. David found JTT to be annoying and someone who acted like a total asshole, but Hanson...David loathed Hanson. He hated Hanson and loved how everybody made fun of them, from Howard Stern's famous "It's a fag song...It's so gay" reference to Mmmbop, to MAD TV's innovative skit involving a massively overweight guy playing Zac, a balding man playing Taylor and a guy who kept laughing and stuttering to play Isaac. Or the towel man's rant of "I HATE HANSON! THOSE ANDROGYNOUS LITTLE GIRLY BOYS! THE BOYS LOVE THEM CAUSE THEY THINK THEY'RE GIRLS AND THE GIRLS LOVE THEM CAUSE THEY THINK THEY'RE BOYS! WE NEED A SIGN OUTSIDE EVERY RECORD COMPANY THAT SAYS `YOU MUST BE THIS TALL TO ROCK!" to the milk ad poster, "When we're not drinking milk, we're sucking on each other's dicks. Incest...Where's your family?"

David played off every rumour, every lie, everything that all the Hanson hate pages said about them, and he tried to start some new rumours. He'd been to a Hanson concert and he sat in the back and growled the whole time. Tasty Tay, as he called him, was a pussy little fucking faggot shit and Isaac was a monkey-faced bitch-slapable fucker. Zac, though, was another story. From the first moment he saw Zac, he hated him, because he was part of the band, but the little eleven year old was incredible looking in the eyes of David. From his long blond hair, to his chocolate brown eyes, to the little cleft in his chin, to how he seemed to be the personification of every bodily function. He'd burp during interviews, make funny faces during performances, and, of course, there was the "I have to make a poo" remark that just cracked David up. Taylor and Isaac seemed to do everything to cut off Zac, whenever the young boy would open his mouth to speak, and this just made David love Zac more and hate Taylor and Isaac with a passionate intensity.

All this was listed briefly in the column, except for the October twenty-second one, in which David had just let loose with a column devoted entirely to Hanson. He talked about how Taylor needed to jack off bodyguards in dark alleys in order to get them to protect him and how he beat Zac before each interview, to make sure that Zac shut up. He wrote how Taylor was secretly a flaming fag who desperately lusted after his brothers and needed to keep vibrators up his ass, in order to keep his desires in check. That's why he always looked and sounded so constipated. Finally, David had written a 1223 word essay on his page, in honour of Zac Hanson's twelfth birthday. He called it "Why I Lust for Zackie". In it, he wrote graphically about what he would do to Zac, if given the opportunity.

Around the beginning of November, David received an e-mail from someone claiming to represent Hanson. It wrote that Taylor had seen David's page and was "deeply offended and scared" by it. David was given a month to remove the page from the Internet, or face the consequences. Of course, David had taken it as someone's sick idea of a joke, and had even mentioned it in the following week's POV.

It had been about a month, and, apparently, the threat was very real. David wasn't sure exactly what was illegal about writing your opinion on the Internet, especially because the page had a disclaimer that asked that everything be taken with a grain of salt, because the writer, David, had a very weird sense of humour.

David remained in his room for the rest of the night, and, at around ten-thirty, there was a knock on his door.

"Come in." David said, ready for a total lashing.

David's father opened the door and walked in. "David," he said, "I spoke with some of my friends about this. What we're going to do, is we're going to wait until I receive this fax and I'm going to read it and determine if the material in it is truly illegal or not. Frankly, I find this just a little bit strange, but you have to understand that I'm a police officer and, even though I have access to things that could help this matter, should it go to court, it's a serious endangerment to my job. You should have known better, so until the matter is resolved, consider yourself grounded. No TV, no computer and especially no Internet. You don't leave the house without myself or Andrea(David's stepmother). Other than that, just don't panic. Good night, David."

And with that, David was left alone in the room. He slowly took off his clothes and climbed underneath the covers. It appeared that nothing had gone right, since he arrived in BC. He'd gone totally wacked out and it had never happened before in Montreal. As much as he hated to admit it, he wanted to go back to his mother in Montreal. He wanted to go back to MIND and at least be able to see Aaron, even though he'd probably just insult him. David welcomed those insults, just to be able to see him, though.

David didn't know why this had happened. Why did he feel the need to write those things on his page? Why couldn't he have just talked about Canadian news like the page was intended for? When you insult celebrities, he guessed, it was only a matter of time before they came down on him and Hanson had done just that. Stupid, fucking, faggot bastard shit fucking no brain no dick fuckfaces!

Next: Chapter 24

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